Audit Cultures: Anthropological Studies in Accountability, Ethics, and the AcademyMarilyn Strathern Psychology Press, 2000 - 310 ページ Do audit cultures deliver greater responsibility, or do they stifle creative thought? We are all increasingly subjected to auditing, and alongside that, subject to accountability for our behaviour and actions. Audit cultures pervade in the workplace, our governmental and public institutions as well as academia. However, audit practices themselves have consequences, beneficial and detrimental, that often go unexamined. This book examines how pervasive practices of accountability are, the political and cultural conditions under which accountability flourishes and the consequences of their application. Twelve social anthropologists look at this influential and controversial phenomenon, and map out the effects around Europe and the Commonwealth, as well as in contexts such as the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and Academic institutions. The result provides an excellent insight into auditing and its dependence on precepts of economic efficiency and ethical practice. This point of convergence between these moral and financial priorities provides an excellent opening for debate on the culture of management and accountability. |
The social organization of the IMFs mission work an examination of international auditing | 21 |
PART II | 55 |
Coercive accountability the rise of audit culture in higher education | 57 |
Generic genius how does it all add up? | 90 |
Accountability anthropology and the European Commission | 106 |
PART III | 133 |
The tricksters dilemma ethics and the technologies of the anthropological self | 135 |
Audited accountability and the imperative of responsibility beyond the primacy of the political Anon to Giri | 173 |
Selfaccountability ethics and the problem of meaning | 196 |
PART IV | 213 |
The university as panopticon moral claims and attacks on academic freedom | 215 |
Academia same pressures same conditions of work? | 236 |
Disciples discipline and reflection anthropological encounters and trajectories | 256 |
Accountabilityand ethnography | 279 |
305 | |
他の版 - すべて表示
academia academic academic audits accountability anthro Arcadians argued assessment associated Audit Commission audit culture auditors Austrian autonomy become British bureaucracy Cambridge Castaneda Chapter concern constituted context critical critique departments Der Standard desk officer Die Presse discipline discourse discussion EASA economic effect ethical codes ethno ethnographic ethnology Europe European Commission European Union example fieldwork Foucault Fund Gandhi Giri Greece Greek HEFCE higher education human important individual institutions interests internal issues kind knowledge language liberal London managerialism Marilyn Strathern means meetings ment Ministry mission moral neo-liberal numbers NZQA officials organization Pels performance political Power practices problem production professional programmes question reform relations responsibility ritual role Routledge sense Social Anthropology social sciences society staff Strathern 1997 structure teaching transformation University of Vienna University Press Wright Zealand Zealand Qualifications Authority