Corruptions of EmpireVerso, 1988/10/17 - 540 ページ “The implied narrative of this collection is the journalist’s background, the imperial myths that helped to shape him, the impulse to exile and his encounter with the Reagan era. The background, the myths and the impulse to exile form the first three sections of this book, whose overall architecture will, I hope, give some sense of the terms in which I have viewed my trade.”—Alexander Cockburn, from the introduction |
Imperial Emblems | 41 |
1 | 47 |
The Underclass | 62 |
Countries Lost and Found | 73 |
At Home in Xilitla | 84 |
Lost in a World of Words | 90 |
Driving into the Sunset | 101 |
The History of Mr | 107 |
Culinary Conquests | 128 |
Assault on Miamis Virtues | 136 |
The Circulation of Commodities | 142 |
War Fevers | 151 |
Terms of the Trade | 179 |
PART TWO An Archive of the Reagan Era 19761988 | 227 |
525 | |
GastroPorn | 119 |
他の版 - すべて表示
Alexander Cockburn American arms army asked attack bombing British called campaign capital Communist contras course culture defense democracy Democratic Dukakis Ebeye economy editor El Salvador election fact father film finally force French Heatherdown Hitler interest interview Irish Israel Israeli Jackson James Jesse Jackson Journal journalists killed Kwajalein labor later liberal look MACNEIL magazine Managua ment Miami military million missile Mondale moral murder never newspaper Newsweek Nicaragua night nuclear Oliver North P.G. Wodehouse Palestinians Party peace percent plane police political President Reagan Reagan administration Ronald Reagan Russians Sadat Salvador Sandinistas seems Siuna social Soviet Union story Street Talese talk tell terrorism terrorist thing thought Top Gun town Tzotzil United Vietnam Washington Post week Wodehouse words writing York Youghal