Feminism in Modern Japan: Citizenship, Embodiment and SexualityCambridge University Press, 2003/02/26 - 293 ページ Feminism in Modern Japan is an original and path-breaking book which traces the history of feminist thought and women's activism in Japan from the late nineteenth century to the present. The author offers a fascinating account of those who struck out against convention in the dissemination of ideas which challenged accepted notions of thinking about women, men and society generally. Feminist activism took diverse forms as women questioned their roles as subjects of the Emperor, or explored the limits of citizenship under the more liberal post-war constitution. The story is brought to life through translated extracts of the writings of Japanese feminists. This cogent, carefully documented analysis will be welcomed by students from a range of disciplines including those working on gender studies and feminist history, where nothing comparable is currently available. |
Introduction | 1 |
Modernity and postmodernity | 2 |
Citizenship | 4 |
Embodiment | 10 |
Freedom | 15 |
On wives and concubines | 16 |
Kusunose Kita and womens political rights | 19 |
Gendering the Meiji state | 21 |
Equal under the law | 127 |
Women and unions | 131 |
Debating domestic labour | 132 |
Mothers peace and democracy | 134 |
The sexual subtext | 136 |
Liberation | 144 |
Women and the New Left | 145 |
Agora | 150 |
Womens education | 25 |
Christian womens organisations | 29 |
Patriotic women | 30 |
Women in the early socialist movement | 32 |
Feminism and individualism | 35 |
The New Women | 45 |
Sexuality and survival | 49 |
From a Woman in Prison | 51 |
The maternal body | 52 |
Mothers children and the state | 55 |
The New Womens Association | 58 |
Suffrage is the key | 60 |
Purity corruption and political space | 63 |
The Red Wave | 73 |
The state and womens labour | 75 |
Liberalism socialism and feminism | 77 |
Socialist womens organisations | 79 |
Yamakawa Kikue and womens special demands | 81 |
Proletarian parties and womens leagues | 84 |
Imperialism and colonialism | 87 |
Communist women | 89 |
Writing the revolution | 90 |
Gendering the anarchistbolshevist debates | 91 |
The Homefront | 99 |
From the kitchen to the streets | 103 |
Feminists and the wartime state | 104 |
Total national mobilisation | 106 |
Sentiment sexuality and the state | 109 |
Production and reproduction | 111 |
15 August 1945 | 113 |
Citizens | 120 |
Speaking for Japanese women | 122 |
The Female Diet Members Club | 123 |
From Women to Women | 152 |
Fighting Women | 155 |
Liberating the body | 157 |
Woman and Eros | 159 |
The new Bluestockings | 160 |
Womens studies | 162 |
Fighting for reproductive control | 164 |
Action | 174 |
The International Womens Year Action Group | 175 |
International Womens Decade | 178 |
Campaigns for equal opportunity | 179 |
Rhetorics of protection rhetorics of rights | 180 |
Implementing equal opportunity | 184 |
Work welfare and social policy | 186 |
Equal opportunity in education | 190 |
Nationality and gender | 191 |
Reproduction revisited | 192 |
Feminism and the media | 193 |
The Madonna boom | 195 |
Difference | 202 |
Tourism migration and human rights | 204 |
Womens refuges | 207 |
Representing differences | 209 |
Embodied differences | 212 |
Sisters in Okinawa | 216 |
Militarised memories | 217 |
Degrees of diaspora | 220 |
Feminism in a transnational frame | 221 |
Conclusion Embodied Citizens | 232 |
Glossary | 236 |
259 | |
279 | |
他の版 - すべて表示
abortion activists Article Asia Asian Asian Women's Bluestocking Bluestocking journal Bosei Hogo campaign childcare communist debates discussion domestic labour elected to Diet Elise Tipton equal opportunity female feminism feminist formed Fujin Fujin Dōmei Fukuzawa Yukichi gender Heiminsha Hiratsuka Hiratsuka Raichō Hyōgikai Ichikawa Fusae immigrant workers Imperial Imperial Japan International Women's issues Japanese Japanese Women Josei Joseishi journal Kaihō Kenkyukai Korean legislation Mackie male Maruoka Meiji Meiroku Zasshi Meirokusha military prostitution mobilisation Mori Arinori motherhood mothers movement Musan Musan Fujin Nōto Okinawa Onna Onnatachi participation Party postwar period proletarian prostitution Raichō reproductive Rōdō Kumiai Seitō sexual Shakai Shinbun Shiryō Shoten social Socialist Women society Sōdōmei Tanaka tion Tokyo Undō University Press woman Women in Japan women workers Women's Association women's division women's groups Women's League women's liberation women's organisations women's political women's suffrage Yamakawa Kikue Yosano Akiko Yoshio Sugimoto