GB/T 38518-2020 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 38518-2020, GB/T38518-2020, GBT38518-2020): Measurement of coating thickness on flexible film substrate [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 2020/10/16 - 9 ページ This Standard specifies the basic methods and principles of scanning electron microscope measurement of coating thickness (including organic, inorganic and metal coatings) on flexible film substrate, standard samples and equipment, operating methods, and data processing methods. |
according actual working distance Adjust the position Adjust the tilt appropriate acceleration voltage argon ion beam backscattered electron image baffle Basic methods be-tested sample beam polishing machine center cm3/min coating surface coating thickness cross section cuboid sample holder edge electron beam electron image resolution Estimate the thickness flexible film substrate GB/T graduated image graduation value greater than 20 image or backscattered ion beam polishing layer length liquid nitrogen cooling lower acceleration voltage magnification measurement of coating methods and principles mounted sample Move the sample obtain Operating methods optical microscope perpendicular poor thermal stability Preferentially select standard processing provincial level resolution is better sample chamber sample polishing area sample section sample stage sample surface sample with poor samples and equipment scanning electron microscope secondary electron image Select an appropriate select standard samples temperature-controlled liquid nitrogen tested sample thickness direction tilt angle to-be to-be-tested coating to-be-tested sample upper surface vacuum