Imagining Sex: Pornography and Bodies in Seventeenth-Century EnglandOUP Oxford, 2007/09/06 - 323 ページ Imagining Sex is a study of pornographic writing in seventeenth-century England. It explores a wide variety of written material from the period to argue that, unlike today, pornography was not a discrete genre, nor was it one that was usually subject at this time to suppression. Pornographic writing was a widespread feature of a range of texts, including both popular literature (ballads, news-sheets, court reports, small books, and pamphlets) as well as poetry, drama andmore specialised medical books. The book analyses representations of sex, sexuality and eroticism in historical context to explore contemporary thinking about these issues, but also about broader cultural concerns and shifts in attitudes. It questions both modern feminist and psychoanalytical interpretations ofpornography, arguing that these approaches are neither appropriate nor helpful to an understanding of seventeenth-century material.Through discussions of sex and reproduction, homosexuality, flagellation, voyeurism, and humour, the book explores the nature of early modern sexual desire and arousal and explores their relationship to contemporary understandings about how the body worked. Imagining Sex presents a radically new interpretation of pornography in this period, arguing that concerns about fertility were at the heart of representations of bodies and sex, so that images of pleasure were entwined with ideasabout conception and reproduction. It also shows that these texts legitimized the (sexual) pleasure of the reader by highlighting the pleasure of looking and the incitement to sexual action that it provided. |
Publishers and Readers | 37 |
Reproduction and Sexual Pleasure | 62 |
Fantasies of Sexual Flagellation | 92 |
著作権 | |
他の 7 セクションは表示されていません
他の版 - すべて表示
activity Adamites argues arousal authors ballads Bawd bawdy behaviour Buggery Cambridge Chorier's Cloister comic conception contemporary context Cuckolds culture described desire Dialogues of Luisa dildo discussion Early Modern England eighteenth century ejaculation England English erotic Erotic Literature erotica example explicit Fanny Hill female body female genitals flagellation flogging frontispiece Gender genitals genre heterosexual History homosexual humour husband Ibid illustrations images joke Ladies Latin Learning Company lesbian Libertine literary London Love Luisa Sigea Maid male and female metaphor Millot naked narratives nature obscene orgasm pamphlets particular penetration penis Pepys period political pornographic texts pornography printed printers prostitutes Quakers Ranters Rare Verities reader reading religious Renaissance representation reproduction satire scenes School of Venus seventeenth seventeenth-century pornographic sexual acts sexual body sexual flagellation sexual intercourse sexual pleasure sodomy suggests Tribade Tullia Turner Unfit for Modest Venice Preserv'd voyeur Wandring Whore whipping woman women