Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?: A Scientific and Forensic InvestigationSimon and Schuster, 2021/09/07 - 168 ページ What is the true origin of COVID-19? President Joe Biden has ordered US intelligence agencies to further investigate the origins of COVID-19. Clearly, the US government isn't decided on what really happened at the start of the pandemic. Was it truly a animal to human transmission to be blamed on a bat in a Wuhan, China wet market? Or was a much more sinister plan at work? In 2020, Dr. Richard M. Fleming began investigating SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. Using both his "Inflammation" Theory and Patent (FMTVDM; the first method capable of measuring regional blood flow and metabolic changes occurring inside the body, which makes it possible to accurately determine what is happening inside the body as well as whether treatments prescribed for patients are working or not), he investigated COVID treatments. Simultaneously he began investigating the origins of COVID-19. This book details much of what he has found. What he discovered will shock you. By 1999, US Federal Agencies began funding Gain-of-Function research. Research that by its very nature is designed to increase the ability of pathogens to infect and harm people. In 2019, one of those pathogens was intentionally released upon the world in the Wuhan Wet Market. The key to proving and understanding this bioweapon is its spike protein. The very same spike protein now being made in millions of people after the COVID vaccines are injected into them. These vaccines are nothing more than the genetic code of this bioweapon. This book traces the publication and money trail of COVID-19; showing who is ultimately criminally responsible for the design and development of this weapon, which violates the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Treaty, exposing those who have committed crimes against humanity. Dr. Fleming will reveal the ultimate conspiracy: one that puts the future of the entire world at stake. |
ACE2 receptor Acute Respiratory Syndrome animal antibodies Award Amounts Award ID Baric bat coronavirus Bat SARS-CoV Biological Weapons Biological Weapons Convention BioRXiv bioweapon brain cDNA CFDA China Chinese government ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE INC End Date Fauci Federal Account Funding Gain-of Gain-of-Function research gene genome Health and Human horseshoe bats Human SARS-CoV Ibid indistinguishable Infectious Diseases inflammation influenza insert Institute of Virology Journal of Virology Karladine Graves lab origin masks Meng MERS mutations National Institutes National Science Foundation NBIC NIAID Number Obligated Amount pandemic patent pathogenesis pathogenic percent Peter Daszak potential Project Grant FAIN PRRA pseudovirus Reduction Agency DOD Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus reverse genetics rhesus macaque Richard Fleming SARS scientists sequence Severe Acute Respiratory Shi Zhengli-Li SL-CoV spike protein Sub-Awards things TMPRSS2 Total Funding Transmission viral viral entry virus Weapons of Mass Wuhan Wuhan Institute YouTube Zhengli