Medical Management of the ElephantIndira Publishing House, 1994 - 298 ページ |
Introduction | 1 |
Social Structure and Behavior | 19 |
Husbandry and Management | 27 |
著作権 | |
他の 21 セクションは表示されていません
AAZPA adult African elephant African elephant Loxodonta Anat anatomy Ann Elephant Workshop antibiotics Asian elephant Asian elephant Elephas Assoc Zoo behavior Biol blood Boever Buss captive elephants carfentanil Caudal Fold cells chapter chronic clinical signs coded corpora lutea coworkers described diagnosed diet disease disorders East Afr Wildl edema elephant Elephas maximus elephant Loxodonta africana Elephas maximus maximus Encephalomyocarditis virus estrogen estrous cycle etiology etorphine female Asian elephant free-ranging African hormone immobilization included Indian elephant infection Jainudeen lesions male mammals Mariappa MedARKS mg/dl mg/kg musth mycoplasma ng/ml nutritional observed parasites Physiol pituitary post mortem Proc Am Assoc Proc Ann Elephant Proc Zool Soc progesterone protein Rasmussen reported Reprod Fertil reproductive rheumatoid arthritis samples Schmidt serum Shoshani Sikes species study population TB ID Test testosterone tissue treatment trunk tuberculin tuberculosis tusk unknown urine urogenital canal vitamin vitamin E xylazine Zoo Anim Zoo Vet Zool Soc Lond Zoological