『命は宝なり』ずいせん学徒の沖縄戦より記: 最前線に送られた女学生の手

Tonny Uehara
Japan Entertainment media publishing, 2024/06/23 - 163 ページ










著者について (2024)

宮城巳知子 (みやぎ みちこ)      Michiko Miyagi


Born in 1926 in Chatan Village, Okinawa Prefecture.


 In 1945, she was mobilized as a student and served as a member of the Shuri High School for Girls' Zuisen Cadet Corps.

 ふりかかる戦火の中、 ナゲーラ陸軍野戦病院壕にて、第41期生として卒業式を迎える。

 In the midst of the raging war, she celebrated her graduation ceremony as a member of the 41st graduating class at the Nagera Army Field Hospital bunker.


Thirty-three of the 61 Zusen students were killed in action.


 He narrowly survived the war. 

戦後沖縄文教学校卒業後、 小学校教師として教壇に立つ。 

 After the war, he graduated from Okinawa Bunkyo Gakko and began teaching as an elementary school teacher. 

退職後沖縄戦の 「語り部」 として、 反戦平和活動に精力を注ぎ今日に至る。 

After retiring, she became a "storyteller" of the Battle of Okinawa and has devoted her energies to anti-war peace activities to this day. 

1999年 NHK 沖縄 「沖縄/映像の20世紀」 で宮城の平和活動が特集され反響を呼ぶ。 

In 1999, Miyagi's peace activities were featured on NHK Okinawa's "Okinawa: The 20th Century of Images" and drew a great response. 


She is currently giving lectures as part of her peace education activities. 

2001年文部科学省刊 「21世紀の生涯学習入門」 にて宮城の活動が詳しく取り上げられている。

Miyagi's activities were covered in detail in "Introduction to Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century" published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2001.

成井俊美 (なるい としみ)      Toshimi Narui

昭和28年福岡県生まれ。  Toshimi Narui was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1953.


 Graduated from Takushoku University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics. After working for a publishing company, became an independent plastic artist. 

1994年 「ムービングクラフト展」 と題した創作おもちゃの個展を開催し好評を博す。

In 1994, he held a solo exhibition of creative toys titled "Moving Craft Exhibition", which was well received.


He is the daughter-in-law of Michiko Miyagi.

 2000年8月NHK沖縄放送局との共催による 「宮城巳知子/生と死の狭間で展」 にて総合プロデュースを担当。 

 In August 2000, he was in charge of overall production for the exhibition "Michiko Miyagi: Between Life and Death" co-sponsored by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and Okinawa Broadcasting Station. 


Her attempt to recreate the Battle of Okinawa using computer graphics was well received.


He is currently working on a book for a magazine and also teaches toy-making techniques.

 著書 「輪ゴムで動く』『重さで動く」 (草土文化社) 他。

 Books: "Rubber Band Moves," "Weight Moves" (Sodo Bunka-sha), etc.

雑誌/教育技術 (小学館)、 おはよう奥さん(学研)、 3年生の自由工作 (誠美堂出版) などに執筆。

Writes for magazines such as Kyoiku Gijutsu (Shogakukan), Good Morning Okusan (Gakken), and 3rd Grade Free Crafts (Seibido Shuppan).

