Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, 第 2 巻

Whitaker, 1880


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47 ページ - But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe...
4 ページ - Magna Charta. An exact Facsimile of the Original Document in the British Museum, printed on fine plate paper, nearly 3 feet long by 2 feet wide, with the Arms and Seals emblazoned in Gold and Colours. Price 5s. The Roll of Battle Abbey...
10 ページ - LANZI'S History of Painting In Italy, from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the iSth Century.
4 ページ - Greeks and Romans, The Life of the, Described from Antique Monuments. By ERNST GUHL and W. KONER. Translated from the Third German Edition, and Edited by Dr.
3 ページ - Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, js. 6d. Life in London; or, The History of Jerry Hawthorn and Corinthian Tom. With the whole of CRUIKSHANK'S Illustrations, in Colours, after the Originals. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s, Lights on the Way : Some Tales within a Tale. By the latej. H. ALEXANDER, BA Edited, with an Explanatory Note, by HA PAGE, Author of " Thoreau : A Study." Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, js. 6d. Longfellow's Complete Prose Works. Including "Outre Mer,
4 ページ - Shelley's Early Poems, and Queen Mab, with Essay by LEIGH HUNT. Shelley's Later Poems : Laon and Cythna, &c. Shelley's Posthumous Poems, the Shelley Papers, &c. Shelley's Prose Works, including A Refutation of Deism, Zastrozsl, St.
36 ページ - DONALDSON'S The Theatre of the Greeks. A Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama. With numerous Illustrations and 3 Plans. By John William Donaldson, DD 5*.
5 ページ - Broad Grins," " My Nightgown and Slippers," and other Humorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of GEORGE COLMAN. With Life by G. B. BUCKSTONE, and Frontispiece by HOGARTH.
