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ing an exaggerated picture of pain by exposing their absurdity. er almost simultaneously discovered, student of the Middle Temple, among

cs, dating from 1601 to 1603, the followows that all previous speculations, with rethe composition of this play, had assigned it od:

"Feb. 2, 1601 [2].

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HE plot of this admirable Comedy appears to have been taken from the second tale in a collection by Barnabe Riche, entitled, Rich, his Farewell to the Militarie Profession," which was first printed in 1583. It is prored from Les Histoires 'ragiques de Belleforest, vol.

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Belleforest, as usual, copied Bandeilo. In the Barnaby Googe, published with his poems in 1363, mewhat similar to that of the duke sending his cause with the lady, and the lady fatur in page, may be found. But Rich's narration is the source, and resembles the plot more emplatci, It insertion here, but may be found in the late edi's Shakespeare, by Mr. Boswell, and in what Mr. Shakespeare's Library".

The cores appear to have been entirely the creation of poet, and they are worthy of his transcendent genius. It is end one of the most delightful of Shakespeare's comedies. Dr. uson thought the natural fatuity of Ague-cheek hardly fair but the good-nature with which his folly and his pretenare brought forward for our amusement, oy humouring his are almost without a spice of satire. It is rather an atto give pleasure by exhibiting an exaggerated picture of s, than a wish to give pain by exposing their absurdity. Hier and Mr. Hunter almost simultaneously discovered, cript dia of a student of the Middle Temple, among Manuscripts, dating from 1601 to 1603, the followh shows that all previous speculations, with reche composition of this play, had assigned


"Feb. 2, 16

r feast, we had a play called Twelve Nig
Much like the Comedy of Errors, or

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