
Judeans in the Palestine Campaign, New York, 1922;
S. Reinach, A Short History of Christianity, London, 1922;
S. Z. Setzer, On the Rise of Christianity (Yiddish), New
York, 1922..
Philology and Philological Studies: S. Birnbaum,
Das hebräische und aramäische Element in der jüdischen
Sprache, Leipsic, 1922; B. Z. Rubstein, Origin and Develop-
ment of the Yiddish Language (Yiddish), Warsaw, 1922.

Belles-Letters-Fiction, Essays, and Literary Criticism: D. L. Adler, Zion [1922]; A. Druianov, Book of Wit and Humor (Hebrew), Frankfort, 1922; J. de Lacretelle, Silbermann (French), Paris, 1922; A. Mapu, The Shepherd-Prince, or Ahabat Zion, translated from the Hebrew into English by B. A. M. Schapiro, New York, 1922; H. Nelson, Hasver (German), Leipsic, 1922; E. Steinman, Esther Hayyuth (Hebrew), Warsaw, 1922; L. Winder, Die Jüdische Orgel (German), Vienna, Munich and Leipsic, 1922.

Drama: M. Bernstein, To the Cliff (Hebrew), TelAviv, 5683; H. Leivik, Der Golem (Yiddish), Warsaw 1922; S. Zweig, Jeremiah, translated from the German into English, by E. and C. Paul, New York, 1922.

School-Books and Children's Literature: H. Brodi and M. Wiener, Anthology of Hebrew Poetry (Hebrew), Leipsic, 1922; D. Camerini, Storia del Popolo Ebreo, vol. I, Turin, 1922; I. Z. Fishberg, Beginnings of Hummash, New York, 5683; A. Kahana, Anthology of Jewish Literature (Hebrew), vols. I-III, Warsaw, 1922; Moses ben -Maimon, Sefer ha-Madda', edited by S. Rawidowitz, Berlin, 1922; J. Weis, Great Men in Israel, New York, 1922.

Pedagogical Literature: A. F. Landesman, Curriculum

for Jewish Religious Schools, New York, 1922; Z. Scharfstein, The Teaching of the Hebrew Language (Hebrew), New York, 1922.

Biography: C. Adler, Jacob Henry Schiff, New York, 1922; J. S. Bloch, Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben, vols. I, II, Vienna and Leipsic, 1922; R. A. Fritsche, Hermann Cohen, Berlin, 1922; T. Herzl, Diaries (German), 3 volumes, Berlin, 1922; M. Scheller, E. Heinman, and A. Baumgarten, Walter Rathenau, Cologne, 1922; M. Rosenmann, Isak Noah Manheimer, Vienna and Berlin, 1922; O. S. Straus, Under Four Administrations, Boston, 1922.

Music: A. Z. Idelsohn, Collection of Jewish Melodies (Hebrew and German), vols. II, III, IV, Berlin, 5682; A. Z. Idelsohn, Jephtah, opera (Hebrew), Jerusalem, 1922.

Economic Studies: Jewish Industrial Establishments in Poland (English, Polish, and Yiddish), compiled under the supervision of E. Heller, vols. I-III, Warsaw, 1922. Immigration: M. Traub, Jüdische Wanderungen, Berlin,


Nationalism and Minority Rights: I. Grünbaum, The Struggles of the Polish Jews, 1905-1912 (Hebrew), Warsaw, 1922; H. Kohn, Nationalism (German), Vienna and Leipsic, 1922.

Palestine and Zionizm: S. Glazer, The Palestine Resolution, Kansas City, 1922; Hand Book of Palestine, issued under the authority of the Government of Palestine, London, 1922; S. Krauss, Vier Jahrtausende jüdischer Palaestinas, Frankfort, 1922; J. R. Macdonald, A Socialist in Palestine, London, 1922; Sefer ha-Kongress (Hebrew), Tel-Aviv, 1922; Warum gingen wir zum ersten Zionistenkongress, Berlin, 1922.

Anti-Semitism and Apologetics: H. Betauer, Die Stadt ohne Juden, Vienna, 1922; J. S. Bloch, Israel und die Völker, nach jüdischer Lehre, Berlin, and Vienna, 1922; I. Freund, Der Judenhass, Berlin, 1922; R. Tarcaly, Quand Horthy est roi, Paris, 1922.

Collections and Year Books: Ahiasaph 5683 (Hebrew), edited by J. Thon, Warsaw, 1922; American Jewish Year Book 5683, edited by H. Schneiderman, Philadelphia, 1922; Arbeter-Luah, 1923, Warsaw, 1922; C. Bloch, Gottes Volk und seine Lehre, Leipsic, 1922; R. Brainin, Collected Works, vol. I, New York, 5683; T. Herzl, Complete Works, vols. I-III, translated into Hebrew by M. Berkowitz, Warsaw, 1922; Jewish Calendar for the Czecho-Slovakian Republic, 5683 (German), Maehr. Ostrau, 1922; Jewish Year Book 1922, London; H. D. Naumberg, Collected Works (Yiddish), vols. I-III, Berlin, 1922; Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, No.28, Baltimore, 1922; Reshumot, No. 3, Tel Aviv, Palestine, 5683.

New Periodicals: Bicher Welt, bi-monthly (Yiddish), Warsaw, 1922; Hedim (Hebrew), Tel-Aviv, 5683; The Jewish Center, quarterly, New York, 1922; Kolot, monthly (Hebrew), Warsaw, 1922; Kultur, monthly (Yiddish), Warsaw, 1922; Milgroim (Yiddish), and Rimon (Hebrew), magazines for art and letters, Berlin, 1922.

Statistics: J. Leshzinski, The Jewish People in Figures, vol. I (Yiddish), Berlin, 1922.

Jewish Press: Late in the summer of 1922 it was announced on the basis of United States Government statistics that there were published in the United States nine Yiddish daily newspapers, with a circulation of 452,

569, and thirteen Yiddish weeklies, with a circulation of 185, 496, making a total circulation of 638,063. During the past year 96 Jewish dailies, weeklies, monthlies, etc. appeared in the United States.

In Poland, 14 dailies and 31 weeklies in the Yiddish language were published during 1922. In Soviet Russia, as a consequence of embarking upon the so-called New Economic Policy (NEP), the Government withdrew its subsidy from the unofficial communist press, with the opening of the year 1923. This was a severe blow to the Yiddish press, which is far from being self-supporting. The last Conference of Persons Engaged in the Press recommended that the government should not cut off the subsidies to the communist press of the minority peoples, including the Yiddish press.

Several Jewish press-organs ceased to exist, among them Hashiloah, monthly, Jerusalem. In New York City, the Jewish Tribune, an English weekly established in Portland, Oregon, in 1902, and published in New York, since 1919, absorbed the Hebrew Standard, founded in 1882.

JEWISH ART EXHIBITIONS.-Several exhibitions of the works of Jewish artists were held. The Fifth Jewish Art Exhibition was shown at Warsaw early in September. The drawings of Mark Shagall were exhibited at Berlin. An exhibition of pictures by Abel Pann was held in Jerusalem. In the United States works of the Jewish Russian sculptor Numo Patlegean were exhibited in New York late in the fall, and paintings of S. Raskin were exhibited at the Peabody Institute at Baltimore.

THEATRE.-Jewish theatres were maintained in prac

tically every country of Central Europe as well as in the United States and other countries. The Vilná Troupe toured many countries, and was received enthusiastically. Last fall, a Yiddish theatre opened at Toronto, the first Jewish theatre in Canada.

Yiddish opera was produced for the first time in Vilna, last fall, by the Jewish Opera Association.

LIBRARIES.-Jewish libraries in the United States were enriched by noteworthy additions. The library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York acquired the collection of Mr. Elkan N. Adler of London, consisting of 30,000 printed books and 40,000 Hebrew and Jewish-Arabic manuscripts. The library of the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, at Philadelphia, acquired the library of Dr. Eduard Glaser, consisting of 450 volumes, among which are complete works of all the famous Arabian explorers, important Arabic texts, and works relating to epigraphy and Ethiopic.

PUBLISHING HOUSES.-In Soviet Russia the Kultur League which was supposed to be the central publishing house gave up its plan of becoming a central publishing house for the Jews in Russia and became a co-operative. It, however, did little work.

THE COMMUNISTS' WAR ON JUDAISM.-The Russian Communist party carried on an energetic war on religion in Soviet Russia. The Jewish Section of the Russian Communist party devoted a good deal of its energies to a war on Judaism, and, during the past year, this war was carried on in a more thorough-going, determined, and ruthless manner than during 1921. In the preceding year, the Jewish Section attacked chiefly the Sabbath, the High

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