
latter, those into French, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch, appeared before the publication of the Defence, and another in Germany was in all probability at least as early."

It has been already mentioned that a translation of the 'Apologia' into English almost immediately followed the work itself. This, which was printed in 4to., in 1562, was anonymous. It has been lately republished, in the seventh volume of the collection entitled The Fathers of the English Church, London, 1811. It is bald and spiritless, but generally faithful, though somewhat paraphrastic. Its rugged English, and uncouth phraseology, present a sad contrast with the smooth and flowing Latin of the original, and are greatly inferior to the style of JEWELL'S writings in his mother tongue.

These defects, it seems, were soon discovered: for in 1564, it was succeeded, and greatly surpassed, by the version now republished—the production of a lady!


1818 Amberg, 1606, 12mo, Amsterdam, 1606: (so ISAACSON; but qu? is it not an error for the Amberg edition, which he does not mention?) Frankfort, 1617.

The 'Apologia' is also reprinted in MOCKET's Doctrina et Politia Ecclesia Anglicana, 1618; and in the first volume of Bishop RANDOLPH'S Enchiridion Theologicum, or Manual for the use of Students in Divinity.—In all of these editions which I have seen, not excepting the last, the references in the margin are exceedingly incorrect, and the division into paragraphs (there are no chapters or sections in the Latin work) is very faulty.

z COLLYER Eccles. Hist. II. 479.

a FEATLY's Life of Jewell, marg. note.-A Greek translation (of which Mr. ISAACSON names J. SMITH as the author,) was published at Oxford, in 8vo., in 1614; and again, together with the Latin, in 1639: and another, in Welch, by MAURICE KYFFIN at the same place, in 1571, and again, London, 1595.

b Mr. ISAACSON attributes it to REINER WOLF, observing that Archbishop PARKER had a considerable share in the work: (Life of Jewell, p. cix.) But REYNOLD WOLF was the printer, not only of this translation, but also of the original, on its first appearance.-WATTS gives the earliest translation of the Apology to Archbishop PARKER; but as he describes it as printed both in 1562, and in 1564, the last of which dates can only apply to LADY BACON's translation; it is altogether probable that the Archbishop's concern was the same in both, viz. a recommendatory letter prefixed to each, and signed 'M. Cant.'

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Lady ANNE BACON, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, and wife of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Queen's Great Seal, had already displayed her learning and her zeal for the advancement of religious knowledge and the principles of the reformation, by a

This lady was of a family truly illustrious, in the fullest import of the expression. Her father renowned for piety, learning, and every social virtue-her three sisters, Lady Burleigh, Lady Russel, and Lady Catharine Killigrew, equalled only by herself in the combination of feminine accomplishments with masculine talents and endowments to an extent which procured for them the undivided homage of the learned and good, not only in their own, but in foreign countries-her husband a consummate statesman, firm in his country's confidence and high in his sovereign's esteem-her son the immortal leader in the paths of inductive philosophy :—could mortal aspire to be more happy in the ties of consanguinity?

Lady Anne was the second daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, and born about the year 1528. The liberal education which her excellent father bestowed upon his children met with the most kindly reception, and early displayed extraordinary fruits. The translation of OCHIN'S Sermons from the Italian must have been executed before she had attained her twenty-second year, as it was published in 1550.

She became the second wife of Sir Nicholas Bacon, certainly before the year 1560, as Sir Francis Bacon, born in 1561, was her second son; yet probably not before the accession of Elizabeth, (1558,) since BALLARD, who is generally accurate, speaks of her translation of the Apology as made " soon after her marriage." Her married life is described as having been remarkably domestic, and crowned with almost perfect happiness, in the society of her husband and the education of her children. To her sedulous attention to this latter object, for which she was so eminently qualified, much of the success of her celebrated son has been attributed, and not without probability. The maternal anxiety, conjoined with masculine understanding and talent for business, with which she watched over her children's welfare, even after they had grown to man's estate, appears conspicuously in some letters to Anthony, her eldest son, while on his travels, after his father's death, which happened in 1579. It is true, the complaining tone of these letters, written under the apprehension of injurious consequences of her son's proceedings, has given occasion to the charge of querulousness, if not ill-temper. But the asperity of their style will be found to be common in similar writings of that age-the earnestness which produced it, is only to be regarded as evidence of the strength of a mother's affection.

Lady Bacon is supposed to have died about the commencement of the reign of James the First, at Gorhambury, in Kent, formerly her husband's residence.

The estimation in which she was held even in foreign countries, may be inferred from the fact that the celebrated BEZA dedicated to her his Meditations on the Psalms,

skilled in the learned languages as in the was fully able to enjoy the flowing eloqu Apology in its original form, and to app degree in which it lost by being exhibited imperfect version. A desire to give the w efficacy in an English dress, by clothing its s with an elegance of style corresponding in so with that of the original, was doubtless La motive for undertaking the labour of a new

That accuracy, as well as elegance, was object of her care, appears from the meas she took on the completion of the work. submitted to Archbishop Parker, as the guardian of the doctrine of the Church, wit for his revision; and another was sent t accompanied by an epistle in Greek, in learned authoress expressed her anxiety t

d The work was executed in conjunction with some (probably her father,) as appears from the title: 'Cert of the ryghte famous and excellent clerk, Master OCHINE, born within the famous university of Siena also an example in thys life, for the faithful testim CHRISTE. Twenty-five Sermons translated into E the Italian by a gentleman, and the last twenty-fiv lady.' 8vo.

OCHIN, one of the most eloquent preachers of his da Sienna in Italy, in 1487. He entered the order of Cap which some have even considered him the founder, and b of the Order in 1538. Eight years afterwards he embra ples of the reformation, and was under the necessity voluntary exile, first to Geneva, afterwards to Strasburg accompanied PETER MARTYR into England, and su Zurich, where he was appointed pastor of the Italian co 1555. Here he soon fell into grievous errors on the s riage, which brought on his expulsion in 1563. Fr returned to Basle, and thence to Poland, where he eithe as some contend, openly avowed what he had previously

author's own approval of her work, that she might be certified of having in no point mistaken his meaning.

Both the prelates acceded to her request; and, it is said, on reading the translation, found it so correct that "they mended nothing, no not the least word :"-it must, however, be confessed that they might have found some occasion for the exercise of their critical abilities, had not a conviction of the general faithfulness of the version, or the press of other occupations, prevented a thoroughly accurate inspection; a few, though but a few, instances of mistranslation have been discovered, and are pointed out in the notes to this edition.

The Archbishop testified his approbation of the work, by committing it immediately to the press, and accompanied the present of a printed copy with the following letter, too interesting, both as the opinion of a competent judge respecting the merits of the translation, and as a tribute to the accomplished authoress, to be omitted.


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After a superscription To the Right Honourable, learned, and virtuous lady Anne Bacon, Matthew Cantuariensis [Archbishop of Canterbury] wisheth from God grace, honour, and felicity;' he told her, thatAccording to her request, he had perused her studious labour of translation, profitably employed in a 'right commendable work. Whereof, for that it liked ⚫her to make him a judge, and for that the thing itself 'had singularly pleased his judgment, and delighted his ⚫ mind in reading it, he had right heartily to thank her ladyship, both for her well thinking of him, and for the comfort that it wrought in him. But far above these


The copy in the text, it will be perceived, is in the form of an abstract. It is derived from BALLARD, (Memoirs of British Ladies &c. p. 133,) who borrowed it from STRYPE.


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'the work, to the commodity of others. encouragement of herself. That she ha accustomed modesty, in submitting it to 'but therein her praise doubled, sith it 'judgment without reproach. And where 'chief author of the Latin work, and he, sev sing and conferring her whole translation, 'alteration allowed of it, he was both to ladyship, and advertise the readers, to thir 'had not therein given any thing to any 'affection towards her, as being contented 'faults to please her, or to make her wi 'to please herself. For that there w respects to draw them from so doing, al had been so ill minded, as there was no


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they should be so thought of. That her ow in discerning flattery, her modesty in misl 'laying open of their opinion to the world, 'their friendship towards her, the unwilling 'both, in respect to their vocations, to have 'work not truly and well translated, were

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to persuade, that their allowance was of s ' and understanding. That by her travail sh 'an acceptable duty to the glory of Gon, dese this Church of CHRIST, honourably defend 'fame and estimation of her own native tong 'it so able to contend with a work originall 'the most praised speech. That besides 'done to her sex, and to the degree of lad 'done pleasure to the author of the Lat delivering him by her clear translation, fro ' of ambiguous and doubtful construction


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