The place of the physician, the introductory lecture at Guy's hospital, with other essays, 第 205 号



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31 ページ - VYNER (Lady Mary). Every day a Portion. Adapted from the Bible and the Prayer Book, for the Private Devotions of those living in Widowhood.
35 ページ - No one who reads these sermons will wonder that Mr. Brooke is a great power in London, that his chapel is thronged, and his followers large and enthusiastic. They are fiery, energetic, impetuous sermons, rich with the treasures of a cultivated imagination.
17 ページ - WARTENSLEBEN (Count H. von). The Operations of the South Army in January and February, 1871. Compiled from the Official War Documents of the Head-quarters of the Southern Army. Translated by Colonel CH von Wright. With Maps. Demy 8vo.
13 ページ - YOUMANS (Eliza A.). An Essay on the Culture of the Observing Powers of Children, especially in connection with the Study of Botany. Edited, with Notes and a Supplement, by Joseph Payne, FCP, Author of " Lectures on the Science and Art of Education,
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1 ページ - HELLWALD (Baron F. von). The Russians in Central Asia. A Critical Examination, down to the present time, of the Geography and History of Central Asia.
7 ページ - The Principles of Mental Physiology. With their Applications to the Training and Discipline of the Mind, and the Study of its Morbid Conditions.
34 ページ - The Hymn Book consists of Three Parts:— I. For Public Worship.— II. For Family and Private Worship. —III. For Children. %* Published in various forms and prices, the latter ranging from %d.
