
size; that he should be rendered legally capable of serving more years than one; and that the execution writs should not be committed to any person except the sheriff's officers.

The administration of justice by the magistrates in corporate towns has been stated to be more frequently exceptionable than that exercised by county magistrates; and the levy of tolls, and the expenditure of the money received, is stated to require examination and correction. Obstacles are also stated to be opposed to the admission of persons to their freedom, although entitled thereto by birth, servitude, or marriage. The present remedy by an application to the court of King's-bench, is deemed to be tedious and expensive; and it is represented, that justice would be more easily rendered to the individuals claiming admission, by giving double or treble costs in the case of an unjustifiable refusal to admit.

Although upon the same grounds upon which they have confined themselves to the collection of information as to the civil disabilities of the Roman Catholics, the committee abstain from doing more than to report the evidence they have received on the practical effect of the present state of the elective franchise, they feel it necessary to state, that it may be found expedient to adopt some further and more effectual provision against the creation of fictitious or fraudulent qualifications, under the law as it now exists.

It has been strongly recommended that some provision should be made for the relief of the extreme distress of the poorer classes in age or infirmity, if not by law (to which great objections have been

stated), at least by organizing the collection and distribution of charitable contributions.

In addition to the suggestions above stated, various others have also been received, respecting the encouragement of emigration-the extension of public works of unquestionable utility, by reasonable facilities afforded by the government the extension of the fisheries-improvements in the state of the lunatic asylums and houses of industry-the regulation or abolition of manor courts-the constitution and powers of vestries-and respecting many details in the subordinate administration of justice. For these, and other matters, which are in different degrees deserving of attention, the committee beg to refer to the evidence, where they will be found under the heads in the index.

The committee cannot close this report without expressing the pleasure they have received from the concurrent testimony of so many witnesses, who in speaking of the different measures which have been of late adopted for the improvement of the state of Ireland, have, in a greater or less degree, agreed in attributing to them a highly favourable effect. The establishment of the police and constabulary force-the revision of the magistracy, as far as it has gone-the meeting of the magistrates in petty sessions-the administration of justice by the assistant barristersthe change which has taken place of late years in the mode of appointing sheriffs-the public works undertaken by the executive government-the alteration in the system of the distillery laws, and in the general mode of collecting the revenue - the remission of all direct taxes-the re

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This society was originally incorporated in the year 1701, for the support of a learned and zealous body of clergy in his majesty's colonies, and for the general propagation of the gospel in foreign


The business of the society is conducted by certain official members nominated in the charter,* and the incorporated members who are chosen by ballot. The archbishop of Canterbury was first appointed, and has since been annually elected president.

The acknowledgment of the independence of the United States of America unfortunately deprived those provinces of the benefits which they had long received from

The lord archbishop of Canterbury, the lord archbishop of York, the lord bishop of London, the lord bishop of Ely, the lord Almoner, the dean of Westminster, the dean of St. Paul's, the archdeacon of London, the regius professor of divinity in Oxford, the regius professor of divinity in Cambridge, the Margaret professor of divinity in Oxford, the Margaret professor of divinity in Cambridge.

the exertions of this society. But the society left a blessing behind it in the Protestant episcopal church in that country, whose very existence at the present moment may be justly attributed to its early and truly christian efforts. The field of the society's labours has since that period been greatly enlarged, and its operations now extend over the vast provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island, Newfoundland, and the Bermudas.

Of late years the population in those colonies has increased to such an extent, that the society has deemed it necessary greatly to increase the number of its missionaries. The list subjoined to the present document will show that the spiritual wants of those countries cannot be adequately supplied without such an addition to the ministers of religion as would triple the number that was employed even at so late a period as the year 1816. The actual number of missionaries now in the service of the

society, in the North American colonies alone, is one hundred and three, and in addition to these more than one hundred schoolmasters are partially supported from its funds. With a view to the formation of a body of native clergy for the service of the colonies, the society has contributed largely towards the support of King's-college, Windsor, Nova Scotia, by an annual grant, and by the endowment of divinityscholarships and exhibitions. The society is also called upon to make frequent grants in aid of the erection of churches in the infant settlements, and has been the great instrument of introducing the national system of education in the capitals of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and extending it through every part of the North American colonies.

Another source of expenditure has been opened to the society by the extended colonization of the southern parts of Africa, and the interior of New Holland, where it will form an object of great and important interest to carry forward the same plan of religious instruction and general education which has been found so effectual in the North American colonies, so soon as the funds of the society will admit of such an extension of their operations.

To meet these great and increasing demands, the resources of the society are found to be utterly inadequate, notwithstanding the liberal aid they have obtained from parliamentary grants. The average annual expenditure of the society has, for the four last years, exceed ed its income to the amount of 6,000l., an excess, which, if continued for a few years more, must bring inevitable ruin upon the society's funds.

The collections under the authority of the royal letter, granted in 1819, have been appropriated to the exclusive uses of Bishop's-college, Calcutta, and the establishments connected with it, and will be found unequal to answer the increasing demands from that quarter. The buildings there, though not yet completed, are so far advanced as to admit of the residence of the principal, two professors, a limited number of students, and the society's missionaries on their first arrival in India.

The lamented death of the late bishop of Calcutta could not fail to check for a time the progress of the society's operations in the eastern peninsula; but they look forward to the happiest results from the co-operation of the present Diocesan, and the zealous exertions of their missionaries, who are diligently engaged, under the direction of the principal of the college, in those studies which will enable them to carry on with effect the ultimate designs of the society. In the mean time, and in addition to the main object of their present occupations, the attainment of the native languages, and the acquisition of a general knowledge of Indian rites and customs, the missionaries are actively employed in superintending several institutions for the education of the native youth.

The formation of a college library has been commenced at a considerable expense. It will, however, require many additions to render it efficient. At the meeting of the board, in March, 1822, it was resolved to endow 20 theological scholarships for the purpose of forming a body of missionaries, catechists, and school


This society has recently been enabled to make an important addition to its establishment in the east. In order to extend its operations in that quarter, and give union and strength to the missionaries, it has undertaken the superintendence and management of the missions in southern India, which have been hitherto maintained by the society for the promotion of christian knowledge, and which that society consented to resign in consideration of the benefits the missionaries must derive from an intimate connexion with Bishop's college, Calcutta.

Five European missionaries, and six native teachers, devoted to the instruction of the native congregations in the neighbourhood of Madras, have thus been added to the society's establishment, and there is an urgent demand for more labourers in the same field.

Under these circumstances, the society feels justified in expressing a conviction that the British public will not fail to aid its labours. Its friends are therefore entreated

both to form themselves into committees for this purpose in concurrence with the ecclesiastical authorities, and to circulate those authentic details of the nature and extent of the society's operations which will be furnished to them from time to time.


Present establishment, six missionaries, eighteen school-masters. Annual charge, 1,900l.

Proposed increase, four missionaries, eight schoolmasters. Annual charge, 1,160l. Population, forty thousand Protestants.

Nova Scotia.

[blocks in formation]

Present establishment, two visit- 50%.

Cape Coast Castle.

One missionary. Annual charge



Bishop's college, three professors. Endowment for twenty students. * Eleven missionaries, European;

* Six, resident in the college at the date of the last despatches.

six native preachers. Annual charge, 4,900Z.

In addition to these charges, there are other sources of expenditure in the endowment of divinity studentships in Nova Scotia and Canada, donations in aid of churches, gratuities to missionaries, &c.

ESTIMATE of the PAYMENTS which have been made on FOREIGN LOANS, MINING SHARES, and other speculations during the present year.

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