
II. PHILIPWHARTON Duke of Wharton GRAND MASTER of Mafons, who appointed Dr. Defaguliers the Deputy Grand Master, Fofbua Timfon, forefaid, Grand for Hawkins demitted as al2 2James Anderson, A. M. SWardens. ways out of Town.

When former Grand Officers, with thofe of 25 Lodges paid their Homage.

G. Warden Anderfon produced the new Book of Conftitutions now in Print, which was again approv'd, with the Addition of the antient Manner of Conftituting a Lodge.

Now Masonry flourish'd in Harmony, Reputation and Numbers; many Noblemen and Gentlemen of the first Rank defir'd to be admitted into the Fraternity, befides other Learned Men, Merchants, Clergymen and Tradefmen, who found a Lodge to be a fafe and pleasant Relaxation from Intense Study or the Hurry of Bufinefs, without Politicks or Party. Therefore the Grand Master was obliged to conftitute more new Lodges, and was very affiduous in vifiting the Lodges every Week with his Deputy and Wardens; and his Worship was well pleas'd with their kind and respectful Manner of receiving him, as they were with his affable and clever Conversation.

Grand Lodge in ample Form, 25 April 1723. at the White-Lion Cornbill, with former Grand Officers and those of 30 Lodges call'd over by G. Warden Anderson, for no Secretary was yet appointed. When

WHARTON Grand Mafter proposed for his Succeffor the Earl of Dalkeith (now Duke of Buckleugh) Mafter of a Lodge, who was unanimously approv'd and duly faluted as Grand Mafter Elect.

The Tickets for the next Feaft were order'd to be Ten Shillings each, imprefs'd from a curious Copper Plate, and feal'd with the G. Mafter's Seal of Office, to be difpofed of by the Grand Wardens and the Stewards.

ASSEMBLY and Feast on Monday 24 June 1723. at Merchant-Taylors-Hall.

The Committee appointed to keep out Cowans came early, and the Stewards to receive the Tickets and direct the Servants.

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WHARTON Grand Mafter came attended by fome eminent Brothers in their Coaches; and forthwith walking with his Deputy and Wardens into the Lodge-Room, he fent for the Masters and Wardens of Lodges, who came from the Hall and form'd the Grand Lodge call'd over by Brother William Cowper, Efq; now appointed Secretary.

Some obferving that Brother Dalkeith was now in Scotland, proposed to the G. Mafter to name another for Succeffor; but Dalkeith's Wardens declar'd that his Lordship would foon return. Adjourn'd to Dinner.

About 400 Free Mafons, all duly clothed, dined elegantly in due Form.

See its Defcription After Dinner, Brother WHARTON made the at Richmond, G. M. firft Proceffion round the Tables, and when return'd, proclaim'd aloud our noble Brother.

III. FRANCIS SCOT Earl of Dalkeith Grand Valter of Mafons. He had left with the Wardens of his Lodge a Power to appoint in his Name

Dr. Defaguliers his S Francis Sorrell, Efq; 2 Grand Deputy Grand Mafter, John Senex Bookfeller, S Wardens. who fill'd the Chair; and having thank'd the Stewards, order'd Grand Warden Sorell to close the Lodge in good Time. *

Grand Lodge at the Crown in Threadneedle-ftreet 25 Nov.1723. in ample Form, with former Grand Officers and Thofe of 30 Lodges. They agreed on feveral Things for the Good of Mafonry, which, with other Things afterwards determin'd at Grand Lodges, are difpers'd in the New Regulations, Committee of Charity, &c. below: and fpecial Care was taken to prevent Diftur-bance and preserve Harmony on Feaft-Days.

Grand Lodge in ample Form at the forefaid Crown 19 Feb. 1723. with former G. Officers and Thofe of 26 Lodges. Sand Lodge in ample Form at the Crown forefaid 28 April 1724. with former G. Officers and Thofe of 31 Lodges.

*Stewards that acted at the Feaft on 24

Mr. Henry Prude,
Mr. Giles Clutterbuck,
Mr. John Shepherd,

June 1723. and were publickly thank'd
Capt. Benjamin Hodges,

Mr. Edward Lambert,
Mr. Charles Kent.


Dalkeith G. Mafter propofed for his Succeffor the Duke of Richmond and Lennox (now alfo Duke d'Aubigny) Master of a Lodge, who was joyfully faluted Grand Master Elect.


From Grand Master RICHMOND to Grand Mafter Norfolk.


SSEMBLY and Feast at Merchant-Taylors-Hall on 24 June 1724:

DALKEITH Grand Master with his Deputy and Wardens waited on Brother Richmond in the Morning at Whitehall, who with many Brothers duly clothed, proceeded in Coaches from the West to the East, and were handfomely received at the Hall by a vast Affembly. The Grand Lodge met, and having confirm'd their Choice of Brother Richmond, adjourn'd to Dinner. After Dinner G. Mafter DALKEITH made the firft Proceffion round the Tables, viz.

Brother Clinch to clear the Way..

This, as a Specimen, The Stewards 2 and 2 a Breaft with white Rods. to avoid Repetitions. Secretary Cowper with the Bag, and on his Left

the Mafter of a Lodge with One Great Light.

Two other Great Lights born by two Masters of Lodges. Former Grand Wardens proceeding one by one,according to Juniority.. Former Grand Masters proceeding, according to Juniority. Sozell and Sener the two Grand Wardens. Defaguliers D. G. Mafter alone.

On the Left Hand.
The Sword carried by the Master |
of the Lodge to which the
Sword belong'd.
RICHMOND Grand Mafter Elect. [

On the Right Hand.
The Book of Conftitutions on a
Cushion carried by the Mafter
of the Senior Lodge.
DALKEITH Grand Master.

During the Proceffion, 3 Times round the Tables, the Brethren ftood up and fac'd about with the regular Salutations; and when return'd.


Brother Dalkeith ftood up, and bowing to the Affembly, thank'd 'em for the Honour he had of being their Grand Master, and then proclaim'd aloud the most noble Prince and our Brother IV. CHARLES LENNOS Duke of Richmond and Lennox

Grand Master of Mafons!

The Duke having bow'd to the Affembly, Brother DALKEITH invefted him with the proper Enfigns and Badges of his Office and Authority, inftall'd him in Solomon's Chair, and withing him all Profperity, fat down on his Right Hand. Upon which the Affembly join'd in due Homage, affectionate Congratulations and other Signs of Joy.

RICHMOND Grand Mafter ftanding up, call'd forth (as it were by Accident) and appointed

Martin Folkes, Efq; George Payne Efq; formerly G.M.2 Grand his D. G. Mafter, Francis Sorell late G. Warden, Wardens. invested and inftall'd by the laft Deputy in the Chair of Hiram Abbif. William Cowper Efq; was continued Secretary by the G. Mafter's returning him the Books, and all of 'em were formally congratulated by the Affembly. *

RICHMOND Grand Mafter made the 2d Proceffion round the Tables like the First, except that Brother DALKEITH walked first as the youngest late Grand Mafter, close after the former Grand Wardens; and RICHMOND walk'd alone last of all, with his Deputy immediately before him, and his two G. Wardens before the Deputy, and before them the Sword and Conftitutions.

When return'd,

The G. Mafter began to toaft the regular Healths, and due Refpects to our noble Brothers present and absent, particularly to our laft good Grand Master DALKEITH.

After which, the ufual Expreffions of Joy, Love and Friendship

*Stewards that acted at the Feaft on 24 June 1723. and were publickly thank'd.

Thefe first 6

acted at the laft Feaft.

Mr. Henry Prude.
Capt. Benjamin Hodges.

Mr. Giles Clutterbuck.
Mr. John Shepherd.
Mr. Edward Lambert.
Mr. Charles Kent.

Capt. Samuel Tuffnell.
Mr. Giles Taylor.
Capt. Nathaniel Smith.
Mr. Richard Crofts.
Mr. Peter Paul Kemp.
Mr. North Stainer.


went round; and the Affembly was most agreeably entertain❜d with Orations, Mufick and Mason Songs, till the G. Master order'd his Warden Payne to close the Lodge in good Time.

Now MASONRY was illuftrious at home and abroad, and Lodges multiplied.

Grand Lodge in ample Form at the Crown forefaid, 21 Nov. 1724. with former Grand Officers and Thofe of 40 Lodges. When Our noble Brother DALKEITH, in Pursuance See the Committee of Regulation XIII. propofed a Fund of Gene- of Charity. ral Charity for poor Brothers, which was agreed to by all. -Grand Lodge in ample Form at the Bell Westminster 17 March 172. with former G. Officers and Those of 36 Lodges. Grand Lodge in due Form at the Devil Temple-Bar 20 May; 1725, with former G. Officers and thofe of 38 Lodges. D. G. Master FOLKES in the Chair prompted a moft agreeable Communication. Grand Lodge in Due Form at the Crown forefaid on 24 June 1725. when the Grand Officers were continued Six Months longer. Grand Lodge in ample Form at the Bell forefaid 27 Nov. 1725. with former G. Officers and Thofe of 49 Lodges. When

RICHMOND G. Mafter propofed for his Succeffor the Lord' Paifley (now Earl of Abercorn) Master of a Lodge, who was gladly faluted as Grand Mafter Elect. And no Stewards being appointed,, G. M. RICHMOND defired our Brother John James Heidegger to prepare the Feast in the best Manner.

ASSEMBLY and Feaft at Merchant-Taylor's-Hall on St. JOHN's Day 27 Dec. 1725.

Lord PAISLEY being in the Country, had by Letter made the Duke of RICHMOND his Proxy, and all Things being regu larly transacted as above, Brother Richmond proclaim'd aloud our noble Brother

V. JAMES HAMILTON Lord Paisley Grand Matter of Mafons. Brother RICHMOND as Proxy continued in the Chair, and in G. Master PAISLEY'S Name appointed. Dr. Defaguliers a-Colonel Daniel Houghton, gain D. G. Mafter, Sir Thomas Prendergast, Bart.S Wardens.. The Secretary was continued, and in both Proceffions the DUKE walk'd alone..



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