
the medical profession, whose business it should be, not merely to see whether the rules for the prevention of disease be carried into execution, but whether they be adequate to produce the effect intended. A series of plain and obvious instructions for the poor, in particular, should be drawn up, and left in every house, and a punishment inflicted for inattention to them.' Vol. II. p. 354.

Art. X. Wilkinson's General Atlas of the World, (its) Quarters, Ems pires, Kingdoms, States, &c. with Appropriate Tables. Second Edidition. Elephant Quarto, pr. boards 11. 11s. 6d. hbd. 11. 14s. hotpressed and in calf 21. 4s. 1809,

Art. XI. Atlas Classica, of the Countries mentioned by antient Authors, both Sacred and Profane, with their various Subdivisions at different periods. Elephant Quarto. bds. 21. 2s. hbd. 21. 46. h.p. & cf. 21. 14s. Wilkinson, Cornhill. 1808.

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MR. Wilkinson's General Atlas, having been first published in 1800, is already extensively known, as a neat, con venient, and generally correct, compendium of modern geography. In his new edition, we perceive that he has been at the pains of having those maps newly drawn and engraved, which could derive any considerable improvement from recent discoveries t. He scorns, however, to imitate those new-fangled geographers who toil after the progress of Bonaparte's conquests and caprices, haud passibus æquis. According to Mr. W., the King of Sardinia still retains his continental dominions, France is still restricted to her 83 departments, and Poland still holds her station among the distinct countries of Europe, although so long ago hacked piece-meal by Crowned Robbers, that they, in their turns, have mostly since endured similar treatment from a yes mightier plunderer, who alone could have restored the Poles to their former rank, but has lately denied that he ever entertained such a design! We admire Mr. W.'s stedfast attachment to the ancien regime; but as its case seems hopeJess, we think that it would have been more prudent for him to have adopted such changes as are but too likely to be per


His maps of ancient geography, although begun before his general Atlas was completed, may be considered as a new work, having, we believe, very recently received the finishing stroke. Together, they form an ingenious and valuable aid to the study of ancient and modern history. The antient Atlas (as it ought to have been intitled), has also its pe culiar merits. It is judiciously distributed into four parts.

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†The form of Louisiade, in the general map of Asia, requires an exception to this commendation. It is corrected in the map of New South Wales, in the present edition.

To the first of these, which Mr. W. intitles Geographia Sacra, he has laudably paid so much attention, that it will be found a very useful companion to the Bible. Beside eight maps, il4 lustrative of Palestine in its different geographical stages, and of other countries to which the Scriptures refer, six copious genealogical tables are added, on the authorities (exclusive of the Bible) of Josephus, Junius, Calmet, Sanson, Raleigh, Fuller, Stukeley, Anderson, and Bruce. On these, the ingenious compiler has evidently bestowed much labour; and, in a general view, certainly to a very good purpose: notwithstanding the extent to which those writers to whom he refers indulged themselves in conjecture, and the impossi bility, in tables like these, of enabling readers to form their own judgements.

The second, and smallest division, is called Geographia Ecclesiastica. It contains only two maps of the eastern and western patriarchates of the Roman Empire; and one map distinguishing the dioceses of England, ancient and modern. To the latter is annexed, a copious table of the succession of Bishops; with the alterations of dioceses, at different times, in England, since the arrival of Augustin in 597; with their contemporary sovereigns. These afford useful illustrations of English ecclesiastical history. We think that Mr. W. would have materially improved this part of his work, had he extended his notice of general ecclesiastical history so far as Sanson's labours might conveniently have been pressed into his service.

In the third division, (which should have been denominated Geographiu Classica, for the present title is altogether inadmissible,) are twenty good maps, mostly on the usual subjects of ancient geography. Two, on a larger scale, of Achaia and the Peloponnesus, deserve particular notices although, as their design is to illustrate the travels of Anacharsis, they seem to us to be misplaced in this division. Those travels, fictitious as they are, relate to an authentic period of Grecian history; and should, therefore, have been referred to the following division, which is intitled Geographia Historica.


In this last part, Mr. W. has very properly detached from the general maps, those which represent the state of countries at different periods of ancient history. Of these, which are fifteen in number, the "world according to Hero.. dotus," copied by permission from Major Rennell's per formance, will not be deemed the least valuable. In an useful map of the countries which have professed the faith of Mahomet, Abyssinia, which never was Mahometan, is not distinguished from the rest; and in Saxon England, Cumber land, in which the Britons were not finally subdued till the

tenth century, is included in the kingdom of Northumberland; while Cornwall, which had submitted to the West Saxons, is represented as independent.

Some maps of the latter division are accompanied with chorographical and historical explanations, as are many in the general Atlas. These are announced in the title of that work, as "appropriate tables;" while the more laboured and important genealogical charts annexed to the sacred geogra phy, are not intimated on the title page of the ancient Adas It is too rare an occurrence, that a publisher should be more intent on doing justice to his readers than to himself, for us to pass without notice; but, as the omission is very unlikely to be imitated, we shall suffer it to pass without censure. We would however recommend, that, in the next edition of the general Atlas, some hints should be given, in the "appropriate tables," of the changes of names, boundaries, and titular sovereigns, which have been, ar may be made, in those countries that are unhappily situated within the reach of Bonaparte's talons. We can hardly advise that new maps should be constructed on all such occasions, any more than that a fresh chart should be made for every variation of the Goodwin Sands. We rather doubt whether maps should not be rendered independent on political geography, and be adapted to the natural boundaries of seas, rivers, and chains of mountains, without regard to the ephemeral distinctions of patronymical appellations or forms of civil government.

To return from this brief digression to the publications before us, we can cordially recommend them, for ingenuity of design, and general correctness and neatness of execu tion. For portable and scholastic uses, we think them preferable to any sets of maps that have come under our ob


Art. XII. Imitations and Translations from the Ancient and Modern Classics, together with Original Poems never before published. Collected by J. C. Hobhouse, B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 255. Price' 7s. bds. Longman and Co. 1809. NOTHING accumulates so soon as fugitive poetry. Many

a young master's rhymes, we believe, have been praised by Mamma, before the stripling has been entered at school; and, when once engaged in classical pursuits, the boy must be very dull who does not admire, and, admiring, does not imitate, the beauties of the ancients. We recollect a schoolfellow of our's, who, when he had read five odes of Horace, bad translated three, and had scarcely got through half one Eneid, before he had formed the design of giving to the

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public a version of the whole twelve. It is true, these premature attempts are quickly consigned to oblivion; but they are succeeded by others more diligently elaborated; and, by the time a man is one or two and twenty, and leaves the university, it is ten to one but he has two or three port-folios, filled with lines' and 'stanzas,' with songs addressed to a young lady,' and elegies on the death of a friend,' and, we are sorry to add, in the present day it is ten to one but these are laid before the public. Thus the bookseller's window groans under the crudities of seventeen, under a load of 'poems,'' miscellanies,' and hours of idleness."

And where is the harm of all this? No one is obliged to buy these volumes, much less to read them. No; we only regret that they are bought, and that they are read. Every body knows how much sooner a taste is acquired for frivolous sing-song, than substantial poetry, and how this taste is encouraged by indulgence, crescit indulgens sibi and we do lament, (what any one, who will take the trouble of looking into our boarding-schools and our colleges, will find to be the case) that the leisure hours which might be devoted to the beauties of Spenser, or the sublimities of Milton and Shakespeare, should be lost among the Littles, the Lewises and the Strangfords.


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Far be it from us to discourage any one from writing verses, or any thing else; it will humanize the mind, it will systema-" tize the thoughts, it will polish the language. If this is not a sufficient reward to the young votary of the Muses, he may please his friends, and captivate his mistress; but, before he prints, do let him remember, that, in all probability, five out of six of his former companions at school, could print what would be quite as well worth reading.

Mr. Hobhouse has been moderate the present volume com sists of but about 260 pages, and of those, near a hundred are taken up by the contributions of friends. We have therefore to thank him for much that he has kept back; and, if the book were not defiled with indecency, we should thank him for some that he has given.

The three first and longest pieces in the volume, are imitations; the first, of Juvenal's Atticus eximie si canat, the second, of Horace's Omnibus hoc vitium est cantoribus, and the third of his Prisco si credis. This adaptation of ancient sentiments to modern manners and events requires con-siderable skill; sa skill, which Mr. H., we think, does not 1possess. The first appears to us the best but Juvenal's thoughts are always given at sufficient length by himself; why should Mr. H. double the number of lines? We give one extract, referring to the manners of past times, to satisfy the reader's curiosity.

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Illa domi natas, &c.

Their household goods as simple as their food,
Plates, dishes, spoons, and bowls were all of wood
If then the gay luxurious lords forsook
Their wonted willow for too precious oak,

The graver sort cry'd shame on such a boast,
And thought all ancient British vigour lost.
Our wealthy peers must even eat in state,
And scorn the dainty if without the plate.
Behold their feast! no dinner but a show,
Where glass and wax-lights glitter in a row;
High in the midst, on golden columns rear'd,
Where late a plain substantial dish appear'd,
A field of flowers or naked figures rise
To please the taste for show, and feed the eyes ;
Whilst almost hid within the deep tureene,
Some bits from France, or German crout is seen,
No wonder, surely, if the dish excite,

More than the meat, an eager appetite.

Our sires preferr'd-a thing beyond belief

A dish of pewter for their food was beef. pp. 25-27.

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Of the merits of the second the reader will judge, on hearing that Horace's Stoic is represented, in Mr. H.'s imita tion, by the modern Methodist. We had thought that no one was to be found weak or wicked enough to wag the tongue against Mr. Wilberforce; Mr. Hobhouse has undeceived us; and, we believe, few persons will contradict him, when hé calls it an awkward imitation.' The satire closes thus:

No monster of perfection, I
With all my faults for pardon fly

To gentle friends, for whose dear sake

I grant th' indulgence that I take;

And find with them an happier fate

Than thou, a saint, so good and great." p. 65.

Notwithstanding the great difference of tastes, we scarcely imagine that Mr. H. will find a happier fate' among wine. and women, than Mr. Wilberforce has found in a life of behefitence.

There is nothing else of any length in the volume, except the Manciple's Tale,' from Chaucer, and the Miracle' from Boccace; the gross indelicacy of both which is sufficient to

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* Willow," &c.

"When our houses were builded of willow, - then Mad we oaken men; but now that our houses are come to be made of oak, our men are not only become willow, but a great many altoge ther of straw, which is a sore alteration." Holinshed, Description of Britain, chap. xvi.

If Holinshed complained of these men of willow, what must we in our times say? V.

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