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Who was

"Tom of

circumstances were spies employed? Coventry"? Give the story about him. [See Webster's Dictionary, illustrated edition, page 1581, "Peeping Tom."] Who was "Dian"? Is any one of the heavenly bodies so called? What two meanings suggested by the word "glass"? Meaning of "ogling from his glass," as usually understood? Point out the jest in the line," Tripping with pails, &c." Who was "Charles the Martyr"? What word rhymes with Martyr's"? What is his "wain ?" Double meaning of the word "stars"? Why are "garters" spoken of? What line

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in the sixth stanza suggests the explanation?

Etymology and meaning of professors? astronomy? adepts? celestial? economy? cited? justly? intelligence? custom? observatory? coquetting? sublunary? forgetting? matters? flirtations? ogling? flame? exclaim? stress?

On what word should the first falling inflection be? [On the word "Herschel," the culminating word of the first positive statement. The word "glove" in the second statement requires the same inflection, and for the same reason. "Above" should have the rising, because the line ending with it is a limitation upon the assertion, "He is hand and glove." The words "stop" and "top" are at the ends of conditional clauses, and the main positive affirmation is expressed by benighted." The inflections should be more strongly marked than in grave composition.] In the second stanza, the inflections are mostly falling, because it is chiefly an enumeration of positive particulars. Show the exceptions to this statement. What word requires the rising circumflex?

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Third Stanza.

Who speaks in this stanza? To whom is he speaking? What is a "comet"? What is meant by "Halley's"? [See, "Halley", in any good biographical dictionary or work on astronomy.] What is meant by its being "due?" Whose "fiery trail"? Meaning of the expression, ""Tis a pity"? his coming "unreckoned"? What animals are spoken of as caught in the manner here referred to? What is meant then by his being "caught with scientific salt upon his tail"?

Etymology and meaning of comet? noble? sure? view? due? magnificent? zounds? pity? unsought? scientific? last?

Inflection upon "unsought"? [Repeat carefully this pas sage of two lines, ending with "thought," several times, and with different inflections,-falling, rising, and the falling and rising circumflex.]

Fourth Stanza.

Is it meant that he looked no more for it than he looked for the Great Bear, or than the Great Bear looked for it? What is the Great Bear? Why does he refer to "Tycho Brahe"? What "is as sure as Tycho Brahe is dead"? What jest in the expression, "It really entered in my head"? What is "Berenice's Hair"? Who was "Heaven's grand inquisitor"? What two meanings in this expression? Meaning of "thus musing"? What was the "uninvited visitor"? Meaning of "upper regions"? What names have been previously applied to the same thing? Meaning of "honor in this case?

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Etymology and meaning of declare? really? entered? musing? grand? inquisitor? uninvited? visitor? gazing? regions? please? honor? supper?

Fifth Stanza.

What is a "phenomenon"? What is it to "think with consternation"? Was this body properly a "star"? What is it to "batten"? What are "ignes fatui"? Why does the poet mention ignes fatui? What is the singular of this word? What is the jest in the word "fatten"? Whose visage seemed to say"? What is a "visage"? What is very odd"? What is meant by "the same tune ran on"? What does the master mean by saying that he is "supping with the heavenly bodies"?

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Etymology and meaning of except? phenomenon? consternation? starvation? batten? ignes fatui? visage? master? parlor ? heavenly?

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Inflection on the word "supper"? Does it contain a positive statement or direction? Inflection on "sup"? "phenomenon"? ["Except on that phenomenon is clearly conditional or limiting.] Inflection on "starvation"? [It is the emphatic word in a positive statement.] On "ignes fatui"? "fatten"? [The former is emphatic in a positive statement; the latter is conditional.]

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Sixth Stanza.

Why is it said that "John echoed"? What is implied in the expression, "ahem"?Meaning of "zounds"? Why must "somebody make long arms"? Who was the "knight"? Where has this been previously alluded to? What is a "celestial stranger"? In what sense does John take the word stranger"? Meaning of "au fait"? In what "affairs"? Meaning of the word "bit"?

Etymology and meaning of echoed? famishing? alarms? zounds? master? stomach? replied? knight? appetite? engaged? celestial? stranger? affairs? tone?

Seventh Stanza.

What was the blunder at which the master "smiled"? Where may it be said that the comet's "head and tail are joined together"? What are "portentous eyes"? What is called a "fiery tadpole"? Why so called? Meaning of "spies"? Why not "sees"? Meaning of "Vauxhall reminiscence"? What and where is "Vauxhall"? [See Lippincott's Gazetteer.] What is a "rocket"?

Etymology and meaning of wonder? reasonably? joined? portentous? marble? tadpole? reminiscence? rocket?

Eighth Stanza.

What two meanings suggested by the word "eccentric" ? Who are "sages"? Meaning of "perplexes sovereigns"? of "meteor"? What is meant by "its range"? In what sense does John use the word sovereigns? What other word is here used in different senses by the two speakers?

Etymology and meaning of eccentric? meteor? perplexes? sovereigns? puzzled? change? flaming?

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1. War is at all times to be deprecated; but civil necine strife, is the most relentless when the cause is least. History has revealed to us that an entire generation has passed away since the inception of the idea of secession.

Southern men, who despise the appellation of American, by their violent and unchecked language have sown discord among the masses; and, appealing to the very worst judges - their passions and their interests-they have declared that their property in human flesh and blood and bone and muscle, was not only in jeopardy, but could never be extended. Southorn literature has been either bold for separation, or tinctured deeply with allusions to secession, and the blessings consequent upon the independence of the Confederate States. To this end, reckless ambition and disappointed hope have been at work with an ardor worth a better cause. Our mints, our arsenals, our arms, our navy-yards, our ships, our officerstrained to the art of war at the public expense were stolen and taken from us. And the North and the South are arrayed against each other with an army of hundreds of thousands on either side. The South threw down the gauntlet with a sneer, thinking the North too timid to take it up.

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2. Do you ask the cause? Do not be misled by believing it a question of free trade or protection. The truth is this, and it cannot be concealed: An empire is sought to be established, whose foundation shall be slavery-hourly, daily, yearly, eternal bondage. The Northern mind, the mind imbued with the religion of Jesus,-at once the praise, the honor, the savior of the land, abhors the perpetration of involuntary servitude, because it trembles at what God abhors. "He that stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death" is the expression of God's abhorrence of slavery; and the severity of the penalty is a proof of the greatness of the crime.

3. When the present executive was selected to office, he swore to uphold the laws and maintain the constitution. In the face of Heaven, that was his oath; and the Northern army gathered around him on the banks of the Potomac, in West

ern Virginia, in Missouri and other places, and the vast navy, afloat and operating, part of which has struck a vital blow at rebellion on the very soil of those who brought about our troubles, and hope to escape their righteous retribution -are intended to demonstrate his sincerity, and his determination, at all hazards, to restore the integrity of the Union. But what is the integrity of the Union? Why are we at war? Surely not for an idea, but for a stern fact. In the hands of God, do we not esteem war as a punishment? And if there be punishment, something must exist for which we are punished.

4. National sins provoke God to anger; and when His fury is kindled, He permits war and desolation to come upon a people. This is our punishment — but that is not all. The object of punishment is reformation. We punish crime that we may repress it or prevent it. If, then, slavery be a sin, containing in itself the absolute total of every abomination known upon the earth, from murder downward and that it is a sin, millions here hold in common with all Christendomthe restoration of the integrity of the Union must mean the restoration of the rebellious states with that eradicated which caused the rupture. Upon this hypothesis, and this alone, can we secure the smile of God. Then this war will purify; and, with its inevitable but tremendous evils, it will produce incalculable good.

5. Already, arguments are canvassed as to the disposition of slaves at the termination of the war. The huge confiscations by the South of Northern property will demand consideration in the settlement. But will the handing over of the human property of traitors, fighting against their country, to loyal Southerners, who have sacrificed all for their loyalty, meet the case? No-a thousand times, no! It would be but a distinction without a difference, and leave the matter more complicated than it now stands.

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