
Not to be moved from his rightful resolves. And Burke They were cut down by death.
I beheld there,
wise to lament them,

What then,-were it Eloquent statesman and sage, who, though late, broke Seeing the mind bears with it its wealth, and the soul loose from his trammels,

Giving then to mankind what party too long had


Here, where wrongs are forgiven, was the injured Hastings beside him:

Strong in his high deserts, and in innocence happy,

though injured,

its affections?

What we sow, we shall reap; and the seeds whereof earth is not worthy

Strike their roots in a kindlier soil, and ripen to har


Here were the gallant youths of high heroic aspiring, He, in his good old age, outlived persecution and Who, so fate had allow'd, with the martial renown of malice. their country Even where he had stood a mark for the arrows of Would have wedded their names, for perpetual honour slander, united;

He had his triumph at last, when moved with one feel- Strong of heart and of mind, but in undistinguishing ing, the Senate battle,

Rose in respect at his sight, and atoned for the sin of Or by pestilence stricken, they fell, unknown and con

their fathers.

Cowper, thy lovely spirit was there, by death disen


From that heavy spell which had bound it in sorrow and darkness,

Thou wert there, in the kingdom of peace and of light everlasting.

Nelson also was there in the kingdom of peace, though his calling


With the common dead. Oh! many are they who were worthy,

Under the Red Cross flag, to have wielded the thunders of Britain,

Making her justice felt, and her proper power upholding Upon all seas and shores, wheresoever her rights were offended,

Followers of Nelson's path, and the glorious career of the Wellesley.

While upon earth he dwelt, was to war and the work Many are they, whose bones beneath the billows have

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Such their intuitive power; like Davy, disarming destruction

YE whom I leave unnamed, ye other Worthies of Britain,
Lights of the Georgian age,-for ye are many and noble, When it moves on the vapour; or him, who discovering
How might I name ye all, whom I saw in this glorious


the secret

Of the dark and ebullient abyss, with the fire of Vesu


Pardon ye the imperfect tale! Yet some I beheld there,
Whom should I pretermit, my heart might rightly up- Arm'd the chemist's hand: 10 well then might Eleusinian

[blocks in formation]

That its tribute of honour, poor though it be, was with- Yield to him, from whom the seas and the mountains holden. conceal'd not

Somewhat apart they came in fellowship gather'd to- Nature's mystery, hid in their depths.


As in goodly array they follow'd the train of the wor


Here, lost in their promise And prime, were the children of Art, who should else have deliver'd

Works and undying names to grateful posterity's keeping,

Chosen spirits were these, of the finest elements temper'd,
And embodied on earth in mortality's purest texture;
But in the morning of hope, in the blossom of virtue Such as Haydon will leave on earth; and he who, return-

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Rich in praise to his native shores, hath left a remembrance

There came England's blossom of hope,-the beautiful Princess;

Long to be honour'd and loved on the banks of Thames She in whose wedded bliss all hearts rejoiced, and and of Tiber: whose death-bell,

So may America, prizing in time the worth she possesses, Heard from tower to tower through the islands, carried Give to that hand free scope, and boast hereafter of a sorrow, Allston.

Felt by all like a private grief, which, sleeping or waking,

Here too, early lost and deplored, were the youths Will not be shaken away; but possesses the soul and whom the Muses disturbs it.

Mark'd for themselves at birth, and with dews from There was our late-lost Queen, the nation's example of Castalia sprinkled:

Chatterton first (for not to his affectionate spirit
Could the act of madness innate for guilt be accounted):11
Marvellous boy, whose antique songs and unhappy story,
Shall, by gentle hearts, be in mournful memory cherish'd
Long as thy ancient towers endure, and the rocks of
St Vincent,

Bristol! my birth-place dear.-What though I have
chosen a dwelling

Far away, and my grave shall not be found by the


Under thy sacred care, nathless in love and in duty Still am I bound to thee, and by many a deep recollection !


In whose presence vice was not seen, nor the face of

Pure in heart, and spotless in life, and secret in bounty,
Queen, and Mother, and Wife unreproved.-The gentle
Amelia 12

Stretch'd her arms to her father there, in tenderness

Tears, such as Angels weep. That hand was toward him

Whose last pressure he could not bear, when merciful

As o'er her dying bed he bent in severest anguish,
Laid on his senses a weight, and suspended the sorrow
for ever.

City of elder days, I know how largely I owe thee; Nor least for the hope and the strength that I gather'd He hath recover'd her now: all, all that was lost is rein boyhood, stored him ;

While on Chatterton musing, I fancied his spirit was with Hour of perfect bliss that o'erpays all earthly affliction! They are met where Change is not known, nor Sorrow, nor Parting.


In the haunts which he loved upon earth. "T was a joy
in my vision

When I beheld his face-And here was the youth of
Loch Leven,

Nipt, like an April flower, that opens its leaves to the

While the breath of the East prevails. And Russell and

Bright emanations they! And the Poet, whose songs of

[blocks in formation]

Death is subdued, and the Grave, which conquers all, hath beert conquer'd.

[blocks in formation]

ed, has been lately represented by Mr William Westall, in one of his Views of the Lakes, with the true feeling and power of genius. The range of mountains which is described in these introductory lines, may also be seen in his View of the Vale of Keswick from the Penrith road.

Note 2, page 588, col. 2.

-The last pale tint of the twilight,
Green as a stream in the glen whose pure and chrysolite waters
Flow o'er a schistous bed.

lement dans nos climats, par la même raison que ces deux poles réfléchissent des aurores boréales différentes, qui participent des couleurs de la terre, ou des mers qui les avoisinent.

<< Peut-être même notre atmosphère réfléchit-elle quelquefois les formes des paysages, qui annoncent les îles aux navigateurs bien long-temps avant qu'ils puissent y aborder. Il est remarquable qu'elles ne se montrent comme les reflets de verdure qu'à l'horizon et du côté du soleil couchant. Je citerai, à ce sujet, un homme de l'Ile de France qui apercevoit dans le ciel les images des vaisseaux qui étaient en pleine mer: le célèbre Vernet, qui m'a attesté avoir vu une fois dans les nuages les tours et les remparts d'une ville située à sept heues de lui; et le phénomène du détroit de Sicile, connu sous le nom de Fée-Morgane. Les nuages et les vapeurs de l'atmosphère peuvent fort bien réfléchir les formes et les couleurs des objets terrestres, puisqu'ils réfléchissent dans les parélies l'image du soleil au point de la rendre ardente comme le soleil lui-meme. Enfin, les eaux de

de l'atmosphère, pourquoi les vapeurs de l'atmosphère, à leur tour, ne pourroient-elles pas réfléchir le bleu de la mer, la verdure et le jaune de la terre, ainsi que les couleurs chatoyantes des glaces polaires?

St Pierre, who is often a fanciful, generally a delightful, but always an animated and ingenious writer, has some characteristic speculations concerning this green light of evening. He says, « Je suis porté à attribuer à la couleur verte des végétaux qui couvrent en été une grande partie de notre hémisphère, cette belle teinte d'émeraude que l'on apperçoit quelquefois dans cette saison au firmament, vers le coucher du soleil. Elle est rare dans nos climats; mais elle est fréquente entre les tropiques, où l'été dure toute l'anuee. Je sais bien qu'on peut rendre raison de ce phénomène par la sim-la terre répètent les couleurs et les formes des nuages ple réfraction des rayons du soleil dans l'atmosphère, ce prisme sphérique de notre globe. Mais, outre qu'on peut objecter que la couleur verte ne se voit point en hiver dans notre ciel, c'est que je peux apporter à l'appui de mon opinion d'autres faits qui semblent prouver <«< Au reste, je ne donne mon opinion que comme que la couleur même azurée de l'atmosphère n'est qu'une mon opinion. L'histoire de la nature est un édifice à réflexion de celle de l'océan. En effet, les glaces flot-peine commencé; ne craignons pas d'y poser quelques tantes qui descendent tous les ans du pôle nord, s'an-pierres d'attente: nos neveux s'en serviront pour l'anoncent, devant de paraître sur l'horizon, par une lueur grandir, ou les supprimeront comme supertlues. Si blanche qui éclaire le ciel jour et nuit, et qui n'est qu'un mon autorité est nulle dans l'avenir, peu importera que reflet des neiges cristallisées qui les composent. Cette je me sois trompé sur ce point: mon ouvrage rentrera lueur paraît semblable à celle de l'aurore boréale, dont dans l'obscurité d'où il était sorti. Mais s'il est un jour le foyer est au milieu des glaces mème de notre pòle, de quelque considération, mon erreur en physique sera mais dont la couleur blanche est mélangée de jaune, de plus utile à la morale, qu'une vérité d'ailleurs indifféOn en concluera avec rouge, et de vert, parcequ'elle participe des couleurs du rente au bonheur des hommes. sol ferrugineux et de la verdure des forêts de sapins qui raison qu'il faut être en garde contre les écrivains même couvrent notre zone glaciale. La cause de cette variation accrédités.»-Harmonies de la Nature, t. i, 129. de couleurs dans notre aurore boréale est d'autant plus << I am inclined to attribute to the green colour of the vraisemblable, que l'aurore australe, comme l'a observé vegetables with which, during the summer, a great part le Capitaine Cook, en diffère en ce que sa couleur blan- of our hemisphere is covered, that beautiful emerald che n'est jamais mélangée que de teintes bleues, qui tint which we sometimes perceive at that season in the n'ont lieu, selon moi, que parce que les glaces du pôle firmament, towards the setting of the sun. It is rare in austral, sans continent et sans végétaux, sont entourées our climates, but is frequent between the tropics, wh de toutes parts de l'océan, qui est bleu. Ne voyons-nous summer continues throughout the year. I know that pas que la lune, que nous supposons couverte en grande this phenomenon may be explained by the simple repartie de glaciers très élevés, nous renvoie en lumière fraction of the rays of the sun in the atmosphere, that d'un blanc bleuâtre les rayons du soleil, qui sont dorés spherical prism of our globe. But to this it may be dans notre atmosphère ferrugineuse? N'est-ce pas par objected, that the green colour is not seen during the la reverbération d'un sol composé de fer, que la planète winter in our sky; and moreover, I can support my de Mars nous réfléchit, en tout temps, une lumière opinion by other facts, which appear to prove that even rouge? N'est-il pas plus naturel d'attribuer ces cou- the azure colour of the atmosphere is only a reflection leurs constantes aux réverbérations du sol, des mers, et of that of the ocean. In fact, the floating ice which des végétaux de ces planètes, plutôt qu'aux réfractions descends every year from the North Pole, is announced variables des rayons du soleil dans leurs atmosphères, before it appears upon the horizon, by a white blink, dont les couleurs devraient changer à toute heure, sui- which enlightens the heaven day and night, and which vant leurs différens aspects avec cet astre? Comme is only a reflection of the crystallized snows, of which Mars apparaît constamment rouge à la terre, il est pos- those masses are composed. This blink resembles the sible que la terre apparoisse à Mars comme une pierre-light of the aurora borealis, the centre of which is in rie brillante des couleurs de l'opale au pôle nord, de celles de l'aigue-marine au pole sud, et, tour-à-tour, de celles du saphir et de l'émeraude dans le reste de sa circonférence. Mais, sans sortir de notre atmosphère, je crois que la terre y renvoie la couleur bleue de son océan avec des reflets de la couleur, verte de ses végétaux, en tout temps dans la zone torride, et en été seu


the middle of the ice of our pole, but the white colour of which is mixed with yellow, with red, and with green, because it partakes of the colour of a ferruginous soil, and of the verdure of the pine forests which cover our icy zone. This explanation of these variations of colour in our aurora borealis, is so much the more probable, because that of the aurora australis,as Captain

summer. Having been led to look for it in consequence
of suspecting the accuracy of his remarks, I noticed it
on the very day when this extract was transcribed for
the press, (late in December,) and twice in the course of
the ensuing week, and I observed it, not in the evening
alone, and in the west, (in which quarter, however, and
at which time, it is most frequently seen,) but in diffe-
rent parts of the sky, and at different times of the day.
Note 3, page 590, col. 2.

Whether France or Britain be threaten'd,
Soon will the issue show, or if both at once are endanger'd.

The murder of the Duke of Berry, and the Catostreet conspiracy, were both planned at the time of the King's death.

Cook has observed, differs in that its white colour is mixed with blue tints alone, which can only be, according to my opinion, because the ice of the austral pole (where there is no continent and no vegetation), is surrounded on all parts with the ocean, which is blue. Do we not see that the moon, which we suppose to be covered in great part with very elevated glaciers, sends back to us, in a light of a bluish white, the rays of the sun, which are golden in our ferruginous atmosphere? Is it not by the reverberation of a soil composed of iron, that the planet Mars reflects upon us at all times a red light? Is it not more natural to attribute these constant colours to the reverberation of the soil, of the seas, and of the vegetables of these planets, rather than to the variable refractions of the rays of the sun in their atmospheres, the colours of which ought to change every hour, according to their different aspects with regard to that star. As Mars appears constantly red to the earth, it is possible that the earth might appear to Mars like a brilliant jewel, of the colour of the opal towards the North Pole, of the agoa marina at the South Pole, and alternately of the sapphire in the rest of its circumference. But without going out of our atmosphere, I believe that the earth reflects there the blue colour of its ocean with the green of its vegeta-gation of this kind, either to contemporary, or predetion, at all times in the torrid zone, and in summer cessor, without acknowledging it. only in our climate, for the same reason that its two poles reflect their different auroras, which participate of the colours of the earth or the seas that are near them.

[ocr errors]

Perhaps our atmosphere sometimes reflects landscapes, which announce islands to the sailors long before they reach them. It is remarkable that they show themselves, like the reflections of verdure, only in the horizon and on the side of the setting sun. I shall cite, on this subject, a man of the Isle of France, who used to perceive in the sky the images of vessels, which were out in full sea; the celebrated Vernet, who related to me that he had once seen in the clouds the ramparts of a town, situated seven leagues distaut from him, and the phenomenon of the straits of Sicily, known under the name of the Fata Morgana. The clouds and the vapours of the atmosphere may very well reflect the forms and the colours of earthly objects, since they reflect in parhelions the image of the sun, so as to render it burning as the sun itself. In fine, if the waters of the earth repeat the colours and the forms of the clouds of the atmosphere, why then should not the vapours of the atmosphere, in their turn, reflect the blue of the sea, the verdure and the yellow of the earth, as well as the glancing colours of the polar ices?

« I advance my opinion, however, only as my opinion. The history of nature is an edifice which, as yet, is scarcely commenced; let us not fear to carry some stones towards the building; our grandchildren will use them, or lay them aside if they be useless. If my authority is of no weight hereafter, it will import little that I have deceived myself upon this point; my work will enter into obscurity, from whence it came; but if it should be, in future, of some consideration, my error, in physics, will be more useful to morals than a truth, otherwise indifferent to the happiness of mankind. For it will be inferred with reason, that it is necessary to regard even writers of credit with caution.»><

In one point of fact, St Pierre is certainly mistaken. The green evening light is seen as often in winter as in

Note 4, page 591, col. 2.

This is the Gate of Bliss.

The reader will so surely think of the admirable passage of Dante, which was in the writer's mind when these lines were composed, that I should not think it necessary to notice the imitation, were it not that we live in an age of plagiarism; when not our jackdaws only, but some of our swans also, trick themselves in borrowed plumage. I have never contracted an obli

Note 5, page 592, col 1.

Discontent and disloyalty, like the teeth of the dragon,
He had sown on the winds; they had ripen'd beyond the Atlantic.
«<Our New World,» says M. Simond, «has generally
the credit of having first lighted the torch which was to
illuminate, and soon set in a blaze, the finest part of
Europe; yet I think the flint was struck, and the first
spark elicited, by the patriot, John Wilkes, a few years
before. In a time of profound peace, the restless spirits
of men, deprived of other objects of public curiosity,
seized, with avidity, on those questions which were then
agitated with so much violence in England, touching
the rights of the people, and of the government, and the
nature of power. The end of the political drama was
in favour of what was called, and in some respect was,
the liberty of the people. Encouraged by the success
of this great comedian, the curtain was no sooner dropt
on the scene of Europe, than new actors hastened to
raise it again in America, and to give the world a new
play, infinitely more interesting, and more brilliant than
the first. >>

Dr Franklin describes the state of things during the reign of Wilkes and liberty. He says, «There have been amazing contests all over the kingdom, twenty or thirty thousand pounds of a side spent in several places, and inconceivable mischief done by drunken, mad mobs, to houses, windows, etc. The scenes have been horrible. London was illuminated two nights ruuning, at the command of the mob, for the success of Wilkes in the Middlesex election; the second night exceeded any thing of the kind ever seen here on the greatest occasions of rejoicing, as even the small cross streets, lanes, courts, and other out-of-the-way places, were all in a blaze with lights, and the principal streets all night long, as the mobs went round again after two o'clock, and obliged people who had extinguished their candles, to light them again. Those who refused had all their windows destroyed. The damage done, and the expense of candles, has been computed at fifty thousand pounds. It must

have been great, though probably not so much. The ferment is not yet over, for he has promised to surrender to the court next Wednesday, and another tumult is then expected; and what the upshot will be, no one can yet foresee. It is really an extraordinary event, to see an outlaw and exile, of bad personal character, not worth a farthing, come over from France, set himself up as a candidate for the capital of the kingdom, miss his election only by being too late in his application, and immediately carrying it for the principal county. The mob (spirited up by numbers of different ballads, sung or roared in every street), requiring gentlemen and ladies of all ranks, as they passed in their carriages, to shout for Wilkes and liberty, marking the same words on all their coaches with chalk, and No 45 on every door, which extends a vast way along the roads in the country. I went last week to Winchester, and observed that for fifteen miles out of town, there was scarce a door or window-shutter next the road unmarked: and

The wise and dignified manner in which the late king received the first minister from the United States of America is well known. It is not so generally known that anxiety and sleeplessness, during the American war, are believed by those persons who had the best opportunity for forming an opinion upon the subject, to have laid the foundation of that malady by which the king was afflicted during the latter years of his life.

Upon the publication of Captain Cooke's Voyages, a copy of this national work was sent to Dr Franklin, by the King's desire, because he had given orders for the protection of that illustrious navigator, in case he should fall in with any American cruisers on his way home.

Note 8, page 594, col. 2.

Calm in that insolent hour, and over his fortune triumphant. The behaviour of Charles in that insolent hour ex

this continued here and there quite to Winchester, torted admiration, even from the better part of the which is sixty-four miles.

Even this capital, the residence of the king, is now a daily scene of lawless riot and confusion. Mobs patrolling the streets at noon-day, some knocking all down that will not roar for Wilkes and liberty; courts of justice afraid to give judgment against him; coal-heavers and porters pulling down the houses of coal-merchants that refuse to give them more wages; sawyers destroying saw-mills; sailors unrigging all the outward-bound ships, and suffering none to sail till merchants agree to raise their pay; watermen destroying private boats, and threatening bridges; soldiers firing among the mobs, and killing men, women, and children, which seems only to have produced an universal sullenness, that looks like a great black cloud coming on, ready to burst in a general tempest. What the event will be God only knows. But some punishment seems preparing for a people who are ungratefully abusing the best constitution, and the best king, any nation was ever blessed with; intent on nothing but luxury, licentiousness, power, places, pensions, and plunder; while the ministry, divided in their councils, with little regard for each other, wearied by perpetual oppositions, in continual apprehension of changes, intent on securing popularity, in case they should lose favour, have, for some years past, had little time or inclination to attend to our small affairs, whose remoteness makes them appear still


[blocks in formation]

Commonwealth's-men. It is thus finely described by Andrew Marvell:

While round the armed bands
Did clap their bloody hands,

He nothing common did, or mean,
Upor that memorable scene;

But with his keener eye

The axe's edge did try:

Nor call'd the Gods with vulgar spight
To vindicate his helpless right;
But bow'd his comely head
Down, as upon a bed.


9, page 594, col. 2.
Magnificent Edward,
He who made the English renown, and the fame of his Windsor
In the Orient and Occident known from Tagus to Tigris.

The celebrity which Windsor had obtained, as being the most splendid court in Christendom, and the seat of chivalry, may be plainly seen in the romance of Amadis, which was written in Portugal, towards the latter end of Edward the Third's reign. The Portuguese in that age took their military terms from the English, and St George came into fashion among them at the same time as being the English Santiago.

A dispute arose between two knights, the one a Cypriot, the other a Frenchman, who were serving the King of Armenia against the Soldan of Babylon. The other Christian captains in the army determined that they should decide it by single combat before King Edward of England, as the most worthy and honourable prince in all Christendom; and the quarrel, which began in Armenia, was actually thus decided within the lists, at the palace of Westminster. It was won, not very honourably, by the Frenchman.

Note 10, page 596, col. 2.

He who discovering the secret
Of the dark and ebullient abyss, with the fire of Vesuvius
Arm'd the Chemist's hand.

Though chemistry is one of the subjects of which I am contented to be ignorant, I can nevertheless perceive and appreciate the real genius indicated by Dr Clarke's discovery in the art of fusion. See his Treatise upon the Gas Blow-Pipe; or the account of it in the Quarterly Review, No 46, p. 466.

In referring to the Safety Lamp of Sir Humphrey Davy, I must not be understood as representing that to

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