
never believe me if he has not left them in France.»
This expression set the company a laughing, and then
they talked of other matters.

Monstrelet, vol. v, p. 377.
Note 43, page 10, col. 1.
Their dangerous way.

The governor of Vaucouleur appointed deux gentils

<< Ils eurent hommes to conduct the Maid to Chiuon. peine à se charger de cette commission, à cause qu'il falloit passer au travers du pays ennemi; mais elle leur dit avec fermeté qu'ils ne craignissent rien, et que sûrement eux et elle arriveroient auprès du roi sans qu'il leur arrivât rien de fàcheux.

<< Ils partirent, passèrent par l'Auxerrois sans obstacle, quoique les Anglois en fussent les maîtres, traversèrent plusieurs rivières à la nage, entrèrent dans les pays de la domination du roi, où les partis ennemis couroient de tous côtés, sans en rencontrer aucun arrivèrent heureusement à Chinon, où le roi étoit, et lui donnerent avis de leur arrivée et du sujet qui les amenoit. Tout le monde fut extrêmement surpris d'un si long voyage fait avec tant de bonheur.»-P. Daniel.

Note 44, page 10, col. 1.

The autumnal rains had beaten to the earth.


<< Nil Gallia perturbatius, nil spoliatius, nil egentius esset. Sed neque cum milite melius agebatur, qui tametsi gaudebat prædà, interim tamen trucidabatur passim, dum uterque rex civitates suæ factionis principes in fide retinere studeret. Igitur jam cædium satietas utrumque populum ceperat, jamque tot damna utrinque illata erant, ut quisque generatim se oppressum, ratum, perditum ingemisceret, doloreque summo angeretur, disrumperetur, cruciaretur, ac per id animi quamvis obstinatissimi ad pacem inclinarentur. Simul urgebat ad hoc rerum omnium inopia; passim enim agri devastati inculti manebant, cum præsertim homines provitâ tuendà, non arva colere sed bello servire necessario cogerentur. Ita tot urgentibus malis, neuter a pace abhorrebat, sed alter ab altero eam aut petere, vel admittere turpe putabat.»-Polydore Virgil.

The effect of this contest upon England was scarcely less ruinous. << In the last year of the victorious Henry V, there was not a sufficient number of gentlemen left in England to carry on the business of civil govern


But if the victories of Henry were so fatal to the population of his country, the defeats and disasters of the succeeding reign were still more destructive. In the 25th year of this war, the instructions given to the cardinal of Winchester and other plenipotentiaries appointed to treat about a peace, authorise them to re« that there haan been moo present to those of France men slayne in these wars for the title and claime of the coroune of France, of oon nation and other, than been at this daye in both landys, and so much christine blode shed, that it is to grete a sorrow and an orrour to think or here it.»-Henry. Rymer's Fœdera.

Note 45, page 10, col. I.

Fastolffe's better fate prevail'd.
Dunois was wounded in the battle of Herrings, or
Rouvray Saint-Denys.

Note 46, page 10, col. 2.

To die for him whom I have lived to serve.

[blocks in formation]

De Serres says, « the king was wonderfully discontented for the departure of Tanneguy of Chastel, whom he called father. A man beloved, and of amiable conditions. But there was no remedy. He had given the chief stroke to John Burgongne. So likewise he protested without any difficulty, to retire himself whithersoever his master should command him.»

Note 49, page 10, col. 2.


Richemont caused De Giac to be strangled in his bed, and thrown into the Loire, to punish the negli gence that had occasioned him to be defeated by an

inferior force at Avranches. The constable had laid siege to St James de Beuvron, a place strongly garrisoned by the English. He had been promised a convoy of money, which DeJiac, who had the management of the treasury, purposely detained to mortify the constable. Richemont openly accused the treasurer, and revenged himself thus violently. After this, he boldly declared that he would serve in the same manner any person whatsoever that should endeavour to engross the king's favour. The Camus of Beaulieu accepted De Giac's place, and was by the constable's means assassinated in the king's presence.

Note 50, page 10, col. 2.

Whose death my arm avenged.

The duke of Orleans was, on a Wednesday, the feastday of pope St Clement, assassinated in Paris, about seven o'clock in the evening, on his return from dinner. The murder was committed by about eighteen men, who had lodged at an hotel having for sign the image of our Lady, near the Port Barbette, and who, it was afterwards discovered, had for several days intended this assassination.

On the Wednesday before mentioned, they sent one named Scas de Courteheuze, valet de chambre to the king, and one of their accomplices, to the duke of Orleans, who had gone to visit the queen of France at an hotel which she had lately purchased from Montagu, grand master of the king's household, situated very near the Port Barbette. She had lain in there of a child, which had died shortly after its birth, and had not then accomplished the days of her purification.

Scas, on his seeing the duke, said, by way of deceiving, « My lord, the king sends for you, and you must instantly hasten to him, for he has business of great

Tanneguy du Châtel had saved the life of Charles importance to you and him, which he must commu

nicate to you.» The duke, on hearing this message, was eager to obey the king's orders, although the monarch knew nothing of the matter, and immediately mounted his mule, attended by two esquires on one horse, and four or five valets on foot, who followed behind bearing torches; but his other attendants made no haste to follow him. He had made this visit in a private manner, notwithstanding at this time he had within the city of Paris six hundred knights and esquires of his retinue, and at his expence.

On his arrival at the Port Barbette, the eighteen men, all well and secretly armed, were waiting for him, and were lying in ambush under shelter of a penthouse. The night was pretty dark, and as they sallied out against him, one cried out, « Put him to death!» and gave him such a blow on the wrist with his battle-axe as severed it from his arm.

The duke, astonished at this attack, cried out, «I am the duke of Orleans!» when the assassins continuing their blows, answered, «you are the person we were looking for.» So many rushed on him that he was struck off his mule, and his skull was split that his brains were dashed on the pavement. They turned him over and over, and massacred him that he was very soon completely dead. A young esquire, a German by birth, who had been his page, was murdered with him: seeing his master struck to the ground, he threw himself on his body to protect him, but in vain, and he suffered for his generous courage. The horse which carried the two esquires that preceded the duke, seeing so many armed men advance, began to snort, and when he passed them set out on a gallop, so that it was some time before he could be checked.

When the esquires had stopped their horse, they saw their lord's mule following them full gallop: having caught him, they fancied the duke must have fallen, and were bringing it back by the bridle; but on their arrival where their lord lay, they were menaced by the assassins, that if they did not instantly depart they should share his fate. Seeing their lord had been thus basely murdered, they hastened to the hotel of the queen, crying out, Murder! Those who had killed the duke, in their turn, bawled out, Fire! and they had arranged their plan that while some were assassinating the duke, others were to set fire to their lodgings. Some, mounted on horseback, and the rest on foot, made off as they could, throwing behind them broken glass and sharp points of iron to prevent their being pursued.

Report said that many of them went the back way to the hotel d'Artois, to their master the duke of Burgundy, who had commanded them to do this deed, as he afterwards publicly confessed, to inform him of the success of their murder; when instantly afterward they withdrew to places of safety.

The chief of these assassins, and the conductor of the business, was one called Rollet d'Auctonville, a Norman, whom the duke of Orleans had a little before deprived of his office of commissioner of taxes, which the king had given to him at the request of the late duke of Burgundy: from that time the said Rollet had been considering how he could revenge himself on the duke of Orleans. His other accomplices were William Courteheuze and Scas Courteheuze, before mentioned, from the country of Guines, John de la Motte, and others to the amount of eighteen.

Within half an hour the household of the duke of Orleans, hearing of this horrid murder, made loud complaints, and with great crowds of nobles and others hastened to the fatal spot, where they found him lying dead in the street. His knight and esquires, and in general all his dependants, made grievous lamentations, seeing him thus wounded and disfigured. With many groans they raised the body and carried it to the hotel of the lord de Rieux, marshal of France, which was hard by; and shortly afterward the body was covered with a white pall, and conveyed most honourably to the Guillemins, where it lay, as being the nearest church to where the murder had been committed.

Soon afterward the king of Sicily, and many other princes, knights, and esquires, having heard of this foul murder of the only brother of the king of France, came with many tears to visit the body. It was put into a leaden coffin, and the monks of the church, with all the late duke's household, watched it all night, saying prayers, and singing psalms over it. On the morrow, his servants found the hand which had been cut off, and collected much of the brains that had been scattered over the street, all of which were inclosed in a leaden case and placed by the coffin.

The whole of the princes who were at Paris, except the king and his children, namely, the king of Sicily, the dukes of Berry, Burgundy, and Bourbon, the marquis du Pont, the counts de Nevers, de Clermont, de Vendome, de St Pol, de Dammartin, the constable of France, and several others, having assembled with a large body of the clergy and nobles, and a multitude of the citizens of Paris, went in a body to the church of the Guillemins. Then the principal officers of the late duke's household took the body and bore it out of the church, with a great number of lighted torches carried by the esquires of the defunct. On each side of the body were in due order, uttering groans and shedding tears, the king of Sicily, the dukes of Berry, Burgundy, and Bourbon, each holding corner of the pall. After the body followed the other princes, the clergy and barons, according to their ranks, recommending his soul to his Creator; and thus they proceeded with it to the church of the Celestins. When a most solemu service had been performed, the body was interred in a beautiful chapel he himself had founded and built. After the service all the princes, and others who had attended it, returned to their homes.

Monstrelet, vol. i, p. 192.

Note 51, page 10, col. 2.

Since that sad hour.

About four o'clock on the 12th day of June, the populace of Paris rose to the amount of about sixty thousand, fearing (as they said) that the prisoners would be set at liberty, although the new provost of Paris and other lords assured them to the contrary. They were armed with old mallets, hatchets, staves, and other disorderly weapons, and paraded through the streets shouting,« Long live the king and the duke of Burgundy!»> toward the different prisons in Paris, namely, the Palace, St. Magloire, St. Martin des Champs, the Chatelet, the Temple, and to other places wherein any prisoners were confined. They forced open all their doors, and killed Chepier and Chepiere, with the whole of the prisoners, to the amount of sixteen hundred or thereabouts, the principal of whom were the Count de Ar

magnac, constable of France, master Henry de Maile, chancellor to the king, the bishops of Coutances, of Bayeux, of Evreux, of Senlis, of Saintes, the count de Grand-Pre, Raymonnet de la Guerre, the abbot de St Conille de Compiegne, sir Hector de Chartres, sir Enguerrand de Marcoignet, Charlot Poupart, master of the king's wardrobe, the members of the courts of justice and of the treasury, and in general all they could find: among the number were several even of the Burgundian party confined for debt.

In this massacre several women were killed, and left on the spot where they had been put to death. This cruel butchery lasted until ten o'clock in the morning of the following day. Those confined in the grand Chatelet, having arms, defending themselves valiantly, and slew many of the populace; but on the morrow by means of fire and smoke they were conquered, and the mob made many of them leap from the battlements of the towers, when they were received on the points of the spears of those in the streets, and cruelly mangled. At this dreadful business were present the new provost of Paris, sir John de Luxembourg, the lord de Foseaux, the lord de l'Isle-Adam, the vidame of Amiens, the lord de Chevreuse, the lord de Chastellus, the Lord de Cohen, sir James de Harcourt, sir Edmond de Lombers, the lord d'Auxois, and others, to the amount of upward of a thousand combatants, armed and on horseback, ready to defend the murderers, should there be any necessity. Many were shocked and astonished at such cruel conduct; but they dared not say any thing except, « Well, my boys!» The bodies of the constable, the chancellor, and of Raymonnet de la Guerre were stripped naked, tied together with a cord, and dragged for three days by the blackguards of Paris through the streets; the body of the constable had the breadth of two fingers of his skin cut off crosswise, like to a bend in heraldry, by way of derision: and they were thus publicly exposed quite naked to the sight of all; on the fourth day they were dragged out of Paris on a hurdle, and buried with the others in a ditch called la Louviere.

Notwithstanding the great lords after this took much pains to pacify the populace, and remonstrated with them, that they ought to allow the king's justice to take its regular course against offenders; they would not desist, but went in great crowds to the houses of such as had favoured the Armagnacs, or of those whom they disliked, and killed them without mercy, carrying away all they could find. In these times it was enough if one man hated another at Paris, of whatever rank he might be, Burgundian or not, to say, « There goes an Armagnac,» and he was instantly put to death without further inquiry being made.-Monstrelet, vol. v, p. 22.

To add to the tribulations of these times the Parisians again assembled in great numbers, as they had before done, and went to, all the prisons in Paris, broke into them, and put to death full three hundred prisoners, many of whom had been confined there since the last butchery. In the number of those murdered were sir James de Mommor, and sir Louis de Corail, chamberlain to the king, with many nobles and churchmen. They then went to the lower court of the bastille of St Anthony, and demanded that six prisoners, whom they named, should be given up to them, or they would attack the place: in fact, they began to pull down the wall of the gate, when the duke of Burgundy, who

lodged near the bastille, vexed to the heart at such
proceedings, to avoid worse, ordered the prisoners to he
delivered to them, if any of their leaders would promise
that they should be conducted to the Chatelet prison,
and suffered to be punished according to their deserts
by the king's court of justice. Upon this they all de-
parled, and by way of glossing over their promise, they
led their prisoners near to the Chatelet, when they put
They then
them to death, and stripped them naked.
divided into several large companies and paraded the
streets of Paris, entering the houses of many who had
been Armagnacs, plundering and murdering all without
mercy. In like manner as before, when they met any
person they disliked he was slain instantly; and their
principal leader was Cappeluche, the hangman of the
city of Paris.

The duke of Burgundy, alarmed at these insurrections, sent for some of the chief citizens, with whom he remonstrated on the consequences these disturbances might have.

The citizens excused themselves from being any way concerned, and said they were much grieved to witness them: they added, they were all of the lowest rank, and had thus risen to pillage the more wealthy; and they required the duke to provide a remedy by employing these men in his wars. It was then proclaimed, in the names of the king and the duke of Burgundy, under pain of death, that no person should tumultuously assemble, nor any more murders or pillage take place; but that such as had of late risen in the insurrection should prepare themselves to march to the sieges of Montlehery and Marcoussi, now held by the king's enemies. The commonalty made reply, that they would cheerfully do so if they had proper captains appointed to lead them.

Within a few days, to avoid similar tumults in Paris, six thousand of the populace were sent to Montlehery under the command of the lord de Gohen, sir Walter de Buppes and sir Walter Raillart, with a certain number of men at arms, and store of cannon and ammunition sufficient for a siege. These knights led them to Montlebery, where they made a sharp attack on the Dauphinois within the castle.

The duke of Burgundy, after their departure, arrested several of their accomplices, and the principal movers of the late insurrection, some of whom he caused to be beheaded, others to be hanged or drowned in the Seine; even their leader Cappeluche, the hangman, was carried to the Parisians who had been sent to Montlehery, they marched back to Paris to raise another rebellion, but the gates were closed against them, so that they were forced to return to the siege.

Monstrelet, vol. v, p. 47

To what is it owing that four centuries have made so
little difference in the character of the Parisians?
Note 52, page 1, col. 1.
He will retreat

To distant Dauphiny.

Charles, in despair of collecting an army which should dare to approach the enemy's entrenchments, not only gave the city of Orleans for lost, but began to entertain a very dismal prospect with regard to the general state of his affairs. He saw that the country in which he had hitherto, with great difficulty, subsisted, would be laid entirely open to the invasion of a powerful and victorious enemy, and he already entertained

thoughts of retiring with the remains of his forces into Languedoc and Dauphiny, and defending himself as long as possible in those remote provinces. But it was fortunate for this good prince, that as he lay under the dominion of the fair, the women whom he consulted had the spirit to support his sinking resolution in this desperate extremity. Mary of Anjou, his queen, a princess of great merit and prudence, vehemently opposed this measure, which she foresaw would discourage all his partizans, and serve as a general signal for deserting a prince who seemed himself to despair of success: his mistress too, the fair Agnes Sorel, who lived in entire amity with the queen, seconded all her remonstrances.-Hume.

<«<L'on fait honneur à la belle Agnès Sorel, demoiselle de Touraine, maîtresse de ce prince, d'avoir beaucoup contribué à l'encourager en cette occasion. On lui fait cet honneur principalement au sujet d'un quatrain rapporté par Saint Gelais, comme ayant été fait par le roi François fer, à l'honneur de cette demoiselle.

Plus de louange et d'honneur tu mérite,
La cause étant de France recouvrer,
Que ce que peut dedans un cloître ouvrer
Clausé nounain, ou bien dévot hermite..

P. Daniel.

Note 53, page 11, col, 1.

On a May morning deck'd with flowers.

Here in this first race you shall see our kings but once a year, the first day of May, in their chariots deckt with flowres and greene, and drawn by four oxen. Whoso hath occasion to treat with them let him seeke

them in their chambers, amidst their delights. Let him talk of any matters of state, he shall be sent to the Maire.-De Serres.

Fuller calls this race « a chain of idle kings well linked together, who gave themselves over to pleasure privately, never coming abroad, but onely on May-day they shewed themselves to the people, riding in a chariot, adorned with flowers, and drawn with oxen, slow cattel, but good enough for so lazy luggage.»— Holy Warre.

Ces Rois hidenx en longue barbe espesse,
En longs cheveux, ornez presse sur presse,
De chaisnes d'or et de carquans gravez.
Hauts dans un char en triomphe elevez,
Une fois l'an se feront voir en pompe
Enfiez d'un fard qui le vulgaire trompe.
Franciade de Ronsard.

Note 54, page 11, col. 1.

And these long locks will not disgrace thee then. Long hair was peculiar to the kings in the first ages of the French monarchy. When Fredegonda had murthered Clovis and thrown him into the river, the fishermen who found his body knew it by the long hair.Mezeray.

puis les gentilshommes, et finalement tous les subjects se volourent former, ill ne fut pas que les Prestres ne se meissent de ceste partie. Sur la plus grande partic du regne de François premier, et devant, chacun portoit longue chevelure, et barbe rasé, où maintenant chacun est tondu, et porte longue barbe.»>

Note 55, page 11, col. 1.

Thy mangled corse waves to the winds of heaven. « Le Vicomte de Narbonne y périt aussi, et porta la peine de sa témérité, qui avoit été une des principales causes de la perte de la bataille. Le duc de Betford ayant fait chercher son corps le fit écarteler et pendre à un gibet, parcequ'il passoit pour avoir été complice de la mort du duc de Bourgogne.»-P. Daniel. Note 56, page 11, col. 1.

Leagues with my foes, and Richemont.

Richemont has left an honourable name, though he tied a prime minister up in a sack, and threw him into the river. For this he had a royal precedent in our king John, but Richemont did openly what the monarch did in the dark, and there is some difference between a murderer and an executioner, even though the executioner be a volunteer. « Il mérita sa grace (says Daniel) par les services qu'il rendit au roi contre les Anglois, malgré ce prince même. Il fut un des principaux auteurs de la réforme de la milice françoise, qui

produisit la tranquillité de la France et les grandes victoires dont elle fut suivie. L'autorité qu'il avoit par sa charge de conuétable, jointe à sa fermeté naturelle, lui donna moyen de tenir la main à l'observation des ordonnances publiées par le roi pour la discipline militaire; et les exemples de sévérité qu'il fit à cet égard lui firent donner le surnom de justicier. Etant devenu duc de Bretagne, quelques seigneurs de sa cour lui conseillèrent de se démettre de sa charge de connétable, comme d'une dignité qui etoit au-dessous de lui. Il ne le voulut pas, et il faisoit porter devant lui deux épées, l'une la pointe en haut, en qualité de duc de Bretagne, et l'autre dans le fourreau la pointe en bas, comme connétable de France. Son motif pour conserver la charge de connétable étoit, disoit il, d'honorer dans sa vieillesse une charge qui l'avoit honoré lui-même dans un âge moins avancé. On le peut compter au nombre des plus grands capitaines que la France ait eus à son service. Il avoit beaucoup de religion, il étoit liberal, aumônier, bienfaisant, et on ne peut guère lui reprocher que la hauteur et la violence dont il usa envers les trois ministres. >> And yet this violence to the favourites may have been among the services qu'il rendit au roi, malgré ce prince même.

Note 57, page 11, col. 2.

Led by a frenzied female.

Yet in the preceding year, 1428, the English women had concerned themselves somewhat curiously in the At a later period the custom seems to have become affairs of their rulers. << There was one Mistris Stokes general. Pasquier says, «fors de mon jeune aage nul with divers others stout women of London, of good n'estoit tondu, fors le moines. Advint par mesad-reckoning, well-apparelled, came openly to the upper venture que le roy François premier de ce nom, ayant esté fortuitement blessé à la teste d'un tizon, par le capitaine Lorges, sieur de Montgoumery, les medecius furent d'advis de la tondre. Depuis il ne porta plus longs cheveux, estant le premier de nos roys, qui par un sinistre augure degenera de ceste venerable ancienneté. Sur son exemple, les princes premierement,

parliament, and delivered letters to the duke of Glocester, and to the archbishops, and to the other lords there present, containing matter of rebuke and sharp reprehension of the duke of Glocester, because he would not deliver his wife Jaqueline out of her grievous imprisonment, being then held prisoner by the duke of Burgundy, suffering her there to remain so unkindly,

and for his public keeping by him another adultresse, regit universitatem creaturæ, rempublicam sibi subjec-
contrary to the law of God, and the honourable estate
of matrimony.»>

Note 58, page 11, col. 2.

Fix'd full her eye on Charles.

Of this I may say with Scudery

O merveille estonnante, et difficile à croire!-
Mais que nous rapportons sur la joy de l'Histoire.
Alaric, l. 2.

The matter (says De Serres) was found ridiculous both
by the king and his councell, yet must they make some
trial. The king takes upon him the habit of a countri-
man to be disguised: this maid (being brought into the
chamber) goes directly to the king in this attire, and
salutes him with so modest a countenance, as if she had
been bred up in court all her life. They telling her
that she was mistaken, she assured them it was the
king, although she had never seene him. She begins
to deliver unto him this new charge, which, she sayes,
she had received from the God of Heaven; so as she
turned the eyes and minds of all men upon her.

« Ce prince prit exprès ce jour-là un habit fort simple, et se měla sans distinction dans la foule des courtisans. La fille entra dans la chambre sans paroître aucunement étonnée; et quoiqu'elle n'eût jamais vu le roi, elle lui adressa la parole, et lui dit d'un ton ferme que Dieu l'envoyoit pour le secourir, pour faire lever le siège d'Orléans, et le conduire à Reims pour y être sacré. Elle l'assura que les Anglois seroient chassés du royaume, et que s'ils ne le quittoient au plus tôt, il leur en prendroit mal.»-P. Daniel.

Note 59, page 11, col. 2.

Crown thee the anointed king.

tam ordinabiliter regat tandem et ipse. Adjicit igitur
regiæ dignitati unctionis sacramentum quod rex unctus
præ cæteris in suo genere debet, ut prætactum est, ex
septiformi spiritus munere, in omnibus suis regiminis
actibus, virtutibus divinis et heroicis pollere.'

«And some other have conceived this anointing of
such efficacy, that, as in baptisme all former sinnes
are washt away, so also by this unction, as we see in
that of Polyeuctus patriarch of Constantinople, who
doubted not but that the emperor John Tzimisces was
cleerd, before Heaven, of the death of Phocas, through
his being anointed emperor, »>--Selden's Titles of Honour.
The legend of the Ampulla made this ceremony pe-
culiarly important in France. I quote the miracle from
Desmarets. Clovis is on his knees waiting to be anointed
by St Remigius

[ocr errors]

Cependant le prélat attend les huiles saintes.
Un diacre les porte, et fait un vain effort;

La foule impénétrable empesche son abord.

Du pontife sacré la douce impatience,

Des mains et de la voix, veut en vain qu'il s'avance.
Nul ne peut diviser, par la force des bras,

De tant de corps pressez l'immobile ramas.

Le prince humble, à genoux, languissoit dans l'attente,
Alors qu'une clarté paroist plus éclatante,
Esteint tous autres feux par sa vive splendeur,
Et répand dans le temple une divine odeur.
Dans un air lumineux une colombe vole,
En son bec de corail tenant une fiole.
Elle apporte au prelat ce vase précieux,
Plein d'un baume sacré, rare présent des cieux.


Guillermus Brito says that the devil brake the viol of oil which St Remigius held in his hand ready to anoint Clovis, and that the oil being so spilt, he obtained by prayer a supply of it from Heaven.-Selden.

Note 60, page 12, col. 1.

The doctors of theology.

The anointing was a ceremony of much political and mystical importance. King Henry III of England, being desirous to know what was wrought in a king by his unction, consulted by letter about it with that great honorablement en son logis, et assemble son grand Ces paroles ainsi par elle dictes, la fist le roy remener scholler of the age Robert Grossetest bishop of Lincoln, who answered him in confirmation. Quod autem in conseil, au quel furent plusieurs prelats, chevaliers, fine literæ vestræ nobis mandastis, videlicet quod inti-escuyers et chefs de guerre, avecques aucuns docteurs en theologie en loix et en decret, qui tous ensemble maremus quid unctionis sacramentum videatur adjicere regiæ dignitati, cum multi sint reges qui nullatenus adviserent qu'elle seroit interrogue par les docteurs, unctionis munera decorentur, non est nostræ modici pour essayer si en elle se trouveroit evidente raison de tatis complere hoc. Tamen non ignoramus quod regala trouverent de tant honneste contenance, et tant sage pouvoir accomplir ce qu'elle disoit. Mais les docteurs lis inunctio signum est prerogativæ susceptionis septiformis doni sacratissimi pneumatis, quod septiformi en ses paroles, que leur revelation faicte on en tent tres grand conte. munere tenetur rex inunctus præeminentius non unctus regibus omnes regias et regiminis sui actiones dirigere; ut videlicit non communiter sed eminenter et heroice dono Timoris se primò, et deinceps, quantum in ipso est, suo regimini subjectos, ab omni cohibeat illicito; dono Pietatis defendat subveniat et subveniri faciat viduæ, pupillo, et generaliter omni oppresso; dono Scientiæ leges justas ad regnum justè regendum ponat, positas observet et observari faciat, erroneas destruat; dono Fortitudinis omuia regno adversantia repellat et pro salute reipublicæ mortem non timeat. Ad prædicta autem præcellenter agenda dono Concilii decoretur, quo artificialiter et scientificè ordo hujus mundi sensibilis edocetur; deinde dono Intellectus, quo cœtus Angelici ordo diuoscitur. Tandem verò dono Sapientiæ, quo ad dilucidam cognitionem Dei pertingitur, ut ad exemplar ordinis mundi et ordinis angelici secundum leges æternas in æterna Dei ratione descriptas, quibus

Diverses interrogations luy furent faictes par plusieurs docteurs et autres gens de grand estat, a quoy elle respondit moult bien, et par especial a un docteur Jacobin, qui luy dist, que si Dieu vouloit que les Anglois s'en allassent, qu'il ne falloit point de armes; a quoy elle respondit, qu'elle ne vouloit que peu de gens qui combattroient, et Dieu donneroit la victoire.

From the history of the siege of Orleans. Troyes. 1621. In the Gesta Joanne Gallica of Valerandus Varanius, one of the counsellors makes a speech of seventy lines, upon the wickedness of women, mentioning Helen, Beersheba, Semiramis, Dalilah, Messalina, etc., as examples. The council are influenced by his opinion, and the Maid, to prove her mission, challenges any one of them to a single combat.

Quà me stultitià, quà me levitate notandam
Creditis, o patres? armis si forsitan, inquit,

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