
ciently into the dissentions, and contests, and given specimens of the debates, in the national, conventional, and legislative assemblies of France, until all freedom was suppressed by the usurpation of Buonaparte. Our attention is now solicited to the Cortes of Spain. If we were to measure the importance of the speeches in the Hall of the Cortes, and the propriety of introducing them into a general History of Europe, by the extent of their knowledge and views, and their admirable eloquence, we should not hesitate to make way for that introduction, by the suppression of much of what passes in our own Parliament. Nor would the British statesmen and orators be disparaged, if they were to sit as close together, and make as much room as possible for the admission of the Spaniards into the bright political zodiac of freedom: Individual liberty and national independence,

[blocks in formation]

But in annals of Europe, we must be guided in our selections by the consideration of what is most important in its general effects and practical results. Had the speeches in Cato's little senate at Utica been published, there is not a doubt but they would have displayed as much wisdom and eloquence as any recorded by Livy or Sallust; but they would not have excited at the time the same degree of interest. As yet, the deliberations and decisions of the Cortes have not had any actual influence on the affairs of nations. In the present volume, as much space has been allotted,, as could be possibly

* Virg. Georg. lib. 1, ver. 34.

spared, to the convocation, formation, and first proceedings of that august assembly, in which deputies appeared from the Spaniards in all the four quarters of the world. It is our sincere wish and prayer, and there is not wanting reason to hope, that the deliberations of the Spanish may one day rival in importance those of the British senate. It will serve as a focus to collect, retain, and reflect the genial rays of patriotism and public spirit; to consolidate the dispersed elements of public force into one mighty mass, and confirm the stability and promote the prosperity and grandeur of the Spanish nation by an enlightened, uniform, and steady government.

We ought to congratulate our readers on the glory acquired this year by the skill as well as valour displayed by our arms in the peninsula of Spain, and in the East Indies, under the direction of Lord Wellington and Lord Minto both of them, being eminently distinguished by active and extensive genius, bright ornaments of their country.




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