


ous, nor the latter beneficial to the happiness of a Even the wars of those times, of which we are now people. But let us enle vor to trace, with as much speaking, were predicated upon other principles than precision as is possible, the ameliorating influence fai present agitate the continent of Europe. The right of literature, upon the individual and private charto life, to liberty and the enjoyment of the product ters of men. And, here we may venture to remark, of his own industry, never invited the ancient ili ethat not only the dispositions, but the very manners rate barbarian either to aggression or defence. and aspect of the people of different countries can knew of no rights, for he knew not the principles of undergo material alterations, from the accessions of his own nature; and his incentives to war were his knowledge and refinement which literature is calcu- wants and his cupidity. Right was a term not found lated to impart. Perhaps it might be found, upon in the vocabulary of his language; power gave hum experiment and investigation, that the dejected, vin- his title, by the possession of whatever could allure d.ctive and sanguinary countenance of the poor In-his rapacity. He knew little, perhaps nothing, of dian of our western forests, may, in some nieasure, the laws of nature and revelation, and he was, conbe characterized by the condition of his mind. Is it sequently, incapable of discovering the abstract and easily to be doubted, that mental culture would open immutable principles of justice. In fine, he was igto him new sources of enjoyment, and, by impartingnorant; and, not being in possession of any record fervor and activity to a langud imagination, bright-of the knowledge and the fate of anterior generaen the gloomy expression which at present charac-tions, all attempts to ameliorate such a condition terizes lus melancholy aspect? Can it be doubted, were fruitless-the pinions of his genius drooped in that mental culture would discover to him the true the vacuum of antiquity! springs of human action, and by imparting a stron

We have now bestowed some attention, upon the ger faith in his own knowledge of the motives which probable condition of our species, unrefined by literaactuate enlightened minds, efface the indications of ture, and unaided by the knowledge it imparts: let suspicion from his features, and clothe them with us endeavor to trace some of its progressive steps, the fascmations of open energy, and the inagnan-jand salutary influences upon individuals and nations. mous indications of settled and systematic bravery? It cannot be doubled, that the capacity of progress. Can it be doubted, that the cultivation of his mind, ing in knowledge, distinguishes humanity from the would, by rendering him conscious of equality with infer or orders of creation; but, there can be little the courtly European and American votaries of lite- difficulty in also acknowledging, that untaught and rature, enlighten the savage expressions which breathe savage man is but one remove from the condition of the treacheries of a timid soul, and efface the charac-other animals in the universe. Abandoned to the teristics of an unhallowed propensity to revenge formation of his own destiny, and put upon the disco. Can it be doubted, that an accession of mental ener-very of means to procure his own happiness, after his gy would, by unfolding the criminality of wantonly expuision from Eden, he found himself in want of shedding the blood of a fellow being, animate his rug-every thing, and pressed upon by the difficulties and ged features with the mild seremty of benevolence, dangers of untried existence. Endowed with faculand inculcate a salutary lesson of humanity and com- ties of strong perception, and feeing the hostile Cpassion for the defenceless?-But, what influence tion of the elements around him, experiment discloswould a knowledge of literature produce upon his ed the means of ameliorating his painful sensations, domestic enjoyments-and what innovations would it and he invested his body with ature. The importuoperate in his political institutions --It would teach nities of hunger and thirst made irresistible claims him to feel the felicities of a local attachment, and on him, and experience suggested the means of allehe would be no longer a vagabond. It would instruct viation. Finding himself the sport of elementary him in the usetul art of procuring for himself, not commotion, that the rains deluged, that the thunders only the necessaries, but the luxuries of life, by mo- terrified, and that the very animals around him were derate exertion, and he would cease to be a robber. his enemies, he raised a shed to cover, and a rampart It would impart, to his mind and feelings, that just to defend him; and, it was not until after he had equipoise of strength and sensibility, which leads to subdued the miseries of his primitive condition, and correct perceptions of the true science of life. And, felt elation at the conquest, that he found leisure to can we imagine, that, possessing a knowledge of the contemplate himself. Finding, that nature had atgenuine policy of governments, his political institu- tached pleasurable sensations to the banishment of tions would exhibit such a compound?-of elemen-his painful and comfortless situation, and that he was tary principles, neither defined nor understood;-of susceptible of higher than negative enjoyments, his laws enfeebled by opposition, and nearly depending faculties were roused, and he sought in experiment a for existence upon individual consent? And, let us knowledge of the means of positive happiness. From even proceed to examine, and compare, with the pre- the stores of his menaory, he drew the images of wint sent generations of Europe, the savage character of had afforded him pleasure, and what had been proour own ancestors, and we cannot but be struck with ductive of pain; and, reasoning upon the future by the contrast. The faithful page of history might the past, he embraced the one and avoided the other. here be made to unrol one of the most sanguinary But, the knowledge of what experiment had impart pictures upon the records of time. We might see the ed, would be of no importance to any out himself, country from which our forefathers emigrated, ravag-nd those who would listen to the simple story of his ed in succession by military despots, who were suc-experience, for he had no at thentic means of transcessively allured by hopes of plunder, to wade to its mitting his knowledge to posterny : tradition, indeed, empire through the devastation and carnage of the might be the veincie of its conveyance, to perhaps predecessors!And we could be at no loss to disco-he third successive generation, but, what mutilayer, in the hordes of barberians that were embodieditions would it be doomed to u dergo, from ignorance for such conquest and robbery, the progenitors of and defective memory. Literature alone would f) rthe present enlightened inhabitants of Europe and aish the means of its authentic transmission, end preour own country. Indeed, it is not improbable, the serve, in urf Ag characters, a lezible record of the if the fancy of all nations could be passed in review knowledge and the fute of past generations! But, and the night of antiquity invaded by the genius o fer having made the discovery of his capacity for research, we could scarcely be persuaded to recog-positive enjoyment, and whilst progressing in the nize, in the civilization of the present generations, Felicitous experience of new wants with the means the offspring of such barbarous and sanguinary ages.lor supplying them, man forgot to ciculate, with ; res

asion, how much was required to render him happy sorted to in some countries, and pillars and public --and he coveted every thing around him. Omitting edifices in others. But, knowing all these to be liafor a time to reverence the admonitions of experience, ble to decay, and that their true meaning might be which in vain held forth the salutary lesson, that in easily misunderstood or forgotten, he was not sa order to secure his own, he must respect the rights tisfied with a medium of intelligence, until literature of others, he became, in succession, a prey to the arose to record the knowledge and the fate of past gene conflictions of rapine, and the ravages of war. Find-rations -Then, the affections of man for his poste ing, that the ties of common interest, and the senti-rity were revived, and his desire to be remembered ments of common danger, were uniting his fellow with gratitude and admiration was spurred into new beings into families, tribes, and nations, he consented, energy. Feeling a secret pleasure in the approba from necessity, to impart to rulers of his own se- tion of his contemporaries, and that to command lection the right to command his concurrence in their admiration was productive of happiness, ho strengthening the confederation that afforded him could not long be satisfied with their praises alone protection. And, experience disclosing to him the but, knowing the means to be within his reach, and necessity of establising rules for the adjustment of impelled by a sentiment of immortality, he proceeded his claims, and tribunals invested with power to en- to record his knowledge and experience, and the des force them and preserve their balance, he found, in sire of fame magnified itself into a ruling passion! submitting to the salutary dictates of legislative and He commenced, by perpetuating, in literary charac judicial wisdom, security for the protection of his ters, the traditional romances of heroes and distin rights, and liberty for their enjoyment. But, must guished men; and because the powers of his fancy not succeeding generations, wanting the wisdom of were inversely to his acquisitions of rational know that experience which gave rise to the salutary insti- ledge, the early stages of his literature, present notutions of their predecessors, have fallen into anarchy thing but poetical descriptions of prodigies that ne and confusion? How easily, in fruition and the lapse ver existed, and historical transactions that defy bcof time, must they have parted with a remembrance lief. But, in progress of time, and by imperceptible of the genuine value of all the institutions of their degrees, experience began to correct the exuberance ancestors; and, because tradition could not revive, of imagination, and he commenced the slow and pain. in the minds of succeeding, the wisdom of former ful process of arriving at distinctions between the ages and, there existing no means of perpetuating probable and impossible-until, with the help of hie a record of the knowledge and the fate of past gene- roglyphical and other fountains of ancient lore, he rations, the history of man, before the birth of lite- succeeded in transmitting through successive ages, rature, could have presented nothing but a sanguina- a legible record of the knowledge and the fate of past ry catalogue of dreadful revolutions in his fortune. generations !-A record, that holds up to our view, Discouraged in some measure by his want of success, the memory of past times, and the science of ages! and losing confidence in his own judgment, man, in that perpetuates, for our inspection, the lives of those the vigor of life, and the meridian of intellect, was of our progenitors who were worthy of admiration thus seen to submit himself to the direction and con- and fame, and prevents the oblivion of those who trol of traditionary wisdom issuing from the trem- were entitled to execration and infamy; that leads bling lips of infirm and superannuated age! and, us, easily, into all the sources of individual and na after ascertaining by a lesson of experience the inu- tional prosperity, and points out the causes of indivitility of applications for advice to such an oracle, he dual and national misfortune: that comprises a saluvoluntarily submitted his judgment to the dominion tary lesson for the individual, and a code of princi of impostors of every description-magicians, astro-ples for the contemplation of the statesman and poli logers, soothsayers, who, pretending to a prescience tician; a mirror that reflects the materials of which of the future, without judging by the past, after a the successive governments of the world have been circle of vicissitudes, and abuses of christian divini-composed, and rescues from forgetfulness, the true ty, led him, a captive of the grossest superstitions, to causes of their elevation and decline:-A record the foot of the throne of ecclesiastical despotism!- which constitutes the only source, from which, at At length, fatigued and disgusted with traditionary this day, can be drawn a knowledge of the true causes lore, and indignant at the oppressive impositions of that are reviving, in our own country, the expiring those who pretended to the mysticisms of sorcery, energies, and departing spiendor of Europe-with magic and astrology, and recollecting that he had out the aid of literature, an authentic enunciation only learned to guard against evils by being subject of the christian religion, and the revealed volitions ed to their influence, he began to suspect, that in a of Deity, could scarcely have been heard by the preknowledge of the past was to be sought the only sent generations; and, we might have been wandermeans of obviating the miseries of the future. He ing in a labyrinth of error, and subjected to deprivaremembered, among many other suggestions of pro- tions of all due earthly comforts and supreme consofound reflection, that he had detected himself in de- lations of christianity. The exercises connected with viations from his own happiness, by experiencing the its pursuits, soften and dignify the human soul; and, heavy pressure of calamities annexed to the commis- by pointing out the means of alleviating the miseries sion of certain deeds, and he formed a code of laws, inseparably attached to our conditions, cultivates which he denominated those of nature. Referring our sensibilities, and elicits the tear of compassion bis knowledge of particular facts to the discovery of for the miseries of those around us. It is a record, general principles, he next unfolded the elements of whose admonitions henumb the gripe of avarice, and science; and, not having learned as yet "to barter so- relax the muscles of extortion; that never fails to lid strength for feeble splendor," he defined them to incite us to cspouse the cause of the oppressed, ard be knowledge explainable upon those general princi-to feel an interest in overwhelming the powerful op ples. He had not as yet, however, found means of per-pressor! In fine, it is to the salutary influence of lite petuating a knowledge of the result of his experi-rature, that we are, in a great measure indebted for ence, and the efforts of his reason: and, feeling some the individual, domestic and national happiness we vanity for his exertions, and willing also that posterity enjoy; and a rational calculation with the hope of might be benefited by his discoveries, and eulogize certainty may be indulged, that our condition can bis memory, he tried various expedients, to leave be- never suffer a mutation, unul by disregard of its true hind him testimonies of his sagacity, and monuments spirit we cease to deserve the felicities that troad in of his power. Hieroglyphics and pyramids were re-hits footsteps.

Legislature of Connecticut.

necessary to take highly important, it became proper for me to obtain the reasonings and opinions of the

On Tuesday the 25th ult. the General Assembly council on the occasion. commenced their extra session at New-Haven. His That body was accordingly convened at Hartford, excellency governor Griswold was prevented, by the and it gave me great satisfaction to find that their delicate state of his health and the badness of the opinions concurred with my own. Thinking it necesweather, from prosecuting his journey from Lyme sary however, to pursue my journey, his honor goto New-Haven. We trust he will be able to meet vernor Smith, was so good as to take charge of the the legislature before the close of the session. correspondence, which had become necessary on the After the two houses were assembled in the coun-occasion; and by his letter to the secretary of war cil chamber, lieutenant-governor Smith communica- of the 2d of July, communicated the opinion enterted to them the following message from his excellen-tained in this state, and our determination respectcy governor Griswold, together with the correspon-ing the requisition. dence which had passed between the executive of Connecticut and the general government on the subject of the drafted militia.


Gentlemen of the Council, Mr. Speaker, and
Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,

The secretary in reply, dated July 14th, in language unusual, and altogether unexpected, appeared to claim a promise, contained in my letter of the 12th of June, to execute any requision which should be made by general Dearborn. This strange insinuation which originated in expressions of civility to the president, and could not with decency have been

Several important matters growing out of the war, in which we are unhappily engaged, appear to omitted, was repelled. demand the immediate attention of the legislature;| In a letter from the war department the subject was and although aware of the expense and inconveni-also placed in a point of view, which appeared to reence attending a meeting of the general assembly, quire a new consideration-and a second meeting of at this season of the year, and at a time so near the the council was accordingly deemed necessary. The fall session, yet, I trust, on a full examination, of all gentlemen comprising that body, were again fully the circumstances, it will appear that the measure consulted, and every view of the subject has been has become highly expedient. To render our public taken of which it appeared susceptible, and we have concerns, however, intelligible, it will be necessary been confirmed in the opinion, which we first formed, to unfold the events which have attended us. ard the council have again advised that nothing has

It is known to the assembly, that on the 10th of taken place to justify me in executing the requisition April last, congress passed an act, to detach one of general Dearborn.

hundred thousand militia, for the service of the All the papers to which I have referred, together United States, and that three thousand men, the quo- with a general procl, mation, concisely explaining the ta of this state agreeably to the orders of the Presi-facts which have taken place, and the views which dent, were promptly detached, and held in readiness, have been entertained, at this important period, will for the exigencies pointed out by the constitution be now communicated for your inspection. and the law.

The importance of this measure both as it regards The act of congress, and the measures regarding the security of the state, and as it may also form a it, were communicated at the last session, and will be precedent on future occasions, rendered it highly m again laid before you. After your adjournment a portant to consult the general assembly. letter was received from the war department, dated But the inconvenience of convening so large a body June 12th, transferring the duty of calling for the and the early period of the fall session, induced me men, to general Dearborn; and requesting the re-to submit to the temporary disadvantage of a delay, quisition might be complied with. rather than subject the immediate representatives of As nothing appeared in this communication but the people to so much inconvenience. Several new a wish of the president to confide this duty to an offi- circumstances, however, having arisen, which it apcer of rank, who, it was understood would be charg‐peared to me could not with propriety admit or delay, ed with the general command of the troops in the I have thought it my duty, at this time, to convene northern states, and as it could not be expected that the legislative body, and avail myself of the occasithe president of the United States would authorise on to solicit your immediate attention to the proceedan order, which would be repugnant to the constitu-ings of the council, and your deliberate op nion on tion, I did not hesitate to inform the secretary of the measure which has been taken. This becomes war, that any requisition which the president might more immediately important from the consideration, make through general Dearborn, should be complied that if any errors have been committed, they may at this time be corrected, without much inconveni


Soon after these transactions, at a time when I was ence. pursuing a journey for my health, a letter was re- The necessity of obtaining supplics of military ceived from general Dearborn, requiring four com- stores-on this emergency, in addition to those Ipanies of drafted militia, to march, and to be plac-ready on hand, will be universally felt-and finding ed under the command of the officer, at Fort Trum- the price and scarcity rapidly increasing, I thought bull, at New-London, and one company to march for no consideration could justify a delay, in calling the the battery near New-Haven. An attention to the attention of the legislature immediately to that subterms of general Dearborn's letter, fully satisfied me [ject. It can scarcely be necessary to inform you, that the requisition was unconstitutional, and could that military stores are not to be expected from the not be complied with. Thad noticed that important general government-and chat we have reason to exprovision in the constitution of the United States, pect, that the regular troops will he principally calwhich authorises the President to call into service ied from the sea coast, and of course the state will the militia "to repel invasion, suppress insurrections he left to defend itself, if exposed to foreign invaand to aid in the execution of the laws;" and it was sion.

with sat sfection that I had noticed that the act of It may also be observed that it is unwise to decongwes had strictly followed the principle of the pend altogether upon the general government for the derence of our own coast.


But although I entertained no doubts regarding The extensive territory, which it has been the namy duty, you as I vowed the step which it became tional policy to grasp within our jurisdiction, and

the great number of points requiring defence, toge- to our form of government and of the constitution of ther with an unhappy disposition to enlarge our ex-the United States-will compose the basis of the adtended frontier by new conquests, will probably de- ministration of government in the state. mand all the military force in the power of govern- Trusting, gentlemen, that the God of our fathers ment for similar objects. This appears to be the de- will not desert us on this occasion, and that our safetermination at this time, and the important bus.nesty is in him--I have only to implore his guidance in of garrisoning the coast must be left to the militis, all our proceedings, and his smiles on all our delibeor neglected.




But if these essential interests are disregarded, we must not neglect ourselves; and I trust, that the present occasion, will furnish the best reasons for improving the militia, both in organization and disci- 4TH TUESDAY, August, 1812.—In the course of the pline, and for obtaining ample supplies of arms and afternoon, three committees were appointed on the military stores, and placing ourselves on a res-three prominent subjects of his excellency's n.ccpectable footing for defence. -It is also proper|sage. The honorable Mr. Goddard of the council, to avail ourselves of every principle in the constitu- and one member from each county from the house tion for rendering our means effectual, and the least on that part of the message which respected the corinconvenient. respondence between the general and state governAmong other provisions in the constitution, it will ments; the honorable Messi's. Austin and Champion, be found, that in time of war, the states may organize for the council, and two members from each county and support a military force of their own, and which from the house on the purchase of aims and ammucannot under any circumstances be controued by nition; and the honorable Mr. Dagget from the the general government, and which may undoubtedly council, and one member from each county from be applied in all cases to the defence of the state.he house, on an address to the president of the U. Whether such force will become immediately ne- States.

cessary, the general assembly will judge; but as the The legislature journed on Saturday the 29th subject can be examined, and a plan partially digest-ult. after passing a law appropriating $50,000 for ed without expence, and measures for a speedy exche purchase of arms and other munitions of war, cution of the principle at an early but future session, and authorising the governor to accept of the serI feel it my duty to recommend that subject to your consideration.

In recommending this measure, it is far from my intention to propose that the state troops should at any time during the war, be withheld from aiding the national and neighboring states' forces, in the common defence; but to increase the strength of those corps, and particularly to apply that body of men to our own defence-Should our frontier at any future time be unhappily abandoned.

vices of any volunteer corps which might offer, for the defence of the state only, to be under the comend and control of none but their own officers.

The committee appointed to take into consideration that part of the governor's message which relates to his correspondence with the secretary of war and m jo-general Dearborn, made a report decidedly supporting the stand the governor had taken-which report, with a resolve approbatory of his conduct, passed the legislature. They have also published a Nor will it be understood, that whilst I feel it my declaration disapproving of the war, but manifesting duty to recommend the necessary preparation, for ar- their disposition "to perform all the obligations raying every description of constitutional and militaresulting from this act" [of war.] These papers with ry force, which may be proper for our defence, that the documents that accompanied the governor's mes wish to urge a step which may interfere with any sage, shall be duly registered. Liberal measure, which the general government may take for the same object.

Upper Canada.

To the general government, we must and ought to look for security, and trust that a time will come YORK, July 23-Yesterday at an early hour, his ho when a full knowledge of our resources, will place nor ISAAC BROCK, esquire, president, administering the safety of our sea-coast on that naval defence, the government of Upper Canada, and major-general which, alone, is capable of giving complete secu-commanding his majesty's forces therein, arrived at rity. this place from Fort George, and accompanied by a

Although it has been thought correct in this state numerous suite, proceeded to the government buildon ordinary occasions for the state government to ings at 4 P. M. when he opened the present extra scsleave the national councils to pursue their own mea-sion of the legislature, and delivered the following sures without interference, yet I submit to your con-speech to both houses :--

sideration, whether this is not an occasion on which Hon. gentlemen of the legislative council, that principle should be dispensed with; and whe- and gentlemen of the house of Assembly, ther it is not proper that the general assembly should,| The urgency of the present crisis is the only consiby a plain and decisive address to the president, c-deration which could have induced me to call you topress their own opinion, and that of their constitu-gether at a time when public as well as private duents, on the important questions which have recently ties elsewhere, demand your care and attention. occurred. But, gentlemen, when invaded by an enemy whose

It is certainly necessary that the public opinion avowed object is the entire conquest of this proshould be known by the president on the question of vince; the voice of loyalty, as well as of interest, calls war; and it is presumed, when expressed by the le-alond to every person in the sphere in which he is gislature of a state, it will be respected. placed to defend his country.

Many other maiters may occur, requiring your at- Our militia have heard that voice and have obeyed tention; you may be assured of the support which it: they have evinced by the promptitude and loyalit may be in my power to give. ty of their counduct, that they are worthy of the king Whatever events, however, may take place, whom they serve, and of the constitution which they you may be satisfied that the faithful preservation offenjoy; and it affords me particular satisfaction, that the public peace-a rigid and prompt execution of while I address you as legislators, I speak to men the laws, under which we happily live, and which who in the day of danger, will be ready to assist not form our security-together with a strict adherence only with their counsel, but with their arms.

We look, gentlemen, to our militia as well as to the deism. He declared all those who paid any devo regular forces, for our protection; but I should be tion to Mohammed, and dared to give God a compawanting to that important trust committed to my nion, blasphemers and idolators; forbade the adcare, if I attempted to conceal (what experience the dressing of prayers to saints or prophets; and engreat instructor of mankind, and especially of legis-joined all Mussulmen to be put to death, who perlators has discovered) that amendment is necessary sisted in their idolatry. These new and intolerant in our militia laws to render them efficient. principles were not very favorably received in the

It is for you to consider what further improvements towns. Expelled from Mecca, Damascus, Bagdad, they still may require.

Hon, gentlemen of the legislative council,

and Bussorah, he addressed himself to Ebu Scoud, prince of Dreyeh, in Yemen, and found in him a partizan capable of rendering his doctrine triumand gentlemen of the House of Assembly, From the history and experience of our mother phant. This chief, ambitious, brave, able, and wary, country, we learn, that in times of actual invasion Saw in them the means of accomplishing his desire or internal commotion, the ordinary course of crimi- of aggrandizement. He assumed the title of general of the Wahabites, and Mohammed that of pontiff; nal law, has been found madequate to secure his maand the sovereignty thus participated, they incesjesty's government from private treachery as well as from open disaffection, and that at such times its le- santly labored to make proselytes, and extend their gislature has found it expedient to enact laws re- conquests. From Dreyeh, their capital, surrounded straming for a limited period, the liberty of indivi- by sands, Ebn Seoud sent out parties to subjugate the duals in many cases where it would be dangerous to neighboring tribes; and the rapidity of their marches expose the particulars of the charge, and although and the impracticability of attacking them in the the actual invasion of the province might justify me great desert, ensured their success. But it was reserved for his son Abdelazis to render in the exercise of the full powers reposed in me on the standard of the Wahabites triumphant, throughsuch an emergency, yet it will be more agreeable to out the peninsula. His practice was to send the me to receive the sanction of both houses. Koran to any tribe he wished to subjugate and convert, with a letter to the following purport:

A few traitors have already joined the enemy, have been suffered to come into the country with impunity, and have been harbored and concealed in the inte

to pervade the inhabitants of this province, is such as

lazis to the Arabs of the tribe of



It is your duty to believe the book I send you. Be

rior; yet the general spirit of loyalty which appears not like the idolatrous Turks, who give God a comto authorise a just expectation, that their efforts to panion. If you be believers, you are safe: if not, I mislead and deceive, will be unavailing. The disaf-declare against you a war of extermination." All fected I am convinced are few-to protect and defend the tribes of the Bedoweens were subdued in succes

the ioval inhabitants from their machinations is an object worthy of your most serious deliberations.

We are engaged in an awful and eventful contest. By unanimity and dispatch in our councils, and by vigor in our operations, we may teach the enemy this lesson, that a country defended by FREEMEN enthusiastically devoted to the cause of their king and constitution can never be conquered.

Account of the Wahabites.

sion by the arms of Abdelazis. They who resisted, were plundered and massacred: they who submitted, were to pay him a tenth of their cattle, of their money, and of all their goods; and to send one man in ten to serve in his army. Thus in a short time this army numbered a hundred thousand men. These were mounted every two of them on a dromedary, and armed with sabres, lances, darts, and bucklers. Some of them had match-lock muskets. A skin filled with water, and another with barley meal, sufficed for the subsistence of two Arabs, and their dromedary, twenty days. Officers and soldiers were equally The present is the "age of revolutions"-Asia, as abstemious. Abdelazis went so far as to prohibit well as Europe and America, appears destined to coffee, and the use of the pipe; and the Wahabites endure great and important political changes. The obeyed. Following the traces of their enemies to crescent of Mohammed, long tottering on the west-take them by surprize, and retire without fighting ern side of the Bosphorus, and assailed by moral when they were pursued, they harrassed and deand physical enemies that sooner or later must stroyed them without any loss. When they captured prostrate it, is attacked also from the east, whence a town, they destroyed the minarets and domes of the its power originally came, by a new sect, with mosques, overturned the tombs, that were objects of great force and energy. For the following ac- the greatest veneration to the Mussulmen, and seizCount of this sect, the most satisfactory we have ed all the treasure, and all the spoil, they could find seen, we have the pleasure to acknowledge our-in the temples or private houses.

selves indebted to the Belfast Monthly Magazine, As Abdelazis succeeded his father Ebn Seoud in a work conducted with equal ability and integrity, the post of generalissimo, Sheik Hussein, the eldest From the manner in which the editors received it son of the reformer Mohammed, succeeded him as we presume it is entitled to the fullest confidence. head of the law; and these two dignities have contiThe foundations of this sect were laid about fifty nued hereditary in their families. The intolerance years ago by Mohammed, son of Abdel Wahab, and of these sectaries towards the Mussulmen is greater grandson of Solyman, a poor Arab of the tribe of Ne- than towards Christians or Jews: a circumstance for gedi. It is said, that Solyman dreamed a flame issued which the author accounts on the principle, that the from his body, that consumed both the tents of the animosity between sects is greater, in proportion as desert, and the houses of the city: and that the their creeds approach each other. When these reSheiks, to whom he related it, predicted, that his formers captured the town of Emaun Hessein, fifteen son, Abdel Wahab, would be the founder of a new miles from Bagdad, they put to death every person ligion, to which all the Arabs would submit. From they found, man, woman, and child, to the number this so the sect derived its name, though the pre-of three thousand. Vast treasures were taken from diction was not accomplished by him, but by the the tomb of the Emaum, and two hundred camels grandson of Solyman. Sheik Mohammed adopted were loaded with the spoil.

The Koran as the basis of his doctrine, rejecting It was not till 1798, that the Forte paid any serious however the tradition and glosses of its conimenta-attention to the increase of the Wahabites. The for, and reducing the Mohammedan religion to pure bashaw of Bagdad was then directed to send an army

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