
of the opportunity it presents to evince the friendly General Assembly of Connecticut.

disposition of his government towards the United States.


Of the General Assembly of Connecticut,

AT THEIR SPECIAL SESSION, AUGUst 25, 1812, On that part of his excellency the governor's speech, which relates to his correspondence with the secretury of war, &c.

There is one other remaining circumstance, only, to which I wish to call your attention, and that relates to general Matthews himself. His gallant and meritorious services in our revolution, and patriotic conduct since, have always been held in high estimation by our government. His errors in this instance are imputed altogether to his zeal, to promote the The committee appointed to take into considerawelfare of his country; but they are of a nature to tion, that part of his excellency the governor's mesimpose on the government the necessity of the mea-sage which relates to his correspondence with the sures now taken, in giving effect to which, you will secretary of ws and major-general Dearbori, re, doubtless feel a disposition to consult, as far as may spectfully report : be, his personal sensibility.

I have the honor to be, &c.

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That their attention has been devoted to the important subject con mitted to them, with all that care and deliberation which its magnitude demands, and which his excellency the governor seliciis, to they may at this time be corrected.” the end that "if any errors have been committed,

The committee consider it as of the highest im

P. S.-Should you find it impracticable to execute the duties designated in the above requests, you will be so good as to employ some respectable character to represent you in it, to whom you are authorised to portance, that no ground should be taken, on this allow a similar compensation. It is hoped, however, subject, but that which is strictly constitutional, and that you may be able to attend to it in person, for that, being taken, it should be maintained at every reasons which I need not enter into. The expence hazard. to which you may be exposed, will be promptly paid to your draft on this department.

The documents and correspondence which are the subject of consideration being already in the hands of every member of the legislature, it becomes unnecessary to state their contents. The committee

The Secretary of State to D. B. Mitchell, governor of would refer to those documents.-Under a law au



thorising a detachment of militia to be called into the service of the United States, "in all the exigenSin, I have had the honor to receive your letter of cies provided by the constitution." the quota of this the 2nd instant, from St. Mary's, where you had ar-state has been demanded "to repel invasion." Invarived in discharge of the trust reposed in you by the sion is the only exigency which is claimed to have president, in relation to East Florida. occurred; and the only evidence of invasion, which

My letter by Mr. Isaacs, has, I presume, substan-bas been furnished, or which is pretended to exist, is tially answered he most important of the queries his honor lieutenant governor Smith, dated July 14, to be found in the letter of the secretary of war, to submitted in your letter; but I will give to cach a 1812; unless indeed, it is to be found in the evidence more distinct answer. there referred to, viz. the declaration of war against By the law, of which a copy was forwarded to you, Great Britain, which had prior to that time, been it is made the duty of the president to prevent the officially communicated to his excellency the goveroccupation of East Florida, by any foreign power.-nor. This appears to be the sole evidence relied upIt follows that you are authorised to consider the en-Jon to justify the demand of the militia; and the sctrance, or attempt to enter, especially under ex.sting cretary of war, appears, by his letter above referred circumstances, of British troops of any description, to, to be surprised that any other evidence should as the case contemplated by law, and to use the pro-be required. per means to defeat it.

From this letter, as well as from the whole proAn instruction will be immediately forwarded to ceedings which have taken place, it is very apparent, the commander of the naval force of the U. States, in that the claim set up by the administration of the the neighborhood of East Florida, to give you any government of the United States, is, that when a war assistance, in case of emergency, which you may think has been declared to exist, between this and any fonecessary, and require. reign country, the militia of the several states are It is not expected, if you find it proper to withliable to be demanded, by the administration of the draw the troops, that you should interfere to compel the service of the United States, to enter their forts, government of the United States, to be called into the patriots to surrender the country, or any part of and there reman, upon the presumption, that the it, to the Spanish authorities. The United States are enemy may invade the place or places, which they are responsible for their own conduct only, not for that ordered to garrison and defend. And that for this of the inhabitants of East Florida. Indeed, in con- purpose, they may be ordered to any part of the Unitsequence of the compromitant, of the United States ed States; for it will be remarked that no pretension to the inhabitants, you have already been instructed is set up, that any more, or greater dar ger of invasinot to withdraw the troops, unless you find that it on exists at New-London or New-Haven, than exists may be done consistently with their safety, and to in any other place on the sea-coast. report to the government the result of your conferences with the Spanis authorities, with your opinion ing his surprise that any other evidence should be reIt is true, that the secretary of war, after expressof their views, holding in the mean time the ground quired of imminent danger of invasion, after the deoccupied. claration of war had been promulgated and officially In the present state of our affairs with Great Bri-communicated, does say, "that I am instructed by tain, the course above pointed out is the more justifi- "the president to state to you that such danger able and proper.

I have the honor to be, &c.

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actually exists." No place is pointed out, as in more danger of such invasion than any other. It all rests upon the danger apprehended, from the state of

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If this claim is well founded, it will follow that tions and repel invasions," is granted to the general there is no constitutional objection to the militia re-government. All other power over them is reserved maining in the service of the United States, during to the states. Ard to add to their security, on the all the continuance of the war. For, although the act important subject of their militis, the power of «pof congress under which they are now called to serve, pointing their officers is expressly reserved. If then limats the period of service to six months, yet by the the administration of the general government deconstitution, the United States have surely a right to mand the militia, when neither of the exigencks the services of the militia, during the existence of provided for by the constitution have occurred, or to the invasion, until it is effectually repelled. Upon be used for purposes not contemplated by that instru the principle, that a state of war necessarily impl.es .ent, it would be not only the heighth of injustice to a state of invasion, or that imminent danger of inva- the militia, to be ordered into the service of the Unitsion which the militia are obliged to meet and repel, ed States, to do such duty, but a violation of the congress may pass a law, by which their services shall constitution and laws of this state, and of the United be required during the continuance of the invasion, 'States. Once employed in the service of the United or in other words, during the continuance of war. States, the militia would become subject to the arti The war, in which this country is now unhappily cles of war, and exposed to be punished with death, engaged, has been declared by our own government.if they should leave a service, which by the constiNot because the country is invaded, or threatenedution of their country, they are not bound to perwith invasion, but to seck redress and indemn Rea-form.

tion for injuries and wrongs of which we complan,] From an attentive consideration of the constituby invasion and conquest of the territories of the ene-tion and laws of the United States, it is evident to my. It is not a defensive, but offensive war. the committee, that the militia of the several states At the time when the demand was made for the are to be employed by the United States, for the purmilitia, the war had been recently declared; it was po.e only of performing special services, in case s not then even known to the nation against which it where no other military force could be conveniently was declared. The invasion then existing, or cause had or properly exercised; and when those services of invasion then expeted, must be presumed to last are performed, they are to return to their several as long as the war shall last. It may be presumed to homes. The committee cannot believe, that it was increase. Invasion of the territory of the enemy may ever intended that they should be liable, on demand be expected, when known to produce retaliation. If of the president upon the governor of the state, to be then the militia can be constitutionally required, to ordered into the service of the United States, to asman the garrison of the United States, they may consist in carrying on an offensive war. They can only tinue to be so required, as long as the danger conti-be so employed, under an act of the legislature of the nues to exist; and to become, for all the purposes of state, authorising it. On the expediency of passing carrying on the war, within the United States, stand-such a law, or adopting any measures which the war ing troops of the United States. And a declaration may render necessary, the committee do not consider of war made by the administration of the government it is as within their commission to decide. of the United States, and announced to the governors If congress, or the president of the United States of the states, will substantially convert the militia of shall apply to this state, to furnish troops to assist in the states into such troops. Before it is agreed that carrying on the war, the request will doubtless meet the states have ceded such a power to the United with the attention which it will merit. States, the question ought to be examined with much attention.

On the fullest deliberation, your committee are not able to discover, that the constitution of the United States justifies this claim.

The committee will only take the liberty to remark, that, should the manner in which the war is waged or prosecuted, induce the enemy to retaliate, by an actual invasion of any portion of our territory, or should we be threatened with invasion, or attack from any enemies, the militia will always be prompt and zealous to defend their country.

The people of this state were among the first to adopt that constitution-They have been among the most prompt to satisfy all its lawful demands, and The government of this state, as it ever has been, to give facility to its fair operations-they have en-so it will continue to be, ready to comply with all con joyed the benefits resulting from the union of the stitutional requisitions of the general government. states; they have loved, and still love, and cherish Faithful to itself and posterity, it will be faithful to that union, and will deeply regret, if any events shall the United States.

occur to alienate their affiction from it. They have The committee, on a full view and deliberate cona deep interest in its preservation, and are still dis-sideration of the subject referred to them, are of posed to yield a willing and prompt obedience to all opinion, that the conduct of his excellency the gothe legitimate requirements of the constitution of vernor, regarding the same, has been regulated by a strict regard to the rights and interests of this state

the United States.

All which is respectfully submitted.
General Assembly, special session,
August, 1812.

(Signed per order)

But it must not be forgotten, that the state of and the militia thereof, as well as to the constitution Connecticut is a FREE, SOVEREIGN and INDEPENDENT of the United States, and ought to be approved; for state; that the United States are a confederacy of which, the committee have prepared a resolve, which states; that we are a confederated and not a conso- is herewith presented. lidated republic.-The governor of this state is un-! der a high and solemn obligation, "to maintain the lawful rights and privileges thereof, as a sovereign, free and independent state," as he is "to support the CALVIN GODDARD. constitution of the United States," and the obligation In the house of representatives, the foregoing reto support the latter, imposes an additional obliga-| tion to support the former. The building cannot port is accepted and approved. CHARLES DENISON, Clerk. stand, if the pillars upon which it rests, are impaired or destroyed. The same constitution, which dele-Concurred in the upper house. gates powers to the general government, inhibits the exercise of powers, not delegated, and reserves those Resolved, That the conduct of his excellency the powers to the states respec.ively. The power to use governor, in refusing to order the militia of this state the militia "to execute the laws, suppress insurrec-into the service of the United States, on the requi



THOMAS DAY, Secretary.


sition of the secretary of war and major-general, Dearborn, meets with the entire approbation of this commerce, it is not necessary bere to remark. Of the operation of her decrees on the American assembly,

General Assembly special session,
August, 1812.

Passed in the House of Representatives,


CHARLES DENISON, Clerk. Concurred in the Upper House.



THOMAS DAY, Secretary.




repeal of them promulgated in this country since the declaration of war, virtually declares that the American government was not to be trusted. Insult is thus added to injury,

Should a continuance of this war exclude our seafaring and mercantile citizens from the use of the ocean, and our invaluable institutions be sacrificed by an alliance with France, the measure of our degradation and wretchedness would be fill.

At their special session, Aug. 25, 1812. The legislature of the state of Connecticut, conWar, always cal mitous, in this case portentous of vened to consult the welfare, and provide for the de-great evils, enacted against a nation powerful in her fence of the state, at this interesting and eventful viewed by us but with the deepest regret. A nation armies, and without a rival on the ocean, emot be period, avail themselves of the opportunity thus af-without fleets, without armies, with an impoverished forded to declare and resolve, That while some of their sister states offer assutreasury, with a frontier by sea and isnd extending rances of their unqualified approbation of the mea-hath not "first counted the co..." many hundred miles, feebly defended, waging a war, sures of the general government, in respect to our foreign relations, we confidently trust that the mo- By the constitution of the United States, the powtives which influence us to declare what we believe toer of declaring war, is vested in congress.-They be the deliberate and solemn sense of the people of have declared war against. Great Britain-However this state, on the question of the war will be justly much this measure is to be regretted, the general appreciated, assembly, ever regardful of their duty to the general The people of this state view the war as unneces-overnment, will perform all their obligations resulting from this act, With this view they have at this Without pretending to an exclusive or superior session, provided for the more effectual organization love of country to what is common to their flow. of the military force of the state, and a supply of the citizens, or arrogating a pre-eminence in those vir- munitions of war. These will be employed, should tues which adora our history, they yield to none in the public exigencies require it, in defence of this attachment to the union or veneration of the const-state and of our sister states, in compliance with the tution. The Union, cemented by the blood of the constitution; and it is not to be doubted but that the American people, is endeared to our best affections, citizens of this state will be found, at the constituand prized as an invaluable legacy bequeathed to us tional call of their country, among the foremost in and our posterity by the founders of our empire. The people of this state were amongst the first to To the United States is delegated the power to adopt the constitution. Having shared largely in its call forth the militia to execute the laws, to suppress bless sangs, and confidently trusting that under the insurrection, and repel invasion, To the states reguardenship of the people and of the states, it will spectively is reserved the entire control of the mili be found competent to the objects of its institution, tia, except in the cases specified. In this view of in all the various vicissitudes of our affairs, they that important provision of the constitution, the will be the last to abandon the high hopes it affords legislature fully accord with the decision of his exof the future prosperity and glory of our country. cellency the governor, in refusing to comply with

its defence,

These sentiments of attachment to the union, and the requisition of the general government for a porto the constitution, are believed to be common to the tion of the militia. While it is to be regretted that American people, and those who express and disse-any difference of opinion on that subject should have minate distrusts of their fidelity to both or either, arisen, the conduct of the chief magistrate of this we cannot regard as the most discreet of their friends. state, in maintaining its immunities and privileges, Unfortunately our country is now involved in that meets our cordial approbation. The legislature also awful conflict which has desolated the fairest portion entertain no doubt that the militia of the state will, of Europe. Between the belligerents, Great Britain under the direction of the captain-general, be ever is selected for our enemy. We are not the apologists ready to perform their duty to the state and nation in of the wrongs of foreign nations-we enquire not as to peace or war. They are aware that in a protracted the comparative demerits of their respective decrees war, the burden upon the militia may become almost and orders. We will never deliberate on the choice insupportable, as a spirit of acquisition and extension of a foreign master, The aggressions of both natoas ought to have been met at the onset by a sys-whole regular forces of the United States in foreign of territory appears to influence the councils of the tem of defensive protection commensurate to our nation, which may require the employment of the meins, and adapted to the crisis. Other counsels conquest, and leave our maritime frontier defenceprevailed, and that system of commercial restric-less, or to be protected solely by the militia of the tions, which before had distressed the people of Eu-states.

rope, was extended to our country.-We becane At this period of anxiety among all classes of parties to the continental system of the French em- citizens, we learn with pleasure, that a prominent peror. Whatever its pressure may have been eiser cause of the war is removed by a late measure of the whers, on our citizens it has operated with intolera-British cabinet. The revocation of the orders in ble severity and hardship.

council it is hoped will be met by a sincere spirit of conciliation on the part of our administration, and speedily restore to our nation the blessings of a solid and honorable peace.

In the midst of these sufferings, war is declared, and that nation of the two is selected as a foe which is capable of inflicting the greatest injas. In this selection we view with the deepest so tide, a tendeyer to ent mek us in an allgence with a nation legislature rely on the people of Connecticut, looking In the event of the continuance of the war, the which has subverted every republic in Europe, and to HIM who holds the destinies of empires in his whise comections, wherever formed, have been fatal hand, for aid, to maintain those institutions which to civil liberty. their venerable ancestors established, and to preserve

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General Assembly, August, 1812.

fend the harbors.

The citizens of Albany, receiving a new impulse of patriotism by the surrender of general Hull, have commenced a subscription for raising a regiment of volunteers-and very liberal subscriptions have been made for the comfort and convenience of the brave spirits who may offer their services.

Baltimore is about to sent forth a considerable body of volunteers to Canada, and the most ample funds

The legislature of Connecticut have voted to are provided from the liberal purses of our citiraise for state service, 2 regiments of infantry, 4 com-zens, to supply them with every necessary to their leaving home. About fifteen thousand dollars have paties of artillery, and 4 companies of cavalry to purchase 3000 stand of arms, and eight field been subscribed for this purpose, and any reasonable preces and accept of volunteer companies to de-sum may be obtained in addition if the service shall require it. Several gentlemen subscribed $500 each. A part of the 12th reg. U. S. infantry about 300 strong, under the command of colonel Parker, passed through Williamsport (Md.) on the 31st ult. on By ISAAC BADCs, esq. major-general commanding his their way to the north, and were handsomely receiv majesty's forces in the province of Upper Canada, aled and very kindly treated, by the inhabitants of that village.

British Proclamation.


WHEREAS the territory of Michigan was this day, The governor of Kentucky learning the critical siby capitulation, ceded to the arms of his Britannic tuation of general Hull, determined to send a reinmajesty, without any other condition than the pro-forcement of volunteers to general Payne, so as to tection of private property; and wishing to give an make his whole force 3,400 strong. He also appointearly proof of the moderation and justice of the go-ed governor Harrison a major general, to have the vernment, I do hereby announce to all the inhabi- command of the Kentucky troops, by brevet,* a protants of the said territory that the laws heretofore in cedure extremely well calculated to give confidence. existence shall continue in force until his majesty's to the army of that state in the field. Richard M. pleasure be known, or so long as the peace and safe-Johnson, a member of congress from Kentucky, proty of the said territory will admit thereof. And I posed to raise six companies (500 men) of mounted do hereby also declare and make known to the said infantry, volunteers, to march immediately for Deinhabitants that they shall be protected in the full troit-and to trust to the liberality and justice of exercise and enjoyment of their religion, of which alij congress for indemnification. A meeting was to be persons, both civil and military, will take notice and held at Georgetown on the 31st ult. and from the govern themselves accordingly. spirit of Kentucky, though the proposition was made

All persons having in their possession, or having only on the 25th of the same month, we venture to any knowledge of any public property, shall forth-say that this body of men is in the field-perhaps at with deliver in the same, or give notice thereof to the Urbanna, or beyond it. Major-general Harrison left officer commanding, or lieutenant colonel Nichol, Lexington on the 29th ult. to join the army in Ohio who are hereby authorised to receive and give pro-Colonel Poague's regiment of 500 mounted rifleper receipts for the same. men were prepared to march. The augmentation of Officers of the militia will be held responsible that the troops and the appointment of Harrison, was the all arms in possession of the militia men be immedi-last act of good old general Scott, as governor of Kenately delivered up; and all individuals whatever, tucky-his venerable fellow soldier who succeeded who have in their possession arms of any kind, will him, colonel Shelby, on coming into office, made a deliver them up without delay. Given under my further augmentation of the troops; so that the whole hand, at Detroit, this 16th day of August, 1812, and force from Kentucky, marched to Ohio and the Indiin the 521 year of his majesty's reign. ana territory, will amount to 6000 men, in actual ser, (Signed) ISAAC BROCK, Major-General. vice. These things will never be forgotten.

A true copy.
J. MACDONELL, Lt. Col. Militia & A. D. C.

At the requisition of major gen. Pinkney, the governor of Georgia has ordered 1000 militia into immediate service.

Colonel Coles, with about 300 men from Frede

Events of the hat. ricksburg, Virginia, has marched for the northward. War.


With much satisfaction we learn, although an attack upon the Indiana territory is expected by the We are yet without particulars of Hull's surrender allied army of British and savages, that the state of Governor Harrison and colonel John P. Boyd, he- the military force is such as to warrant a full belief roes of Tippacanoe, have been appointed brigadier- they will fail. On the 18th ult. nine full companies generals in the army of the United States. The were on duty at Vincennes, and 300 volunteers from former, it is stated, will have a command of the troops Kentucky immediately expected. Tecumseh comassembling at Urbanna, Ohio. The latter is commands under his excellency maj. gen. Brock. mander in chief in the states of New Hampshire, In the late skirmishes many English fought with Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and Connecticut. the Indians, painted and dressed like the savages Indications of a movement of the army.-Messrs. C. It is stated that forts Wayne and Dearborne have Seldom and Brothers, of Troy, advertise for four been captured by the allied forces. We expect to hundred waggons immediately to take on loading hear a dreadful tale of murder, [baggage &c. of the army,] from Troy to Whitehall, The town of Alexandria is about sending out a on lake Champlain, company of volunteers-a sufficient number of young men have already offered, and $2000 have been

The Jersey regiment, nearly 800 strong, have struck their tents at Fort Richmond or Staten island, and embarked for Albany. Their place is supplied by * When an officer is appointed, (ad interim ) “ by 800 militia from New-York and 500 from New-Jer- brevet" he does not receive pay for the office so held. sey. All the works for the defence of New-York This note is added for the instruction of our youth appear to be fully manned. iful readers;

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raised, with the prospect of trebling the sum if re- breast of her. A fire was kept up about two hours. quired. The Herald says "that the disgraceful sur- The President gave her two or three broadsides, and render of Hull has done more for the success of the kept up a well directed fire from the chase guns war than the capture of 10,000 British regulars." which cut her sails and rigging very much, but d.d We fully subscribe to the truth of this observation. not succeed in destroying any of her spars although The spirit of the people is awaking from the lethargy some of them were much wounded. The President of thirty years peace.

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man "As modest stillness and humility.

all this time was exposed to a running fire from her 4 stern chasers; and once the British frigate comBut when the blast of war blows in our care, menced a fire from her main deck, with an intention * Then imitate the action of the tyger, of raking the President with a broadside, but at that Stiffen the sinews-summon up the blood; Disguise fair nature with ill-favor'd rage, moment receiving one from the President, continued And lend the eye a terrible aspect"her course under a press of sail, and used only her Fifteen hundred men are immediately to march from stern guns. All sail was crowded in pursuit, but in Virginia for the western country, to rendesvous at vain. The chase was now throwing overboard every Point Pleasant, on the Ohio. At Richmond, ladies thing that could be spared, to increase her sailing, of the first distinction volunteered their services to a escaped by lightness of the wind. Four of her make knapsacks, tents &c. for the soldiers, and in boats were seen floating by the President, completefour or five days all things were ready. The governor ly knocked to pieces, together with a great number concludes his general orders by a nervous and very of casks, spars, &c. and it was supposed most of elegant address, which is laid off for record. The the guns were also thrown overboard," citizens of R.chn.ond liberally subscribed a very The President received a considerable number of handsome sum to provide all conveniences for the shot in her sails and rigging, but was not materially troops. jured. The chase was continued till about mid

Four companies of the Republican Greens of the night, when it was relinquished as hopeless, and the city of New-York have volunteered their services to President hove too for the squadron to come up.→ the governor and will march for the frontiers in a few Early in the chase, one of the President's chase guns, days. We believe the Greens are all natives of Ire- on the gun deck, burst, and injured the upper deck land, or of Irish descent.


so much, as to prevent the use of the chase guns on that side for a considerable time. The President had three killed, and nineteen wounded, most of the Latter slightly; of the wounded, 16 were by the Rodgers had his leg fractured, but has recovered. bursting of a gun. It was by the same gun com.

Extract of a letter from commodore (Lt.) Woolsey to his father, general Woolsey-dated, "August 2, 1812-The schooner Lord Nelson, about 60 tons, was armed with the thirty-two pounder, and two six pounders, sent by captain CHAUN feet, but owing to uncommonly foggy weather missThe squadron afterwards pursued the Jamaica car. She was put under the command of captained them, although at times very near." DIXON, and sent down to Ogdensburg, to convoy sc ven schooners to Sacket's harbor. As she came to The squadron has been off the English channel, the narrows, about 11 miles above Ogdensburg, she then along the coast of France, Spam and Portugal, made to, and hailed a smack boat of six men. They Madeira Island-then of Coro and Floros-then back within 30 miles of the rock of Lisbon-then made gave no answer, but pulled off-They fired a shot ahead, but they did not mind it. The Lord Nelson to the Bank and by Nova Scotia to Boston. having forty-two men on board, gave them a dis- Many of the semen of the squadron are sick of charge and killed four; the other two leaped over- the scurvy. Several have died. About 120 English board and swam ashore-The Earl Moira, 16 thir- Prisoners are on board. We understand the seamen stated to have been imty-two pounders, and the Duke of Gloucester, then came out to take them, but shameful to Britain did pressed from a Portuguese brig entered voluntarily. not succeed. They fired one broad-side, but did no harm-Captain Dixon then played on them with our COPIES OF LETTERS FROM CAPT. HULL TO THE SECRETARY 32 and both 6's beat them off, and even drove them under their fort at Elizabeth-town. Captain Dixon United States' frigate Constitution, August 28, 1812. fired the 32 pounder about 100 times at their ves- SIR, The enclosed account of the affair between sels, their battery, and the town. He was positive the Pres.dent, commodore Rodgers, and the British he did very great damage to the brig and schooner. frigate Belvidera, fell into my hands by accident! He could distinctly hear them screach and see splin-It clearly proves that she only escaped the commoters fly nearly mast high, almost every shot. My dore by superior sailing, after having lightened her, brother is going to attack the Royal George." and the President being very deep.




I am confident could the commodore have got alongside the Belvidera, she would have been his, in less than one hour,

As much has been said on this subject; and commoBoston, September 1. dore Rodgers has not arrived, to give you his stateYesterday arrived in this harbor, the U. Statesment of the affair, if it meet your approbation I should ships President 44, com. Rodgers; United States 44, be pleased to have this account published to prevent capt. Decatur; Congress 36, capt. Smith; Hornet people from making up their minds hastily, as I find 16, capt. Lawrence; and brig Argus 16, capt. Sin-them willing to do. clair; the whole of the squadron which sailed from New-York on the 21st of June, under com. Rodgers. "Sailed from New-York June 21-The 23d, 6, A. M. discovered, and gave chase to an English frigate, supposed to be the Belvidere. The superiority of the President's sailing, while the breeze continued fresh, enabled her to get within gun shot between! 4 and 5, P. M. when it had moderated so much as to give very faint hopes of getting along side. At this time perceiving she was training her guns to bear up. on the President, the latter commenced a fire at her spars and rigging, with the view to cripple an get a

I have the honor to be, with great respect, sir, your obedient servant,


The honorable Paul Hamilton, &c.
An account of the proceedings of his majesty's ship
Belvidera, Richard Byron, Esq. captain, 23d day
of June, 1812.

A. M. 4, 40, Nantucket Shoal, bearing S. W. saw several sail, made sail towards them, at 6, 30, they

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