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Hæc olim meminisse juvabit.—VIRGIL.

Printed and published by H. NILES, South-st. next door to the Merchants' Coffee House, at § 5 per annum.

Editor's Introduction.

On presenting this ADDENDA to the third volume of the WEEKLY REGISTER, it becomes the editor to confess, that, as a considerable part of the sheet is devoted to substantiate and explain certain claims of the author with a view to his emolument, that have been indemnified the cost of publishing it. Without this declaration my apparent liberality might have been questioned, as being improperly directed.

When the steam lifts the safety-valve, it is then let into the cylinder by opening the throttle-valve, to drive the piston upand down, which, by rod 1, gives motion to the fly-wheel, and wheel 2 gives motion to a shaft, passing through the posts, to turn the spindle of the rotary-valves 3, 8, which lets the steam both off and on the cylinder at the proper time. The steam escaping by pipe 4, curved and But the mere payment of this cost of would not, of immersed in the water in box E, which is supitself, have induced me to present the sheet to my plied by pump F, it is condensed, and the readers. The memoir on the "ORIGIN OF STEAM water formed, descends by pipe 5, into supply BOATS AND STEAM WAGGONS," is a most interesting

article. It describes, with great simplicity and pump G, and is forced into the boiler again by effect, the beginning and progress of an invention pipe 6.

that may be ranked among the most useful with But boiling decomposes water slowly chang which the genius of our countrymen has blessed ing it into air incondensible. Therefore the shifting-valve 7, is necessary. This valve Of the merits of Mr. EVANS' claims to the inventions lifts at every puff of steam, and a small quanhereinafter described, I know nothing further than


is to be gathered from the facts stated-but, born tity of air escapes; and it shuts, and a vacuin the neighborhood of the former residence of that um is instantly formed, as the crank passes gentleman, and being familiar from my childhood the dead points.

with his mechanical character, (if the term may be The small waste of water may be supplied allowed) I have always regarded him as a man of by condensing part of the steam rising from uncommon genius, with great strength of mind. the condensing water, to run down the pipe 9, My earliest recollections point him out to me as a person, in the language of the day, that "would through a hole in the key of a stop-cock, never be worth any thing, because he was always parts of an inch diameter,-A small hole inspending his time in some contrivance or another" deed to supply a boiler of twenty horses power. and I well remember,when a little boy,to have heard No sediment can accumulate in the boiler, him say, "the time would come when the powers it being supplied by distilled water. There

of steam should be so well ascertained and so

simply applied, that the very old women would fore it will last much longer, and require less do the common business of housewifery with it," fuel than others. Muddy, limestone, or salt speaking of it as a matter with which he was per-water, or the juice of the sugar cane, &c. &c. fectly acquainted. I rejoice that the prediction may be used to condense; and as the engine of the sceptical who oppose all improvements and works equally well while we boil away the inventions, as "innovations," has not been fulfilled: &c. in working the engine,-thus using the condensing water, we may boil for salt, sugar, fuel for double purposes.

and am delighted to observe, that his then supposed strange declaration, has been so far accomplished as to remove all doubts of its most liberal and extended practice.

Columbian Steam Engine.


If the steam be confined by the load on the safety-valve, to raise its power to 100 pounds to the inch, area of the piston and the cylinder be nine inches in diameter, and the stroke of A, the boiler--B, the working cylinder-C. twenty horses hitched; and will grind 20 the piston three feet, the power will equal the lever beam-D, the fly-wheel-E, the con- bushels of grain per hour, or saw 5000 feet denser-F, the water-pump-G, the supply of boards in 12 hours. If the steam be conpump-H, the furnace--I, the chimney fluefined by 150 pounds, the power of the engine K, the safety-valve, which may be loaded with will be equal to 30 horses, when the steam is 100 or 150lbs. to the inch area; it will never shut off at one third of the stroke, and strikneed more, and it must never be fastened ing thirty-six strokes per minute.-Double strokes double the power.



The more the steam is confined, and the The boiler being filled with pure water as shorter it be shut off by the regulator 8, the high as the dotted line, and the fire applied,the greater will be the power obtained by the smoke enters the centre flue, which passes fuel. For every addition of 30 degrees heat through the centre of the water to ascend the to the water doubles the power. So that flute I, and thus acts on a large surface. doubling the heat of the water increases the The binder will please to observe that this addpria, is designed to follow the Apperalit.

power about 100 times. On these principles I renewed, my studies with increased ardor, fuel may be lessened to one third part con- and soon declared that I could make steam sumed by other engines. This engine is not waggons, and endeavored to communicate my more than one fourth the weight of others; ideas to others; but however practicable the is more simple, durable, and cheap, and more thing appeared to me, my object only excited suitable for every purpose; especially for the ridicule of those to whom it was made propelling boats and land carriages. It re-known. But I persevered in my belief, and quires no more water than the fuel will eva-confirmed it by experiments that satisfied me porate in steam, and this steam may be em- of its reality.

ployed to warm the apartments of factories; In the year 1786 I petitioned the legislature or the condenser E, could be used as a still of Pennsylvania for the exclusive right to use to distil spirits; or a vat for paper making, my improvements in flour mills, as also steam boiler in a brewery, dye factory, &c. &c. waggons, in that state. The committee to The patent right now belongs one half to whom the petition was referred heard me the subscriber, Philadelphia; one fourth to very patiently while I described the mill imGeorge Evans, Pittsburg; and one fourth to provements, but my representations concernLuther Stephens, Lexington, Ky. Apply to ing steam waggons made them think me ineither for engines, or for licenses to use them. sane. They, however, reported favorably



respecting my improvements in the manufacture of flour, and passed an act granting me the exclusive use of them as prayed for. This act is dated March, 1787. But no notice is taken of the steam waggons.

A similar petition was also presented to the

Steam Boats and Steam Waggons. legislature of Maryland. Mr. Jesse Hollings


worth, from Baltimore, was one of the committee appointed to hear me, and report on About the year 1772, being then an appren-of the fate of my application to the legislature the case. I candidly informed this committee tice to a wheel-wright, or waggon-maker, Ila- of Pennsylvania respecting the steam wagbored to discover some means of propelling land carriages, without animal power. All gons-declaring, at the same time, without the encouragement prayed for, I would never the modes that have since been tried (so far as I have heard of them) such as wind, trea-would secure to me the right as requested, I attempt to make them; but that, if they dles with ratched wheels, crank tooth, &c. would, as soon as I could, apply the principle to be wrought by men, presented themselves to practice; and I explained to them the great to my mind, but were considered as too futile to deserve an experiment; and I concluded of applying it to propel waggons. Mr. Holelastic power of steam, as well as my mode that such motion was impossible for want of a suitable original power. lingsworth very prudently observed, that the grant could injure no one, for he did not think But one of my brothers, on a Christmas that any man in the world had thought of evening, informed me that he had that day of such a thing before: he therefore wished been in company with a neighboring black-the encouragement might be afforded, as there sinith's boys; who, for amusement, had stop-was a prospect that it would produce someped up the touch-hole of a gun barrel, then thing useful. This kind of argument had the put in about a gill of water and rammed down desired effect, and a favorable report was a tight wad-after which they put the breech made, May 21, 1787, granting to me, my heirs in the smith's fire; when it discharged itself and assigns, for 14 years, the exclusive right with as loud a crack as if it had been loaded to make and use my improvements in flour with powder. mills and the steam waggons, in that state.

It immediately occurred to me that here From that period I have felt myself bound in was the power to propell any waggon, if I honor to the state of Maryland to produce a could only apply it; and I sat myself to work steam waggon, as soon as I could conveniently to find out the means. I labored for some do it.

time without success, At length a book fell In the year 1789, I paid a visit to Benjamin into my hands describing the old atmospheric Chandlee and sons, clockmakers, men celesteam engine, I was astonished to observe brated for their ingenuity, with a view to that they had so far erred as to use the steam induce them to join me in the expence and only to form a vacuum to apply the mere pres-profits of the project. I shewed to ther sure of the atmosphere, instead of applying my draughts with the plan of the engine. and the elastic power of the steam for original explained the expansive power of steam; alk motion; the power of which I supposed irre- which they appeared to understand, but fear sistable, ful of the expence and difficulties attending it.

declined the concern. However they certified could find no one willing to risque the expence that I had shewn to them the drawings and of the experiment. explained the powers, &c. In the year 1785 or 6, before I Lad petitionIn the same year, I went to Ellicott's mills ed the legislatures, I fell in company with on the Patapsco, near Baltimore, for the pur-Mr. Sam. Jackson, of Redstone; and learning pose of persuading Messrs. Jonathan Ellicott of him that he resided on the western waters, and brothers, and connections (who were I endeavored to impress upon his mind the equally famous for their ingenuity,) to join great utility and high importance of steam me in the expence and profits of making and boats, to be propelled on them; telling hini using steam waggons. I also shewed to them that I had discovered a steam engine so powmy drawings, and minutely explained to them erful according to its weight, that it would, the powers of steam. They appeared fully to by means of paddle wheels (which I described comprehend all I said, and in return informed to him) readily drive a vessel against the me of some experiments they themselves had current of those waters with so great speed made, one of which they shewed me. They as to be highly beneficial. Mr. Jackson proves placed a gun-barrel, having a hollow arm, that he understood me well, for he has lately with a small hole on one side at the end of written letters, declaring that about twenty the arm, similar to Barker's rotary tube mill, six years before their date, I did describe to as described in the books; a gill of water put him the principles of the steam engine that I into this barrel, with fire applied to the breech, have since put into operation to drive mills, caused the steam to issue from the end of the which he has seen-and that I also explained arm with such force as, by reaction, to cause to him my plan for propelling boats by my the machine to revolve, as I judged, about one steam engine, with paddle wheels, describing thousand times in a minute, for the space of the very kind of wheels now used for this about five minutes, and with considerable force purpose; and that I then declared to him my for so small a machine. I tarried here two intention to apply my engine to this particudays (May 10 and 11, 1789) using my best lar object as soon as my pecuniary circumefforts to convince them of the possibility and stances would permit.

practicability of propelling waggons, on good! In the year 1800 or 1801, never having turnpike roads, by the great elastic power of found a man willing to contribute to the ex steam. But they also feared the expence and pence, or even to encourage me to risque it difficulty of the execution, and declined the myself, it occurred to me that though I was proposition. Yet they heartily esteemed my then in full health, I might be suddenly cal improvements in the manufacture of flour, and ried off by the yellow fever, that had so often adopted them in their mills, as well as recom-visited our city (Philadelphia) or by son.e mended them to others. other disease or casualty to which all are lia

In the same year I communicated my project ble, and that I had not yet discharged my and explained my principles, to Levi Hollings- debt of honor to the state of Maryland by worth, Esq. now a merchant in Baltimore.* producing the steam waggon. I determined, He appeared to understand them; but also therefore, to set to work the next day and declined a partnership in the scheme, for the construct one. I first waited upon Robert Patsame reasons as the former. terson, esq. professor of mathematics in the From the time of my discovering the prin- university of Pennsylvania, and explained to ciples and the means of applying them, I him my principles, as I also did to Mr. Charles often endeavored to communicate them to Taylor, steam engineer, from England. They those I believed might be interested in their both declared these principles to be new to application to waggons or boats. But very them, and highly worthy of a fair experiment, few could understand my explanations, and I advising me without delay to prove them; in hopesI might produce a more simple, cheap and

* I certify that OLIVER EVANS did about powerful steam engine than any in use. These the year 1789, communicate a project to me, gentlemen were the only persons who had of propelling land carriages by power of such confidence, or a forded me such advice. I steam, and did solicit me to join him in the also communicated my plans to B. H. Latrobe, costs and profits of the same.


Baltimore, November 16, 1812.

esq. at the same time, who publicly pronounc ed them chimerical, and attempted to demonstrate the absurdity of my principles, in his

I do certify, that some time about the year report to the Philosophical society of Penn1781, 31 years ago, OLIVER EVANS, in con-sylvania on steam engines; in which same versation with me, declared, that by the pow-report he also attempts to shew the impossier of steam he could drive any thing-wag-bility of making steam boats useful, on acgons, mills or vessels forward, by the same count of the weight of the engine; and I was power, &c. ENOCH ANDERSON. one of the persons alluded to, as being seized with the steam inania, conceiving that wag

November, 15, 1812.

gons and boats could be propelled by steam ber as well as stone, to grind grain, propell engines. The liberality of the members of boats, &c. and though I answered in the afthe society caused them to reject that part offirmative, I found they still doubted. I therehis report which he designed as demonstrative fore determined to apply my engine to all of the absurdity of my principles; saying they new uses to introduce it and them to the had no right to set up their opinion as a stumb-public.

ling block in the road of any exertions to make This experiment completely tested the cora discovery. They said, I might produce rectness of my principles, according to my something useful, and ordered it to be strick-most sanguine hopes. The power of my enen ou What a pity they did not also reject gine rises in a geometrical proportion, while his demonstrations respecting steam boats! the consumption of fuel has only an arithmetifor notwitstanding them, they have run, are cal ratio; in such proportion that every time now running, and will run: so has my engine I added one fourth more to the consumption and all its principles, completely succeeded- of fuel, the powers of the engine were doubled; and so will land carriages, as soon as these and that twice the quantity of fuel required to principles are applied to them, as explained drive one saw would drive 16 saws, at least; to the legislature of Maryland in 1787, and to for when I drove two saws the consumption others long before. was 8 bushels coal] in 12 hours, but when In consequence of the determination above twelve saws were driven, the consumption was alluded to, I hired hands and went to work to not more than 10 bushels; so that the more make a steam waggon, and had made consi-we resist the steam the greater is the effect of derable progress in the undertaking, when the the engine. On these principles, very light, thought struck me that as my steam engine but powerful engines, can be made, suitable was entirely different in form as well as in its for propelling boats and land carriages, withprinciples from all others in use, that I could out the great incumbrance of their own get a patent for it, and apply it to mills more weight, as mentioned in Mr. Latrobe's deprofitably than to waggons; for until now 1monstrations.

apprehended that as steam mills had been In the year 1804, I constructed at my works, used in England, I could only obtain a pa- situate a mile and a half from the water, by tent for waggons and boats. I stopped the order of the board of health of the city of Phiwork immediately, and discharged my hands, ladelphia, a machine for cleansing docks. It until I could arrange my engine for mills, lay-consisted of a large flatt, or scow, with a steam ing aside the steam waggon for a time of engine of the power of five horses on board, more leisure. to work machinery to raise the mud into flatts.

Two weeks afterwards, I commenced the This was a fine opportunity to shew the pubconstruction of a small engine for a mill to lic that my engine could propell both land and grind plaister of Paris-the cylinder six water carriages, and I resolved to do it. When inches in diameter, and stroke of the piston the work was finished, I put wheels under it ; eighteen inches--believing that with $ 1000 and though it was equal in weight to two huncould fully try the experiment. But before I dred barrels of flour, and the wheels fixed was done with experiments, I found that with wooden axletrees, for this temporary purhad expended $3,700-all that I could com-pose, in a very rough manner, and with great mand. I had now to begin the world anew at Fiction, of course, yet with this small engine the age of forty-eight, with a large family to I transported my great burthen to the Schuyl support. I had calculated that if I failed in kill with ease; and, when it was launched in my experiment, the credit I had would be en- the water, I fixed a paddle wheel at the stern, tirely lost; and without money or credit, at and drove it down the Schuylkill to the Delamy advanced age, with many heavy encum-ware, and up the Delaware to the city, leav brances, my way through life appeared dark ing all the vessels going up behind me, at and gloomy indeed. But I succeeded perfect-least, half way; the wind heing a-head. ly with my little engine, and preserved my Some wise men undertook to ridicule my I could break and grind 300 bushels experiment of propelling this great weight on of plaister of Paris, or 12 tons, in 24 hours; land, because the motion was too slow to he and to shew its operations more fully to the useful. I silenced them by answering, that public, I applied it to saw stone on the side I would make a carriage, to be propelled by of Market-street, where the driving of twelve steam, for a bet of $3000, to run upon a level saws, in heavy frames, sawing at the rate of road against the swiftest horse they would 100 feet of marble stone in 12 hours, made a produce. I was then as confident, as I am now, great shew, and excited much attention that such velocity could be given to carriages. thought this was sufficient to convince the Having no doubt of the great utility of thousands of spectators of the utility of my steam carriages on good turnpike roads, with discovery: but I frequently heard them en proper arrangements for supplying them with quire if the powercould be applied to saw tim-water and fuel, and believing that all turnpike


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