
act was such as to induce men to think that nothing but a madman would or could commit it? This he maintained should not be concluded. Suppose that it had pleased God, for the sake of the large family which Mr. Perceval had left, and for the sake of the country, to snatch off the man in the very moment of uplifting his band to commit the murder.-Let me suppose that on the same morning he had made his will, that his representatives had tried to set aside the will on the plea of insanity and adduced the attempt and contrivances he had made, as the proof of it, would it be said, having in every other respect shewn himself a rational man, that this being the only irrational act should therefore be Esteemed sufficient evidence of his having no mind? Because he had done this one act, which was an act of madness, was it to be inferred that he was deranged, merely because he had commit.ed so atrocious a deed, that no one else would have committed it! If so, then the consequence would be, that the magnitude of a crime would he an apology for it.

ful task devolved on him of calling the attention of the Court and Jury to the case of the prisoner. He conjured them to consider, that justice, and not vengeance, to-day, was the object of this prosecution. He adverted to the prisoner's life and habit,and on the soundness of his mind in every transaction of his life, being selected by others to transact their business, as well as manifesting and exercising a complete knowledge of his own. He went some years ago to Russia from a house in Liverpool, and there, whether by his conduct or misconduct he could not say, but he was imprisoned, on which occasion he applied for redress to Lord G. L Gower and Mr. Sharpe, but they could not interfere with the Govern ment there, and he afterwards returned here, and went into business, and found persons to join him, and employ him, in Liverpool, as well to manage his own, as to conduct their affairs. Then he conceived that he was entitled to remuneration, and sought it from Government here. But no foundation being esta blished that could warrant their consideration of him, his claim was rejected. He then endeavoured to appeal to Parliament, but no person could be found who would undertake the task, conceiving that he had not the least claim or right to any relief from Parliament. He then applied to Mr. Perceval himself, who found that he had not just ground of claim, and, of course, resisted his suit. From that moment the desire of revenge arose in hising he applied to the prisoner, adding that mind, and murder was the crime he resolved


The Learned Gentleman then stated the law of the case, as itapplied to sane and insane persons, clearly demonstrating that the cognizance of right and wrong was, that alone which the law regarded as the criterion by which it considered persons responsible to the law for their acts, distinguishing between criminal and civil incapacity, and this reason

a man may be incapable of managing bis own He has been resident in this city for four affairs, that it may even be deemed expedient months, and the whole of that time has been to deprive him of the power of managing occupied in preparing himself for the horrid them, yet that man is not thereby discharged act. He informed himself of the time when from his criminal acts. He said this on the Mr. Perceval was in the habit of going to authority of the first sages who had written the House of Commons; he provided himself on criminal law, and who laid it down, that with pistols, balls, and ammunition, and even a man, though incapable of conducting his had an alteration made in his dress by the civil affairs, is criminally responsible if he has addition of a pocket extraordinary to contain a mind capable of distinguishing between right one of the pistols so provided. He placed and wrong. The Attorney-General maintainhimself in such a situation as was best calcu-ed that if even insanity in all his other acts lated not only to commit the crime that he had in view, but also to elude the possibility of prevention; for he took his station immedi ately within the outer door of the lobby of the House of Commons, a spot precisely suited to meet every Member as he came in, and perpetrate the deed without interruption. You will hear from the witnesses the account of this tragical event. They will detail the particulars of this murder. Is he, or is he not, guilty of the horrid assassination, is the simple question for the Jury, and on that you will decide? In adverting here to the bloody deed, the Attorney General noticed the manner in which the prisoner always conducted himself, to shew that he was always compos mentis, and completely so at the time that be committed the foul murder.

He then

From these topics the Learned Gentleman adverted to the wicked machinations in con triving and planning the crime. appealed to the good sense of the Jury to say, whether, because the whole course of a man's life was perfectly rational, that it could only he irrational when the atrociousness of the||

had been manifest, yet the systematic correctness with which the prisoner contrived the murder of Mr. Perceval, shewed a mind at the time capable of distinguishing right and wrong. Here there was no deficiency, as in the cases he bad cited, and therefore he must insist, that if the Jury thought with him they must find a verdict of Guilty. He coneluded by expressing his satisfaction, that this was an act not counected with any other person, but confined solely to theprisoner at the Bar.

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL Concluded about one o'clock; the witnesses called for the Crown were, Mr. W. Smith, M. P. for Norwich; Mr. Lynn, (the surgeon) Gen. Gascoigne, Mr. Bura gess, a person of the name of Taylor, Mr. Hume, Mr. Norris, Mr. Dowling, and Vicary, the Bow street officer. The evidence was the same in every particular which was given before the Coroner's inquest, and, as it disclosed no new fuct, we refer our readers to the report of the inquest, as thinking it un necessary to repeat the evidence. The evi dence of Taylor, the only new witness ad

duced, was, to the fact of receiving orders from the prisoner to make him an inner pocket, close to the left breast of his coat; with a view, no doubt, of carrying his pistols unsuspiciously therein. Taylor was a tailor, and had repair d clothes for the prisoner. The pistols were produced, and the one found on Bellingham's person, and loaded, was proved to be the fellow of the one with which he assassinated Mr. Perceval; the mould in which the bullets were cast, and the bag for the pistols, and screw, which seemed to belong to them, and which were found at his lodgings, were likewise produced, and the whole was found, severally, to correspond, and be appropriate, each to the other. The bore of the pistol was very large, and the bullets found in the prisoner's lodgings exactly fitted the bore of the pistol used in the murder. Mr. Smith gave his evidence in a most admirable manner, and with great sensibility. Indeed, all the witnesses were solemu, correct, and impressive. It was about three o'clock when the case for the prosecution closed. The prisoner was then informed by the Chief Justice that this was the time for his deft nce.

The prisoner said, that the papers taken from his person were documents absolutely necessary to his defence, and he claimed them from the Court. They were accordingly delivered to him; and he proceeded to address the Jury in a speech of above an hour's continuance, interspersed with the reading of those several documents, and with his own comments. He expressed his thanks to the King's Attorney General for the resistance he opposed to the defence set up by his Counsel, which went to prove that he was insane; because, if it had succeeded, it would not have answered the purpose of his justification. As to the lamentable catastrophe for which he was now on his trial before that Court, no man could lament the sad event with deeper sorrow than he did-not even the family and nearest friends of the unfortunate Mr. Perceval. He disclaimed, in the most solemn manver, any motive of personal or premeditated mualice towards that Gentleman in particular; and could only state, the unfortunate lot had fallen upon him as a leading Member of that Administration, which had repeatedly refused him any reparation for the unparalleled injuries he had sustained in Russia. He then entered into a detail of the injuries he had suffered. He was, he said, a person engaged in mercantile concerns at Liverpool, and in a prosperous situation; that in the year 1804 he went to Russia, on some mercantile business of importance to himself; and having finished that business, he was about to take his departure from Archangel for England. At that time a ship, called the Soleure, was lost in the White Sea. She was chartered for England, and, by the direction of her owners, insured at Lloyd's Coffee-house; but the underwriters at Lloyd's refused to pay the owners for their loss; and in consequence of some circum stances connected with this refusal, and the foss of this ship, with neither of which he had any concern whatever, he was seized in his

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carriage as he was passing the Russian frontier, by order of the Military Governor at Archangel, and thrown in'o prison-He immediately applied to the British Consul at Archangel, and 'hrough him to the British Ambassdor, Lord Granville Leveson Gower, then at the Russian Court, stating his case. Lord G. L. Gower wrote to the Military Governor of Archangel, desiring that if he, the prisoner, was not detained for any legal cause, he might be immediately liberated as a British subject; but the Governor answered, that he, the pri soner, was detained in prison for a legal cause, and that he had conducted himself in a very indecorous manner. From this time Lord G. L. Gower, and the British Consul, positively declined any farther interference in the business; and he, the prisoner, was detained in durance for near two years, in spite of all his endeavours to induce the British Minister to interfere with the Emperor of Russia, for the investigation of his case. At length, however, after being bandied from prison to prison, and from dungeon to dungeon, fed on bread and water, treated with the utmost cruelty, and frequently marched through the streets under a military guard, with felons and criminals of the most atrocious description, even before the residence of the British Minister, who might view from his window this degrading severity towards a British subject, who had committed no crime, to the disgrace and insult of the British nation; he was afterwards enabled to make his case known through the Procureur; it was investigated, and he obtained a judgment against the Military Governor and the Senate. Notwithstanding this decision, he was immedi ately sent to another prison, and a demand was made on him for 2000 rubles, alleged to be due by him to a Russian merchant, who was a banrkupt. He refused to pay this demand for a debt which he did not owe; and the Senate, finding him determined to resist the demand, he was declared a bankrupt, and continued in prison under the pretence, that, having been applied to for the payment of this demand, he had made answer that he could not pay it, because all his property was in Englaud, no such answer having ever been given by him. Under this pretence he was detained in prison. When the Marquis of Douglas arrived in Russia, he made his case known to him; and said he only wished it to be shewn that the money was justly due, and he would pay it. The Marquis of Douglas made a representation, and stated it was only desired that the justice of the claim should be shewn, and the money should be paid. This application, bowever, was ineffectual, and bo was stilirequired to pay the 2000 roubles, or even 20 roubles, to acknowledge, in some degree, the justice of the demand.

All this while his wife, a young woman of only twenty years of age, with an infant at her breast, remained at St. Petersburgh, in expect. ation of his arrival: and at length, in the eighth month of her pregnancy, disappointed of her hopes, was obliged to set out unprotected, on her voyage for England. At last,

take such steps as he thought fit. Finding himself thus bereft of all hopes of redress; his affairs ruined by his long imprisonment in Russia, through the fault of the British Minister; his property all dispersed for want of his own attention; his family driven into tribulation and want; his wife and children claiming support, which he was unable to give

pressed on all sides by claims he could not answer; and that justice refused to him which it was the duty of Government to give, not as a matter of favour but of right; and Mr. Perceva! obstinately refusing to sanction his claims in Parliament, he was driven to despair, and under these agonizing feelings was impelled to that disperate alternative which he had unfortunately adopted, and for which the last answer of the Government had given him a carte-blanche.

Lord G. L. Gower was then in the Court, and he called on him to contradict, if he could, the statement be had made. Mr Perceval had unfortunately fallen the victim of his de sperate resolution. No man lamented more sincerely than he did the calamitous event. He could never reflect on it without being ready to burst into tears. If he had met Lord Gower, in the desperate resolution he had taken, he (Lord G.) should have received the ball-and not Mr. Perceval. He disclaimed most solemely all personal or premeditated malice against Mr. Perceval.

In the conclusion of his Address, Bellingham became very animated and energetic, and spoke as follows:

after a series of six years' persecution in the mauner he bad described, the Senate, quite tired out by these severities, in 1809, he received, at midnight, a discharge from his con finement, and an order to quit the Russian dominions; with a pass, which was in fact an acknowledgment of the justice of his cause. On his return to England he laid a statement of his grievances before the Marquis Wel-them; himself involved in difficulties, and lesley, accompanied by authentic documents, and claiming some redress for the injuries he had sustain d through the conduct of the British Minister in Russia; which injuries it was impossible he should have suffered, if they had not been countenanced and sanctioned by that Minister. The Noble Marquis was then in Court, and could contradict his statement if it was false. He represented the circumstane s as they really were; and not as personally concerning himself, but as involving the honour of the British Government. He was referred by the Noble Marquis to the Privy Council, and from the Privy Council to the Treasury; and thus bandied from one department to another, he applied to Mr. Perceval, who refused to support his claims. He was uext advised to petition Parliament; but then he was informed it was necessary to have the sanction of his Majesty's Ministers, as his claim was of a pecuniary nature; and be accordingly wrote to Mr. Perceval during the Session of 1811, but he received for an swer from his Secretary, that the time for presenting private petitions to Parliament was gone by, and that Mr. Perceval could not encourage his hopes, that he would recommend his claims to the House of Commons. next memorialized his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in a statement of his sufferings; some time afterwards, he received an answer from Colonel M'Mahon, stating that by some accident his petition was mislaid. He then wrote another petition to his Royal Highness, and he understood it was referred to the Treasury, as appeared by a letter to him from Mr. Secretary Ryder, dated Whitehall, on the very day his Royal Highness came to unrestricted power; but at the Treasury he was afterwards told that nothing could be done, aud that he had nothing to expect. He wrote another memorial to the Prince Regent, but was informed by a letter from Mr. Ryder, that his Royal Highness had not been pleased to give any commands on the subject. Foiled in all his attempts to obtain justice, he applied about six weeks since to the Magi. strates at Bow-street, in a letter, stating his grievances, intreating their interference by application to Government,-aud adding, that if all redress was refused him, he must be obliged to do himself justice by taking such steps as those must be responsible for who resisted all bis applications. He received an answer in few lines from Mr. Justice Read, saying, that the office could not interfere: but he found that Mr. Read, as was his duty, had represented the circumstance to Government; || and on a subsequent application to the Treasury, be was informed there, that he had nothing to expect, and that he was at liberty to


"It is a melancholy fact, said he, that the warping of justice, including all the various ramifications in which it operates, occasions more misery in the world, in a moral sense, than all the acts of God in a physical one, with which he punishes mankind for their transgressions; a confirmation of which, the single, but strong instance before you, is one remarkable proof.

"If a poor unfortunate man stops another upon the highway, and robs him of but a few shillings, he may be called upon to forfeit his life. But I have been robbed of my liberty for years, ili treated beyond precedent, torn from my wife and family, bereaved of all my property to make good the consequences of such irregularities; deprived and bereaved of every thing that makes life valuable, and then called upon to forfeit it, because Mr. Perceval has been pleased to patronize iniquity that ought to have been punished, for the sake of a vote or two in the House of Commons, with, perhaps, a similar good turn elsewhere.

"Is there, Gentlemen, any comparison between the enormity of these two offenders? No more than a mite to a mountain. Yet the one is carried to the gallows, while the other stalks in security, fancying himself beyond the reach of the law or justice: the most honest man suffers, while the other goes forward in triumph to new and more extended enormities.

"We have had a recent and striking in stance of some unfortunate men, who have been called upon to pay their lives as the for

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feit of their allegiance, in endeavouring to mi-
tigate the rigours of a pris u.-Alluding to
the recent Trials for High Treason, at Horse.
monger-lane)-But, Gen'lemen, were is the
proportion between the crimes for which thes
suffered, and
hat Government bas been guilty
of in withhold ng its prote- tion from me?—
Even in a Crown case, after years of suff rings.
I have been called upon to sacrifice all my
property, and the welfare of my fɩm ly, to bols
ter up the iniquities of the Crown, and hen
am prosecuted for my life, because I have
taken the only possible alternative to bring
the affair to a public investigation, for the
purpose of being enabled to return to th
bosom of my family with some degree of com-
fort and honour Every man within the sound
my voice must feel for my situation; bu
by you, Gentlemen of the Jury, it must b fel
in a peculiar degree, who are husbands and
fathers, and can fancy yourselves in my situa.
tion- trust that this serious lesson will ope-
rate as a warning to all future Ministers, and
lead them to do he thing that is right, as an
unerring rule of conduct; for, if the superior
classes were more correct in their proceedings,
the extensive ramifications of evil would, in a
great measure, be hemmed up-and a notable
proof of the fact is, that this Court wou'd
never have been troubled with the case before
it, had their conduct been guided by these

t appeared that none of them ever knew any instance of his being a tended by any medical verson, or in any manner coufined or restraind for one hour by his friends on account of insanity, or prevented from the management of his own affairs, or from transacting business with others. Ad Anne Fidgins, in particular, admitted, that he had gone to attend divine service both morning and evening, last Sunday, at the Fourdling Hospital Chapel, with her mistress and her little son; and that he attended them on Monday to the European Muenm; and had been always respected in the house as a most regular and orderly person.

Sir JAMES MANSFIELD succinctly recapitulated the circumstane s already detailed, and remarked, the plea of insanity could not be of any aval in such a case, unless it could be proved that the prisoner, at the time he com mitted the act, was so far deranged in his mind, as not to be capable of judging between right nd wrong.

The Jury, after retiring a short time, returned their verdict-GUILTY

The RECORDER immediately proceeded to pronounce sentence. "Prisoner at the Bar, you have been found guilty of one of the most atrocious crimes-a crime that, in all ages, and in all nations, has been held in detestation. In your case, this crime has been attended with every possible circumstance of aggravation. You have been guilty of the murder of a person whose suavity of manuers disarmed hostility and rancour. By his death charity has been deprived of its warmest friend, and religion of its best support, and the country of its greatest ornament. A man whose public character and talents were capable of saving his country. The murder you have perpetraled in the midst of unarmed men, confiding in their innocence and the sacred functions vested in them by their country, and in the very sauc

"I have now occupied the attention of the Court for a period much longer than I intend. ed; yet, I trust, they will consider the awful. ness of my situation to be a sufficient ground for a trespass, which, under other circum stances, would be inexcusable. Sooner than suffer what I have suffered for the last eight years, however, I should consider five hundred deaths, if it were possible for human nature to endure them, a fate far more preferable. Lost so long to all the endearmen's of my family,tuary of the law." bereaved of all the bles ings of life, and deprived of its greatest sweet, liberty, as the weary traveller who has long been pelted by the pityless storm welcomes the much desired ion, I shall receive death as the relief of all my sorrows. I shall not occupy your attention lon ger; but relying on the justice of God, and submitting myself to the dictates of your conscience, I submit to the fiat of my face, firmly anticipating an acquittal from a charge so abhorrent to every feeling of my soul."

Three witnesses were then called-Mrs. Phillips, who said, she knew the prisoner from his childhood; that his father had died insane, and that he himself had been all his life in a state of derangement; and particularly since he came from Russia, and whenever he talked on this subject for the last three years.Mrs. Mary Clark, who lives in Bagnio court, Newgate street, also stated her opinion of the prisoner's insani'y for the last two years.-Anne Fidgins, servant at the house where the prisover lodged in Nw Vilman-street, for the last four months, deposed that she thought his manner confused and deranged for some time back, and particularly on Sunday la-t: but on cross-examination of these witnesses,

He concluded a very solemn and impressive address by sentencing the prisoner to be taken to the place from whence he came, and from thence to be taken, on Monday next, to a place of execution, and there hung by the neck till dead, and his body afterwards to be dissected and anatomized.

The prisoner appeared very much collected throughout the whole of the proceedings. He observed the witnesses, as they delivered their evidence, with much attention; and at intervals appeared serene and careless; sometimes twirling in his fingers a leaf of the herbs which generally lie on the front of the dock, and sometimes viewing the spectators. When addressing the Jury, he seemed quite conscious of the justice of his cause; but it appeared from his emotion whenever he had occasion to mention Mr. Perceval himself, or whenever his virtues became the theme of praise to others, not that he had taken justice into his own hands, but that he had not selected another victim. Lord Granville Levison Gower seemed to be the chief object of bis resentment. While reading his papers, it was evident, from the manner in which they trembled in his hands, that he was much

agitated; but as well as we could judge, his emotion was the result rather of an anxiety to deliver his sentiments with due effect, and a sense of his former sufferings, and what he conceived to be his wrongs, than of any appre. hension as to his fate.



presence of God, he trusted that all feelings of resentment or revenge were eradicated from his mind; he said yes; that no man could feel more sincerely for the situation of Mrs. Perceval, and her family than he did-that he was aware he was about to appear in the presence of God-that it was vain for human being to hope to appear in that presence free from guilt-that man was but corruption. At seven on Monday morning, May 17, about Mr. Sheriff Birch said, you hope for mercy twenty Gentlemen, chiefly men of rank, assem- from your repentance through the merits and bled in the Lord Mayor's parlour at the intercession of your Redeemer. He said, yes, Sessions House. About half past seven, Mr. he was conscious of the nature of the act he Sheriff Birch, and Mr. Sheriff Heygate, with had committed, and added, you know it is Mr. Poynder, their Deputy, arrived in the same forbidden in scripture. Mr. Sheriff Heygate The Lord Mayor soon after followed. || said, he was glad he was in that temper of The Sheriffs and his Lordship were in full mind, and asked if he wished to have his dress suits of black. Headed by these officers sentiments made known. Bellingham answerthe company proceeded through the Sessions ed, "yes, certainly, I wish most earnestly to House by subterraneous passages into New- have them made kuown." The Sheriff then gate, and through various yards till they came asked him if there was any thing further he into the yard of the condemned capital con- had to say, any communication he had to make victs. Here was set out a small anvil on which to his family, or to any other person; he to strike off Bellingham's fetters. It rained answered, no; with respect to himself, his bard. The Sheriffs ordered the spectators to cares were of course over, and all his concern stand at some distance but around the anvil. was for his family, which, he said, consisted In a few minutes Bellingham appeared, attendof his wife and three children, all sous, and ed by the Rev. Mr. Ford, the Ordinary of New- he was most anxious they should be provided gate.-Bllingnam looked a little about him for. The Sheriff then reminded him that a with a quick and sharp manner, and observed, Gentleman had been there yesterday from "It is a very wet morning." He seemed as Liverpool, who had promised him that his calm, collected and firm, as any of the specta- family should be taken care of He expressd tors, quite attentive to what was going forward his satisfaction, and again repeated, that the without the least confusion. He was dressed only anxiety he now felt was for his family, in a brown great coat buttoned half way up; a and for their future provision. Mr Sher:ff blue and buff striped waistcoat, clay-coloured Heygate then addressed him, and asked him pantaloons, white stockings, and shoes. He if he still adhered to his former deciaration kept on his round hat, and looked a little that he had not perpetrated this act from any flushed in the face. He was desired to place concert or com.uication with any other perhis left leg on the anvil, which he did, but son, and that he was prompted to commit seemed a little afraid they would hurt him; it merely from a mistaken sense of the wrongs he begged they w uld take care not to hurt which he conceived himself individually to him. When the irons were striking off his have suffered. He immediately answered with right leg, he winced a little, as if they had hurt perular earnestness that be had not acted in him. concert or in commusication with any human being, and he wished that his last words upon this subject should be made known. He then turned round to a table on which the ropes for binding his hands and arms, and the one with which he was to be executed, were lying, and said, "Gentlemen, I am quite ready." The boar being early arrived at which he was to suffer, one of the attendants proceeded to fasten his wrists together; he turned up the sleeves of his coat, and clasping his hands togather, presented them to the man who held the cord, and said, "so!" When they were

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When his irons were off, he quickly retired into a room, attended by Dr. Ford, the Sheriffs, the Lord Mayor, the executioner, some oflicers, and two or three Gentlemen, to have his arms tied back with ropes, &c. Here he put on Hessian boots, and waited till the proper time of proceeding to the place of execu tion. During the time that he remained here, he talked to the Sheriffs with ease and com posure, he repeated shortly what he had said at the trial, respecting the wrongs which he couceived himself to have suffered; and ad ded, that if he could have presented his Peti-fastened, he desired the attendant to pull down tion to the House of Commons, the event for which he was then about to die would not have happened; expressing at the same time a hope that some regulation would be made upon the subject of petitions in future, to pre vent similar consequences. Mr. Sheriff Heygate then addressed him, and said, he hoped that at this awful moment be felt due and deep contrition for the dreadful act which he bad perpetrated. He replied, "I hope that I feel all that a man ought to feel." The Sheriff then said, as he was about to appear in the

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his sleeves so far as to cover the cord. The offcer then proceeded to secure his arms by a rope behind him; when the man had finished, he moved his hands upwards, as if to ascertain whether he could reach his neck, and asked whether they thought his arms were sufficiently fastened, saying that he might possibly struggle, and that he wished to be so secured as to prevent any inconvenience arising from it, and requested that the rope might be tightened a little, which was accordingly done. During the whole of the awful scene he ap

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