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APPROACHING the Prince with respectful tenderness, he asked his consent to the marriage of his daughter with Gherardini. Hannibal did not hesitate to accord it; he even thought he might make the offer to Adolfo of augmenting the marriage portion of the beautiful Stefanina, but Rinaldi refused it." A wife," said he," should bring no other dowry to her husband than gentleness and virtue; and riches are but too apt to destroy in a female heart the only qualities which constitute the happiness of their husbands."

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However, the infamous Des Roehers had not beheld without jealousy the marks of esteem with which the Prince had distinguished the valiant Rinaldi, and he determined on his rain. Des Roehers, born in France, of obscure parents, united to the most relaxed priuciples the most corrupt morals: a single glance was sufficient to enable him to see and to take hold of the weak side of the most artful characters. The ardent nature of the Prince did not escape his penetrating eye, and he judged that to second the unbridled desires of Hannibal was the surest road to that fortune and honour he was ambitious to obtain: he began by rendering himself agreeable, and finished by making himself useful. His atrocious mind easily familiarized with crime, he joyfully committed it, as it was advantageous to his views and to the accomplishment of his Prince's wishes.

Sabionetta, and there was not a family in the duchy who did not weep for a daughter or a sister seduced or violated by the satellites or artifices of the Prince, who was become the execration of his subjects. Adolfo alone restrained the hatred of the public; he was dear to the soldiery, who cheerfully obeyed him, were ever submissive, and kept the people under subordination. Alas! Adolfo was far from foreseeing the abyss which bis cowardly opponent was opening for him. He set off for Ripafratta, carrying with him the satisfaction of having seen that time had not effaced from the heart of Hannibal the remembrance of his services, and enjoying the pleasure of announcing to his daughter that the husband whom her inclination and her duty had chosen was agreeable to the Prince.

The gentle Stefanina awaited the return of her father with all the impatience of love and the anxiety of fear. Her lover, no less agitated than herself, suffered his imagination to lengthen out the time which yet separated them and delayed his happiness, when Rinaldi arrived. He asked for his future son-in-law, who had passed over into Casale during the absence of Adolfo; and Gherardini arriving instantly on the orders of Rinaldi, learned from his own lips that the morrow was the day fixed for his union with the lovely Stefanina. The day was passed in preparations for their journey; for Rinaldi had told them that immedi

Des Rochers had spread terror through ately after the ceremony they would mount

their horses and repair to Sabionetta, where the Prince had requested they should keep their wedding.

however, dissipated her fears, and made her
hasten her steps to the apartment of her fu
ther. She found him animated with joy at
the idea of the happiness he was about to
procure for his daughter; he embraced her
with tenderness, and said to her," Stefanina,
thou wilt pass from the arms of a tender pareut
into those of a fond husband; remember that
I give up to him all my rights; never take
advantage of his tenderness, if you wish never
to feel the weight of his authority; your bus-
band has every qualification to constitute the
happiness of a virtuous woman; but he has
also that strength of mind which will render'
him master over his affections when it is his
duty to sacrifice them to what is just and
right, beware of failing in your duties towards
him; your husband otherwise will become
your ¡ynt, and you will find no longer a
support in your father."

Although Stefanina did not murmur, it was not without regret that she heard the command to quit her present way of life, and encounter the bustle of the world in that moment when her happiness could be found only in retirement and in the sole society of an adored husband, who would have taught her to enjoy every heartfelt delight by his own sentiments and feelings. This was the first time that Stefanina failed to perform with pleasure the commands of her father; her tears flowed in spite of all her efforts, and in spite of all the happiness she promised herself in her union with Gherardini, she experienced || only melancholy sensations ia her inmost soul. Often she would wish her marriage to be delayed, in order to put off the instant when the misfortunes which her imagination had assured her were about to overwhelm her as she quitted the altar which should witness her vows. Night came; Gherardini rema ned, for the first time, at the Castle of Ripafratta, and retiring to the apartment which had been destined for him, he gave himself up to the pleasure of thinking on those joys which the morrow would give to him; his heart anticipated them, and such was the enchanting image which his imagination gave to the fu. ture, that he thought the delicious momeats of certainty too tardy in their arrival. Alas! poor Stefanina was far from experiencing such delight; her terrified spirit seemed to see only disasters; she trembled for her father, her husband, and herself, while dark forebodings tormented her incessantly. It seemed as if some inferual power, jealous of the happiness which she was about to enjoy, conjured up phantoms to destroy the peace of so pure a spirit; or rather it seemed as if Heaven, who formed woman of a clay more pure than that from which it created man, had given them also a higher degree of feeling to render them able to receive that prophetic inspiration with which they are sometimes animated: whatever it might be, Stefanina saw the morning break only with terror; she shuddered as the sound of the bell called her to the chapel; love,||

Never before had so much severity becn known in the counsels of Rinaldi to his daugh. ter; nor ever had he sought more by his carresses to make her forget whatever might have been too harsh in his expressions. S efanina, comforted by the tes imonies of affection which her father lavished on her, suffered her heart to pour forth the torrent of tenderness with which it was overwhelmed, and forgetting all the anxieties of the past night, its phantoms and the terrors of early dawn, she saw only happiness in view, and she followed ber father to the altar, where the impatient Gherardini awaited her. Stefanina looked like the

just opening rose, while Gherardiini was like the sun when, issuing from the gates of the east, he sheds light and life on the whole creation. At the awful sound of the sacred vows which the minister of God pronounced to bless their union, the tender bride heaved a gentle sigh which added to their extatic charm, as she promised to ive only for her faithful Gherardini, who, intoxicated with the most delightful sentiment, led her from the chapel to the door where their horses awaited them, and from whence they departed, accompanied by Ri naldi and some esquires.

The atrocious Des Roehers was the cause of this journey. He had found means to persuade the Prince that to celebrate the wed

ding in the palace of Sabionetta would give it more popularity than elsewhere; besides he could not better honour the man who had taught his father arms, than in taking upon himself to make the fortune of his family But these motives which he had placed before the eyes of Hannibal, were not those which had determined him to draw Rinaldi, Stefanina, and her husband to Sabionetta: the monster proposed to the Prince to carry off the bride of the valiant Gherardini, and it was with this intention that he had engaged to invite the new married pair to his Court. Des Roehers was aware that Rinaldi did not know he had enemies in his neighbourhood, and he began his journey without any precaution, because he had no suspicion, and Gherardini would ensure the safety of his father-in-law, and follow his example of security; consequently a few ruffians which Des Rochers had always in pay, would be sufficient to render him master of Stefanina, after having killed Rinaldi and Gherardi, and put their suite to flight.


Between Sabionetta and Ripafratta there was a little thick and lonely wood, and it was there Des Reelers posted himself with his troop. Rinaldi soon made his appearance, when Des Rochers, who was completely armed, let down-|| his vizor, and followed by his men, rushed from his ambuscade, and couching his lance, darted on Rinaldi, who adroitly parrying the lance, let fail a terrible blow with his sword ou the helmet of the murderer; Rinaldi was about to repeat the blow, and gain a triumph perhaps, although in his ordinary habits, against a man completely armed, when a ball from an arquebuse struck his horse, and he fell dead over his rider. While the hardy Adolfo, stunned by his fall, lay extended on the ground, Des Rochers flew to Stefanina, and lifting her from her palfrey and seating her before him upon the horse he rode, set off on full gallop, leaving to his satellites the care of getting rid of Rinaldi and Gherardini. But Gherardiui was no such easy prey; by the help of the two esquires he faced the assail. ants, and two amongst them were already desperately wounded, when the intrepid Gherardini received a sabre wound in his left arm,

and at the same time a stroke on the head which caused him to fall senseless between the horse's feet. A this sight the esquires, already wounded, fled from the field of battle, and the bandits, content with their victory, retired for fear that the inhabitants of the neighbouring villages might run to the place at the noise of the combat, and give information of the authors of this crime, and for which all Lombardy would cry aloud for vengeance.

However, Des Rochers had caused his prey to be shut up in the castle at the gates of Sobionetta, which contained a woman as corrupt as himself, and with whom he had long maintained a criminal correspondence. Donua Bianca, for it was to her care that Des Rochers had confided the virtuous Stefanina, sought at first to assure her of her safety, and to inspire her with confidence; but the daughter of Rinaldi seemed as if annihilated with sorrow, all her senses appeared frozen; she shed no tears, and Donna Bianca judging that the idea of her misfortunes had left too deep an impres sion on her mind for any thing to diminish i's agony, ceased to speak to her, and ordered her to be left alone in her chamber, which was now her prison.

While things were in this train at the castle of Donna Bianca, the valiant Rinaldi recovered from his swoon, disengaged his left leg which remained under his wounded horse, and snatching up his sword, sought to avenge his fall by the death of some of his enemies ; but the brave old man saw himself only surrounded by dead corpses; the two Esquires had perished in fighting in his defence, Stefanina had disappeared, and her husband lay weltering in his blood, proving to the eyes of Rinaldi that he had only abandoned his bride with life. However, au unaccountable cmotion caused him to inspect the wounds of his sonin-law; he found him wounded only in the arm, and he attributed to that only the ap pearance of death which spread itself over the person of Gherardini, and also from the loss of blood. He bound up the wound, and heard a gentle groan; this gave hopes to the brave man; a neighbouring brook offered its pure waters, and he bathed the face and temples of his unfortunate son, who coming to himself,

municated his ideas to Gherardini:-" It is not then," said he, "to satisfy the impure desire of Des Roehers, that he has carried off my child; it is his hatred towards me and thee, that nerved the same arm to precipitate us to the tomb that would dishonour and outrage my daughter; but he has not yet consummated the outrage which he menaced; the coward || would debase thy wife, he shall not enjoy this humiliation; let us prevent him, and wash away by his blood the stain which is prepared for us. Let us speed forwards; Des Roebers shall perish beneath our feet; come, Gherardi. ni, a great mind can never be weakened by the loss of blood; virtue upholds him, and gives to the body that force which heretofore was wanting."

sought only, as he opened his eyes, his lovely bride. Alas! they had torn her from his sight; but the hope of recovering her or of avenging her, on him who had dragged her away, gave him hopes and strength enough to rise and desire to quit the place dyed with his blood, and watered by the tears of his Stefanina, when he saw one of the banditti whom he had felled to the earth, making efforts to rise. Gherardini went up to him, and presenting the point of his sword, threatened to kill him, if he refused to declare who was the author of this crime, of which he and his comrades had only been the instruments. This mau who had but a breath of life in him, snatched off the mask under which he, as well as his comrades had hidden their faces, and || discovered to the eyes of the father and son a groom belonging to Des Rochers.

Gherardini did not want this excitement; love, honour, vengeance, by turns burned in his bosom; and he armed himself with that coat of mail under his habit which the ancient esquire of Rinaldi, who inhabited the village, had offered to accompany his master

Rinaldi immediately felt of what importauce it was to prolong the existence of a man from whom he could gain every information of the fate of his daughter; and putting him under the care of some labourerain. Adolfo knew well his valour and fidelity, that the noise of fire-arms had drawn to the wood, he ordered them to transport him to their dwelling, and to bring horses for his son-in-law and for himself.

he was overjoyed to associate with him in this enterprize, and received from his hands a coat of mail equal to that which Gherardini had received from his host.

Although one of Gherardini's esquires had They waited the morrow with impatience; opposed his sword against the blow of the the wished-for moment at length arrived, and sabre which had overthrown his master, it had they all three, mounted on vigorous steeds, not diminished its violence enough to prevent flew towards the Castle of Donua Bianca; the a contusion taking place, or prevented his ex- draw bridges were thrown down, they passed periencing the most insupportable agonies;|| over, and the centinel, who saw them ap happily the flow of blood and congealed proach with no other arms but their swords, blood, issuing from the orifice, rendering by || did not stop them, and they were already in only the necessary space safety to the compressed brain, gave the requisite play to the organs; so that when the horses arrived, Gherardini felt sufficient strength to be led to the next village.

He was no sooner arrived with Rinaldi, than he began to interrogate the wounded groom; and this man finding his end drawing near, declared that himself and his companions had received an order to kill Rinaldi and Gherardini, and to carry off Stefanina, to conduct her as privately as possible to the Castle of Donna Bianca.

At the name of Bianca, Rinaldi felt joy re newed in his bosom, and immediately he com

the apartments of the Castle before its mistress could be warned of their arrival; they were about to penetrate into every apartment, when Donna Bianca presented herself before hem.

Accustomed to dissimulation, she asked them with a firm tone of voice, "what brought them thither?”

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You must know this villain, I denounce him to you; you should blush to unite in his crimes; diminish the magnitude of them by restoring to me my daughter, or tremble: I am ready to prove you as guilty as him, whose crimes you will endeavour in vain to deny."

Donna Bianca was moved for the first time in her life; she was not mistress of the emotions with which her bosom was agitated; fear had conquered her effrontery, but the arrival of Des Rochers soon restored it to her.

Des Rochers at first expressed his astonishment at seeing a kind of altercation amongst the parties, and affecting himself an air of serenity, he said to Rina'di, "tha: next to the happiness of having su coured the beautiful Stefanina, he could not experience greater than to receive Rinaldi and his son-in law in a place where he had in his power to evince to them all the esteem he felt ; pass," added he, "into the next apartment, and you shall hear from the lips of your daughter the account of her deliverance."

Stefanina, however, had recovered the use of her senses, only benumbed by the crowd of sensations which agitated her heart; she be. beld beside her a well made man, glittering with gold and jewels, who addressed her in the most kind and affecting manner: she knew him not, and answered only by tears to all that the most lively interest gave to the ex pressions of the Prince of Sabionetta, for i› was him whom Des Rochers had intro duced to Stefanina, and the bypocrite had prepared every thing to make himself appear innocent of the carrying off Stefanina; he had ordered four of his people to hold themselves armed, with their vizors down, on the high road, to attack the travellers when they should appear with Stefanina, carry her off, and bring her to the Castle, where he followed them, and shewed himself, after having changed his helmet and coat of mail, amongst the number of Stefanina's deliverers. By this stratagem, be pretended immediately to the Prince, that he had rescued the daughter of Rinaldi, aud he reckoned upon that love with which she could not fail to inspire Hannibal, to be recompenced even for the murder of Rinaldi, if its author should ever be discovered. The traitor was so sure of the success of his plans, that the

sight of Rinaldi and of Gherardini, whom he thought had fallen by the hands of his people, gave him but a slight alarm; he even conducted them himself to Stefanina, and while Gherardini was occupied only with her, Rinaldi saw only the Prince, whose aspect confirmed in the mind of Adolfo all he had before suspected of Des Roeher's designs; he regarded the Prince for an instant, to seek to discover the effect of Stefanina's charms on his inflammable heart; the calm appearance of Hannibal dissipated Rinaldi's fears, and he said to him:-" Prince, a villain carried off my daughter; he destined her for his lawless pleasures, but thou hast known how to respect her virtue; thou hast scorned to defile her ears by impure desires; thou hast bridled thine inclination; I can read thy soul; it is too noble to be corrupted by the vile artifices of this foreigner, thou wilt restore Stefanina to her father, and to her husband, while Des Rochers”

Des Rochers would have spoken, in order to justify himself, but the Prince prevented him, and turning to Adolfo, he informed him of what Des Rochers had told him concerning the carrying off, and the deliverance of Ste


Rinaldi waited impatiently till the Prince had concluded; but no sooner had he ceased speaking than the furious Adolfo seized on Des Rochers, aud threw him on the ground; then presenting to him the point of his sword, he said, in accents of indignation: :-" In vain thou has sought to disguise the truth; two of thy satellites have fallen beneath the arm of the valiant Gherardini; one of them yet lives, he unfolded to us the infamous plot that thou formed against us.-Tremble! the thunder is ready, and it would already have burst over thee if such villains were worthy of receiving their death from Heaven-it belongs to the executioner alone to avenge the universe of such atrocity."

While Rinaldi was yet speaking, Donna Bianca had approached Stefanina, and was threatening to plunge her poignard in her heart, if life was refused to Des Rochers; but the faithful squire, attentive to all the motions of this fury, gave her so violent a blow on the arm with his gauntlet, that the poignard fell

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