
WB Siddons.)

in the character of the


Engraven with permission by Anthony Cardon from the celebrated Picture painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, now in the possession of William Smith Eg? M. R

Published March 12 1812 by John Bell, Southampton Areet Hound


For FEBRUARY, 1812.

A New and Improved Series.


The Twenty-ninth Number.


IT has been said with some degree of point, yet with a greater degree of justice, that the stage cannot degrade the performer, but that it rests with the performer whether he shall adorn or disgrace the stage.

If indeed the stage had always been trod by characters like the subject of our present biography, it would never have required an apologist; but unfortunately, it may be both proud and sorry to boast that it here presents to our view a rare instance of elevated female worth in private life, enjoying the full tide of popular applause in her public character.

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That genius, at least historic genius, is hereditary, we will not pretend to say; yet if we go back to the earliest years of this actress's life, we must allow that perhaps much of her present excellence is dependant upon early bias, for we may almost literally assert that she was born amidst crowns, daggers, and sceptres, and cradled in Melpomene's buskin.

Her father, Roger Kemble, was we believe descended from a respectable Catholic family in Herefordshire, or in the immediate vicinity of that county. His friends seem to have had different views for him than those which he afterwards pursued, for We call it a rare instance, because al- they placed him at a very respectable though the present day has produced seveschool near the city of Hereford; but the ral bright examples of the female world, impulse of youthful genius was irresistible, some of whom have quitted the Green and at a very juvenile period he entered Room to perform some of the highest cha-with ardour on the profession of a strolling racters in society, yet in the last, and in player; where his merit was soon distinthe age preceding it, the most glaring in-guished by Mr. Ward, the manager, whose stances of a contrary kind have been so numerous as almost to have established a system of prejudice against those who venture on a public exhibition. It is to be presumed, however, that a few such instances as Mrs. Siddons, and some of her cotemporaries, brighter perhaps from certain contrasts, will totally remove an obloquy no longer well merited.

approbation was certainly highly compli mentary to the young candidate for public applause, as he is said to have been a performer on the London boards in the days of Booth and Betterton, and that with a considerable degree of credit. But there was another member of Mr. Ward's family who also seems to have been a good judge young Kemble's merit, and whose ap


probation was perhaps even more pleasing || chance having brought the company to a

to him than that of her father; as a proof of this she soon after united her fate to his; and the young couple in due time not only succeeded to all the thrones and crowns of the house of Ward, but speedily established a new dynasty, of the female branch of which Mrs. Siddons was their first and earliest hope.

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village in Lancashire, in the neighbourhood of a family of opulence where there were many visitors; the excellencies of Mrs. Siddons were even there so conspicuous as to attract the notice of Miss Boyle, a young lady of fortune and fashion (afterwards the wife of the Right Hon. John O'Neil, and mother of the present Earl), who not only paid her the tribute of admiration, but on a more intimate knowledge admitted her to her private friendship, and by her recommendation led the way to an engagement both for herself and husband, with Mr. Younger, whose territories extended from Liverpool to Birmingham and their vicini

An itinerant stage is a kind of hot-bed for genius, as the young shoots from the parent stock are often forced into bloom || at a time of life when in others the bud is scarcely beginning to expand; of course we find that whilst almost in infancy, Miss Kemble was brought forward as a singer;|| but this was tot agreeable to her taste, forties. Here she had an opportunity of aceven then she felt herself possessed of those quiring both fame and experience; aud powers which have since so often delighted having established her character as a first not only the metropolitan audiences, but rate actress upon a provincial stage, it was every audience in the United Empire. thought she might be acceptable to a London audience.

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An engagement accordingly took place with Drury-Lane, where she performed a whole winter; but it is said that Garrick felt so alarmed at the idea, even of female rivalship, that he would only permit her to

Richard III. and the second rate ladies in genteel Comedy. But if disgusted with the egotism of the manager, she was still more so with the scurrility of a disappointed author, whose afterpiece, in which she performed, being justly damned, he took advantage of his power, as Editor of a Newspaper, to attack her in a most illiberal and

But the Tragic Muse had not then such complete possession of her bosom as to leave no room for the entrance of another and more laughing deity, for we find that in her early bloom she excited a passion in the breast of Mr. Siddons, then a fellow votary of the mimic muses, which was re-perform the inferior parts, of the Queen in turned with mutual ardour; but family reasons not permitting the accomplishmeut of their wishes, Miss Kemble quietly laid down the bowl and dagger, and with a praiseworthy prudence shunning the society of the man whom she was forbid to marry engaged herself in the humble capacity of lady's maid with Mrs. Greathead, then residing at Guy's Cliff, in Warwick-disrespectful manner. Had justice indeed shire. But even here she was on classic ground, and only eight miles distant from the birth-place of the immortal Shakespeare | himself; it is not to be supposed therefore, that her early bias would sink into oblivion; accordingly we find that twelve months were sufficient to convince her that a life of dependance was not suited to her taste; she soon after united herself to the man of her heart, and the young couple were content for present support to enlist themselves under the banners of a strolling monarch, whose subjects were of such a description as to render our two youthful adventurers a most valuable acquisition.

It was about this period, we believe, that

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been done her by the manager; had she been permitted to perform those parts which would have displayed her real excellencies to the public, she would have raised an host of friends, and risen superior to obloquy; but it is almost ever the lot of virtuous merit to be forced to shrink from the clamours of the illiberal and the apathy of the misjudging.

There was, however, still a wide field for the display of her powers, and the Bath stage afforded her a temporary asylum; and here she applied herself not only to perform but also to improve, in which it has been said she was much aided by the friendly assistance of the "Poet of the

Poor," then a bookseller at that emporium [ of fashion; whilst her private worth placed her so high in the scale of female excellence, that she became not only patronized but courted by ladies of the first fashion, amongst whom the late Duchess of Devonshire was conspicuous, and by whose recommendation she received another engagement at Drury-Lane, under more favourable auspices, for the jealous moment

was no more.

Her gratitude to her Bath friends induced her not only to speak a farewell address, but even inspired her with sufficient poetic ardour to write it herself; in this she asserted that nothing but three most powerful reasons could have induced her to leave those friends even for the higher salary of a London theatre, and concluded her address with this apology :

"But to my promise: If I thus am bless’d—
In friendship link'd-beyond my worth caress'd;
Since I'm sccure in my employer's aid,
Who meets my wishes ere they scarce are made;
Why do you quit (you'll say) such certain gain,
To trust caprice, and its vexatious train ?
What can compensate for the risks you run?
And what your reasons? Surely you have none.
To argue here, would be your time's abuse,
My word I keep—my reasons I produce.

[Here her three children were displayed." These are the moles that heave me from your side, Where I was rooted-where I would have died. Stand forth, ye elves, and plead your mother's cause,

Ye little magnets-whose strong influence draws
Me from a point, where ev'ry gentle breeze
Wafted my bark to happiness and ease;
Sends me advent'rous on a larger main,
In hopes that you may profit by my gain.”

On the 10th of October, 1782, she made her entree, in this second engagement at Drury-Lane, in the part of Isabella, in the Fata! Marriage; in which her eldest son, Henry, also made his first appearance as the Child.

It is needless to recapitulate the approbation that followed; the public were actually thunderstruck with her excellencies; the house was crowded night after night, and Comedy was almost forgotten. Mr. Sheridan had too much judgment not to see and appreciate the full value of his acquisition. Accordingly he not only increased her salary, but with a becoming spirit of generosity gave her an extra benefit. This benefit was even given so early in the season as before the Christmas holidays; and her exertions in Belvidera were so transcendant, that in addition to the profits of an overflowing house, she received the honourable testimonial of a letter of approbation and esteem from the gentlemen of the long robe, accompanied with a purse of one hundred Guineas; the whole being conducted under the active friendship of Counsellors Fielding and Pigot.

Independent of the pecuniary compliment, this was a mark and mode of applause quite unprecedented, except in one instance, when Booth charmed the house with his performance of Cato.

Mrs. Siddons was now considered as fixed on the London boards for life; and this gave her an opportunity of being of great assistance to the various branches of her family, and led the way to the introduction of her brother to the metropolis in 1784, as well as of her sisters, Mrs. Whitlock, and Miss Fanny Kemble, afterwards Mrs. Twiss.

Notwithstanding the plain good sense of this energetic address, there were still some little minds, who, unwilling that she should quit Bath, tried every petty art to injure The summer recess gave her an opporher well earned fame, and had the imputunity of recruiting her health, by a country dence to accuse her of ingratitude, and of excursion; and she was prevailed upon to loving money. When told of these un- accept of an engagement at Dublin for a handsome attacks, Mrs. Siddons coolly anfew nights, where her transcendant powers swered, that it was true she did love money, were fully enjoyed, and as amply rebecause she loved her children; but that warded. in other respects she considered herself as under no obligation which should prevent her from making the most of those talents with which she was endowed.


In the winter of 1783 she returned to

London, and was shortly after honoured with the command of their Majesties, who were highly struck with her excellence,

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