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we too shall explore them I may have read these things before, but I never had even a dim perception of them. . . . After all, there is certainly something real in the world."

I do not think that any one in reading this passage can fail to feel that it indicates a greatchange impending in Keats's mind, and in the light which it throws upon the movement of his thought, o belief that, had he been spared, his work, while never ceasing to have the "Principle of Beauty" as its foundation, would have gained immensely in intellectual substance and meaning, seems absolutely justifiable. At the same time, we must not allow speculations or regrets over unrealised possibilities to blunt our enjoyment of the priceless legacy which Keats actually left behind him to a world that cares all too little for that ideal loveliness to which his own brief life was dedicated. He is one of "the inheritors of unfulfilled renown ; but he has none the less given us many things of beauty which will indeed be joys for ever, and his place, as Shelley said, is "with the enduring

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The following list contains the titles of a few books and essays which may be specially recommended for the further study of Keats and his work :

Houghton, Lord :

"Life and Letters of Keats " ;

new edition, 1857.

Colvin, Sidney : "Keats" (English Men of Letters). Rossetti, William Michael: "Keats" (Great Writers). Owen, F. M.: "Keats: a Study "; 1880.

Arnold, Matthew :

"Keats" (in “Essays in Criti

cism," second series).

Lowell, James Russell: "Keats"

Books ").

(in "Among my

"Keats's Letters to Fanny Brawne," edited by H. Buxton Forman.

"Keats's Letters to his Family and Friends," edited by S. Colvin.

Note.-Rossetti's volume in the "Great Writers " series contains a very full bibliography.

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