
parts of our colonies, where we have thought proper to allow fettlement; but that if at any time any of the faid Indians fhould be inclined to dispose of the said lands, the fame fhall be purchased only for us, in our name, at fome public meeting or affembly of the faid Indians, to be held for that purpofe by the governor or commander in chief of our colony respectively, within which they fall lie and in cafe they shall lie within the limits of any proprietary government, they fhall be purchased only for the use and in the name of fuch proprietaties, conformable to fuch directions and inftructions as we or they fhall think proper to give for that purpofe; and we do, by the advice of our privy-council, declare and enjoin, that the trade with the faid Indians fhall be free and open to all our fubjects whatever; provided that every perfon, who may incline to trade with the faid Indians, do take out a licence for carrying on fuch trade, from the governor or commander in chief of any of our colonies refpectively, where fuch perfon shall refide, and alfo give fecutity to obferve fuch regulations as we shall at any time think fit, by ourselves or by our commiffaries, to be appointed for this purpofe, to direct and appoint for the benefit of the faid trade: and we do hereby

authorize, enjoin and require the governors and commanders in chief of all our colonies refpectively, as well thofe under our immediate government, as thofe under the government and direction of proprietaries, to grant fuch licences without fee or reward, taking especial care to infert therein a condition, that fuch licence shall be void, and the fecurity forfeited, in cafe the perfon, to whom the fame is granted, fhall refufe or neglect to obferve fuch regulations as we shall think proper to prescribe as aforefaid.

And we do further exprefly enjoin and require all officers whatever, as well military as thofe employed in the management, and direction of Indian affairs within the territories referved, as aforefaid, for the use of the faid Indians, to feize and apprehend all perfons whatever, who, ftanding charged with treafons, mifprifions of treafon, murders, or other felonies or misdemeanors, fhall fly from juftice and take refuge in the faid territory, and to fend them under a proper guard to the colony where the crime was committed of which they stand accufed, in order to take their trial for the fame.

Given at our court at St. James's, the 7th day of October, 1763, in the third year of our reign. GOD fave the KING.

An Account of the Regulations to prevent Street-Robberies in Paris.

WITH regard to the regula- à

tions for preventing streetrobberies, the inhabitants are protected, day and night, by a guard of armed and difciplined watchmen, under the denomination of the Guet

Cheval, and Guet à Pied, who are

never to ferve out of the wall of the city.

The Guet à Cheval is a company compofed of two hundred effective men, and twenty fupernumeraries,


which vary every night; and frequently are changed in one and the fame night.

The Guet à Pied is a body of four hundred men, in like manner divided into a day and a nightguard; an hundred and five being appointed for the day, and the remaining two hundred and ninetyfive divide, as near as may be, the night duty; half on one night, and half the next, alternately. The day guard is formed into fifteen

commanded by a chief, who takes his orders from the lieutenant de Police, or the minister who has the department of Paris. This company is divided into brigades; each brigade is compofed of a brigadier and four horfemen: four brigades, or twenty men, patrole the ftreets in the day-time; and fifteen brigades, or feventy five men, patrole the streets at night; and the whole, in their turns, perform thefe feparate duties alternately. The day guard being thus di different parties, feven in each; vided, traverse the city in different, patroles, and frequently making their rounds, appear, by the quicknefs of the circulation, to be more in number than what they really are. Each brigade in his turn goes through all public ftreets, fquares, and markets, and traverfes the quays; in doing which, it is their duty to interpole upon the appearance of any tumult and diforder; to drive away all perfons wrangling and quarelling together; to purfue all fugitives upon the first outcry, and lay hold of the offenders they are charged with, and condu&t them either to the commillary nearest at hand, or to the lieutenant de Police, as may be required.

The night brigades, being fifteen in number, as above-mentioned, meet towards evening at the places appointed, to receive the patrole and order, which is brought from the commandant himself; who prefcribes the rout they are to take; through what ftreets and fquares they are to pafs, and what particular hours; where, and how often, they are to ftop; and where to apply for affiftance in cafe of need. The brigadiers only are entrusted with the fecrecy of thefe orders,

and are diftributed in fifteen different guard rooms, lately built ig different quarters of the city; where they remain all day, with a centinel at the door, who is relieved every two hours: from hence they are ready at the first call, to give their affiftance upon any event that may occafion a disturbance of the peace.

The night guard affembles at the deftined places upon the close of the day; the ferjeants only approach the order: the duty of these is to march and patrole the streets in the fame manner as the horseguard, and to perform all other duties in common with them: and further, alfo to fearch more narrowly into all the bye-alleys where there are no thoroughfares; into all falls and rubbish; and into the boats on the river, to difcover if any perfons lie concealed there: fo focm as their affiftance is required upon any tumult or diforder, they fend an advanced centinel, to give notice to the other parties to join them, who are immediately to change their pofts, and conform to what is required. They make their report every morning to certain officers, to whom the chief command is now fubftituted, in the room of the Che

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valier du Guet, which commitlion inflitutions, which are excellently has been fome time ago fuppreffed. contrived to prevent any negligence It must be obferved, that the of duty, or any c night watch in general, both of horfe and foot, are never to remain more than one hour in a place; and it is ufual for the commanding officers of each to fend out their fpies, to examine if the orders are punctually executed, nd if their refpective corps are in their proper ftations, and at the appointed times; all which obliges them in general to be exactly attentive to the execution of their duty. Thefe ftations are changed every night in different parts of the city, fo that the fame guard is never two nights together in the fame place; by which means they cannot receive any bribe or contribution for connivance, from any particular quarter; and as the orders of the night are entrusted only to the brigadiers or ferjeants, the private men never know where they are to be, and confequently perfons of bad defigns can take no advantage of putting their enterprize into execution, by means of a previous intelligence of the intended station.

We cannot fufficiently applaud the good-fenfe and policy of these

ot combination among the guards. How greatly preferable is this the establishment of thofe ..ble and mostly decrepid wretches whom we call watchmen, who frequently negle their duty, and often wilfully connive at malefactors? Why may not a set of able bodied men, properly armed, be appointed to patrole the ftreets, and to vary their fiations every night to different parts of the city? Such a regulation would certainly be more effectual for the public fecurity; and were we to compare the charge of fuch an eftablishment, with the amount of the fums raised in our feveral parishes for the pay of our ufelefs watch, the difference of expence would be found very inconfiderable. On the whole, most of the provisions in the French police might be introduced here, with this caution, that the guards employed for this purpose be put on a military eftablithment. To avoid this, they may, with very little alteration, be appointed and controuled by the fame power as our night-watch.

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A Genealogical Account of Tufton, Earl of Thanet.

THIS HIS noble family is defcended from Elfege de Toketón, otherwife Tufton, lord of the manors of Sileham, in the county of Kent, and of Tufton in the county of Suffex, who flourished in the reign of king John, and from whom defcended John Tufton, Efq; whofe

Oa. 1763.

refidence was at Hothfield in Kent. He was theriff of that county in the reign of queen Elizabeth. His fon Nicholas was created a baronet in the ninth year of James I. and married Chriftian, daughter of Sir Humphry Brown, knt. one of the judges of the court of CommonX. X. X


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