

470. When, by frequent reflections on a disagreeable object, our disapprobation of it is attended with a strong disinclination of mind towards it, it is called hatred; and when this

accompanied with a painful sensation upon the apprehension of its presence and

approach, there follows an inclination to avoid it,
called aversion; extreme hatred is abhorrence,
or detestation. Hatred, or aversion expressed
10, or of any person, or any thing, that is odious,
draws back the body to avoid the hated object,
and the hands, at the same time, thrown out and
spread, as if to keep it off; the face is turned away
from that side, which the hands are thrown out;
the eyes looking angrily and obliquely, or asquint,
the way the hands are directed; the eyebrows are
contracted, the upper lip disdainfully drawn up;
the teeth set; the pitch of the voice is loud, surly,
chiding, languid and vehement; the sentences are
short and abrupt.

Poisons-be their drink,
Gall-worse than gall, the daintest meat they taste:
Their sweetest shade, a grove of cyprus trees;
Their sweetest prospects, murd'ring basalisks;
Their music-frightful as the SERPENT's hiss:
And boding screech-owls make the concert full;
All the foul terrors of dark-seated HELL.
The mortal coldness of the soul, like death itself comes down;
It cannot feel for other's woes, it dare not dream its own;
That heavy chill has frozen o'er the fountain of our tears,
And though the eye may sparkle' still, 'tis where the ice appears.
Tho' wit may flash from fluent lips, and mirth distract the breast,

Thro' midnight hours, that yield no more their former hope of rest;

Maxims. 1. One true friend is worth a hundred relations. 2. Happiness is to be found every where, if you possess a well regulated mind. 3. Between good sense and good taste, there is the same difference as between cause and effect. 4. He, who profits by the mistakes or oversights of others, learns a lesson of great importance. 5. The flight of a person accused, is a tacit acknowledgment of his guilt. 6. He is wise, who does every thing at the proper time. 7. Confession is as a medicine-to him who has gone astray. 8. The love of liberty makes even an old man brave. 9. Children are heirs to the diseases of their parents, as well as to their possessions. 10. A man, who cannot forgive, breaks the bridge over which he might pass to Heaven.

Thoughts. A man would do well to car. ry a pencil in his pocket, and write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for, are commonly the most valu able, and should be secured, because they seldom return.

Varieties. 1. What do you think of one, who gives away ten dollars, when he owes a hundred more than he can pay? 2. Let us follow nature, who has given shame to man for a scourge; and let the heaviest part of the punishment be-the infamy attending it. 3. Can we perceive any quality in an object without an act of comparison? 4. Falsehood often decks herself in the outer garments of truth, that she may succeed the better in her wily deceits. 5. The thing, which has been done, it is that which shall be; and that which is, it is that which shall be done; and there is no NEW thing under the sun. 6. Society cannot be held together without morals; nor can morals maintain their station in the huis worth having, unless it is founded on truth, man heart, without religion; and no religion I which is the corner-stone of the fabric of human nature. 7. How far have moral perceptions been influenced by physical phenomena? How very precious-praise

'Tis but as ivy leaves-around the ruin'd turret wreath,
All green and wildly fresh without, but worn and gray beneath.
On Adam last thus judgment he pronounc'd:
"Because thou hast hearken'd to the voice of thy
And eaten of the tree, concerning which [wife,
I charg'd thee, saying, 'Thou shalt not eat thereof,'Is-to a young genius, like sunlight-on flowers,
Curs'd is the ground for thy sake; thou, in sorrow, Ripening them into fruit.
Shalt eat thereof all the days of thy life;
Thorns, also, and thistles it shall bring thee forth
Unbid; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field.
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
Ti.l thou return unto the ground; for thou
Out of the ground wast taken: know thy birth,
For dust thou art, and shalt to dust return."

Anecdote. SATISFACTION. A ruined debtor, having done every thing in his power to satisfy his creditors, said to them, "Gentlemen,—I have been extremely perplexed, till now, how to satisfy you; and having done my utmost to do so, I shall leave you to satisfy yourselves."

He, whose mind

Is virtuous, is alone-of noble kind;
Tho' poor-in fortune, of celestial race;

And he commits a crime, who calls ni' base.

One hour

Of thoughtful solitude-may nerve the heart
For days of conflict,-girding up its armor-
To meet the most insidious foe, and lending
The courage-sprung alone from innocence-
And good intent.

There is not, in this life of ours,

One bliss-unmixed with fears;
The hope, that wakes our deepest powers,
And the dew, that show'rs o'er dearest flow'rs.

A face of sadness wears;

Is the bitter dew-of tears.

In all our strictures-placid we will be,
As Halcyons-brooding on a summer sea
No man-is born into the world, whose work-
Is not born with him; there is always work,—
And tools-ic work withal, for those who will


471. Imply excitement or violent action: when hatred and displeasure rise high, on a sudden, from an apprehension of injury received and perturbation of mind in consequence of it, it is called ANGER: and rising to a very high degree, and extinguishing humanity, it be

comes RAGE and FURY: anger always renders the muscles protuberant; hence, an angry mind and protuberant muscles, are considered as cause and effect. Violent anger or rage, expresses itself with rapidity, noise, harshness, trepidation, and sometimes with interrruption and hesitation, as unable to utter itself with sufficient force. It wrinkles and clouds the brow, enlarges and heaves the nostrils; every vein swells, muscles strained, nods or shakes the head, stretches out the neck, clenches the fists, breathing hard, breast heaving, teeth shown and gnashing, face bloated, red, pale, or black; eyes red, staring, rolling and sparkling; eye-brows drawn down over them, stamps with the foot, and gives a violent agitation to the whole body. The voice assumes the highest pitch it can adopt, consistently with force and loudness; Tho' sometimes, to express anger with uncommon energy, the voice assumes a low and forci

ble tone.

[lear me, rash man; on thy allegiance hear me;
Since thou hast striv'n to make us break our vow,
Which, nor our nature, nor our place can bear,
We banish thee forever from our sight,
And our kingdom: If when three days are expired,
Thy hated trunk be found in our dominions,
That moment is thy death.-Away.

Anger is like

A full hot horse; who, being allow'd his way,
Self-mettle tires him.

The short passing anger but seem'd to awaken

New beauty, like flowers, that are sweetest when shaken.
They are as gentle

As zephyrs blowing below the violet,
Not wagging his sweet head; and yet as rough,
Their royal blood enchaf'd, as the rud'st wind,
That, by the top, doth take the mountain pine,
And make him stoop to the vale.

You are yoked with a lamb,
That carries anger-as the flint bears fire;
Who, much enforced, shows a hasty spark,
And straight is cold again.

Anecdote. Sowing and Reaping. A countryman, sowing his ground, two upstarts, riding that way, one of them called to him with an insolent air-"Well, honest fellow, 'tis your business to sow, but we reap the fruit of your labor." To which the Countryman replied-" "Tis very likely you may; for I am sowing hemp."

The world's a book,-writ by the eternal art
Of the great futh, and printed-in man's heart.

Laconics. 1. A little neglect may breed grea mischief. 2. Retrospection and anticipation may both be turned to good account. 3. He, who would be well spoken of himself, must speak well of others. 4. Wildness of eccentricity, and thoughtlessness of conduct, are not necessary accompaniments of talent, or indications of genius. 5. Vanity and affectation, often steal into the hearts of youth, and make them very ridiculous; yet, no one is contemptible, for being what he is, but for pretending to be what he is not. 6. N speech can be severe, unless it be true; for if it be not true, it cannot apply; consequently, ite severity is destroyed by its injustice. 7. Mutual benevolence must be kept up between relatives, as well as between friends; for without this cement, whatever the building is called, it is only a castle in the air, a thing talked of, without the reality.

what cleanliness is to the body; the beauties Education. Education is to the mind, of the one, as well as the other, are blemished, if not totally lost, by neglect: and as the richest diamond cannot shoot forth its lustre, wanting the lapidary's skill, so, will the latent virtue of the noblest mind be buried in obscurity, if not called forth by precept, and the rules of good manners.

Varieties. 1. He that thinks he can be negligent of his expenses, is not far from being poor. 2. Extended empire, like expanded gold, exchanges solid strength for feeble splendor. 3. Similarity in sound, weakens contrast in sense. 4. There being differences of mind, each member of a family, and of the community, is best qualified for the performance of specific duties. 5. The notions of some parents are very extravagant, in wishing the teacher to make great men of their sons; while they would be much more useful, and happy, in the field, or in the workshop. 6. Write down all you can reImember of a lecture, address, or book, and the RESULT will enable your teacher, as well as yourself, to decide, with a good degree of accuracy, upon your character, and the studies most appropriate for you to pursue.

What is wedlock forced, but a hell,
An age of discord, and continued strife!
Whereas the contrary-bringeth forth bliss.
And is a pattern-of celestial peace.
Immortality o'ersweeps
All pains, all tears, all trials, all fears, and peals,
Like the eternal thunder of the deep,
Into my ears, this truth-"Thou livest forever."
Oh! life is a waste of wearisome hours,

And the heart that is soonest awak'd to the flowr's
Which seldom the rose of enjoyment adorns;
The soul of music-slumbers in the shell,
Is always the first to be touched by the thorns.
And feeling hearts, (touch them but lightly,) Don
Till waked and kindled, by the master's spell

A thousand melodies, unheard before.

When all things have their trial, you shall Gud,
Nothing is constant, but a virtuous mind.



openly, loudly and triumphantly; sets the jaws;
grates the teeth; sends blasting flashes from the
eyes; draws the corners of the mouth towards the
ears: clenches both fists, and holds the elbow in
a straining manner: the tone of voice and expres-
sion are similar to those of anger; but the pitch
of voice is not so high, nor loud.
If they but speak the truth of her,
These hands shall tear her; if they wrong her
The proudest of them shall well hear of it.
Time hath not so dried this blood of mine,
Nor age so eat up my invention,

Nor fortune made such havoc of my means,
Nor my bad life-'reft me so much of friends,
But they shall find awak'd, in such a kind,
Both strength of limb and policy of mind,
Ability in means, and choice of friends,
To quit me of them thoroughly.

When will the world shake off such yokes! ol
Will that redeeming day shine out on men, [when
That shall behold them rise. erect and free,
As Heaven and Nature-meant mankind should be
When Reason shall no longer blindly bow
To the vile pagod things, that o'er her brow,
Like him of Jaghernaut, drive trampling now;
Nor Conquest dare to desolate God's earth;
Nor drunken Victory, with a Nero's mirth,
Strike her lewd harp amidst a people's groane
But, built on love, the world's exalted thrones
Shall to the virtuous and the wise be given-
Those bright, those sole legitimates of Heaven!

Human Testimony. The judgment must be employed, to discern the truth or falsehood of assertions, by attending to the credibility and consistency of the different parts of the story: the veracity and character of witnesses in other respects; by comparing the assertions with accounts received from other witnesses, who could not be ignorant of the facts; and lastly, by bringing the whole to a test of a comparison with known and admitted facts.

Anecdote. Scientific Enthusiasm. The enthusiasm of ardent and forcible minds, appears madness, to those who are dull and phlegmatic. The pleasure it inspires is the greatest and the most independent remuneration, that men of genius receive for their efforts and exertions. Do-na-tel-lo, the great Florentine sculptor, had been long working at his statue of Judith; and, on giving the last stroke of the chisel to it, he was heard to exclaim, "Speak now! I am sure you can."

Varieties. 1. How beautiful the arrangement of all living creatures, with the bounda ries of their habitation! But how much more beautiful, could we but discover the law of this arrangement, or the reason, by which it is founded; that law, and the source from which it proceeds, must be the perfection of intelligence. 2. A good natured man has the whole world to be happy in. He is blest with everybody's blessing, and wherever he goes, he finds some one to love; "Unto him that hath, shall be given." 3. Parents should beware of discouraging their children, by calling them fools, half-witted, and telling them they will never know anything, &c.; but let the current flow on, and it will soon


473. If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hinder'd me of half a million; laugh'd at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorn'd my nation, thwarted my bargains, cool'd my friends, heated mine enemies. And what's his reason? I am a Jew! Hath not a Jew cyes? Hath not a Jew hands? organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Is he not fed with the same food; hurt with the Fame weapons; subject to the same diseases; heal'd by the same means: warm'd and cool'd by the same summer and winter, as a Christian is? If you stab us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian what is his humili-run clear: dam it up, and mischief will most ty? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by christian example? Why, REVENGE. The villiany you teach me, I will execute; and it shall go ear 1, but I will better the instruction.

O sacred solitude; divine retreat!

Choice of the prudent! envy-of the great!
By thy pure stream, or in thy waving shade,
We court fair wisdom, that celestial maid:
The genuine offspring-of her lov'd embrace,
(Strangers-on earth,) are innocence-and peace.
There, from the ways of men laid safe ashore
We smile-to hear the distant tempest roar;
There, biece'd with health, with business unperplex'd,
This life we relish, and ensure the next

certainly ensue. 4. The agitations among
the nations of the earth, cannot be mistaken:
they are the struggles of opinion, writhing in
its chains, and indignantly striving to caɛt
them off; the soul bursting its trammels, for-
saking its bondage, and soaring away to its
native heaven of thought, where it may range
at large, emancipate and free.

"Peace!" shall the world, out-wearied, ever ree
Its universal reign? Will states, will kings,
Put down those murderous-and unholy things,
Which fill the earth-with blood and misery?
Will nations learn-that love-not enmity-
Is Heaven's first lesson.

ANGER, HATRED, REPROACH. 474. REPROACH-is settled anger, or hatred, chastising the object of its dislike, by casting in his teeth the secret causes of his misconduct, or imperfections: the brow is contracted, the lip turn'd up with scorn, the head shaken, the voice low, as if abhorring, and the whole body

expressive of aversion, contempt and loathing.

Farewell, happy fields,

Where joy forever dwells! Hail, horrors! hail,
Infernal world! and thou, profoundest Hell,
Receive thy new possessor; one who brings
A mind not to be chang'd by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of Heav'n:
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here, at least
We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy; will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure; and in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell:
Better to reign in hell, than serve in Heaven.
He is my bane, I cannot bear him;

One heav'n and earth can never hold us both:
Still shall we hate, and with defiance deadly,
Keep rage alive, till one be lost forever;

As if two suns should meet in one meridian,
An strive, in fiery combat, for the passage.
Who does one thing, and another tell,
My heart detests him as the gates of hell.
flence, from my sight!

bent upon me is, that I shoul fut fore my powers and remove it. How shall 1 do this? By the exercise of my understanding. To the employment of this power, a cool and exact observation is recessary; but the moment I am the slave of pas sion, my power is lost; I am turned into a beast, or rather into a drunkard; I can neither preserve my footing, nor watch my advantage, nor strike an effectual blow. Did you never see a passionate and a temperate man-pitched against each other? How like a fool did the former appear! how did his adversary turn and wind him as he pleased, like some god-controling an inferior ne ture! It is by this single implement, his reason, that man tames horses, camels, and elephants, to his hand; that he tames the lion of the desert, and shuts up the hyena with bars.

Anecdote. Servile Imitation. The Chinese tailors do not measure their customers, but make clothes according to the pattern given them. An American captain, being at Canton, and wanting a new coat made, sent the proper quantity of cloth, and an old one for a pattern: but, unluckily, the old coat had a patch at the elbow, which the tailor copied, to the no small mortification of his employer.

Varieties. 1. Whatever tends to dissolve the Union, or lessen the sovereign authority, is hostile to our liberty and independence. 2. As the true christian religion, which is to become universal, had one local origin, so, have all genuine and specific creations had their origin, or local centre, whence they have been diffused. 3. Let an unbeliever in this religion, write down, fairly and truly, all the absurdities he believes instead of it, and he will find that it requires more faith to reject it, than it does to embrace it. 4. Reverence paid to man, on account of what is good and true; as divine in them, and as their own, is the worship of the creature, instead of the Creator, and is idolatry. 5. Man is the end of it conspire, that conjunction of him with of the whole creation; and all particulars God may be attained, and that the end may be brought to pass.


Thy father cannot bear thee;
Fly with thy infamy to some dark cell,
Where, on the confines of eternal night,
Mourning, misfortunes, cares and anguish dwell.
Thou slave, thou wretch, thou coward!
Thou little valiant, great in villany,
Thou ever strong upon the stronger side!
Thou fortune's champion, thou dost never fight
But when her humorous ladyship is by,
To teach thee safety! thou art perjured too,
And soothest up greatness. What a fool art thou, Like fairy banquets, vanish when we touch them.

A ramping fool; to brag, to stamp, and swear,
Upon my party! Thou cold-blooded slave!
Hast thou not spoke like thunder on my side,
Been sworn my soldier? bidding me depend,
Upon thy stars, thy fortune, and thy strength?
And dost thou now fall over to my foes?
Thou wear a lion's hide; doff it, for shame,
And hang a calf's skin on those recreant limbs.

Debasing tendency of Anger. What a wretched thing is anger, and the commotion of the soul. If anything interposes itself between me and the object of my pursuits, what is incum

False views, like that horizon's fair deceit,
Where earth and heaven but seem, alas, to meet.
Deceit is the false road to happiness;
And all the joys we travel to through vice,

Oh! colder than the wind, that freezes
Founts, that but now in sunshine play'd,
Is that congealing pang, which seizes

The trusting bosom, when betray'd.
In vain my lyre would lightly breathe
The smile, that sorrow fain would wear,
But mocks the woe, that lurks beneath,
Like roses o'er a sepulchre.

As the ivy-climbs the tallest tree,
So-round the loftiest souls his toils he wound,
And, with his spells, subdu'd the fierce and free
An honest man's the noblest work of God.


475. When violent and

sudden, it

opens very wide the mouth, shortens the nose, draws down the eye

brows, gives the countenance an air of wildness, covers it with deadly paleness, draws back the elbows parallel with the

for sale as MSS., the French, after tonsider.
ing the number of the books, and their exact
conformity to each other, and that the best
book writers could not be so exact, concluded
there was witchcraft in the case; and, by
either actually indicting him as a conjuror,
or threatening to do so, they extorted the
secret; hence, the origin of the popular story
of the Devil and Dr. Faustus.

Their breath is agitation, and their life
A storm whereon they ride, to sink at last,
And yet so nurs'd and bigoted to strife,
That should their days, surviving perils past,
Welt to calm twilight, they feel overcast
With sorrow and supineness, and so die;
Even as a flame unfed, which runs to waste
With its own flickering, or a sword laid by
Which eats into itself, and rusts ingloriously.

sides, lifts up the open hands-with the fingers
spread to the height of the breast, at some distance
before it, so as to shield it from the dreadful object.
One foot is drawn back behind the other, so that
the body seems shrinking from the danger, and
putting itself in a posture for flight. The heart
beats violently, the breath is quick and short, and
the whole body is thrown into a general tremor.heart, cannot be frozen in adversity.
The voice is weak and trembling, the sentences
short, and the meaning confused and incoherent.
Imminent danger produces violent shrieks, with-
out any articulate sounds; sometimes confuses
the oughts, produces faintness, which is some-
imes followed by death.

Friendship. The water, that flows from a spring, does not congeal in the winter. And those sentiments of friendship, which flow from the

Varieties. 1. As in agriculture, he, who can produce the greatest crop, is not the best farmer, but he, who can effect it with the least labor and expense; so, in society, he is not the best member, who can bring about the most apparent good, but he, who can ac

comitant evil. 2. Cicero says, that Roscius, the Roman comedian, could express a sentence in as many ways by his gestures, as he himself could by his words. 3. The eye of a cultivated person is full of meaning; if you read it attentively, it will seem like a mirror, revealing the inner world of thought and feeling; as the bosom of the smooth lake reflects the image of the earth around, and the heavens above. 4. A good reader and a bad singer, and a bad reader and a good singer, is without excuse; for the same strength, purity, distinctness, flexibility and smoothness of voice, that either requires, and promotes, are subservient to each other.


Ah! mercy on my soul. What is that? My old friend's ghost? They say none but wicked folks walk; I wish I were at the bot-complish it with the least admixture of contom of a coal-pit. See! how long and pale his face has grown since his death: he never was handsome; and death has improved him very much the wrong way. Pray do not come near me! I wish'd you very well when you were alive; but I could never abide a dead man, cheek by jowl with me. Ah, ah, mercy on us! No nearer, pray; if it be only to take leave of me that you are come back, I could have excused you the ceremony with all my heart; or if you-mercy on us! no nearer, pray, or, if you have wronged anybody, as you always loved money a little, I give you the word of frightened christian; I will pray as long as you please for the deliverance, or repose of your departed soul. My good, worthy, noble friend, do, pray disappear, as ever you would wish your old friend to come to his senses again.

Should fate-command me to the farthest verge Of the green earth, to distant, barbarbous climes, Rivers-unknown to song; where first the sunGilds Indian mountains, or his setting beams Passion, when deep, is still-the glaring eye, Flame on the Atlantic Isles; 'tis nought to me;. That reads its enemy with glance of fire; Since God-is ever present, ever felt, The lip, that curls and writhes in bitterness; In the void waste-as in the city full; The brow contracted, till its wrinkles hide And where He-vital breathes, there must be joy The keen fixed orbs that burn and flash below; The hand firm clench'd and quivering, and the foot When e'en, at last, the solemn hour shall come, Planted in attitude to spring and dart And wing my mystic flight-to future worlds, I cheerful, will obey; thee, with new powers, Its vengeance, are the language it employs. Will rising wonders sing; I cannot goWhile passions glow, the heart, like heated steel, Where universal love-smiles not around, Takes each impression, and is work'd at pleasure. Sustaining all yon orbs, and all their sons: Anecdote. Printing. It is related that From seeming evil,-still educing good, Faust, of Mentz, one of the many to whom And better,-thence again, and better-stillthe honor of having invented the invaluable In infinite progression But I lose

art of printing is ascribed, having carried Myself in HIM-in light ineffable:

some of his Bibles to Paris, and offered them I Come then, expressive Silence-muse his praise

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