
task which he cannot properly pursue. He must complete the repose which was already doing him so much good: but he takes it only in the hope of being able to renew his labours, if not in this 'shape, in others.-Pleasures he should rather call them, for they are so even when pains and harms. The truth is, his pains have been so literally his pleasures, that although he has not written half what he reasonably might, nor attended a twentieth part as he ought to dispatch and punctuality, yet he has not put enough of his own rural doctrines in practice. He has suffered his imagination to take too many walks for him instead of his legs; has made hook-journies about Vaucluse and Hymettus, to the neglect of his much-injured suburbs; and instead of a dozen retreats or so at intervals, which might have saved him the necessity of making these effeminate excuses, has now to keep a holiday of unwilling length and very equivocal pleasure.-Upon casting his eye back upon the numbers of the Indicator, he has little to say but to thank his readers, his correspondents, his defenders, his users, who were always welcome when they were not afraid of being so, and his abusers, who in some instances have also thought fit to be his imitators. What he has written at any time, was at least written sincerely. He has generally had to perform his task without books, often with little comfort but the performance, always in the midst of a struggle of some sort; but if the mention of this is a váníty as well as an excuse, it may serve also to shew how much the cultivation of a natural chearfulness can do for the entertainment of itself and others, and what riches there must be in that ordinary world about us, whose veriest twigs and common-places want but the look of one's own eye to act upon them as a sunshine. If the Indicator has found some honey in places more barren than was expected, it is surely neither his fault nor theirs; nor will he make an apology for what is perhaps, at last, his only merit. To use a phrase of Cowley's, it would be very "unbirdly" of him.

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And now, returning to his own shape again, though retaining his birdly propensities, he shakes hands at parting with all his readers male, and gives a kiss on the cheek,-nonsense!-on the mouth, to all his fair readers, who have ever had faith in the good intentions of LEIGH HUNT.


The Editor need not excuse himself on this occasion to the various Correspon dents whose commuuications he intended to notice; but he is very sorry to part with some of them.-Will A. A. be good enough to mention some place to which few books can be sent her by and by?

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Printed and published by JOSEPH APPLEYARD, No. 19, Catherine-street, Strand. Price 2d.-And sold also by A. GLIDDON, Importer of Snuffs, No. 31, Tavistock street, Covent-garden. Orders received at the above places, and by all Book sellers and Newsmen."



Vol I

Acquaintance, link of personal, traced up from the present times to Shakspeare, 41.
Advice, why disliked, 391.

Alehouses and similar places of recreation, not to be condemned till certain statis-
tical matters are decided, 269.

Ancients, their attention to the mutual interests of mind and body, 176. See Re-

Anglers, their meditative want of thought, 44-Fish-like face of their father Wal-
ton, 45-Their tendency to passive obedience, 46-A case put to them. Ib.
Quere, whether they would catch shrieking fish, 270.

Ariosto, his description of a beautiful bosom, translated, 12-His prison, a sonnet,
translated, 376.

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Basso, Andrea de, his Ode to a Dead Body, translated, 377-Remarks upon it, 381.
Being, error of judging of one mode of it by another, 385.

Bourne, Vincent, his epitaph on a dog translated, 240.

Boyle, Hon. Robert, singular gratuitousness of his moral arguments, 312.
Chartier Alain, his picture of a lover, translated, probably by Chaucer, 247.

Chaucer, beauty of his versification, 229-Passages of his Palamon and Arcite, com-
pared with Dryden's version, 230.

Children, their romance, 72-Deaths of, 201—A lost child the only eternal image of
youth and innocence, 203-How men should be as children, 204-Further Re-
marks on, 386.

Christ's Hospital, its retired and scholastic character in the heart of the city, 21-
See Lamb.

Clouds and vapours, their aspect next the sun, 58-Use of, by the poets, 59.1

Coaches, their variety and merits, 361.

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Coachmen, private, stage, and backney, described, 361, 366, 373—Hackney, why
inferior in spirit to the others-ib.

Compliment, how to be given and received, 167.

Conscience, cure for a wounded one according to Plato, 34.

Cotton, his observations on the justice and passive obedience of anglers, 46.

Country, Little Known, Description of one, 263.

Crusades, their good effect on more refined tempers, 71.

Custom, its self-reconcilements and contradictions, 390.

Dante, his description of an angel coming over the sea translated, 61.

Day, a rainy one described, 289-A rainy one how to be turned to account, 260–—–
See Now.

Death, pictures of it how overwrought, and to what little purpose they are so, 381.
A kindly imposition upon the public, 386-Other guesses respecting it, 388.
Despot, a sleeping one held up, 107.

Dolphins, probably the same as the porpus, 132 Great favourites with the poets,
136-See Stories.

Endeavour, sure to be right-388.

English, do not make enough of their sunshine, 9-Nor of their winter out of
doors. Great instructors and little enjoyers, 58-Nothing greater than their
great men, or grosser than their arrogant ones, 96-Gentlemen' in Charles the
Second's time, jealous of the commonest Frenchman in love matters, 104.
Excitement, a sufficient quantity of it, how cheaply to be obtained, 232.
Fairfax, the translator, account of, 193-See Tasso.

Gentleman, the Old, described, 129.

Godiva, Countess of Coventry, how she rode naked through the stréèls to free hér
husband's subjects from a tax, 18.

Good and Evil, Nature how justified in their proportion, 388-Goodness in things
evil, 390.

Hands, two errors in the custom of shaking them, $14.

Happiness, how we forego it on earth, and might do as much in heaven, 391.
Hats, unpleasantness of new ones, 169-History of their varieties, 170.
Health, the power of voluntary thought proportioned to the state of it, 383.
Ideas, agreeable, how to set against disagreeable ones, 58.

Imagination, humble in proportion to its empire, 68-Fond of things remote, 69—
Realities of, 185-Its renovation of the commonest things, 192.

Innovation, how to know whether its spirit is bad or good, 311.

Intolerance, candid treatment of, the last and best proof of the growth of tolera-
tion, 32.

Jealousy, its results in a noble mind, 163.

Jesus, summary of his doctrines, 115.

Jews, amount of the question between them and Christians in general, 372.
Keats, Mr. his early and true poetical genius, 352, +

Lady's Maid described, 177.

Lamb, Mr. his mention of a curious instance of the romantic among his school-fel-
lows at Christ's Hospital, 72.^:

Leg, Lady's, what sort of one beautiful, 291-Uuder what circumstances its stocking
may be advantageously mudded, ib.-Ditto with respect to certain huge legs of
the other sex, ib.

London, pleasant recollections associated with various parts of, 19, 235—Its aspect
.: to be enjoyed even in foggy weather, 58.

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Love, its essence consists in the return of pleasure, 218.

Marvell his untimidated friendship for Milton, 406.

May-day, how passed by our ancestors, 225-Why no longer what it was, 231.
Melancholy, bad spirits, or nervous disorders, greatly owing to body, 33—Reme-
dies of, íb. 56-Different in their extremest cases from madness, properly so
called, 53-Nature of, mental and physical, ib.

Money-getter described, 7.

-Montaigae, his study, 11.

Mother, the grave of one, 202.

Names, utility of pleasant ones, 137-Signification of our Christian names, 138.
Nature, her general benevolence opposed to our brief and particular sufferings, 68.
Now, a, descriptive of a hot day, 300.

Ovid, the story of Cyllarus and Hyloneme translated, 206-Description of the
haunt of Cephalus, ditto, 215.

Parents, severity of, difference between brutal and mistaken, 64.

Pastime, the folly of thinking any innocent one foolish, 34.

Penates, the personification of a particular providence, 38.

Perception, variety of the colours of, 385-How they are caused, 386.

Petrarch, brief sketch of the character of his life, 317-His sight of his mistress sit-
ting under a laurel, translated, 316-Ode to the Fountain of Vaucluse, tran-
slated, 318.


Poetry, Original, 88, 120, 153, 161, 246, 304, 307, 402.

Principle, the very notion of it makes some persons impatient, 66.
Punishment, Eternal, Mr. Coleridge's remark on the self-delusion of those who
think they believe in it, 68-Absurdity of it as an argument for being pious, 394
-Heaven andlearth should petition to pass away rather than a single being should
undergo it, 389.



Quotations from Bacon, 34-Beaumont and Fletcher, 21, 108, 11, 303-Browne,
226, 227-Butler, 50, 104-Catullus, 40, 79-Chaucer, 108, 71, 182, 219, 228,
230, 250-Codrington, 407-Coleridge, 68, 75-Collins, 200-Cotton, 46-Cra-
shaw, 252-Dante, 68, 136-Davenant, 191-Drayton, 19-Dryden, 45, 230
Fletcher, 276-Ford, 255-Gay, 24-Ben Jonsan, 44, 191, 404-Keats, 337, &c.
344-Miss L. V. L., 368-Marvell, 51-Milton, 11, 39, 59, 71, 134, 188, 219,
276-Ossian, 72-Prior, 363, &c.-Raleigh, 405-Rousseau, 267-Shakspeare,
2. 4, 136, 172, 190, 218, 370, &c.-Shelley, 333, &c. 336-Spenser, 107, 60, 196,
222, 226, &c.—Walton, 44-Warner, 36 Wither, 221-Wordsworth, 72, 116,
Religion of Greece and Rome less superficial and thoughtless than is commonly
supposed, 115-Modern, the refuge it takes in words, and its compromise with
Mammon, 116.

Review, Retrospective, its merits, 249.

Rising, Early, on cold mornings, what it has to say for itself, 117.

Rousseau, his story of Pygmalion translated, 241—Himself a Pygmalion, ib.
Sabbaths, two every week, 34.

Sacchetti, a Florentine poet and novelist, notice of, 223→→His poem on gathering
flowers translated, 223.

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Sannazzaro, his apostrophe to the country and its deities/translated, 231.

Sculpture, particular nature of its beauty, 48-Casts from sculpture and gems, how
cheaply to be had, 47.

Seamen on shore, described, 177. d

Shakspeare, probable amount of the question concerning him and Ben Jonson,
43-His pithy lesson against thieving, 104-His birth-day, and how to keep it,
233-Spots in the metropolis that he must have frequented, 235-Question ré-
specting his praise of contemporaries, 402.

Shape, monstrosities of, in what instances roconcileable or otherwise to the
imagination, 204.

Shelley, Mr., Remarks on his tragedy of the Cenci, 829-His beautiful prefaces, ib.
And amiable zeal for mankind, ib.-An objection made to his Beatrice, answer-
ed, 332-His character as a dramatist, 336.

Shops, on the sight of, 265-The gallant figure they make in the Arabian Nights,
ib.-Toy-shops, 273-Pastry-cooks, 275 Fraiterers, 276-Printsellers, 277."!
Sleep, pleasure of its approach, 105 Often, as well as watchfulness, the conse-
quence of sorrow, and why, 106-In whom its effects and aspects are most
noticeable, 108-See Despot.

Solomon, striking fiction respecting his dead body, 75 Was fond of nature and
the country, 232-Played the Anacreon in his old age, 388.


Spenser, his remarkable faculty of realizing the imaginative, 136.
Spring described, 217.

Sticks, their genealogy and varieties, 257-How they help a want of ideas, and
supply a consciousness of power, 261.

Stories, miraculous, frequent triviality of their origin, 4-Horrid ones in general
not difficult to write, 78-What the most ghastly thing in them, 75.

Stories of Godiva, 17.

An Evil Genius, 38.

Gilbert Becket, 52.

The Shoemaker of Veyros, 61.

Acontius and Cydippe, 11.

Polyphemus, Acis, and Galatea, 6.

The Beau Miser, 26.

Charles Brandon aad Mary, Queen of France, 35.

A Tale for a Chimney Corner, 13.

The Two Thieves and the Doctor of Bologna, 84.

The Two Sharpers of Naples, 86.

Lazarillo de Tormes, 90.

Paul, the Spanish Sharper, 96.

Claude du Vall the Highwayman, 102.

The Fair Revenge, 109.

Extremes meet, or All London and No London, 121,

Bacchus and the Pirates, 133.

Arion and the Dolphin, 135.

Dolphins and Boys, 134.

Ronald of the Perfect Hand, 159.

Cyllarus and Hylonome, 206.

Cephalus and Procris, 209.

Thomas Lurting, a Quaker Seaman, 235.

Pygmalion. See Roussean.

The Daughter of Hippocrates, 281.

The Venetian Girl, 292. -

The Egyptian Thief, 298.

A True Story, 319.

The Destruction of the Cenei Family, 321.

Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes, and Hyperion, 337.

Farinetta and Farinonna, 353.

The Hamadryad, 391.

Tha Nurture of Triptolemus, 393.

Superstition, the bad character it brings upon doctrine, 386-Why it misrepresents
the Divine Spirit, 389—Unhealthy and unfeeling, to be distinguished, 389—Su-
perstition the flatterer of reason, 390.

Sympathy, the inhumanity arising from inability to procure it, 6-Our first duty
to others, and greatest warrant for enjoyment, 58-Its tendency, in proportion to
its extensiveness, to create the greatest sum of happiness, 57.

Tasso, his stanza upon lovers talking and bathing translated, 12-Ode to the Gol-
den Age translated, 183-The Bee and the Kiss translated, 287-Translations of
his Jerusalem, by Hoole and Fairfax, compared, 193.

Theocritus, his Infant Hercules and the Serpents translated, 1-74.

Thieves, of ancient times, 81-Of Italy, 83, 97-Of Spain, 89-Their talent at being
hungry, 90-Of Albania, 99-Of Asia and Africa, ib.-Of Otaheite, how ex-
cusable, ib.Of England, 100-Of France, 102.

Translations, bad ones, how made, 4, 198.

Travellers, sensation they must formerly have created on returning home, 71.
Unhappiness, why we are bound to be acquainted with it, 387.

Venetians, why fond of black, 15-Chearful kindness to one another, 16.

Virgil, his scepticism modified by a sickly temperament, 113-Apparition of the
Penates to Eneas, translated, 39-The threshold of Cacus's den, ditto, 81.

West, Mr. sale of his pictures, 285-Unpleasant to see an event of this kind in a
house with which we have been familiar, ib.-Recollections connected with his
bonse, ib. 278.

World, knowledge of the, to what it amounts in general, 32.
Writing, one secret of the art of, 32.

Printed and published by Joseph Appleyard, No. 19, Catherine-street, Strand.
Price 2d. And sold also by A. GLIDDON, Importer of Snuffs, No. 31, Tavistock-
street, Covent-garden. Orders received at the above places, and by all Book-
sellers and Newsmeu.

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