
"I will drive them out for you," said the rabbit.

Away he hopped into the field, but the goats would not come out.

So the rabbit sat beside the boy and cried. "Why do you cry, rabbit?" asked a fox, who was running by.

"I cry because the boy cries. He cries because the goats will not come out of the turnip field."

"Let me try to drive them out," said the fox.

Away he ran, but the goats would not come out. Then the fox sat beside the rabbit and cried.





A gray wolf came by.



Why do you cry, fox?" asked the gray

"I cry because the rabbit cries. Rabbit cries because the boy cries. He cries because the goats will not come out of the turnip field."

"Let me try," said the wolf; and away he ran. But the goats would not come out.


Then the wolf sat beside the fox and cried,


Why do you cry, wolf?" asked a bee, who was flying by.

"I cry because fox cries.

because fox cries. Fox cries because

rabbit cries. Rabbit cries because the boy cries.

The boy cries because the goats will not come out of the turnip field."


I can drive them out," said the bee; and

away he flew into the turnip field.

He stopped to rest on Nannie's back, and

away she ran out of the field. Willie and Winkie saw her run, and away they ran, too.

What made Nannie run?

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Wil'son fa'ther sum'mer



Jack Wilson was walking with his father in the country one summer day.

"Caw! Caw!" called some crows from the branches over head.



"What do crows say, father?" asked Jack. They say many things, I think," said Mr. "Sometimes they say that they are hungry; sometimes that they are cold. And you must have heard them say 'Good morning,' and "Good night.""

"I have heard them say 'Caw!


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Caw! said

"Do you think that one
think that one crow knows

what another is saying?"

"Yes, I think so. A man told me of a joke that some crows played on his dog one day. Shall I tell you the story?"


'Yes, please do," said Jack. And this is the

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One day this man's dog, Rover, had a bone. He carried the bone to a large tree and lay down under the tree to eat.

Some hungry crows were in the tree. They saw Rover coming with his bone. How they did wish that they had that bone!

66 Caw! Caw! Caw!" said one old crow, and the other crows listened. "Caw! Caw! Caw!" "Caw! Caw! Caw!" said all the other crows, flapping their wings.

The first old crow flew down to the ground. He walked up to Rover's tail.

Rover was taking his first taste of the bone, and did not see the crow. He only heard the cawing of the crows in the tree.

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