
and cannot fail to tell on the mind of all readers, not thoroughly perverted by the liberalism of the day. Our chief regret is, that Mr. Gregg has brought his quarrel with the Archbishop of Dublin into such needless prominence, mingled with a degree of contempt inconsistent with the maxims of Scripture, to say nothing of his own high views of episcopal succession, in which point alone he seems to join hands with the Tractarians. In the whole work there is a degree, we think, of unripeness and partial precipitance of judgment, that is likely to hinder many from appreciating the solid thought and real scriptural wisdom which it contains. His remarks on the right method of conducting the Romish controversy, seem, in the main, very just and sensible. He argues that Protestant writers and speakers must take the whole armour of God-that they must view special errors, as Scripture views them, namely as cumulative proofs that Popery is the great apostasy of the latter days.

'I am convinced (he says) that the spirit of Popery is bloody, base, and treacherous; but I am equally convinced that, to make this conspicuous, palpable, plain, and effectual, all its objectionable peculiarities must be brought forward as part and parcel of an illustration of the Word of God. We must let God himself be the Author of the indictment, and we must prefer it in His own way; we must not merely not supersede the views He has brought before us, but we must exalt and glorify them. That would be strong and unanswerable, brought forward as an illustration of the Scriptures, which identify Rome with the apostasy, which, if laid to her charge in the abstract, and made use of merely to prove that she is a false, corrupt, and dangerous society,

might be evaded, and prove not only unsuccessful, but dangerous.'

One or two more sentences will illustrate the tone of the work, both in its main excellences and its chief defect. It is a bold, vigorous, manly defence of national religion and the Protestant faith, but we could desire somewhat more of delicacy and tenderness, to mingle with its protest against evil.

"Even though the speaking of truth in the ears of our princes involved danger, it should still be spoken, however distasteful it might be. The length of time in which there has been the habit of speaking smooth things in reference to the Popish system, has a tendency to make the truth distasteful. We are required the more imperatively to speak it out.... Here is the mighty work, that is set before faithful Protestants at the present day -the rectification of the Legislature, and the obtainment of Christian legislation at their hands. Is it to be wondered at that the people should be demoralized, when their rulers are infidel? Everything like fixed principle is renounced. Truth is viewed as a thing undiscovered and undiscoverable. Men are sent into workhouses, and other institutions, by authority of the State, to teach contradictory systems. Idolatry is promulgated by law, blasphemy inculcated by the national treasures. Is it any wonder, under such awful circum.. stances, that misery, wretchedness, and heart-breaking should be constant attendants and characteristics of the subjects of the British crown. . . ́. In fact, to whatever department of society we now turn our eyes, we behold evidences of the God-despising, Bible-despising spirit, that has admitted Papists to Parliament. . . . It is the duty of all to arouse themselves from their indifference, and to

stand forward as faithful citizens of their country, subjects of their queen, and servants of their God.'

WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF FAMINE? WITH THE DIVINE ANSWER. (Nisbet.) This little pamphlet is a scriptural, serious, and very earnest appeal to British Christians, on the great duty of humbling themselves for our public as well as private sins. Its excellence is its thorough simplicity; and its strength, the strength of Scripture truth; for the law and the testimony are appealed to in every page, and almost in every sentence. The master sin of the land, on which the writer chiefly dwells, is our decline from the Protestant faith of our martyred forefathers, our hateful affinity with the idolatries of Rome, and the flagrant inconsistency of our public acts, by which we serve the Lord and serve Baalim. We go along, fully and heartily, with almost every sentence, and trust that the simple appeal will reach many hearts, and stir up many a conscience to fresh activity. If every elector in the land were imbued with its simple truths, then might England hope for a blessing on her next Parliament, beyond all her past experience of the Divine goodness. We wish the writer God speed, with all our heart, in this little effort to promote his cause, and arouse the Christians of the land to their great duty. "She hath done what she could ;" and, if those who have a larger talent of influence intrusted to them were equally faithful and earnest, the vessel of the State might soon be righted, and our country become, more than ever, a joy and praise in the earth.

THE WORKS OF W. CARSON. Vol. I. (Carson, Dublin.) This author is well known as a theological writer. Many of the Essays in this volume are posthumous. The author was a strong Baptist, but the sub

jects here treated of are not controversial, and belong to that common ground on which all Christians can meet and hold sacred intercourse together. Strength of mind, and simplicity of faith in the revealed Word of God, are main characteristics of Dr. Carson's style, and lead one to regret that his striking thoughts should be ever disfigured by a harshness of manner, that may needlessly repel those, to whom his instructions would be most valuable.

GOOD THINGS TO COME. (Nisbet.) This is the Bloomsbury series of prophetical lectures for 1847. It must prove very valuable to the prophetical student, and very stimulating to the humble Christian. We have received this month an interesting letter, requesting that any of the readers of the Magazine, who are versed in prophecy, would take up the neglected subject of the future coming of Elijah the prophet, before the great and terrible day of the Lord. Our correspondent will find this subject ably treated in the sermon by Dr. M'Caul in this series. Another, to which we would especially direct the attention of our readers, is Mr. Goodhart's Lecture on the Degrees of Glory in Heaven; they will find in it a remarkable fulness of Scripture testimony on this most interesting subject.

A LETTER FROM ROME, SHEWING AN EXACT CONFORMITY BETWEEN POPERY AND PAGANISM. BY CONYERS MIDDLETON. (Grant and Griffith.) We rejoice to see a new edition of this valuable pamphlet. The Author, at Rome, wished, as far as possible, to realize the olden times, and, by force of imagination, to fill the temples with priests and sacrifices; but, to his astonishment, he found that the best method of doing this was to open his eyes to what was passing around him. The incense, the idol-worship, the procession, all

were before his eyes; the names were changed, but the reality remained. It is a Letter which ought to be read by Protestants in England, where Popery has hitherto been in a measure restrained from assuming its Pagan forms.

HINTS TO A CLERGYMAN'S WIFE. (Grant and Griffith.) We strongly recommend this little book, published with the view of being, in some respect, a supplement to the Rev. C. Bridges' 'Christian Ministry.? The opening chapters on Personal Religion are very valuable; and the parochial plans, though they would, of course, require to be modified according to local circumstances, will afford many valuable hints to clergymen's wives, or any other Christian ladies, engaged in parochial visiting.

We have also had sent to us, THE MINE EXPLORED; OR, SCRIPTURE TRUTHS ELICITED FROM SCRIPTURE CHARACTERS, INTENDED AS A HELP TO SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS. (Nisbet.) The plan here suggested, of connecting the historical with the doctrinal and moral lessons of Scripture, might be carried on to a much greater extent, and would give considerable variety to the lessons of elder classes in a Sundayschool. This useful little book likewise contains three series of simpler subjects for beginners, and a valuable address to teachers on the mode of instruction to be pursued. It will correspond to its name, and be a mine of treasure to those engaged in Sunday-schools.

THE TEACHER TAUGHT, by the same Author, has likewise been tried and found very valuable in many schools, where the teachers, though willing to do all in their power, have really wanted to be taught themselves. It now extends to four series; one on the

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