
secutive hexameters in the gnomic extracts from
his poems. The passage of Plato (l. c.), sometimes
quoted to show that he wrote epic poetry, seems
to us to prove, if anything, the very opposite. The
poems, which have come down to us, consist of
1389 elegiac verses, consisting of gnomic sentences
and paragraphs, of one or more couplets; which
vary greatly in their style and subjects, and which
are evidently extracted from a number of separate
Even in the confused account of Suidas
we trace indications of the fact, that the poetry of
Theognis consisted of several distinct elegies. In
what state the collection was in the time of Suidas,
we have not sufficient evidence to determine; but,
comparing his article with his well-known method
of putting together the information which he ga-
thered from various sources, we suspect that the
work which he calls Tvuai di' eyeías eis enn
B, was a collection similar to that which has
come down to us, though more extensive, and with
which Suidas himself was probably acquainted,
and that he copied the other titles from various
writers, without caring to inquire whether the
poems to which they referred were included in the
great collection. Xenophon, in the passage above
cited, refers to a collection of the poetry of Theog-
nis; though not, as some have supposed, to a con-
tinuous gnomic poem; and it is evident that the
collection referred to by Xenophon was different
from that which has come down to us, as the lines
quoted by him as its commencement are now
found in the MSS. as vv. 183–190.

The manner in which the original collection was formed, and the changes by which it has come into its present state, can be explained by a very simple theory, perfectly consistent with all the facts of the case, in the following manner.

Theognis wrote numerous elegies, political, convivial, affectionate, and occasional, addressed to Cyrnus, and to his other friends. In a very short time these poems would naturally be collected, and arranged according to their subjects, and according to the persons to whom they were addressed; but at what precise period this was done we are unable to determine the collection may have been partly made during the poet's life, and even by himself; but we may be sure that it would not be left undone long after his death.

In this collection, the distinction of the separate poems in each great division would naturally be less and less regarded, on account of the uniformity of the metre, the similarity of the subjects, and-in the case especially of those addressed to Cyrnus the perpetual recurrence of the same name in the different poems. Thus the collection would gradually be fused into one body, and, first each division of it, and then perhaps the whole, would assume a form but little different from that of a continuous poem. Even before this had happened, however, the decidedly gnomic spirit of the poems, and their popularity on that account (see Isocr. 1. c.), would give rise to the practice of extracting from them couplets and paragraphs, containing gnomic sentiments; and these, being chosen simply for the sake of the sentiment contained in each individual passage, would be arranged in any order that accident might determine, without reference to the original place and connection of each extract, and without any pains being taken to keep the passages distinct. Thus was formed a single and quasi-continuous body of gnomic poetry,

which of course has been subjected to the common fates of such collections; interpolations from the works of other gnomic poets, and omissions of passages which really belonged to Theognis; besides the ordinary corruptions of critics and transcribers. Whatever questions may be raised as to matters of detail, there can be very little doubt that the socalled poems of Theognis have been brought into their present state by some such process as that which has been now described.

In applying this theory to the restoration of the extant fragments of Theognis to something like their ancient arrangement, Welcker, to whom we are indebted for the whole discovery, proceeds in the following manner. First, he rejects all those verses which we have the positive authority of ancient writers for assigning to other poets, such as Tyrtaeus, Mimnermus, Solon, and others; provided, of course, that the evidence in favour of those poets preponderates over that on the ground of which the verses have been assigned to Theognis. Secondly, he rejects all passages which can be proved to be merely parodies of the genuine gnomes of Theognis, a species of corruption which he discusses with great skill (pp. Ixxx. foll.). Thirdly, he collects those passages which refer to certain definite persons, places, seasons, and events, like the epigrams of later times; of these he considers some to be the productions of Theognis, but others manifest additions. His next class is formed of the convivial portions of the poetry; in which the discrimination of what is genuine from what is spurious is a matter of extreme difficulty. Fifthly, he separates all those paragraphs which are addressed to Polypaïdes; and here there can be no doubt that he has fallen into an error, through not perceiving the fact above referred to, as clearly established by other writers, that that word is a

patronymic, and only another name for Cyrnus. Lastly, he removes from the collection the verses which fall under the denomination of παιδικά, for which Suidas censures the poet; but, if we understand these passages as referring to the sort of intercourse which prevailed among the Dorians, many of them admit of the best interpretation and may safely be assigned to Theognis, though there are others, of a less innocent character, which we must regard as the productions of later and more corrupt ages. The couplets which remain are fragments from the elegies of Theognis, mostly addressed to Cyrnus, and referring to the events of the poet's life and times, and the genuineness of which may, for the most part, be assumed; though, even among these, interpolations may very probably have taken place, and passages actually occur of a meaning so nearly identical, that they can hardly be supposed to have been different passages in the works of the same poet, but they seem rather to have been derived from different authors by some compiler who was struck by their resemblance.

The poetical character of Theognis may be judged of, to a great extent, from what has already been said, and it is only necessary to add that his genuine fragments contain much that is highly poetical in thought, and elegant as well as forcible in expression.

The so-called remains of Theognis were first printed in the Aldine collection, Venet. 1495, fol., mentioned under THEOCRITUS (p. 1034, b.), then in the several collections of the gnomic poets published during the 16th century. (See Hoffmann,

Lex. Bibliogr. s. v.) Of several other old editions, | the most important are, that of Jo. Lodov. Tiletanus, Paris, 1537, 4to.: that of El. Vinet. Santo, Paris, 1543, 4to.: that of Joachim Camerarius, who was the first to discover that the collection was not a single work by a single author, and whose edition is still very valuable for its critical and explanatory notes; its full title is, Libellus scolasticus utilis, et valde bonus, quo continentur, Theognidis praecepta, Pythagorae versus aurci, Phocylulae Praecepta, Solonis, Tyrtaei, Simonidis, et Callimachi quaedam Carmina, collecta et explicata a Joachimo Camerario Pabepergen, Basil. 1551, 8vo. that of Melanchthon, with his Explicatio, or exposition of the author, delivered in his lectures at the University of Wittemberg, Witeberg, 1560, 8vo. ; often reprinted, but without the Explicatio: that of Seber, who used three MSS. which had not been collated before, but whose edition is inaccurately printed, Lips. 1603, 8vo.; reprinted more accurately, 1620, 8vo., but this edition is very rare that of Sylburg, with the other gnomic poets, Ultraject. 1651, 12mo.; reprinted, 1748, 12mo. that of H. G. Just, Francof. et Lips. 1710, 8vo. that of Fischern, with a German translation, Altenburg, 1739, 8vo.: that in the edition of Callimachus, the editorship of which is doubtful, Lond. 1741, 8vo. (see Hoffmann, s. v. Callimachus) and that of Bandini, with a metrical Italian version, Florent. 1766, 8vo. There are two standard modern editions; that of Imm. Bekker, who has preserved the order of the MSS., Lips. 1815, and 2d ed. 1827, 8vo. ; and that of Welcker, who has re-arranged the verses in the manner explained above, Francof. 1826, 8vo. : there is also an edition of the text, with critical notes, by J. Casp. Orellius, Turic. 1840, 4to. The poems are also contained in several of the ancient collections of the Greek poets, besides those of the gnomic poets already referred to (see Hoffmann), and in the following | modern collections: Brunck's Gnomici Poetae Graeci, Argentorat. 1784, 8vo., reprinted 1817, 8vo.; al reprinted, for the use of colleges and schis, by Schaefer, Lips. 1817, 12mo., and in cne Tauchnitz Classics, 1815, 1829, 32mo.; Gaisford's Poetae Minores Gracci, Oxon. 1814-1820, Lips. 1823, 8vo.; Boissonade's Poetae Graeci Gnomici, Paris, 1823, 32mo.; Schneidewin's Delectus Poesis Graecorum, Gotting. 1838, 8vo. ; and Bergk's Poetae Lyrici Graeci, Lips. 1843, 8vo. (Fabric. Bibl. Grace. vol. i. pp. 704, foll.; Welcker, Prolegomena ad Theognidem, comp. the Review by Geel, in the Bibl. Crit. Nov. vol. iv. pp. 209-245; Schneidewin, Theogn. Eleg. Prooemium, in his Delectus, pp. 46-56; Müller, History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, vol. i. pp. 120-124; Ulrici; Bode; Theognis Restitutus, The personal history of the poet Theognis deduced from an analysis of his existing Fragments, Malta, 1842, 4to.; this last work we have not seen; it is favourably mentioned by Schneidewin, who says, " manches ist sehr sinnreich aufgefasst u. anregend," in Mühlmann and Jenicke's Repertorium d. class. Philologie, 1844, vol. i. p. 41, in which periodical also will be found references to several recent papers in the German periodicals on matters relating to Theognis: for an account of other illustrative works, see Hoffmann, Lex. Bibliogr. s. v.)

2. A tragic poet, contemporary with Aristophanes, who mentions him only in three passages, but they are rich ones. In the first (Acharn, 11)

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Dicaeopolis mentions, as one of his miseries, that, when he was sitting in the theatre, gaping for a tragedy of Aeschylus, the crier shouted, Theognis, lead in your chorus:" in another, illustrating the connection between the characters of poets and their works, Aristophanes says (Thesm. 168),

ὁ δ ̓ αὖ Θέογνις ψυχρὸς ὢν ψυχρῶς ποιεῖ and in the third, he describes the frigid character of his compositions by the witticism, that once the whole of Thrace was covered with snow, and the rivers were frozen, at the very time when Theognis was exhibiting a tragedy at Athens (Acharn. 138), This joke is no doubt the foundation for the statement of the scholiast that Theognis was so frigid a poet as to obtain the nickname of Xtáv (Schol. ad Acharn. 11; copied by Suidas, s. v.). It would seem from a passage of Suidas (s. v. Nikóμaxos) that, on one occasion, Theognis gained the third prize, in competition with Euripides and Nicomachus. It is stated by the scholiast on Aristophanes, by Harpocration (s. v.), and by Suidas (s. v.), on the authority of Xenophon, in the 2d Book of the Hellenics, that Theognis was one of the Thirty Tyrants; and perhaps, therefore, the name toyévns, in the passage of Xenophon referred to (Hell. ii. 3. § 2), should be altered to

éoys. According to these statements Theognis began to exhibit tragedies before the date of the Acharnians, B. C. 425, and continued his poetical career down to the date of the Thesmophoriazusae, B. C. 411, and was still conspicuous in public life in B. c. 404.

Two lines are referred to by some writers, as quoted from a tragedy of Theognis, entitled Ovéσrns, by Stobaeus (xcii. 5); but a careful examination of the passage shows that it refers to the Thyestes of Euripides. We have, however, one line from Theognis, quoted by Demetrius (de Eloc. 85):

Παρατίθεται τὸ τόξον, φόρμιγγ ̓ ἄχορδον.

The metaphor in this line is referred to by Aristotle (Rhet. iii. 11), in conjunction with an equally bold one from Timotheus which Aristotle mentions also in other passages (Rhet. iii. 4; Poët. xxi. 12); whence Tyrwhitt, Hermann, and Ritter (ad Arist Poct. 1. c.) have fallen into the error of ascribing the former metaphor also to Timotheus, instead of Theognis. (Fabric. Bibl, Graec, vol. ii. p. 324; Welcker, die Griech. Trag. pp. 1006, 1007; Kayser, Hist. Crit. Trag. Graec. pp. 325, 326; Wagner, Frag. Trag. Graec. pp. 92, 93, in Didot's Biblio theca Scriptorum Graecorum).

3. The author of a work περὶ τῶν ἐν Ῥόδῳ Svov, from the second book of which is a quotation made by Athenaeus (viii. p. 360, b.; Vossius, de Hist. Grace. p. 504, ed. Westermann).

[P. S.]

THEOGNOSTUS (εóуvæσTOS). 1. A Christian writer, a native of Alexandria, the author of a work entitled τοῦ μακαρίου Θεογνώστου ̓Αλεξαν öрéws kai ¿¿nyntoÛ ÚжоTURάGeis. Photius, who speaks in very disrespectful terms of him, gives a brief account of the contents of the work. (Cod. 106.) It seems, from what he says, that Theognostus closely followed Origenes. The style is described by Photius as being of a very inferior description. Athanasius, however, speaks in much higher terms of Theognostus. (Fabric. Bibl. Grace. vol. x. p. 709.)

2. A Byzantine grammarian, who lived at the

beginning of the ninth century after Christ. He
was the author of a work on prosody, which is
still extant in manuscript, addressed to the em-
peror Leo, the Armenian. He also wrote a history
of the reign of Michael II., surnamed the Stam-
merer, the successor of Leo. (Villoison, Anecd.
Graec. vol. ii. p. 127; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vi.
p. 350.)
[C. P. M.]
THEO LYTUS (OcóλUтos), of Methymna, in
Lesbos, an epic poet of an unknown, but certainly
not an early period, who is mentioned once by the
Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, and twice by
Athenaeus. The latter author, in one passage
(vii. p. 296, a, b.) quotes three lines from his Bak-
Xà en, that is, an epic poem on the adventures
of Dionysus, to whose contest with the sea-god
Glaucus, his rival in the love of Ariadne, the lines
quoted by Athenaeus refer. The other reference
to Theolytus is a quotation from him, ev devrépy
"pwv (Ath. xi. p. 470, c.), not 'pwv, as the read-
ing was before Schweighäuser, who shows that
here, and in other references to similar works, the
genitive is not that of ŵpa, but of &pos, a word of
the same meaning as &pa, but used in the plural in
the specific sense of Annals. (See Liddell and
Scott, and Seiler and Jacobitz, s. v.) Another cor-
rection made by Schweighäuser in this latter pas-
sage is the restoration of the true form of the
poet's name, which Casaubon had altered to eó-
KAUTOS. (Plehn, Lesbiaca, p. 201.) [P. S.]
THEO'MEDON (couédwv), a physician who
accompanied Eudoxus the astronomer and phy-
sician in his first visit to Athens, about the year
B. C. 386, and who supported him while he was
attending Plato's lectures in that city. (Diog.
Laërt. viii. 8. § 86.)
[W. A. G.]

THEOMESTOR (Θεομήστωρ), a Samian, son
of Androdamas, commanded a vessel in the Persian
fleet at Salamis (B. c. 480), and for his services in
that battle was made tyrant of Samos by Xerxes.
(Herod. viii. 85, ix. 90.)
[E. E.]
THEOMNASTUS, one of the instruments of
Verres in his oppression of the Sicilians. (Cic.
Verr. ii. 21, 51, iv. 66.)

THEOMNESTUS (@eduvnσтos), one of the Greek writers on veterinary surgery, who may perhaps have lived in the fourth or fifth century after Christ. None of his works remain, but some fragments are to be found in the collection of writers on veterinary surgery, first published in Latin by John Ruellius, 1530, fol. Paris, and afterwards in Greek by Simon Grynaeus, 1537, 4to. Basil. [W. A. G.]


THEOMNESTUS (Oeóμvnσтos), artists. A statuary of Sardis, of unknown time, who made the statue of the Olympic victor Ageles of Chios. (Paus. vi. 15. § 2.) He may safely be identified with the Theomnestus mentioned by Pliny among those who made athletas et armatos et venatores sacrificantesque (H. N. xxxiv. 8. s. 19. § 34).

2. A sculptor, the son of Theotimus, flourished in Chios, under the early Roman emperors, as we learn from a Chian inscription, in which his name occurs as the maker, in conjunction with Dionysius, the son of Astius, of the monument erected to the memory of Claudius Asclepiades, a freedman of the emperor, by his wife, Claudia Tertulla. (Murator. vol. ii. p. mxiv. 11; Boeckh, Corp. Inser. No. 2241, vol. ii. p. 210; R. Rochette, Lettre à M. Schorn, pp. 417, 418, 2d ed.)

3. A painter, contemporary with Apelles. All


that is known of him is contained in the statement of Pliny, that Mnason, the tyrant (of Elateia), gave him one hundred minae apiece for certain pictures, each of which represented a single hero. (Plin. H. N. xxxv. 10. s. 36. § 21.) [P. S.]

THEON (ewv). Of three of this name whose writings yet remain, two are mathematicians who are often confounded together. The first is Theon the elder, of Smyrna, best known as an arithmetician, who lived in the time of Hadrian. The second is Theon the younger, of Alexandria, the father of HYPATIA, best known as an astronomer and geometer, who lived in the time of Theodosius the elder. Both were heathens, a fact which the date of the second makes it desirable to state; and each held the Platonism of his period. The confusion would probably be avoided, if they were named after their leaders in science: they would then be called Theon the Pythagorean, and Theon the Ptolemaist.

The date of "Theon of Smyrna the philosopher," to quote in full the account which Suidas gives of him, depends upon the assumption (which there seems no reason to dispute) that he is the Theon whom Ptolemy and the younger Theon mention as having made astronomical observations in the time of Hadrian. Theon of Smyrna certainly wrote on astronomy. On the assumption just made, Ptolemy has preserved his observations of Mercury and Venus (A. D. 129-133). Bouillaud supposes that it is Theon of Smyrna to whom Proclus alludes as having written on the genealogies of Solon and Plato, and Plutarch as having written on the lunar spots. (See Bouillaud's preface, or the quotations in Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iv. p. 35.)

All that we have left is a portion of a work entitled, Τῶν κατὰ μαθηματικὴν χρησίμων εἰς τὴν тоû Пλάтшvos àváyvwow. The portion which now exists is in two books, one on arithmetic, and one on music: there was a third on astronomy, and a fourth Περὶ τῆς ἐν κόσμῳ ἁρμονίας. The work on arithmetic is of the same character as that of NICOMACHUS ; and as both these writers name Thrasyllus, and neither names the other, it may be supposed that the two were nearly contemporary. The book on music is on the simplest application of arithmetic. The two books were published by Bouillaud, from a manuscript in De Thou's library, Paris, 1644, quarto (Gr. Lat.). The book on arithmetic has been recently published, with Bouillaud's Latin, various readings, and new notes, by Professor J. J. de Gelder, Leyden, 1827, 8vo: the preface is the fullest disquisition on Theon which exists. We may refer to it for an account of the bust which was found in Smyrna by Fouquier, with the inscription OEQNAПÄATOŇ | ΙΚΟΝΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΟΝΟΙΕΡΕΥΣΘΕΩΝ ΤΟΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΑ, now in the museum at Rome. There are scattered notices (for which see De Gelder) by which it seems that Theon had written other works: a manuscript headed Deoλoyoúμeva is mentioned as attributed to him, which is probably only the work known under that name, with an assumed authorship. Bouillaud mentions an astronomical fragment which he found; and also the assertion of Isaac Vossius, made to him, that an astronomical treatise existed in the Ambrosian library at Milan.

Of the life of Theon of Alexandria, called the younger (described by Suidas as ád èk Toû μovo elov), nothing is known except the melancholy history of his daughter HYPATIA. We shall now take the

various writings to which his name is attached, in | commentary on the first and second books (Gr. order.

1. Scholia on Aratus. Of these there are at least two sets, the second first printed by Buhle, in his edition, as emendatiora. Grotius is of opinion that the first are not the work of Theon, but of several hands: this he infers from their containing repetitions and contradictions, which is not a very safe premise for the conclusion. Kuster (Suidas, s. v.) attributes them, without reason given, rather to Theon the sophist. That they are unworthy of the astronomer, is true enough; but rejections made on such a ground are dangerous things. These scholia were printed in the Aldine edition of Aratus, in that of Valder's collection [PTOLEMAEUS, p. 573], in Morell's edition, Paris, 1559, 4to., in Fell's, Oxford, 1672, 8vo, and also in Buhle's. Halma, in his edition (Gr. Fr.) Paris, 1822, 4to, has given selections, which his critics have asserted to be very ill chosen. (Hoffman, Lexic. Bibliogr. vol. i. p. 233).

2. Edition of Euclid. Of the manner in which Theon is asserted to have edited Euclid we have already said enough. [EUCLEIDES, pp. 68, b, 69, b, 70, a.]

[ocr errors]

Fr.) in two volumes, quarto, Paris, 1821 and 1822. 4. Commentary on the manual tables of Ptolemy. Knowledge of this work is very recent, and as it involves a work of Ptolemy himself which we have not mentioned in its place, a few words of expla nation will be necessary. It was long known that certain unpublished tables (as they were called) of Theon existed in manuscript: and there is in Fabricius and others a frequent confusion of these tables with the chronological table presently mentioned. Not but what accurate information might have been found. Kuster, speaking of an emendation of Suidas, who attributes to Theon a work eis Tòv ПTоλEμаíоν проxειроν кavóvα, says that Theon wrote a commentary on the canon of Ptolemy, which canon existed in manuscript in the Imperial library. Delambre found a manuscript in the Royal Library at Paris, which he has described (Hist. Astr. Anc. vol. ii. p. 616) under the head éwros ̓Αλεξανδρέως κάνονες πρόχειροι. Tables manuelles de Théon d'Alexandrie. This work was afterwards published by Halma, but under the title "Commentaire de Théon... sur les tables manuelles astronomiques de Ptolémée," in three parts, Paris, 1822, 1823, 1825, 4to. Having only very recently seen this last work, we have only as recently known that there is a distinct work of Ptolemy himself, the kάvоves πрóxεiрoi. Ptolemy's part is addressed to Syrus; Theon's to his son Epiphanius. The contents are, prolegomena, tables of latitude and longitude, and a collection of astronomical tables, somewhat more extensive than those in the syntaxis. The prolegomena are separately headed; one set is given to Ptolemy, another to Theon. But the tables themselves are headed Πτολεμαίου Θέωνος, καὶ Ὑπατίας πρόχειροι κάτ Voves. Dodwell had previously printed a fragment of the prolegomena in his Dissertationes Cyprianae," Oxford, 1684, 8vo.

3. Εἰς τὴν τοῦ Πτολεμαίου μεγάλην σύνταξιν úñоμvημάтwν Bι6xía ta'. This is the great work of Theon, the commentary on the Almagest, addressed to his son Epiphanius. But the Almagest has thirteen books, while Theon's commentary is marked as having only eleven. The commentary on the third book has not come down to us with the name of Theon, but with that of Nicolas Cabacillas; and those on the tenth and eleventh books are joined together. The commentary on the later books is obviously mutilated by time; for a circumstance connected with that on the fifth book, see PAPPUS. On this commentary, Delambre (who has given a full account of it, Hist. Astron. Anc. vol. ii. pp. 550 -616) passes the following judgment: "Theon commences by announcing that he will not follow the example of ordinary commentators, who show themselves very learned on passages which offer no difficulty, and are silent upon all which would give trouble to understand or to explain. He has not always kept this promise; I have often referred for information, and I have only found Ptolemy's words faithfully copied or slightly modified. It is a paraphrase which may give some explanation of methods, but which really presents nothing which andria by Suidas is Μαθηματικά, Αριθμητικά, Περὶ a little attention would not find in the text, none | σημείων καὶ σκοπῆς ὀρνέων καὶ τῆς τῶν κοράκων of those lost traditions, which must then have | φωνῆς, Περὶ τῆς τοῦ κυνὸς ἐπιτολῆς, Περὶ τῆς τοῦ existed at the Observatory of Alexandria, nothing | Νείλου ἀναβάσεως, Εἰς τὸν Πτολεμαίου πρόχειρον new upon the instruments or the method of using | them. Theon seems to know no one but Ptolemy and to have read nothing but the Syntaxis... This commentary is not what could have been made then, nor even what could have been made


We have mentioned in the article PTOLEMAEUS all the editions of the commentary which accompany those of the text. The only separate edition (if it be right so to call it) is that of Halma, forming a continuation of the four volumes already mentioned in PTOLEMAEUS. It includes only the

This Aldine edition, Venice, 1499, folio, is not a separate work, but part of what is frequently catalogued as Scriptores Astronomici Veteres, containing Julius Firmicus, Manilius, &c. as well as Aratus.


5. The continuation of the regal canon [PTOLEMAEUS, p. 572] down to his own time is attributed to Theon. In the manual tables it is carried down to the fall of the Eastern empire with the heading ПTоλeμalov, Oéwvos, K. T. λ." A very full dissertation on this canon is to be found in an anonymous work" Observationes in Theonis Fastos Graecos priores." Amsterdam 1735, quarto.

The list of works attributed to Theon of Alex

κανόνα, εἰς τὸν μικρὸν ̓Αστρολάβον ὑπόμνημα.
In the last, Fabricius proposes to read aσ7p0-
Aoyov, taking the work to be a commentary
on the collection of minor writers, which went
by the name of the lesser Syntaxis. (Fa-
bricius, Halma, Delambre, &c. opp. citt. edit.
[A. De M.]

THEON (éwv), literary. 1. A grammarian,
who taught at Rome in the reigns of Augustus and
Tiberius,.and was succeeded by Apion. (Suid. s. v.
'Av.) He was the author of a Lexicon to the
Greek comedians (Kwμikal λéĝeis), which is quoted
by Hesychius in the Prooemium to his Lexicon.
(Also, s. v. Zkíтaλo: see Ruhnken, Praef. ad
Hesych. pp. ix. foll.) It is doubtful whether he
was the author of the comic lexicon quoted by the
Scholiast to Apollonius Rhodius (iv. pp. 280, 305).
He is one of the authors from whose works the

Scholia to Aristophanes were derived. A Commentary on the Odyssey by a certain Theon is quoted in the Etymologicum Magnum (s.v. Túeλos). In one of the Scholia on Aristophanes (Nub. 397), the genuineness of which, however, is doubtful (see Dindorf, Annot. ad loc.), Theon is mentioned as one of the commentators on Apollonius Rhodius. It is very possible, however, that one or both of these Commentaries on Homer and Apollonius, should be assigned to Aelius Theon, of Alexandria, No. 5, below. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. i. p. 525, vol. ii. p. 500, vol. vi. p. 380.)

2. A later grammarian, the contemporary and friend of Plutarch, in whose Quaestiones Conviviales he is often mentioned.


the descendant of S. Marcella, and the son and pupil of Ecdicius. The passage of Damascius, quoted by Photius, is to the effect that Theon was naturally somewhat obtuse, but so fond of learning and so laborious was he, that he acquired the most perfect knowledge of the ancient poets and orators, and the most thorough technical acquaintance with the art of both; but he was never able, though very desirous, to reduce his knowledge to practice, and to write either poems or orations. His only work known to Suidas was a Treatise on Rhetoric, τέχνη ῥητορική.

A list of some other persons of this name is given by Fabricius. (Bibl. Grace. vol. vi. pp. 98, 99). [P.S.]

3. Of Alexandria, a Stoic philosopher, who THEON (ewv), the name of three phyflourished under Augustus, later than Areios, and sicians: 1. A native of Alexandria (Galen, wrote a Commentary on Apollodorus's Introduction De San. Tu. iii. 3, vol. vi. p. 182), who was to Physiology, Tĥs 'Añoλλudúpou quσioλoyikŵs elo- originally an athleta, and afterwards a gymaywyn's iпóuvηua, and three books on Rhetoric, nasta (ibid. ii. 4. p. 114); and who wrote two περὶ τεχνῶν ῥητορικῶν βιβλία γ'. (Suid. s. v.) works on the subject of gymnastics, one entitled 4. Of Antioch, a Stoic philosopher, wrote a De-Перì тŵν катà Mépos гvuvaoiwv, De Particularibus fence of Socrates, ̓Απολογία Σωκράτους. (Suid. | 8. v.)

Exercitiis, the other Περὶ τῶν Γυμναστικών, De Gymnasticis (ibid. iii. 8. pp. 208, 209). These works are several times mentioned by Galen, but are not now extant. With respect to Theon's date, it can only be positively determined that he lived after Hippocrates (ibid. ii. 4. p. 105), and before Galen; but, as Galen does not speak of him as having lived shortly before his own time, he may perhaps be placed in the third or second century B. C.

3. A physician of Alexandria, who wrote a comprehensive medical work entitled "AveрwoS, "Man," in which he treated of diseases in a sy

5. AELIUS THEON, of Alexandria, a sophist and rhetorician, wrote a treatise on Rhetoric (Texvn), a work weрl apoyчuvaσμáтwv (or, as some scholars read the text of Suidas, the words Téxνn Teрì πроyuuvaσuáτav form only one title), Commentaries on Xenophon, Isocrates, and Demosthenes, Rhetorical Themes (pnтopikai úπoléσeis), Questions respecting the Composition of Language (Thuara περὶ συντάξεως λόγου), and numerous other works 2. A physician who acquired some reputation in (Suid. s. v.; Eudoc. p. 231). The Пpoyvuváo-Gaul in the latter half of the fourth century after ματα is still extant, It is an excellent and useful Christ. (Eunap. Vit. Ionici.) treatise on the proper system of preparation for the profession of an orator, according to the rules laid down by Hermogenes and Aphthonius. It was first printed, in Greek only, by Angelus Bar-stematic order, beginning with the head, and debatus, Romae, 1520, 4to; again, with an amended text and a Latin version, by Joachim Camerarius, Basil. 1541, 8vo; by Dan. Heinsius, from the Elzevir press, Lugd. Bat. 1626, 8vo; by Joan. Schefferus, with the Progymnasmata of Aphthonius, Upsal. 1670 or 1680, 8vo. ; and recently, with the Scholia, Notes, and Indices, by C. E. Finckh, Stuttgard. 1834, 8vo. and also in Walz's Rhetores Gracci, vol. i. pp. 137, foll. Küster (ad Suid. s. v.) thinks that Aelius Theon was the author of the Commentary on Apollonius, mentioned above (No. 1), and also of the extant Scholia on Aratus, which others refer to the father of Hypatia. (Fabric. Bibl. Gruec. vol. vi. pp. 97, 98; Hoffmann, Lexicon Bibliogr. Scriptor. Graecorum, s. v.)

6. VALERIUS THEON, a sophist, who wrote a Commentary on Andocides (Suid. s. v.), from which the suspicion arises that he is the same person as the preceding, and that there is some confusion between the names Aelius and Valerius.

7. Of Sidon, a son of the sophist Gymnasius, and himself a sophist, taught in his native city, under Constantine the Great, who conferred upon him the dignities of consul and praefect. (Suid.s.v.) 8. A sophist and rhetorician, who was the instructor of Damascius in oratory. (Phot. Bibl. Cod. 181, p. 126, b. 40, ed. Bekker.) He must therefore have flourished at the end of the fifth and the beginning of the sixth centuries of our era. Some particulars respecting him are preserved, from Damascius, by Photius (Cod. 242, p. 339, b. 7), and by Suidas (s. v.), who tells us that Theon was

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scending to the feet, and also of pharmacy. As Photius calls him (Biblioth. § 220) by the title of "Archiater," he must have lived after the beginning of the Christian era; and as Galen does not mention him, he may be supposed to have lived later than the second century. If (as is not improbable) he is the same physician, one of whose medical formulae is quoted by Aëtius (i. 3. 58. p. 127), he must have lived before the sixth century. Haller places him in the reign of Theodosius, that is, in the fourth century (Bibl. Medic. Pract. vol. i. p. 287), which may be quite correct, but he does not state the reason for his assigning so precise a date.

Theon, the commentator on Nicander mentioned by Stephanus Byzantinus (s. v. Kopán), is reckoned as a physician by Fabricius (Bibl. Gr. vol. xiii. p. 434) and Haller (l. c. p. 138), but it is perhaps more probable that he was a grammarian by profession, as he appears to have written a commentary also on Apollonius Rhodius and on Lycophron. [W. A. G.]

THEON of Samos, is mentioned by Quintilian (xii. 10. §6) as one of those painters who flourished from the time of Philip to that of the successors of Alexander, the age of Pamphilus and Melanthius, Apelles and Protogenes. The peculiar merit of Theon was his prolific fancy (concipiendis visionibus, quas pavтaoías vocant), a characteristic denoting that excessive refinement in which the decline of art was already commencing, and which is still more strongly exhibited in the description given

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