

84 Coss. Cn. Papirius Carbo II.

L. Cornelius Cinna IV. Occis. e. Peace concluded between Mithridates and Sulla. After the conclusion of the peace, Sulla marches against Fimbria, who kills himself.

83 Coss. L. Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus.

L. Norbanus Balbus. Sulla returns to Italy at the beginning of the year. Civil war between him and the Marian party. Cn. Pompeius (aet. 23) takes an active part in Sulla's favour. Q. Sertorius flies to Spain. The capitol burnt on the 6th of July. L. Murena, the propraetor, renews the war against Mithridates.

82 Coss. C. Marius. Occis. e.

Cn. Papirius Carbo III. Occis. e. Dict. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix. Mag. Eq. L. Valerius Flaccus. Victories of Sulla and his generals. Capture of Praeneste, and death of the younger Marius the consul. Sulla is undisputed master of Italy. He is appointed dictator for an indefinite period; proscribes his opponents. Cn. Pompeius is sent to Sicily, to carry on war against the Marians. Q. Sertorius holds out in Spain.

Birth of P. Terentius Varro Atacinus the poet.

Birth of C. Licinius Calvus the orator. 81 Coss. M. Tullius Decula.

Cn. Cornelius Dolabella.

Sulla continues dictator. His legislation.
Successful campaign of Cn. Pompeius in
Africa; returns to Rome, and triumphs.
Cicero's (aet. 26) oration Pro Quintio.
Valerius Cato, the grammarian and poet,

80 Coss. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix II.

Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius.

Sulla continues dictator, but holds the consulship as well. Siege and capture of Mytilene in Asia: C. Julius Caesar (aet. 20) was present at the siege.

Cicero's (aet. 27) oration Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino.

79 Coss. P. Servilius Vatia (Isauricus).

Ap. Claudius Pulcher.

Sulla lays down his dictatorship. Metellus proconsul goes to Spain to oppose Sertorius. Cicero (aet. 28) goes to Athens.

78 Coss. M. Aemilius Lepidus.

Q. Lutatius Catulus.

Death of Sulla, aet. 60. The consul Lepidus
attempts to rescind the laws of Sulla, but
is opposed by his colleague Catulus. Me-
tellus continues the war against Sertorius.
P. Servilius Vatia is sent as proconsul
against the pirates on the southern coasts
of Asia Minor.

Cicero (aet. 29) hears Molo at Rhodes.
Sallust's history began from this year.

77 Coss. D. Junius Brutus.

Mam. Aemilius Lepidus Livianus. Lepidus takes up arms, is defeated by Catulus at the Mulvian bridge, and retires to Sardinia, where he dies in the course of the year. Sertorius is joined by M. Perperna, the legate of Lepidus. Cn. Pompeius,

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War with Sertorius continued. Renewal of the war with Mithridates: Lucullus appointed to the command; he carries on the war with success, and relieves Cyzicus which was besieged by Mithridates.

Cicero (aet. 33) returns from Sicily to Rome.

73 Coss. M. Terentius Varro Lucullus. C. Cassius Varus.

War with Sertorius continued. Mithridates is defeated by Lucullus, near Cyzicus. Commencement of the war in Italy against the gladiators commanded by Spartacus. The consul M. Lucullus succeeds Curio in Macedonia, and subdues the Bessi in this or the following year.

72 Coss. L. Gellius Poplicola.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus. Murder of Sertorius; defeat and death of Perperna; end of the war in Spain. Lucullus follows Mithridates into Pontus. The two consuls are defeated by Spartacus. 71 Coss. P. Cornelius Lentulus Sura.

Cn. Aufidius Orestes.

War with Mithridates continued. Mithridates flies into Armenia to his son-in-law Tigranes. Spartacus defeated and slain by M. Licinius Crassus, praetor. Pompeius on his return from Spain falls in with and destroys some of the fugitives. 70 Coss. Cn. Pompeius Magnus. Licinius Crassus Dives. Censs. L. Gellius Poplicola.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus. War with Mithridates continued; but no active operations this year. Lucullus is engaged in regulating the affairs of Asia Minor: Mithridates remains in Armenia. Pompeius restores to the tribunes the power of which they had been deprived by Sulla. The lex Aurelia enacts that the judices are to be taken from the senators, equites, and tribuni aerarii, instead of from the senators exclusively, as Sulla had ordained.

Cicero (aet. 37) impeaches Verres; he delivers the orations In Q. Caecilium Divinatio and Actio I. in Verrem, Birth of Virgil.

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War with Mithridates continued. Mutiny in the army of Lucullus. He marches back to Pontus, whither Mithridates had preceded him, and had defeated C. Triarius the legate of Lucullus. The war against the pirates is committed to Cn. Pompeius by the lex Gabinia. Metellus concludes the war in Crete either in this or the fol

lowing year. L. Roscius Otho, tribune of the plebs, carried a law that the equites should have separate seats in the theatre. M. Terentius Varro serves under Pompeius in the war against the pirates.

66 Coss. M'. Aemilius Lepidus.

L. Volcatius Tullus.

War with Mithridates continued.

The con

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Cicero (aet. 44) delivered many orations in his consulship. Those which are extant were delivered in the following order: (1.) De Lege Agraria; (2.) Pro C. Rabirio; (3.) In Catilinam; (4.) Pro Murena.

62 Coss, D. Junius Silanus.

L. Licinius Murena.

Defeat and death of Catiline. Pompeius returns to Italy. Caesar (aet. 38) is praetor, Cato is tribune of the people.

Cicero's (aet. 45) oration Pro P. Sulla. 61 Coss. M. Pupius Piso Calpurnianus. M. Valerius Messala Niger. Triumph of Pompeius on the 28th and 29th of September. Trial and acquittal of P. Clodius. Caesar (aet. 39), propraetor, obtains the province of Further Spain.

Cicero's (aet. 46) oration Pro Arelia.

60 Coss. L. Afranius.

Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer.
Caesar's victories in Spain. He returns to
Rome. His coalition with Pompeius and
Crassus, usually called the First Trinm-


59 Coss. C. Julius Caesar (aet. 41).

M. Calpurnius Bibulus.

The agrarian law of Caesar. The acts of Pompeius in Asia ratified. Caesar receives the provinces of Cisalpine and Transal pine Gaul and Illyricum, for five years. Cicero's (aet. 48) oration Pro L. Flacco, Birth of T. Livius the historian. 58 Coss. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus. A. Gabinius.

Caesar's (aet. 42) first campaign in Gaul; he defeats the Helvetii and Ariovistus. P. Clodius is tribune of the plebs. Cicero (aet. 49) is banished. 57 Coss. P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther. Q. Caecilius Metellus Nepos. Caesar's (aet. 43) second campaign in Gaul. He defeats the Belgae. The superinten dence of the annona committed to Pompeius with extraordinary powers, for five years. Ptolemaeus Auletes comes to Rome. Cicero (aet. 50) recalled from banish


56 Coss. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. L. Marcius Philippus.

Caesar's (aet. 44) third campaign in Gaul He conquers the Veneti in the north-west of Gaul. Caesar met Pompeius and Crassus at Luca in April, and made arrangements for the continuance of their power. Clodius is curule aedile.

Cicero's (aet. 51) orations, (1.) pro Sertio; (2.) In Vatinium; (3.) De Haruspicum Responsis; (4.) De Provincis Consularibus; (5.) Pro M. Caelio Rufo; (6.) Pro L Cornelio Balbo.

55 Coss. Cn. Pompeius Magnus II.
M. Licinius Crassus II.

Censs. M. Valerius Messala Niger.
P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus.
Caesar's (aet. 45) fourth campaign in Gaul.
He crosses the Rhine: he invades Britain.
Assignment of the provinces to the tri-
umvirs by the Lex Trebonia. Caesar
receives the Gauls and Illyricum for five

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Death of Lucretius.

51 Coss. Ser. Sulpicius Rufus.

M. Claudius Marcellus.

Caesar's (aet. 49) ninth campaign in Gaul.
Subjugation of the country. The consul
Marcellus proposes measures against Caesar.
Cicero (aet. 56) goes as proconsul to

50 Coss. L. Aemilius Paullus.

C. Claudius Marcellus.

Censs. Ap. Claudius Pulcher.

L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus.
Caesar (aet. 50) spends the year in Cisalpine
Gaul. Measures of Pompeius against

Cicero (aet. 57) leaves Cilicia and reaches
Brundisium at the end of the year.
Death of Hortensius.

Sallust is expelled the senate.

49 Coss. C. Claudius Marcellus.

L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus.

Dict. sine Mag. Eq. C. Julius Caesar. Commencement of the civil war between Caesar (aet. 51) and Pompeius. Caesar marches into Italy, and pursues Pompeius to Brundisium. Pompeius leaves Italy in March, and crosses over to Greece. Caesar goes to Rome, and then proceeds to Spain, where he conquers Afranius and Petreius, the legati of Pompeius. He returns to Rome, is appointed dictator for the election of the consuls, resigns the office at the end of 11 days, and then goes to Brundisium, in order to cross over into Greece.

Cicero (aet. 58) comes to Rome, but crosses over to Greece in the month of June.

B. C.

48 Coss. C. Julius Caesar II.

P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus.

Caesar (aet. 52) lands in Greece, defeats Pompeius at the battle of Pharsalia in the month of August. Murder of Pompeius (aet. 58) before Alexandria. Caesar comes to Egypt: Alexandrine war.

Cicero (aet. 59) returns to Italy after the battle of Pharsalia, and arrives at Brundisium.

47 Dict. C. Julius Caesar II.

Mag. Eq. M. Antonius.
Coss. Q. Fufius Calenus.
P. Vatinius.

Caesar (aet. 53) dictator the whole year.
The consuls Calenus and Vatinius were
only appointed at the end of the year.
Caesar concludes the Alexandrine war,
marches into Pontus, and conquers Phar-
naces; arrives in Italy in September.
He crosses over to Africa before the end
of the year to carry on war against the

Cicero (aet. 60) meets Caesar at Brundisium, is pardoned by him, and returns to Rome.

46 Coss. C. Julius Caesar III.

M. Aemilius Lepidus.

Caesar (aet. 54) defeats the Pompeians at the battle of Thapsus in April. Death of Cato, aet. 48. Caesar returns to Rome and triumphs. Reformation of the calendar by Caesar.

Cicero (aet. 61) composes his Brutus, and Partitiones Oratoriae. His orations pro Marcello and pro Ligario.

Sallust praetor, and accompanies Caesar in the African war.

45 Dict. C. Julius Caesar III.

Mag. Eq. M. Aemilius Lepidus.

Cos. sine collega. C. Julius Caesar IV.
Coss. Q. Fabius Maximus. Mort. e.
C. Caninius Rebilus.

C. Trebonius.

Caesar (aet. 55) defeats the Pompeians in Spain at the battle of Munda in March. Triumph of Caesar. He is made consul for ten years, and dictator and censor for life.


Cicero (aet. 62) divorces Terentia marries Publilia; loses his daughter Tullia; divorces Publilia. He composes his Orator, Academica, de Finibus. His oration pro Deiotaro.

44 Dict. C. Julius Caesar IV.

Mag. Eq. M. Aemilius Lepidus II.
Mag. Eq. C. Octavius.

Mag. Eq. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. Non iniit.
Coss. C. Julius Caesar V. Cos. occis. e.
M. Antonius.

P. Cornelius Dolabella.
MURDER OF CAESAR (aet. 56) on the 15th
of March. Octavius, on the death of Caesar,
comes from Apollonia to Rome. M. An-
tonius withdraws from Rome, and pro-
ceeds to Cisalpine Gaul at the end of No-
vember to oppose D. Brutus: be is declared
a public enemy by the senate

Cicero (aet. 63) composes his Tusculanae Disputationes, de Natura Deorum, de Divinatione, de Fato, de Amicitia, de Senec


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War in Greece between the triumvirs and the republican party. Battle of Philippi and death of Cassius. Second battle of Philippi and death of Brutus. Birth of Tiberius, afterwards emperor.

Horace (aet. 23) fights at the battle of Philippi.

41 Coss. L. Antonius Pietas.

P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus II. War of Perusia. The consul L. Antonius and Fulvia, the wife of M. Antonius, oppose Octavianus. Antonius is besieged in Pe. rusia towards the end of the year. 40 Coss. Cn. Domitius Calvinus II. Abd. C. Asinius Pollio. L. Cornelius Balbus.

P. Canidius Crassus.

Capture of Perusia. Death of Fulvia. Reconciliation between Octavianus and M. Antonius, who conclude a peace at Brundisium M. Antonius marries Octavia, the sister of Octavianus. Labienus and the Parthians invade Syria.

Cornelius Nepos flourished. 39 Coss. L. Marcius Censorinus.

C. Calvisius Sabinus.

Octavianus and Antonius have an interview with Sex. Pompeius at Misenum, and conclude a peace with him. M. Antonius spends the winter at Athens. Ventidius, the legatus of Antonius, defeats the Parthians: death of Labienus. Birth of Julia, the daughter of Octavianus.

Horace (aet. 26) is introduced to Maecenas by Virgil and Varius.

38 Coss. Ap. Claudius Pulcher.

C. Norbanus Flaccus.

War between Octavianus and Sex. Pompeius. Octavianus marries Livia. Ventidius again defeats the Parthians, and drives them out of Syria: death of Pacorus.

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P. Autronius Paetus.

Ex Kal. Mai. L. Flavius.
Ex Kal. Jul. C. Fonteins Capito.
M'. Acilius (Aviola).

Ex Kal. Sept. L. Vinucius.

Ex Kal. Oct. L. Laronius. Rupture between Octavianus and Antonias. Both parties prepare for war. In this year Octavianus is called in the Fasti Imperator Caesar Augustus, though the titles of Imperator and Augustus were not conferred upon him till B. c. 27. Agrippa aedile.

Horace (aet. 32) probably publishes the

second book of his Satires. 32 Coss. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Sosius.

Ex Kal. Jul. L. Cornelius.

Ex Kal. Nov. N. Valerius.

Antonius divorces Octavia. War declared against Antonius at the conclusion of the year.

Death of Atticus.

31 Coss. Imp. Caesar Augustus III. M. Valerius Messala Corvinus. Ex Kal. Mai. M. Titius. Ex Kal. Oct. Cn. Pompeius. Antonius defeated at the battle of Actium on the 2nd of September. Octavianus proceeds to the East.

Horace (aet.-34) probably publishes his book of Epodes.

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