
Pleuron and Calydon in Aetolia (Hom. I. v. 813, ix. 543, xiv. 115, &c.). According to the tragic poets he was a son of Porthaon and Euryte, and besides the two brothers mentioned above, Alcathous, Laocoon, Leucopeus, and Sterope, are likewise called his brothers and sister (Apollod. i. 7. § 10 Apollon. Rhod. i. 192; Hygin. Fab. 14). His children are said to have been Toxeus, whom he himself killed, Thyreus (Phereus), Clymenus, Periphas, Agelans, Meleager, Gorge, Eurymede, Melanippe, Mothone, and Deianeira (Apollod. i. 8. § 1; Paus. iv. 35. § 1; Anton. Lib. 2). His second wife was Melanippe, the daughter of Hipponous, and by her he is said by some to have become the father of Tydeus, who according to others was his son by his own daughter Gorge (Apollod. i. 8. § 4, &c.; Diod. iv. 35; comp. TYDEUS). He is said to have been deprived of his kingdom by the sons of Agrius, who imprisoned him and ill used him. But he was subsequently avenged by Diomedes, who slew Agrius and his sons, and restored the kingdom either to Oeneus himself, or to his son-in-law Andraemon, as Oeneus was too old. Diomedes took his grandfather with him to Peloponnesus, but some of the sons who lay in ambush, slew the old man, near the altar of Telephus in Arcadia. Diomedes buried his body at Argos, and named the town of Oenoe after him (Apollod. i. 8. § 5, &c.; Anton. Lib. 37; Diod. iv. 65). According to others Oeneus lived to a very old age with Diomedes at Argos, and died a natural death (Paus. ii. 25. § 2). Homer knows nothing of all this; he merely relates that Oeneus once neglected to sacrifice to Artemis, in consequence of which she sent a monstrous boar into the territory of Calydon, which was hunted by Meleager (Il. ix. 532, &c.). The hero Bellerophon was hospitably received by him, and received a costly girdle as a present from him (vi. 216, &c.). At the time of the Trojan war the race of Oeneus had become extinct, and hence Thoas, the son of Andraemon, the son-in-law of Orneus, led the Aetolians against Troy (ii. 638, &c.). [L. S.]

OENIAS, a Greek painter, of whom nothing more is known than that he painted a family group, syngenicon. (Plin. H. N. xxxv. 11. s. 40. § 37.) [P. S.] OENOATIS (Oirwáris), a surname of Artemis, who was worshipped at Oenoe in Argolis. (Eurip. Here, Far. 376.) [L. S.] OE'NOE (Oivón). 1. The name given by Antoninus Liberalis (16) to a person commonly called Gerana. [GERANA].

2. A sister of Epochus, from which the Attic demus of Oenoe was believed to have derived its hame. (Paus. i. 33, in fin.)

3. An Arcadian nymph, who is said to have been one of those that brought up the infant Zeus. (Paus. viii. 47. § 2.) [L. S.] OENOMARCHÚS (Oivóμapxos), of Andros, one of the numerous pupils of Herodes Atticus, did not possess any great celebrity, and was fond of the florid style of eloquence, which received the name of the Ionic or Asiatic. Philostr. Vit. Soph. ii. 18.)

OENO MAUS (Olvóuaos), a son of Ares and Harpinna, the daughter of Asopus, and husband of the Pleiad Sterope, by whom he became the father of Hippodameia, was king of Pisa in Elis (Apollod. iii. 10. § 1; Paus. v. 10. § 2, 22. § 5, vi. 21. § 6). According to others he was a son of Ares and




Sterope (Schol. ad Hom. Il. xviii. 486; Hygin. Fub. 84, 159), or a son of Alxiou (Paus. v. 1. § 5), or of Hyperochus and Sterope (Tzetz. ad Lyc. 149). An oracle had declared that he should die if his daughter should marry, and he therefore made it a condition that those who came forward as suitors for Hippodameia's hand should contend with himself in the chariot-race, and he who conquered should receive her, whereas those that were conquered should suffer death. The race-course extended from Pisa to the altar of Poseidon, on the Corinthian isthmus. the moment when a suitor started with Hippodameia, Oenomaus sacrificed a ram to Zeus at Pisa, and then armed himself and hastened with his swift chariot and four horses, guided by Myrtilus, after the suitor. He thus overtook many a lover, whom he put to death, until Pelops, the son of Tantalus, came to Pisa. Pelops bribed Myrtilus, and using the horses which he had received from Poseidon, he succeeded in reaching the goal before Oenomaus, who in despair made away with himself. Thus Pelops obtained Hippodameia and the kingdom of Pisa (Diod. iv. 73; Hygin. Fub. 84; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 752, ad Pind. Ol. i. 114 ; Ov. Ib. 365, &c.). There are some variations in this story. as e. g. that Oenomaus was himself in love with his daughter, and for this reason slew her lovers (Tzetz. ad Lyc. 156; Hygin. Fab. 253). Myrtilus also is said to have loved her, and as she wished to possess Pelops, she persuaded Myrtilus to take the nails out of the wheels of her father's chariot; and as Oenomaus was breathing his last he pronounced a curse upon Myrtilus, and this curse had its desired effect, for as Pelops refused to give to Myrtilus the reward he had promised, or as Myrtilus had attempted to dishonour Hippodameia, Pelops thrust him down from Cape Geraestus. But Myrtilus, while dying, likewise pronounced a curse upon the house of Pelops, which was afterwards the cause of the fatal occurrences in the life of Atreus and Thyestes (Tzetz. ad Lyc. 156). All the suitors that had been killed by Oenomaus, were buried in one common tomb (Paus. vi. 21. § 6, &c.). The tomb of Oenomaus himself was shown on the river Cladeus in Elis (vi. 21. § 3). His house was destroyed by lightning, and only one pillar of it remained standing (v. 20. § 3, 14. § 5; comp. v. 17. § 4, 10. § 2; Soph. Elect. 504, &c.; Völcker, Mythol. des Jupet. Geschl. p. 361). [L. S.]

OENO'MAUS (Oivóμaos), of Gadara, a cynic philosopher, who flourished in the reign of Hadrian, or somewhat later, but before Porphyry. (Syncell. p. 349, b.; Suid. s. v.) He was one of those later cynics whose philosophy consisted not so much in any definite system of doctrine, as in a free and unrestrained tone of thought and life. Thus the emperor Julian charges him with sensuality and profaneness; and his sarcasms upon the old cynic doctrines have led some to suppose, but without reason, that he belonged to some other sect. (Julian, Orat. vi. p. 199, vii. p. 209, ed. Spanheim.) Suidas mentions, as his works, Пepl Kuvioμou, Πολιτεία, Περὶ τῆς καθ' Ομηρον Φιλοσοφίας, Περὶ Κράτητος καὶ Διογένους καὶ τῶν λοιπῶν. This list, however, does not include the work which is best known to us, namely, his exposure of the oracles, which is sometimes entitled Kard Tv Xpornplwv, but the proper title seems to have been TonTwv wpά, i. e. Detectio Praestigiatorum. Considerable extracts from this work are preserved


by Eusebius, who tells us that Oenomaus was pro- | voked to write it in consequence of having been himself deceived by an oracle. (Euseb. Praep. Erang. v. 18, foll., vi. 7; Socrat. H. E. iv. 13 ; | Niceph. x. 36; Theodoret. Therap. vi. p. 86, x. p. 141, a.) Julian also speaks of tragedies by Oeno maus (Orat. vii. p. 210).

2. An epigrammatic poet, the author of a single distich upon Eros, inscribed on a drinking vessel. There is nothing to determine whether or no he was the same person as the philosopher (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 402; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. iii. p. 110.)

3. A tragic poet. [DIOGENES, p. 1023.] [P.S.] OENO'NE (Oivávn), a daughter of the rivergod Cebren, and the wife of Paris. (Apollod. iii. 12. § 6; Parthen. Erot. 4; Strab. xiii. p. 596; comp. PARIS.)

[L. S.]

OENO PIDES (Olvoríôns), a distinguished astronomer and mathematician, a native of Chios. Plato (Erastae, c. 1) mentions him in conjunction with Anaxagoras, from which it has been concluded | that he was a contemporary of the latter. It may have been so, but there is nothing else to confirm the conjecture. He is spoken of in connection with Pythagoras and his followers, so that he seems to have been regarded as a Pythagorean. Oenopides derived most of his astronomical knowledge from the priests and astronomers of Egypt, with whom he lived for some time. Diodorus (i. 98) mentions in particular that he derived from this source his knowledge of the obliquity of the ecliptic, the discovery of which he is said to have claimed (in the treatise de Plac. Phil. ii. 12, ascribed to Plutarch). Aelian (V. H. x. 7) attributes to Oenopides the invention of the cycle of fifty-nine years for bringing the lunar and solar years into accordance, of which Censorinus (c. 19) makes Philolaus to have been the originator. The length of the solar year was fixed by Oenopides at 365 days, and somewhat less than nine hours. (As Censorinus expresses it, the fifty-ninth part of twenty-two days.) Oenopides set up at Olympia a brazen tablet containing an explanation of his cycle. He had a notion that the milky-way was the original path of the sun, from which he had been frightened into his present path by the spectacle of the banquet of Thyestes. (Achilles Tatius, Isag. in Arat. c. 24.) Proclus, in his commentary on Euclid, attributes to Oenopides the discovery of the twelfth and twentythird propositions of the first book of Euclid, and the quadrature of the meniscus. Oenopides is also mentioned more than once by Sextus Empiricus. (Hypot. iii. 4, adv. Math. p. 367.) He had a theory of his own about the rise of the Nile, which was this, that in the summer the waters beneath the earth are cold, in the winter warm; a fact which he said was proved by the temperature of deep wells. So that in the winter the heat shut up in the earth carries off the greater part of the moisture, while there are no rains in Egypt. In the summer, on the contrary, the moisture is no longer carried off in that way, so that there is enough to fill the bed of the Nile and cause it to overflow. Diodorus (i. 41) objects to that theory, that other rivers of Libya, which correspond in position and direction to the Nile, are not so affected. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. i. p. 860; Ideler, Handbuch der Chronologie, vol. i. p. 302.) [C. P. M.] OENO'PION (Oivonlwv), a son of Dionysus and husband of the nymph Helice, by whom he

became the father of Thalus, Euanthes, Melas, Salagus, Athamas, and Merope, Aerope or Haero (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iii. 996; Paus. vii. 4. § 6; Parthen. Erot. 20). Some writers call Oenopion a son of Rhadamanthys by Ariadne, and a brother of Staphylus (Plut. Thes. 20); and Servius (ad Aen. i. 539; comp. x. 763) also calls him the father of Orion. From Crete he emigrated with his sons to Chios, which Rhadamanthys had assigned to him as his habitation (Paus. vii. 4. § 6 Diod. v. 79). While he was king of Chios, he received a visit from the giant Orion, who for a long time sued for the hand of Merope. Once Orion being intoxicated violated Merope, in consequence of which Oenopion blinded him and expelled him from his island. Orion, however, went to Lemnos, where Hephaestus gave to him Cedalion as a guide, or according to others stole a boy whom he carried on his shoulders, and who told him the roads. Orion was afterwards cured of his blindness, and returned to Chios to take vengeance on Oenopion. But the latter was not to be found in Chios, for his friends had concealed him in the earth, so that Orion, unable to discover him, went to Crete (Apollod. i. 4. § 3; Hygin. Poet. Astr. ii. 34; Eratosth. Catast. 32; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 1623). The tomb of Oenopion continued to be shown at Chios even in the days of Pausanias (vii. 5. § 6; comp. ORION; Völcker, Mythol. des Japet. Geschl. p. 112, &c.). [L. S.]

OENO TROPAE (Oivorpóra), that is, the changers of or into wine, was the name of the three or four daughters of king Anius in Delos, because they had received from Dionysus the power of changing water into wine, and any thing else they chose into corn and olives (Tzetz. ad Lyc. 750). When Agamemnon heard this, he wanted to carry them off by force from their father, that they might provide for the army of the Greeks at Troy; but they implored Dionysus for assistance, and were accordingly metamorphosed into doves. (Ov. Met. xiii. 640; Serv. ad Aen. iii. 80.) [L. S.]

OENO TRUS (Olvwrpos), the youngest son of Lycaon who emigrated with a colony from Arcadia to Italy, and called the district in which he settled, after himself. Oenotria (Paus. viii. 3. § 2; Virg. Aen. i. 532, iii. 165, vii. 85; Strab. vi. p. 253, &c.). According to Varro, he was a king of the Sabines, and not a Pelasgian, and his brother was called Italus (Serv. ad Aen. i. 536). According to Dionysius (i. 11, &c. ii. 1), Oenotrus was accompanied by his brother Peucetius, and landed in the bay of Ausonia. [L. S.]

OEOBAʼZUS (Oióbaços). 1. A Persian, who, when Dareius Hystaspis was on the point of marching from Susa on his Scythian expedition, besought him to leave behind with him one of his three sons, all of whom were serving in the army. Dareius answered that, as Oeobazus was a friend, and had preferred so moderate a request, he would leave him all three. He then ordered them all to be put to death. (Her. iv. 84; comp. vii. 38, 39; Senec. de Ira, iii. 16, 17.)

2. Father of Siromitres, who led the Paricanians in the Greek expedition of Xerxes. (Her. vii. 68.)

3. A noble Persian, who, when the Greek fleet arrived in the Hellespont after the battle of Mycale (B. C. 479), fled from Cardia to Sestus, as the place of all most strongly fortified. Sestus was besieged by the Athenians under Xanthippus, and, on the famine becoming unendurable, Oeobazus, with

most of the Persians, made his escape from the town; but he fell into the hands of the Apsinthian Thracians, and was sacrificed by them to Pleistorus, one of their gods (Her. ix. 115, 118, 119). [E.E.] OEOCLUS (Otokλos), a son of Poseidon by Asera, who in conjunction with the Aloadae, is said to have built the town of Ascra in Boeotia. (Paus. ix. 29. § 1.)

OEO LYCUS (Oióλukos), a son of Theras of Sparta, and brother of Aegeus, was honoured at Sparta with an heroum. (Herod. iv. 149; Paus. iii 15. § 6.) [L. S.] OEO'NUS (Oiwrós), a son of Licymnius of Midea in Argolis, was the first victor at Olympia, in the foot-race. (Pind. Ol. xi. 76, &c.; Apollod. ii. 7. § 3; Paus. iii. 15. § 3.) He is said to have been killed at Sparta by the sons of Hippocoon, but was avenged by Heracles, whose kinsman he was, and was honoured with a monument near the temple of Heracles. (Paus. l. c.) [L. S.] OESALCES, brother of Gala, king of the Numidian tribe of the Massylians, whom he succeeded on the throne, according to the Numidian law of inheritance. He was at the time of very advanced age, and died shortly after, leaving two sons, Capusa and Lacumaces. (Liv. xxix. 29.) [E. H. B.] OETOLINUS. [LINUS.]

OETOSYRUS (Oiróσvpos), the name of a Scythian divinity whom Herodotus identifies with the Greek Apollo. (Herod. iv. 59.) [L. S.] OETYLUS (OTTUλos), a son of Amphianax, and grandson of Antimachus of Argos. The Laconian town of Oetylus was believed to have received its name from him, and he there enjoyed heroic honours. (Paus. iii. 25. § 7.) [L. S.] OFELLA, a man of sound sense and of a straightforward character, whom Horace contrasts with the Stoic quacks of his time. (Hor. Sat. ii. 2.3.) The old editions of Horace have Ofellus, which Bentley proposed to change into Ofella, remarking that Ofella and Ofellius were known Roman names, but that Ofellus occurs nowhere else. The conjecture of Bentley is now confirmed by manuscript authority.

jacket. And I advise those who have been twice humbled not to make fire necessary the third time." (Appian, B. C. i. 88, 94, 101: Plut. Sull. 29, 33; Liv. Epit. 88, 89; Vell. Pat. ii. 27, who erroneously says that Ofella had been praetor.) The name of the centurion that put Ofella to death was L. Bellienus. He was afterwards brought to trial for this murder by Julius Caesar and condemned. (Ascon. in Tog. Cand. p. 92, ed. Orelli ; Dion Cass. xxxvii. 10.) The orator, who is characterised by Cicero (Brut. 48) as contionibus aptior quam judicis, is probably the same as the subject of this article, though the name in Cicero is corrupt.


OFILIUS or OFE'LLIUS. The name occurs in inscriptions in both forms; but in writers we generally find Ofilius.


1. OFILIUS CALAVIUS, a Campanian in the time of the Samnite wars. [CALAVIUS, No. 3.] 2. OFILLIUS ('Opíλλios), as he is called by Appian (B. C. v. 128), a tribune of the soldiers in the army of Octavian, B. c. 38.

3. M. OFILIUS HILARUS, whose painless death is recorded at length by Pliny. (H.N. vii. 53. s. 54.)

4. OFELLIUS ('Opéλλios), a philosopher mentioned by Arrian (Epict. iii. 22. § 27).

OFILIUS, A., a Roman jurist, is named by Pomponius (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 2. § 44) Gaius Aulus Ofilius, but the praenomen Gaius appears to be some blunder of a copyist. Ofilius was one of the pupils of Servius Sulpicius, and the master of Tubero, Capito and Labeo. He was a friend of Cicero, who, on one occasion, cites his opinion as opposed to that of Trebatius (ad Fam. vii. 21, ad Att. xiii. 37). He was also a friend of the Dictator Caesar. Ofilius belonged to the equestrian order, but he obtained a high reputation for legal knowledge. "He wrote," says Pomponius (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 2. § 44), “many treatises on the Jus Civile," among which De Legibus vicesimae (manumissionum), and De Jurisdictione. The fifth book of his Jus Partitum is cited (Dig. 32. s. 55), and the sixteenth book of a work on actions (33. tit. 9. s. 3. §§ 5, 8), and a treatise addressed to Atticus (50. tit. 16. s. 234. § 2), who is probably T. Pomponius Atticus. Ofilius is often cited in the Digest. "Ofilius," says Pomponius, "edictum praetoris primus diligenter composuit," which probably means an arrangement of the edictal law, like the later work of Julian, or it might be a commentary upon it. Caesar had conceived a design of arranging the Jus Civile, to which his connection with Ofilius may have contributed. (Zimmern, Geschichte des Röm. Privatrechts; Puchta, Cursus, &c. vol. i. p. 427; Grotius, Vit. Juris[G. L.]

OFELLA, Q. LUCRETIUS, originally belonged to the Marian party, but deserted to Sulla; and although he had not hitherto distinguished himself in any way (Dion Cass. xxxiv. Fragm. 134), Sulla appointed him to the command of the army employed in the blockade of Praeneste, where the younger Marius had taken refuge in B. C. 82. Praeneste was obliged to surrender in the course of the year, and the younger Marius put an end to his own life. Relying on these services, Ofella became a candidate for the consulship in the following year, although he had not yet been either quaestor or praetor, thus acting in defiance of Sulla's law De Magistratibus. Sulla at first at-consult.) tempted to dissuade him from becoming a candidate; but as he persisted in his purpose, and entered the forum supported by a large party, Sulla sent a centurion to kill him in the middle of the forum, and informed the people that he had commanded the execution of Ofella, because he refused to obey his commands. After saying this, Salla told them the following tale, which is preserved by Appian:-"The lice were very trouble& me to a countryman, as he was ploughing. Twice he stopped his ploughing, and purged his jacket. But he was still bitten; and in order that he night not be hindered in his work, he burnt the

OGÓ'A ('Oywa), the Carian name of Zeus at Mysala, in whose temple a sea-wave was seen from time to time. (Paus. viii. 10. § 3.) Strabo (xiv. p. 659) calls the god of Mysala, in the Carian dialect, Osogo. [L. S.]

OGU'LNIA GENS, plebeian, is most known through one of its members being the proposer of the law, which opened the two great ecclesiastical corporations to the plebeians. The first and only person in this gens who obtained the consulship is Q. Ogulnius Gallus, who was consul B. c. 269. GALLUS is the only cognomen of the Ogulnii: the others, who have no surname, are given below.

The annexed coin belongs to this gens, but by whom it was struck is uncertain. The names on the obverse, Q. OGVL. CAR. VER., are those of triumvirs of the mint, and are probably abbreviations of Q. Ogulnius, Carvilius, and Verginius or Virgilius.


OGU'LNIUS. 1, 2. Q. and CN. OGULNII, tribunes of the plebs, B. c. 300, proposed and carried a law by which the number of the pontiffs was increased from four to eight, and that of the augurs from four to nine, and which enacted that four of the pontiffs and five of the augurs should be taken from the plebs. (Liv. x. 6-9.) Besides these | eight pontiffs there was the pontifex maximus, who is generally not included when the number of pontiffs is spoken of. The pontifex maximus continued to be a patrician down to B. C. 254, when Tib. Coruncanius was the first plebeian who was invested with this dignity.

In B. C. 296 Q. and Cn. Ogulnii were curule aediles. They prosecuted several persons for violating the usury laws; and with the money accruing from the fines inflicted in consequence they executed many public works (Liv. x. 23). The name of Cn. Ogulnius does not occur again after this year.

In B. c. 294 Q. Ogulnius was sent at the head of an embassy to Epidaurus, in order to fetch Aesculapius to Rome, that the plague might be stayed which had been raging in the city for more than two years. The legend relates that, upon the arrival of the ambassadors at Epidaurus, the god in the form of a gigantic serpent issued from the sanctuary, and settled in the cabin of Q. Ogulnius. (Val. Max. i. 8 § 2; Aur. Vict. de Vir. Ill. 22; Liv. Epit. 11; Oros. iii. 22; Ov. Met. xv. 622, &c.) In B. c. 273 Q. Ogulnius was again employed on an embassy, being one of the three ambassadors sent by the senate to Ptolemy Philadelphus, who had sought the friendship and alliance of the Romans in consequence of their conquest of Pyrrhus. The ambassadors were received with great distinction at the Egyptian court, and loaded with presents. These they were obliged to accept ; but the golden crowns which had been given them, they placed on the heads of the king's statues; and the other presents they deposited in the treasury immediately upon their arrival at Rome, but the senate restored them to them. (Val. Max. iv. 3. $9; Justin, xviii. 3; Dion Cass. Fragm. 147, with the note of Fabricius.)

3. M. OGULNIUS was sent into Etruria with P. Aquillius in B. c. 210, in order to purchase corn to be sent to Tarentum. (Liv. xxvii. 3.)

4. M. OGULNIUS, tribune of the soldiers in the second legion, fell in battle against the Boii, B. C. 196. (Liv. xxxiii. 36.)

OGY GUS or OGY'GES ('Nyúyns), is sometimes called a Boeotian autochthon, and sometimes a son of Boeotus, and king of the Hectenes, and the first ruler of the territory of Thebes, which

was called after him Ogygia. In his reign the
waters of lake Copais rose above its banks, and
inundated the whole valley of Boeotia. This flood
is usually called after him the Ogygian. (Paus. ix.
5. §1; Apollon. Rhod. iii. 1177; Serv. ad Virg.
Ecl. vi. 41.) The name of Ogyges is also con-
nected with Attic story, for in Attica too an
Ogygian flood is mentioned, and he is described as
the father of the Attic hero Eleusis, and as the
father of Daeira, the daughter of Oceanus. (Paus.
i. 38. § 7.) In the Boeotian tradition he was
the father of Alalcomenia, Thelxinoea and Aulis
(Suid. s. v. Пpağıdíên; Paus. ix. 33. § 4.) Poly-
bius (iv. 1) and Strabo (viii. p. 384) call Ogyges
the last king of Achaia, and some traditions even
described him as an Egyptian king. (Tzetz, ad
Lyc. 1206.)
[L. S.]

OICLES or OICLEUS ('Οϊκλής, Οϊκλεύς), a son of Antiphates, grandson of Melampus and father of Amphiaraus, of Argos. (Hom. Od. xv. 241, &c.) Diodorus (iv. 32) on the other hand, calls him a son of Amphiaraus, and Pausanias (vi. 17. § 4), a son of Mantius, the brother of Antiphates. Oicles accompanied Heracles on his expedition against Laomedon of Troy, and was there slain in battle. (Apollod. ii. 6. § 4; Diod. iv. 32.) According to other traditions he returned home from the expedition, and dwelt in Arcadia, where he was visited by his grandson Alcmaeon, and where in later times his tomb was shown. (Apollod. iii. 7. § 5; Paus. viii. 36. § 4.) [L. S.]

OILEUS ('Oeús.) 1. A Trojan, charioteer of Bianor, was slain by Agamemnon. (Hom. Il. xi. 93.)

2. A son of Hodoedocus and Laonome, grandson
of Cynus, and great-grandson of Opus, was a king
of the Locrians, and married to Eriopis, by whom
he became the father of Ajax, who is hence called
Oïlides or Oïliades. Oïleus was also the father of
Medon by Rhene. (Hom. Il. ii. 527, 725, xiii.
697, 712; Propert. iv. 1. 117.) He is also men-
tioned among the Argonauts. (Apollod. v. 10. §8;
Apollon. Rhod. i. 74; Orph. Argon. 191.) [L. S.]

O'LBIADES ('OxGiáons), the painter of a picture in the senate-house of the Five Hundred, in the Cerameicus, at Athens, representing Calippus, the commander of the army which repulsed the invading Gauls under Brennus, at Thermopylae, B. C. 279. (Paus. i. 3. § 4. s. 5.) [P.S.]

OLEN ('), a mythical personage, who is represented as the earliest Greek lyric poet, and the first author of sacred hymns in hexameter verse. He is closely connected with the worship of Apollo, of whom, in one legend, he was made the prophet. His connection with Apollo is also marked by the statement of the Delphian poetess Boeo, who represents him as a Hyperborean, and one of the establishers of oracles; but the more common story made him a native of Lycia. In either case, his coming from the extreme part of the Pelasgian world to Delos intimates the distant origin of the Ionian worship of Apollo, to which, and not to the Dorian, Olen properly belongs. His name, according to Welcker (Europa und Kadmos, p. 35), signifies simply the flute-player. Of the ancient hymns, which went under his name, Pausanias mentions those to Here, to Achaeïa, and to Eileithyia; the last was in celebration of the birth of Apollo and Artemis. (Herod. iv. 35; Paus. i. 18. § 5, ii. 13. § 3, v. 7. § 8, ix. 27. § 2, x. 7. § 8; Callim. Hymn. in Del.

304; Creuzer, Symbolik, vol. ii. pp. 116, 130, 136; Klausen, in Ersch and Gruber's Encyklopädie; Fabric. Bill. Graec. vol. i. p. 134.) [P.S.] OLENNIUS, one of the chief centurions (e primipilaribus), was placed about A. D. 28 over the Frisii, whom Drusus had subdued. (Tac. Ann. iv. 72.)

O'LENUS. (evos.) 1. A son of Hephaestus, and father of the nymphs Aege and Helice, who brought up Zeus, and from whom the town of Olenus in Aetolia was believed to have derived its name. (Hygin. Poet. Astr. 13; Steph. Byz. s. v.)

2. A son of Zeus and the Danaid Anaxithea, from whom the town of Olenus in Achaia derived its name. (Steph. Byz. s. v.; Strab. viii. p. 386.)

3. A person living on Mount Ida, who wanted to take upon himself the punishment which his wife had deserved by her pride of her beauty, and was metamorphosed along with her into stone. (Ov. Met. x. 68, &c.) [L. S.]

T. OʻLLIUS, the father of Poppaea Sabina, was put to death at the latter end of the reign of Tiberius on account of his intimacy with Sejanus. (Tac. Ann. xiii. 45.)

OLOPHERNES or OROPHENES ('Oxoφέρνης, Οροφέρνης, Οῤῥοφέρνης). 1. Son of Ariamnes I., brother of Ariarathes I., and father of Ariarathes II., kings of Cappadocia. He was much beloved by his brother, who advanced him to the highest posts, and sent him to aid Artaxerxes III. (Ochus) in his subjugation of Egypt, B. C. 350. From this expedition Olophernes returned home, loaded by the Persian king with great rewards for his services, and died in his native land. His brother Ariarathes adopted his elder son of the same name. He left also a younger son, named Aryses or Arysis. (Diod. Ecl. 3; Phot. B. 244.)

2. One of the two supposititious sons whom Antiochis at first imposed upon her husband, Ariarathes IV., king of Cappadocia. On the birth, however, of a real son, named Mithridates (afterwards Ariarathes V.), Olophernes, that he might not set up pretensions to the throne, was sent away into Ionia, where he does not appear to have improved his morals. When Ariarathes V. refused to marry the sister of Demetrius Soter, the latter supported the claims of Olophernes to the crown of Cappadocia. Olophernes, however, entered into a conspiracy with the people of Antioch to dethrone Demetrius, who, having discovered the design, threw him into chains, but spared his life that he might still keep Ariarathes in alarm with his pretensions. In B. C. 157, when Ariarathes had been deposed, and had fled to Rome, Olophernes sent thither two unscrupulous ambassadors (Timotheus and Diogenes) to join the emissaries of Demetrius in opposing his (so called) brother. According to Appian the Romans decided that the two claimants should share the throne between them. We are told, however, that Olophernes did not hold the kingdom long, and that his reign was signalized by a departure from the more simple customs of his ancestors, and by the introduction of systematic debauchery, like that of the Ionians. To supply his lavish extravagance, he oppressed and pillaged his subjects, putting many to death, and contiscating their property. Four hundred talents he deposited with the citizens of Priene, as a resource in case of a reverse of fortune, and

these they afterwards restored to him. We read also that, when his affairs were on the decline, and he became alarmed lest his soldiers should mutiny, if their arrears remained unpaid, he plundered a very ancient temple of Zeus, to which great sanctity was attached, to enable him to satisfy their demands. (Diod. Ecl. 3, Exc. de Virt. et Vit. p. 588, &c.; Phot. l. c.; Polyb. xxxii. 20; App. Syr. 47; Liv. Epit. xlvii.; Just. xxxv. 1; Athen. x. p. 440, b; Dalechamp and Casaub. ad loc.; Ael. V. H. ii. 41; see above, Vol. I. p. 284.) [E. E.]

O'LORUS or O'ROLUS (Όλορος, Ορολος) 1. A King of Thrace, whose daughter Hegesipyla, was married to Miltiades (Herod. vi. 39, 41; Marcellin. Vit. Thuc.)

2. Apparently grandson of the above, and son of Hegesipyla, was probably the offspring of a second marriage contracted by her after the death of Miltiades. This Olorus was the father of Thucydides, the historian (Thuc. iv. 104; Marcellin. Vit. Thuc.; Suidas, s. v. Oovkudídns). [E. E.]

O'LTHACUS ('Oλ@akós), a chief of the Scythian tribe of the Dandarians, who served in the army of Mithridates the Great, and enjoyed a high place in the favour of that prince, but subsequently deserted to the Romans. This was, however, according to Plutarch, a mere feint, for the purpose of obtaining access to Lucullus, and thus effecting his assassination; but being accidentally foiled in this project, he again returned to the camp of Mithridates. (Plut. Lucull. 16.) Appian, who also relates the same story (Mithr. 79), writes the name Olcabas. [E. H. B.]

OLY'BRIUS, ANI'CIUS ('Oλú¤pios), Roman emperor in A. D. 472, was a descendant of the ancient and noble family of the Anicians. Down to 455 he lived in Rome, but left it after its sack by Genseric and the accession of Avitus, and went to Constantinople. In 464, he was made consul; and in the same year, or some time previously, married Placidia, the daughter of the emperor Valentinian III., the same princess who had been a captive of Genseric. It appears that Olybrius stood on very intimate terms with that king of the Vandals, who was active in helping him to the imperial crown of Italy. In 472, during the troubles occasioned by the dissensions between the Western emperor Anthemius and the powerful patrician Ricimer, Olybrius was sent to Italy by Zeno under the pretext of assisting Anthemius; but his real motive was to seize the supreme power, a scheme in which he was openly assisted by Genseric, and secretly by the emperor Zeno, who, it appears, stood in fear of Olybrius on account of his connections with the king of the Vandals. Instead, therefore, of promoting the interest of Anthemius, he entered into negotiations with Ricimer, and ere long he was proclaimed emperor by a strong faction, with the connivance of Ricimer, to whom the imperial power was of more value than the imperial title. Anthemius, however, was still in Rome, and enjoyed popularity. When Ricimer came to attack him, Anthemius, supported by Gothic auxiliaries under Gelimer, made a stout resistance, till at last the besieger gained the city in consequence of his victory at the bridge of Hadrian. Rome was once more plundered, and Anthemius was murdered by order of Ricimer (11th July, 472). Olybrius was now recognised as emperor without any opposition, and could exercise his power free from any control, since immediately

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