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Boc, a book; book, beech.

Bodig, stature; body.
Brad, broad; broad.

Brecan, to break; breach, brake.

Bredan, to nourish; bread.

Bredan, to weave; braid.

Brytan, to break; brittle.

Buan, to cultivate; boor.
Bugan, to bend; bough, elbow.
Burne, a stream; bourn.

Byrnan, to burn; burnish, brimstone.
Ceapian, to buy; cheap, chapman.
Ceorl, a countryman; churl, carlin.
Clufan, to cleave; cliff, clover.
Cnafa, a boy; knave.

Cnawan, to know; acknowledge.
Cnyttan, to knit; knot.

Cryc, a staff; crook.
Cunnan, to know; ken.
Cwethan, to speak; quoth.

Cwysan, to crush; quash, squeeze.
Cyn, kin; kindred.

Daeg, a day; dawn, daisy.
Deman, to judge; deem.
Deore, precious; dear, darling.
Dragan, to draw; drag, drudge.
Drygan, to dry; drought, drug.
Drypan, to drip; drop, droop.
Dun, a hill; downs, Dundee.
Duru, a passage; door, through.
Dwcorh, bent; dwarf.
Dwinan, to fade; dwindle, dwine.
Dyppan, to dip; dip, dive.
Erian, to plough; ear earth.
Faest, firm; fast, fasten.

Faran, to go: fare, ford.

Fedan, to feed; food, father.
Feoh, value, cattle; fee.

Fian, to hate; fiend, foe, feud.
Fleon, to flee; fly, flutter.

Flowan, to flow; float, flood, fleet.

Fot, the foot; feet, fetter.

Healdan, to hold; behold, hilt.
Hefan, to lift; heave, heaven.
Hyran, to hear; hire, rehearsal.
Hund, a dog; hound.

Lædan, to lead; ladder, loadstone.
Læne, frail; tean.

Læt, late; last, lazy.
Lecgan, to lay; law, layer.
Leod, a countryman; lad.
Magan, to be able; may, main.

Mearc, a mark; remark, marches.
Mengan, to mix; mingle monarel.
Mona, the moon; month Monday.
Neah, nigh; near, neighbour.
Oga, dread; ugly.

Pycan, to pick; picket, peck.
Ranc, proud; rank, rankle.
Reafian, to rob; bereave, rover.
Ricé, power; rich, enrich.
Ridan, to ride; road, roadstead.
Ripan, to reap; reaper, ripen.
Sceadan, to shade; shadow, shed.
Sceapan, to form; shape, shop.
Sceotan, to shoot: shot, shut, sheet.
Sceran, to cut; shear, scar, shire.
Scridan, to clothe; shroud.
Scufan, to thrust; scuffle, shovel.
Seoc, sick; sigh.

Sean, to see; sight, seer.

Settan, to set; settle, seat, sad.
Slagan or slean, to kill; slay, sly.
Slawan, to be slow; slow, sicth.
Spell, history, message; spell, gospel.
Spinnan, to spin; spider, spindle.
Snican, to creep; snake, sneak.
Spor, a heel; spur, spurn.
Steorfan, to die; starve.
Stepan, to raise; steep, step.
Stigan, to ascend; stage, stairs.

Styran, to steer; stern, starboard.

Swam, a mushroom; swamp.

Swifan, to turn round; swivel, swift.

Freon, to love, to free; friend, free Tellan, to tell; tale, told.


Fulian, to corrupt; foul, filth.

Gabban, to scoff; jibe, gabble.
Gangan, to go; gang, gangway.
Geap, wide; gap, gape.
Geard, enclosure; yard, garden.
Georn, anxious; yearn, earnest.
God, good; God, gospel.
Grafan, to dig; grave, grove.
Habban, to have; behave, hap.
Haelan, to heal; health, holy.

Thincan, to seem; methinks.

Treow, true; betroth, truth.
Twa, two; twain, twin, betwixt.
Wanian, to fail; wane, wan, want.
Weard, guard; ward, warden.
Wed, a pledge; wed, wedlock.
Wefan, to weave; weft, weh, wife.
Weg, a way; wain, waggon.
Wenden, to go; wend, went, wander.
Weod, clothing; weed, widow's-weeds.
Weor, bad (conp. wyrse); worse.

Weorth, worth; worthy, worship.

Wind, the wind; winnow, winter. Witan or wissan, to know; wit, wise, wizard.

Wringan, to wring; wring, wrangle. Writhan, to bind; writhe, wreath. Wunian, to dwell; wont.

Wyrt, root; mugwort, liverwort.


Acer, sharp; acrid.

Acidus, sour; acid.

Acuo, I sharpen; acute.

Aedes, a house; edifice, edify.

Aequus, equal; equality.
Aether, the sky; ethereal.

Aevum, an age; coeval.

Ager, a field; agriculture.
Agger, a heap; exaggerate.

Ago, actum, I do; agent, agitate.
Alăcer, cheerful; alacrity.
Aliēnus, other's; alien.
Alo, I nourish; aliment.
Alter, another; alternate.
Altus, high; exalt, altitude.
Amo, I love; amiable, amicable.
Amplus, large; amplify.
Ango, I vex; anger, anxiety.
Angulus, a corner; angular, angle.
Animus, mind; animate, animosity.
Annus, a year; annals, annual.
Antiquus, ancient; antic, antiquity.
Aperio, apertum, I open; aperture.
Apio, I fit; adaptation.
Aqua, water; aquatic.
Arbiter, a judge; arbitrary.

Arbor, a tree; arbour, arboraceous.
Arceo, I drive away; coercion.

Arma, arms: army, armour.

Aro, I plough; arable.

Ars, art; artful, artist.

Artus, the joints; articulate.

Asper, rough; exasperate.

Audio, auditum, I hear; audience.

Augeo, auctum, I increase; augment, author.

Auris, the ear; auricle.

Auspex, a soothsayer; auspicious.
Avarus, greedy; avarice.
Avis, a bird; aviary.
Barba, a beard; barber.
Beatus, blessed; beatitude.
Bellum, war; rebel.

Bellus, beautiful; embellish.

Bene, well; benediction.

Bibo, I drink; imbibe.

Bilis, bile; antebilious.

Bini, two by two; combine.

Bis, twice; biped.

Brevis, short; brevity.

Cado, casum, I fall; casual, accident.

Cædo, cæsum, I cut; decide, suicide, homicide.

Calor, heat; caloric.

Calx, calcis, lime; calcareous.

Candeo (censum, in comp.), I shine;
candle, incense.
Canis, a dog; canine.
Cano, I sing; canticles.
Capillus, hair; capillary.

Capio (ceptum, in comp.), I take; capable, except.

Caput, capitis, the head; capital, precipitate.

Carbo, a coal; carbon.

Carcer, a prison; incarcerate.

Caro, carnis, flesh; carnal, carnivorous, Cartilago, a gristle; cartilaginous. Carus, dear; caress.

Cavus, hollow; concave.

Cedo, cessum, I go or yield; antecedent, recede.

Celer, swift; celerity.

Cella, a cellar; cell.

Centrum, the middle; centre.

Centum, a hundred; century.

Cerno, cretum, I perceive; discern, discreet.

Certus, certain; certify.
Charta, paper; chart, charter.
Chorda, a string; chord.

Cinctus, girt about; precincts.
Cito, I summon; cite, citation.

Civis, a citizen; civil, civilize.

Clamo, I cry out; proclaim, clamour. Clarus, clear; declare, clarify.

Claudo, clausum, I shut; clause, exclude. Clemens, merciful; clemency.

Clino, I bend; recline.

Clivus, a slope; declivity.

Coelum, heaven; celestial.

|Emulus, a rival; emulation.
Eo, itum, I go; circuit, exit.
Erro, I wander; err, aberration.

Colo, cultum, I cultivate; colony, cul- Exter, outward; external.


Comes, a companion; concomitant.
Convexus, crooked; convex.
Copia, plenty; copious.

Coquo, coctum, I boil; decoction.
Cor, the heart; concord, core.
Cornu, a horn; unicorn, cornet.
Corona, a crown; corolla.

Corpus, the body; incorporate, corpse.
Cras, to-morrow; procrastinate.
Credo, I trust; credit, credulous.
Cresco, I grow; increase, crescent.
Crimen, a charge; criminal.

Crux, a cross; crucify.

Facilis, easy; facilitate, difficulty.
Facio, factum, I make; facility, factor.
Fallo, I deceive; infallible.
Fames, hunger; famine.
Fanum, a temple; profane.
Fari fatus, to speak; fate, fable.
Felix, felicis, happy; felicity.
Femina, a woman; feminine.
Fero, latum, I carry: ferry, confer.
Ferveo, I boil; fervid, effervesce.
Fido, I trust; confide, fidelity.
Filius, son; filial, affiliate.
Filum, a thread; filament.
Fingo, fictum, I feign; fiction.

Cubo (cumbo, comp.), I lie; cub, in- Finis, an end; final, finite.

cumbent, accubation.

Culpa, a fault; culpable, exculpate.
Cumulus, a heap; accumulate.
Cura, care; sinecure, cure.

Curro, cursum, I run; incur, excursion.
Curtus, short; curtail.
Curvus, crooked; curve.
Cutis, the skin; cuticle.

Damno, I condemn; damnable, con-

Decor, decōris, grace, beauty; decorous,

Dens, dentis, a tooth; dentist, indent.
Densus, thick; dense, condense.
Deus, a god; Deity, deify.

Firmus, strong: confirm.

Fiscus, a bag or purse; fiscal, confiscate.
Flagro, I burn; conflagration.

Flatus, a puff of wind; inflation, flatu-

Flecto, flexum, I bend; reflect, flexible.
Fligo, flictum, I beat; conflict.
Flos, floris, a flower; florist, floral.
Fluo, fluxum, I flow; fluent, fluctuate.
Fodio, fossum, I dig; fossil.
Foecundus, fruitful; fecund.
Foedus, a treaty; confederate.
Folium, a leaf; foliage.
Follis, a bag; follicle.
Foro, I bore; perforate.

Dexter, right-handed; dexterity, dexter- Fortis, strong; fort, fortify.


Dico, dictum, I say: dictate, predict.
Dies, day; dial, diary, diurnal.
Dignus, worthy; dignity.

Divido, divisum, I divide; devise.
Do, datum, I give; addition, date.

Doceo, doctum, I teach; docile, doctor.
Doleo, I grieve; condole.

Dolor, grief; dolorous.

Dominus, a master; domineer.

Frango, fractum, I break, fragile, frac tion.

Frater, a brother; fraternal.

Frico, I rub; friction.

Frigeo, I am cold; frigid.

Frons, the forehead; front, affront.
Fruor, I enjoy; fruition, fructify.
Frustra, in vain; frustrate.
Fugio, I flee; refuge.

Fulgeo, I shine; refulgent.

Duco, ductum, I lead; induce, aque- Fundo, I pour out; refund.

Domus, a house; domestic.

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Fumus, smoke; perfume, fumigate.

Fungor, functus, I perform; function.

Gens, gentis, a nation; gentile.

Genus, generis, a kind; degenerate.

Emo, emptum, I buy; redeem, exempt- Germen, germinis, a bud; germinate.

Gero, gestum, I carry; gesture.


Gigas, gigantis, a giant; gigantic.
Gigno, genitum, I beget; progeny.
Glans, an acorn; gland.

Glomus, gloměris, a clew; conglomerate.
Gluten, glue; glutinous.

Labor, lapsus, I fall; lapse, relapse.

Lacer, torn; lacerate.

Laedo (lisum in comp.), I hurt; collision.

Lambo, I lick; lambent.

Gradior, gressus, I go; retrograde, ag- Lamina, a thin plate; laminated.


Grandis, great; aggrandize.

Gratia, favour; gratuitous, grace.
Gravis, heavy; gravity.

Grex, gregis, a flock; gregarious.

Gula, the throat; gullet, gully.
Gusto, I taste; disgust.

Lapis, lapidis, a stone; dilapidate.

Latus, wide; dilate.

Latus, latěris, a side; lateral.

Laus, laudis, praise; laudable.
Lavo, I wash; lave.

Laxus, loose; relax.

Lego, legatum, I send; delegate, legacy.

Habeo, habitum, 1 have; inhabit, habit. Lego, I gather; allege.

Haereo, I stick; adhere.

Haeres, haeredis, an heir; hereditary.
Halo, I breathe; exhale.

Haurio, haustum, I draw; exhaust.
Herba, an herb; herbage.
Hilăris, cheerful; exhilarate.
Homo, a man; human, humanity.
Hora, an hour; horary.
Hortor, I exhort; exhort.
Hospes, hospitis, a guest; hospitable.
Hostis, an enemy: hostile.
Humidus, moist; humid.

Humus, the ground; posthumous.
Idem, the same; identity.

Ignis, fire; igneous.

Imago, an image; image.
Imperium, power; imperial.

Index, indicis, a discoverer; indicate.
Infra, below; infernal.

Ingenium, natural disposition; ingeni


Initium, a beginning; initiate.

Insula, an island; peninsula, insular.
Intus, intra, within; internal.

Ira, anger; ire, irritable.

Iter, itineris, a journey; itinerate.

Jaceo, I lie; adjacent.

Lenis, gentle; lenity.

Lentus, slow; relent.

Levo, I lift up; elevate, lever, levity.
Lex, legis, a law; legislate, legal.
Liber, a book; library, libel.
Liber, free; liberty, liberal.
Libra, a balance; equilibrium.
Licet, it is lawful; illicit.
Lignum, wood; ligneous.
Ligo, I bind; ligament.

Limen, the threshold; eliminate.
Linea, a line; lincament.

Linquo, I leave; relinquish.

Liqueo, I melt; liquid.

Lis, litis, strife; litigate.
Litěra, a letter; literal.

Locus, a place; locality, local.
Longus, long; longitude.

Loquor, locutus, I speak; loquacity,

Lucrum, gain; lucrative, lucre.
Luctor, I struggle; reluctant.

Ludo, lusum, 1 play; ludicrous, illusion.
Lumen, luminis, light; luminary.
Luna, the moon; lunatic, sublunary.
Luo, I wash; dilute, alluvial.

Lustro, I purify; lustre, illustrate.

Jacio (jectum in comp.), I throw; ab- Lux, lucis, light; lucid.

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Major, greater; majority.

Malus, bad; malevolent.

Jungo, junctum, I join; juncture, ad- Malleus, a hammer; mallet, malleable.

Juro, I swear; conjure.

Mamma, a breast; mammalia.
Mando, I bid; command, mandate.

Jus, juris, right, law; jurisdiction, jus- Mando, I chew; mandible, manger.

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