
Frank. Do not tell us which it is, mamma, do let us try and find out.

Emily looked some time, and then said-Well I do not see anything like that; do you, Frank?

Frank. No, not yet, but perhaps I may presently. I have got to the tenth chapter, but it may be after that is it, mamma?

Mamma, Yes.

Frank. Oh, I think I have it in the twelfth; is it not in that account that you told us meant death? Mamma. Yes, it is; which verse appears like a description of the circulation of the blood?

Frank. It must be the 6th to the end of the 7th: "Or ever the cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God who gave it."

Mamma. Yes, that is a beautiful and poetical description of the way in which the blood is thrown out by the heart, which is compared to a cistern, at which a wheel is continually turning, and throwing forth its contents. God, who gave Solomon the spirit of wisdom above all the men who dwelt on the earth, most probably taught him this wonderful thing, amongst the many others in which he instructed him.

Frank. Was it known, then, from Solomon's time to the present?

Mamma. That is a much disputed point. Some suppose that the Greeks and Romans were acquainted with it; but, at all events, the full discovery was made by a countryman of our own, William Harvey, who was born at Folkestone, in Kent, on

April 1st, 1578, and who died in his eightieth year. He lived in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. when learning was much more rare than it is at present.

Frank. Did he find it out all at once?

Mamma. No, but by slow degrees, and after he was sure that he was correct, it was a long time before he published to the world what he had found out; and not till after many and repeated experiments, he had ascertained the fact beyond a doubt.

Jane. Did not every body wonder at his cleverness, and praise him much for it.

Mamma. No, just the contrary; like most other wise men, who know more than the generality, he was very much persecuted by some, and ridiculed by others.

Emily. How old was he, when he found out about the circulation of the blood?

Mamma. He was born in 1578, and it is thought that it was about 1616 that he published what he had discovered, now tell me how old he was?

Emily. Just 38, mamma.

Frank. Did every body laugh at him, mamma? Mamma. No, when he began to be known, King James I. paid him great respect, and showed him much favour, and so did his successor, Charles I., who used to go sometimes with his courtiers, to hear him lecture, and see him prove by experiment what he taught.

Frank. I am glad every body did not neglect him. Mamma. In the end he became generally esteemed and beloved, and his name is come down to us, as one of the greatest of men, and it will be remem

bered while time endures.-I must not talk to you any more now; but I have told you enough to make you wonder, when you think of your own bodies, and of the ceaseless work which is carried on within them, of which we know so little.

Frank. You, have, indeed; I do not think we shall easily forget this interesting lesson-thank you, dear mamma.

[To be continued.]



'WHEN We attribute to the influence of popery a large proportion of the moral and political disorders under which this distracted country still labours, every one acquainted with the workings of that mystery of iniquity, wherever it is either embodied into the institutions of the state, or exercises a dominant authority over the prejudices and passions of a considerable number of the people, will at once recognize the statement as only asserting what might naturally have been expected. It is true that (Roman) catholicism is not, it feels, with bitter mortification, that it is not, what it once was; and what, within a very recent period, it fully expected, ere long, to be again, in France; it is true that, stripped of its wealth, and reduced to a very modest competency, it no longer walks abroad in the gorgeous pomp, nor revels in the luxurious indolence of days that are past; it is true, that the only recognized ascendancy it now enjoys is that of being the religion of the majority of Frenchmen, though it would, doubtless, be more correct to say that the majority of Frenchmen have no religion at all; and that, by the larger proportion of the educated community, it is treated rather with the contempt due to a detected imposture, than with

From "First Impressions; a Narrative of a residence in France: By the Rev. J. Davies."

the prostrate submission once awarded to its decrees; but in spite of all this, Popery, as an instrument of powerful, though for the most part silent and indirect influence, is still in active and vigorous operation over the length and breadth of this benighted land. After the horrible massacres and disgusting impieties of the revolutionary era, which, though avowedly directed against itself, were the natural growth of its corrupt deposits, it arose under the fostering wing of Napoleon, to whom all creeds and forms of religion were alike, with a strong re-action in its favour. The great mass of the common people looked back with horror and shame upon the scenes of barbarity, blasphemy, and persecution, which had been enacted during a protracted season of national delirium. Many of them had sympathized with their pillaged, proscribed, and exiled pastors: and they now hailed their restoration, and received their religious ministrations; which, in fact, were the only ministrations that were offered to their acceptance, with increased veneration and delight. Protestantism, on the contrary, which at this season lost a golden opportunity of extending its salutary conquests, had sunk into a cold and lifeless form; occupying a kind of midway position between the absolute negations of Deism, and a cognate system which deprives christianity of all that gives it a character of energy and importance. Apostate Protestantism, thus neglecting the high and honourable mission of attempting to evangelize a long abandoned population, and contenting itself with being merely recognized and salaried by the state,— Popery had the whole land again before it, and although it could not achieve the conquest of the

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