


I take it for granted that but few of your readers, who are resident in town, were absent from that most important and deeply-interesting meeting, which was held at Exeter Hall on last Saturday. I presume, too, that those who were there have incurred the responsibility of assenting to the resolutions there adopted, respecting the baneful and blasphemous nature of the doctrines held and inculcated by the Popish priests of Ireland.

Since that meeting, we have had the Report of the Church Commission for Ireland; by which the awful truth is disclosed, that the number of deluded beings who are under the thraldom of the priests, exceeds five-sevenths of the whole population: that upwards of five millions of souls, living under a Christian government, united with England by the strongest ties, souls, not of New Zealanders nor of Hindoos, but of Irishmen, who are strictly entitled to claim with us the nearest relationship: that these souls are being hurried into eternity in the midst of a darkness black as the blackest night of Paganism.

Of these five millions, there are at least from a million and a half to two millions, who are debarred from the possibility of receiving instruction from an English-preaching clergy, by the melancholy fact

that they only understand the Irish language. Now it has been often lamented, how difficult it is to find men able to preach in the Irish language, “the wonderful works of God." The immediate object of this letter is, to entreat the attention of your readers to the following propositions which, it is humbly hoped, will be speedily effectual in sending out two Irish-preaching labourers, into that much neglected vineyard.

There is now at Achill, an island on the western coast of Ireland, a little Protestant settlement which is slowly adding to its numbers, from the ranks of Popery, which had, till within the last few months, held undisputed sway in that island. There is here a solitary Irish preaching Missionary, the Rev. Mr. Nangle, who amid much personal risk, both to himself and his family, pursues his labours with unwearied assiduity, and has already reaped some fruit. It is proposed to raise a sum of money sufficient to defray the expences of two gentlemen, preparing for orders, who might reside in this little settlement, and by their frequent intercourse with the natives, not only obtain a practical knowledge of the language, but also afford much assistance to Mr. Nangle in his laborious duties. Twelve months would, in all probability, be found sufficient to give them a considerable knowledge of the language, so that they might be sent to some other benighted region of Ireland, leaving their places to be supplied by two other students destined for the same good work. The sum of eighty pounds would more than defray the expenses of these two gentlemen on the island of Achill for twelve months, and what remained might be very beneficially applied to the general

purposes of the mission, and there can be but little doubt that were that sum provided, men would be found anxious and ready to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining the instruction necessary to enable them to preach the word of life, in their native tongue.

'Were this sum raised, it might be placed at the disposal of two Fellows of Trinity College, to select from among the students of divinity, two gentlemen to send to Achill. But how can the money be raised? Are there not eight individuals among all your readers who would give ten pounds a piece, to provide two Irish preaching missionaries? or, are there not sixteen who would give five pounds a piece for such an object? or, are there not forty who would give two pounds a piece? Alas! alas! would that those who feel so deeply for the New Zealanders, would also expand their feelings, so as to include the poor Irishmen, who, I dare assert, were he once in possession of the bread of life, would gladly and with his native hospitality, freely share it with all who stood in need of it.

I leave it to you, Madam, to propose some plan for collecting the sum; for myself I feel that it needs but to be made known to your Christian readers that such a sum is wanted, for such a purpose, and it will be supplied.

London, June 25, 1835.

I have the honor to be, Madam,

Your obedient servant,


Review of Books.


THE HAPPY MOMENT: or recollections of a departed son. By the Rev. John East, M. A. Collings, Goodwin, and Binns, Bath; Seeleys, Hatchards, &c., London. Price 2s.

THERE is a peculiarity in this little narrative which may recommend it no small degree to many parents. It is the faithful delineation of a character that was not promising; but which, under the persevering culture of parents who were enabled, in the face of every discouragement, to cling to the promise, while using the appointed means for its attainment, opened at last into loveliness, and was evidently made meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. Mr. East has written this book, we verily believe, under much anguish of spirit, in fceling compelled to be faithful; although nothing can be more delicately expressed than the difficulties that impeded his early progress with the dear, but once wayward object of his fondest solicitude; and we can assure him, that few things could be better adapted to strengthen the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees, of many a trembling guide, who is labouring

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to bring his struggling little ones to Jesus, and mourning, perhaps, in sinful despondency, the obstructions which Satan casts in the way. Some hints of inestimable value are dispersed over these pages, in the recorded experience alike of the parent and the child. 'Our dear John,' says Mr. East, a few weeks before his death, expressed his warmest thankfulness to God, for the care with which his father had always excluded novels and books of that class from his house. He knew, he said, that, with his relish for that kind of literature, he should have read them with eagerness, and that they would have proved highly injurious to his soul. It greatly surprised him to meet with such works, as he occasionally did, on the tables and in the libraries of some whom he looked up to as pious men.'

After pourtraying the evidently unconverted state of the youth, who while totally free from what is peculiarly denominated vice,' was yet, in his measure, opposed to godliness, Mr. East remarks, 'Our dear John, all this while, was followed by the prayers and efforts of many who knew and loved him, and who yearned over him in tender solicitude. Probably we erred in the manner in which we sometimes displayed this solicitude. For, are we not apt to forget our own principles, and endeavour to force upon young minds a regard for divine things, which yet we know can be engendered in the heart by nothing short of divine power? . . . . We cannot pray for them too earnestly, nor labour for them too diligently. But we may require too much from children and youth. If we expected less from ourselves and more from God, our hopes would be more frequently and more speedily realized

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