
effay, chiefly for his own fatisfaction, without the leaft defign of extending the fubject beyond the limits of a sheet or two of paper. This may. account for the feeming abruptnefs at the beginning. One reflection, however, led on to another, which, appearing in fome degree to affect the question, he knew not how to fupprefs; and thus the matter grew up to its prefent fize, for which he can offer no apology but the importance, which it feems to bear, to every ferious mind. If there be any thing right and proper in thefe thoughts, which he ventures to fubmit to the public eye, as he would hope there is; and if they may, in the leaft respect, be bleffed to promote the interefts of truth, or detect the incurfions of error, in "the household of faith; he prays to afcribe all fuch effects to HIM, who is "the Author of every good and perfect gift," and, "without whom, nothing is ftrong, nothing is holy."

January, 1803.

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'§ 1. THE Holy Scriptures every where represent Man as a fallen Creature-in confequence of this fall, a weak, unwife, and helplefs Creature-not only fo, but in a state of enmity with God; contrary in difpofition to his will, dark in understanding to his wifdom, dead in fpirit to his life.

§2. In this ftate of Man, Redemption is proclaimed as accomplished by a Saviour-a free one, without his previous defire; a full one, above his thoughts; a powerful one, beyond his strength.

§3. It is all of mercy, by a Cove." nant established in the heavens-It is all of grace, by a free bestowment, without regard to man's merit-It is all of everlasting Love from the three

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Divine Perfons in one JEHOVAH, or God-head, who have engaged to render it effectual, in all its objects, whether of perfons or things, according to their diftinct, yet united, engagements in the everlasting Covenant, revealed by the Holy Ghoft, and published in the Scrip


§4. There is, therefore, an election of grace, redeeming out of the world thofe, who are called the heirs of Salvation, and who are brought forward, in their feveral ages and times, to the gifts of faith and holiness, and to the certain enjoyment of the ultimate purposes of this Election. Providence, in its own appointed way and time, brings thefe heirs of falvation under means, or means to them; and Grace renders thofe means effectual to incipient Converfion, and to final Salvation. From the very nature of the Covenant of God, which is ordered in all things and fure, the perfons elected must be certain, and there


fore fore-known, refpecting their interest in it, as the inheritance to which they are chofen is also certain and fore-ordained. God hath made the univerfe in number, weight, and measure, that is, with perfect exactness in every refpect; and furely he must be expected to have wrought his greatest work of all, the redemption of myriads of fouls, with no lefs perfection. Hence, the Church of God, which receives its very name from its Calling of God, and which forms the confummated "number of his Elect," who were CHOSEN IN CHRIST before the foundation of the world, is represented as a perfect mathematical square in the book of Revelation; and in all the Scriptures, as a complete Temple, as a perfect or unmutilated Body under Chrift, the one and the only Head; and by other images of fimilar precifion, completeness, or infeparable


§ 5. Whatever, then, militates against this truth, or is not in juft agreement B2 with

with it, cannot be true. For, as Contraries cannot be reconciled at all; fo Incongruities are not to be imputed to the wisdom of the Holy One. He Jehovah, who cannot err or lie, hath stated this folemn decree, and hath made the matter plain enough in his Word to thofe, who have Eyes to fee, and Ears to hear, and an understanding Heart given them truly to believe. And though they may not be able to folve all difficulties, which occur in fome fublime truths, through the natural defect and weakness of the human understanding; yet, this plain and folemn doctrine, which may be confidered as an effential pillar of divine revelation, cannot be removed from its place, without appearing at least to overthrow or endanger the whole fabric of man's redemption. But, the foundation of God ftandeth fure, having this feal, The Lord knoweth them that are his : AND, Let every one, that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity.

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