
per cent.

and. if the excess of charge thrown upon consumers bales to send to foreign markets. In 1820, the ex- The importing merchants of New York in their by the monopoly could be correctly computed, it ports of raw cotton amounted, in value to twenty-memorial to congress at the extra session of '41, would be found, that the loss of the consumer ex-two millions of dollars, while those of 1840 amount-state the charges of importation at seven and a half ceeds the gain of the monopolist. Here, then, indi-ed to nearly sixty-four millions of dollars. Add this to the average duty of 36 per vidual and public interest are in direct opposition to After supplying the home market with tobacco, centum imposed by the present tariff and we find, each other. There is in general far too little atten- we exported, in 1841, 147.700 hogsheads-worth up- that upon the whole imports, the comsumer must tion paid to the serious mischief of raising prices wards of thirteen millions of dollars. pay 43 per cent, over and above the profits charged upon the consumers. The evil is not apparent to After supplying our home demand for rice, we ex-by the importer. In the competition between the cursory observation, because it operates piece-meal,port an annual surplus of about two millions of dol-importing merchants and the manufacturer, it is oband it is felt in a very slight degree on every pur-lars. In 1841, after supplying our home demand for vious, that the latter has decidedly the advantage.chase or act of consumption; but it is really most flour and pork, we exported nearly eight millions of Had the duties not exceeded 20 per cent. on the serious, on account of its constant recurrence and dollars worth of the former, and two and a half mil-average, the domestic manufacturers would have enuniversal pressure. The whole fortune of every con-lions worth of the latter. sumer is affected by every fluctuation of price in the articles of bis consumption-the cheaper they are, the richer he is, and vice versa. If a single article rise in price, he is so much poorer in respect of that article; if all rise together, he is poorer in respect to the whole."

Nor are these all the evils flowing from exorbitant

joyed the advantage of 27 per cent. over the imThe foreign market is more important to us than porting merchant, and the incidental encouragement ever. For more than one hundred millions of our thus afforded by a just and moderate revenue tarifl productions, we have, annually, to seek a foreign is all that the manufacturers ought to desire. But, market, and no one goes there more cheerfully or to a tariff so framed as to yield a large revenue they promptly than the domestic manufacturer, whenever are opposed, as they want the duties either prohibihe finds it to his interest to do so. One generation tory, or so high as greatly to diminish imports, and The only protection which government ought to af- has passed away since the manufacturers promised thereby lessen foreign competition, while a tariff, ford, is protection against fraud, oppression or vio-to make us independent of the foreign trade, while, imposed strictly for revenue, is not designed to prolence. If a particular pursuit is profitable, a suffi- in fact, we are now dependent upon the foreign mar-hibit or much diminish imports, because without cient number of persons will engage in it, without ket for the sale of double, or nearly double the quan-imports, duties cannot be obtained. The resources the stimulus of legislative encouragement, and, if it tity of agricultural products, which were exported of the treasury are weakened by diminished imports, be unprofitable, it should be abandoned. Govern- from the United States, twenty years ago. In 1521, while the profits of the manufacturers are greatly ment have always been too fond of interfering with the domestic Exports of the country were forty-three enhanced by the same cause. the pursuits of mankind. Individual sagacity, shar- and a half millions, and our imports nearly sixty-five pened by personal interest, is fully competent to millions. In 1841, the exports of domestic produce and unequal duties. They injuriously affect the judge of the advantages and disadvantages of any were one hundred and six millions, and the imports navigating interest. They offer great inducements employment; and it would be discreditable to free- nearly one hundred and twenty-eight millions. These to evasions of the law and the regulations of the men, to suppose that they, interested in their success facts are referred to, as exhibiting the progress made custom houses, and they stimulate smuggling-a and welfare, making it the subject of anxious inquiry by the manufacturing interest, in realizing their crime easily committed and with difficulty detected and deep study, are not as capable as their govern- Utopian scheme, of rendering us independent of fo- along the extended frontier of our country. They ment of judging what pursuits will best promote reign markets. tend also to impair public confidence in the equity their own and the national prosperity. We utterly A war upon imports may be regarded as a war and impartiality of the government. Let the friends deny the right of the federal government to legislate, upon exports, since the trade of nations consists al- of a high tariff remember and profit by the lessons of for the mere benefit of any class of laborers, and, if most exclusively of the exchange of those products the past. The deep indignation and wide spread the power had been granted, we would oppose its ex- which each nation finds it most advantageous and discontent occasioned by the tariff of 1828 should adercise, because of its tendency to abuse and mischief. profitable to make. The ability of foreign nations monish them, that it is more wise to obey the dictates The labor employed in manufacturing, is only one to buy of us, depends upon our ability and willing-of justice, than the suggestions of avarice. element of home industry, and we have yet to learn ness to buy of them. High duties diminish imports, triot can desire to see the different states alienated why it is, that labor thus applied, should be encour-impair the demand for our products, deprive us of from each other, or from that federal government, aged by legislation, in preference to labor employed many advantages arising from a fair competition be whose pride and pleasure it should be to strengthen in agriculture, and other pursuits. The number of tween the foreign and domestic manufacturer, and the bonds of affection and friendship, by dispensing persons in the United States engaged in manufactur-are prejudicial to us as producers as well as consu- even handed justice to the north and the south, the ing, as compared with the number employed in agrimers. No prudent man will make at home what it east and the west. culture, is as one to 14; and notwithstanding this costs him more to make than to purchase. The fargreat disparity in numbers, the manufacturers have, mer, hatter, tailor, shoemaker, &c. find it conducive by their activity, combination and other expedients, to their mutual interest to exchange the products of succeeded in obtaining the ascendancy, and are now their labor. In like manner, when a foreign country enjoying the benefits of a law which, under the dis- will supply our wants upon cheaper terms than we guise of revenue, offers insult, while it inflicts injury can have them supplied at home, it is our interest to upon the other classes. Why should the rights and cherish and uphold foreign commerce. "But if you interests of the vast majority be sacrificed upon the do, say the manufacturers, we shall be ruined. The altar of the manufacturer? Why should fourteen to- English manufacturer can borrow money at very low bacco planters of Virginia excite the patriotic solici-interest, and command labor three times as cheap, tude of congress, less than one cotton manufacturer

at Lowell?

No pa

Entertaining these sentiments, we therefore resolve, 1. That in our opinion, the present tariif imposes excessive and unequal taxes, and will have a tendency to diminish the industry, impede the prosperity, and corrupt the morals of the people.

2. That the present tariff' ought to be so altered that protection should be disregarded, and that not one cent should be collected further than is necessary for revenue.

apportioned and imposed for the purpose of raising 3. That while we are not opposed to taxes equally revenue adequate for an economical administration of the government, we maintain that taxes levied on the people for the benefit of any class of men, are equally irreconcilable with justice, sound judgment and the principles of the constitution.

and in consequence of these and other advantages,
the domestic manufacturer is unable to compete with
the foreigner; and you, planters and other consumers,
will voluntarily pay for our goods a higher price
than the foreigner asks for a similar article. Then
we must appeal to congress, and use every artifice to
obtain a tariff which will keep our foreign rivals out
4. That we utterly repudiate the doctrine of in-
of our way; and as the foreign competition dimin-cidental protection, as we understand it to be held and
ishes, you consumers will find our prices advance, maintained by the whig party of the country, and wo
and our prosperity promoted."
believe no protection just or proper, but such as ne-
cessarily results from a tariff laid solely with a view
to raise the amount of revenue necessary for an eco-
nomical administration of the government upon the
scale at once the cheapest and which bears most
equally upon all classes and interests of the country.
nations, is fallacious and fanciful, and derogatory to
the character and understanding of the American

5. That the doctrine, that the domestic manufac-turers when aided by protective duties, will render our country commercially independent of foreign

The committee on manufactures examined several manufacturers during the last session of congress, and appended their answers to the report of the committee. Mr. Schenck, a wealthy proprietor of a large woollen factory in New York, stated to the committee, that less than a duty of fifty per cent. on the foreign cost of woollens, will not sustain the domestic manufacturer." He has been engaged in the woollen manufacture for many years, and in the "In every country (Adam Smith, Ch. III,) it alsame communication he observes, that "half. if not ways is, and must be to the interests of the great more of the woollen manufacturers, during the peri- body of the people to buy whatever they want of od of nineteen years, have become bankrupt!" The those who sell it cheapest. The proposition is so very census returns for 1840 show, that the products of manifest, that it seems ridiculous to take pains to the labor of each individual, employed in agricul- prove it; nor could it ever have been called in ques⋅ ture, were $214, while those of the labor of each in- tion, had not the interested sophistry of merchants dividual, employed in manufactures, were $500-in and manufacturers confounded the common sense of manother words, that the labor of each manufacturer was kind. Their interest is, in this respect, directly opworth $72 more than that of two farmers. If Mr.posed to that of the great body of the people." Schenck told the truth-if half of the woollen manu- England is often referred to by the tariff party as facturers in the United States have failed during the affording conclusive evidence of the great prosperity last nineteen years, protected as they were by the resulting from high duties, and a country whose politariffs of '16, 24, 28, 32, and the compromise, does cy, in this respect, is entitled to our applause and not the fact of such failure demonstrate the folly of imitation. Her power and wealth are admitted, and continuing to grant protection? And if, on the other both have become great in despute of the restrictive hand, we admit the truth of the census returns-if system. But as to her prosperity, of millions of Resolved, That this meeting cordially approve the the products of the labor of each manufacturer are paupers and millions of expenditures for their relief proposition which has been made for holding a deworth $72 more than the productions of two farmers, if the excessive labor required of those employed March next; and we hereby invite a meeting at the is there any necessity or justice in protecting the in- in the factories and their stinted compensation-November court for this county, for the purpose of dustry of a class already more prosperous than any their destitution and profagacy-mobs and riotsother in the community? frequent strikes for higher wages--and hard struggles appointing delegates to said convention. For our comfort and consolation, the manufactu- for subsistance, are proofs of English prosperity, then Resolved, That we extend to our representatives in rers tell us, they intend to make us independent of the manufacturers of our country are welcome to congress, the hon. E. W. Hubard, upon his retur foreign nations, and give us a home market for our make the most of them. Mr. Bulwer, of the house among us, assurances of our cordial approval of his agricultural products. This has been their song for of commons has stated in one of his published works course in congress during the late and also during a quarter of a century. A brief reference to facts that the agricultural labor of France earns one-third the extra session of the present congress, and espe will show the futility of such promises. After hav- more wages that the agricultural labor of England;cially of his firm and able opposition to a protective ing enjoyed protection for twenty-six years, the cot- and highly as the tariff party extol the prosperity of farifi. ton manufacturers of the United States consume England, we find our manufactures asserting, that! Resolved, That the proceeding of this meeting he 300,000 bales of cotton. The annual production of labor there is three times as cheap as it is here, and signed by the chairman and secretary, and forwardcotton in our country, is upwards of two millions of hence they claim protection, and wish to deprive theed to the Richmond Esquirer for publication. bales-from which deduct the home consumption of consumers of the benefits arising from the cheap laCHARLES YANCEY, cairman. 300,000 bales, and we have a surplus of 1,700,000 | bor of Europe.

After the adoption of the foregoing preamble and resolutions, Thomas S. Bocock, esq., offered the following resolutions which were adopted unanimously

to wit:

mocratic convention in Richmond, some time in

Jos. Frera, scerclary.


Letters have been received from Siam, stating that the of the population, and throughout the six eastern states rev. Henry G. S. French died at Bankok, in February there is an average of one professional man to every 195 CHRONICLE. last, aged 35 years. Mr. French was born in Boscawen of the population. This great preponderancy of the proAMERICAN POTATOES. The Europeans virtually de-N. H. and was bred to the profession of a printer. As fessions over and above the wants of society is witnessed prived the western continent of the credit to which it such he went to Siam to take charge of a press at Ban- in every state in the Union. Even in the new territories greater than in any of the states, it being one to every was entitled, of introducing those "glorious little mouth. kok, the capital of Siam, and also to preach and to teach of Wisconsin and Iown, the proportion of professions is fulls," the Irish potatoes, to the eating family. Our only for which duties he had been subsequently educated. Another revolutionary hero gone. Benjamin Eaton, 119 persons, so that it would seem that the avenues to which a new country might be supposed to open, are way to remedy this, is to produce a second edition, "enlarged and improved," and if we are to believe the Bayou whom a correspondent of the Middletown, Orange co. Sara (Miss.) Ledger, the fertile resources of South Aine- New York Courier, designates as "the last of Washing- already filled to overflowing. rica are adequate to the task. The "vine potato plan" ton's life guard," died at Cuddebackville, on the 16th ult. the seed of which from thence was taken to England aged 85 years, having served his country through the and is attracting attention there is said to be prolific be- whole course of the revolutionary war, encountered its yond any thing of the vegetable species. The fruit grows enemies in sixteen different battles; and during the time, above ground; a single potato forming a vine of splen- served three and a half years in gen. Washington's life did green foliage, sufficient to cover a good sized arbor; guard, and also over one year in the late war." His rehanging to this vine, may be seen the fruit, in all sorts mains were buried with military honors and every testiof fantastic forms, and in all stages of advancement to imony of respect. perfection.

BANKRUPTS. The whole number of applicants for the benefit of the bankrupt law up to the 22d inst. in the northern district of New York was 3 235.

The section THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL ROAD. of this road which remained to connect this city with Cumberland was completed and put in operation on the 3 inst. This is an important link in communicating with the west.

The distance of this road now in operation is 178 miles, and is performed in 10 hours. Onward, onward with the enterprize to the Ohio river.

BOSTON REPRESENTATIVES. The city council, in con

vention of the two branches, determined that it is expe. dient to elect thirty five persons to represent Boston in [Boston Transcript. the next general court.

BANK ITEMS The Bank of England reports to have £9,816,000 in vault. Money is offered freely at two and In 1839, by allowing importa a half to three per cent. tion of grain, the bank bullion fell from ten millions to two and a half milhons, and the directors were compel led to resort to the French banks for relief. They learnt wisdom by the exigency, and have pursued a policy since, which now exhibits itself. In 1839, after the bad harvest of 1838, they continued to expand their issues, and to keep money cheap by facilitating loan advances on various securities at low rates, erroneously conceiving that they could compensate the drain on their bullion chest by throwing out more paper. In 1842, after the bad harvest of 1341, the course followed was precisely the reverse. The directors prudently pursued a stringent policy, keeping money scarce and prices low, so as to maintain a favorable course of exchange. The different result from the adoption of sound principles of management-that of governing the circulation by the foreign exchanges is demonstrated. In the latter, from obeying that rule, the Bank of England has regained her strength, and her coffers are replenished by an overflow

of bullion.

The bank of France in official account of its position and opera i ns for the last quar er states that the specie in the bank amounted to 205,377,260f the bills discouned to 151,903,643f. the advances on bullion to 3.741.300f. and the loans on public securities to 20,971,604f. The other side of the account shows that the amount of notes in circulation was 224,042,567, the balance due to the treasury in account current, 131,254,7931; and the balance due on private deposit accounts, 35,327,675f. It appears from this statement that the specie in the Bank of France is only 19,465.3071, less than the amount of their notes in circulation, a difference equal to about



General Joseph Desha, ex-governor of Kentucky, died at his residence, Georgetown, Ky., on the 13th ult. DONATIONS. The St. Louis Republican says that the Sac and Fox Indians have made a very liberal donation of a section of land, couraining the agency house and other improvements, to Mrs. Street, widow of the late Indian agent gen Street, for which they are to pay the

government $1,100.

ELECTIONS take place in Mississippi on the 7th and 8th, in New York and Delaware on the 8th, and in Massachusetts on the 14th inst., after which no elections will occur until March.

EX-VICE PRESIDENT colonel Richard M. Johnson, after
visiting his friends in Philadelphia, proceeded to the state
of New York, where the latest accounts left him. He is
warmly greeted in all directions.

FLOUR. Price at Boston $1 50 a $4 62; at New York
and Philadelphia $4 25; at Cleveland $3 25.
The Baltimore inspections of the week comprise 15,902
bbls, and 1010 half bbls.; stock on hand inconsiderable.
Price $4 to $4 06; wagon price $3 87.

The last news from England has depressed the prices
in New York about 12 cents per barrel.

FIRE. A large tobacco warehouse, at Richmond, Va., owned by Archibald Thomas, was destroyed on the morning of the 29th ult., together with 490 hhds, fine to bacco, valued at $35,000-total loss estimated at $80,000, of which about half was covered by insurances.

MARRIAGE QUESTION. The Presbyterian syned of New Jersey, which convened last week at Elizabethtown, decided that it is not incestuous for a man to marry the sister of his deceased wife, and the synod calls upon the general assembly to rescind the rule forbidding such marriages.

MORMONISM, is stated in English papers to be rapidly increasing in that country. Five thousand are said to be preparing to embark for the city of Nauvoo, and nearly that number have recently arrived there. Meantime their prophet, Joe Sinith, has found it advisable to keep out of the way of the authorities of the state of Illinois, and disregards the requisition from the governor of Missouri. Ten of his late disciples are stated to have left their faith. MORUS MULTICAULIS. The leaves of this prolific plant, so much superior to those of all other varieties of the mulberry as food for the silk worm, are, it would seem, about to be turned to another good account. The Petersburg (Va.) Intelligencer of the 221 instant states that Dr. P. C. Spencer, of that place, with the assistance of Mr. William Miller, manager of the Matoaca Paper Mill, has succeeded in manufacturing excellent paper from the leaves. The editors of the Intelligencer add that they have now in their possession several numbers of their issue of the 224 instant printed on the paper thus manufactured.

NEWSPAPERS. Mr. Jefferson used to say, that those who patronized and paid for slanderous and scurrilous newspapers, were the real authors of the slander and scurrility.

The assignees of the Bank of the United States have filed a bill of discovery, in the nature of an equity pro ceeding, in the district court, against Nicholas Biddle, esq. asking that he may be called upon to answer, under oath, how and for what purposes he expended large sums of money belonging to the late bank, obtained by him upon certain checks, tickets, receipts and orders passed between him and John Andrews, first assistant Cashier of the bank. The suns which the plaintiffs say PORK AND BEEF. The Alton, Illinois Telegraph, says Mr. Biddle thus drew from the b nk amount to $396,000; the whole of which, they say, was applied to unlaw-" market will be found this winter in this city for all ful purposes, and to promote Mr. Biddle's own private the pork that will be brought in. The price, however, will be low-very low; varying from one to two dollars CENTRAL AMERICA. The account of the recent ex-per hundred-and none but choice and very heavy hogs ploration of the plains of Yucatan, by Stevens and Catherwood, we are told, will be issued from the press in two or three weeks. The volumes will contain 115 rich engravings, illustrative of the vast antiquities and disco veries with which they met in that interesting region. PITTSBURG CANNON. We learn from capt. Chauncey, The Schuylkill coal trade to Thursday of the United States navy, in a conversation last night, COAL TRADE. last, was 449,949; tons; Le Schuylkill, 22,612; Mine that he had just completed the inspection and trial of Hill and Schulkill Haven rail road, 184.433; Mill 100 Paixhan guns made in this city by Messrs. Freeman Creek do., 35.014; Schuylkill Valley do, 77,437; Mount Carbon do., 83,382. Shipments from the Leuigh Re- and Miller under contract with government, and every gion, up to the 25th instant, about 229,000 tons.

COTTON. Prices advanced a fraction, in England in consequence of the destuction of so large a quantity by the tire at Liverpool which is ascertained to have consumed 41,947 bags, of which 33,181 were American and 422 were Sea Island, but in a few days, the price subsided again to former rates-and by the latest arrivals we learn that it had declined 1-83. lower than the The imports at Liverpool, of the week previous week. ending the 7th was 1,180 bales-the sales 16,400 bales. DEATHS during the last week in Philadelphia 77, of which 25 were under one year of age. Seven died of consumption.

but very little, if any, purchased. The fatal consequen
will command the latter price. As to beef, there will be
ces that have attached to every person who has touched
beef for the last five years, will have the effect of driving
all the knowing ones from the market."

gun passed inspection, no one having proved deficient
under a severe trial, Captain Chauncey expressed him-
self in terms of high commendation of the manner in
which the contract had been completed, both as to style
and finish, and the quality of the metal in the guns.-
They are all 32 pounders and weigh about 2 tons each.
Captain Chauncey inspected at the same time 10,000 can
non ball, cast by the same contractors, out of which he
inforins us, that but 7 balls were condemned, and these
for a slight deficiency in size, and that even these were
used in trying the guns.

[Pittsburgh American.

PROFESSIONALS. In the state of New York there are 14.111 professional men, or one to every172 of the popuputation. In New Hampshire there a.e one to every 122

[ocr errors]

RHODE ISLAND. A salute of twenty-five guns was fired at Providence from Federal Hill, on Thursday last, in honor of the recent Van Buren victories. A gun was fired for every state in the union, except Rhode Island, where liberty is not enjoyed. After the firing, a round people's constitution. of hearty cheers were given for Governor Durr, and the

SHIP BUILDING. During the year ending on the 30th September, 1841, there were built in the United States, 114 ships, 101 brigs, 311 schooners, 157 sloops, and 78 steamboats-the aggregate tonnage of which was 118 893 Of the ships 35 were built in Maine, and 50 in tons. Massachusetts, 3 in Maryland; none south of Maryland. tucky. Of the steamboats, 32 were built in Ohio and 19 in Ken


SPECIE The steamer Alabama, from brought to New Orleans on the 21st ult. $50,000 in fore the expiration of the month there would be $150,specie. The Picayune, on that date, thought that be000 received from Spanish ports.

The present rate of exchange will make it an object to send specie to this country from both England and


Specie is going from New York to New Orleans, conThe ship Lonisa, which artrary to the usual current. rived at N. Orleans on the 24th ult. from New York, had on board $116.000 in specie.

The New York Express of the 2d states, that drafts predicated on said shipment, bought at 7 per cent discount, had already reached that city, realising at least four per cent profit to the shippers!

SUGAR. The new crop is beginning to reach N. Orleans. Ten hhds. from the plantation of Tho. Milne, esq., of Iberville, was the first at market.

STEAMERS. The splendid iron steamer Brigand, 600 tons barthen, and 200 horse engine, built two years since at a cost of £32,000 sterling, and since employed in the trade between Bristol and Liverpool, took 200 tons of coal and a large quantity of patent fuel on board upon a rock on the Scilly Islands, on the 12th ult., and for consumption on a voyage to St. Petersburg, run two plates of the bluff of her bow were driven in. She rebounded from the rock, but in instant afterwards, struck again, broadside on, the force of which blow may be in some measure conceived from the fact, that it ac tually drove a large portion of her paddle wheel through her side into the engine room. The vessel was built in four compartments, the plan adopted in iron ships, or she would have gone down instantly, 2 of her compartments being now barst, and the water rushing into them at a most fearful rate. By the two shocks four and a half The two compartments aft, being the engine room. plates were destroyed, and four angle-jrons were gone in still water tight, she continued to float, and every exertion was used by her commander, Capt. Hunt, for upwards of two hours to save her, when the crew took to the boats, and shortly afterwards she went down, about 7 miles from the rock, in about 35 fathoms water.

SNow fell to the depth of 4 inches at Lake Simcoe, Canada, on the 19th ult.

SERFS. It is estimated that there are forty-five millions of serfs in Russia.

TOBACCO. The Richmond Enquirer gives gloomy ac Maryland crop is now generally housed, and is spoken of as fair in quality but short in quantity. counts of the tobacco crop this season in Virginia. The

The transactions of the week before last in Baltimore were light-prices looking down. The inspections amounted to 663 hhds., of which 47 were Ohio and 4 VirOhio and 34 Missouri-total 356 hhds. Prices as before. ginia. Little has been done in the article this week. The inspecious comprise 231 Maryland, 55 Kentucky, 36

THE TARIFF. The English continue to complain of the American tariff, and discuss the act as one calcu lated to affect materially the British manufacturing dis


WHEAT. Prine red is selling at 70 to 80 cer ts at Bal timore; white 90 to 100 cents; inferior 50 to 75 cents. At Philadelphia 84 to 88 cents for prime Pennsylvania.

YUCATAN. The schooner Freeland arrived at New Orleans on the 24th ult, from Campeachy, with dates to to resist the expected attack of the Mexican squadron, the 10th ult, The inhabitants of that town were collecting provisions and making all suitable preparations which was expected every hour. Don Juan Pablo Cey tralists were at Champeton, twenty leagues distant, and ran, the commodore of the squadron, was undergoing were only awaiting the arrival of their fleet to commence his trial for treason. It was reported there that the Cen hostilities. The inhabitants of the island of Carmen have proclaimed for Santa Anna and the plan of Tacubaya, saying "that they are now fully convinced that it is the only means by which Mexican honor and the integrity of the national territory can be preserved."






PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, EVERY SATURDAY, BY JEREMIAH HUGHES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER NUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. The Hanover Gazette of the 14th instant con- ployment, there is no consolion in the cheapness of FOREIGN AFFAIRS-official ratification of the treaty of tains a royal ordinance, by which his majesty king the lowest food, when clothing, coals, and other Washington by the British government-new French Forrest gives his consent to the marriage of the prince equally indispensable things cannot possibly be ob royal with the princess Alexandrina Maria of Saxe tained. A gentleman of excellent abilities and largeAltenburg. ly engaged in commerce returned this morning from Yorkshire, and says that his friends in various parts of that manufacturing country view the aproach of winter "with dismay."

minister to the U. States.


STATES OF THE UNION-New Hampshire, Massachu setts, Rhode Island Connecticut, Georgia, Ohio, New

Jersey, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa.

POLITICS OF THE DAY-barbacne at Frankfort, Kv.

MR. WEBSTER'S SPEECH-at N. York on the subject

of the treaty.




The marriage of the princess Mary of Prussia
with the prince royal of Bavaria, was celebrated at
Berlin on the 5th inst. The royal couple left short-
ly afterwards for Munich, where they were to be
married on the 12th, according to the rites of the

catholic church, in the Chapel of All Saints.
The emperor arrived at Warsaw on the 10th ult.
All the houses were immediately illuminated, and a
great crowd filled the street till late at night. On
his way to church next day he was loudly cheered by
the people. For several succeeding nights the whole
city was illuminated.

There has been recently found, says a Belgian jourThe Great Western arrived at New York on the nal, amongst a heap of old books, purchased at St. evening of the 6th instant, with news from Liver- Trond, the sixth known copy of the first Bible printpool to the 22d ult. 3 days later than by last arrival,ed at Mentz. One copy was purchased in 1816 by and from Paris to 20th., Louis XVIII, for 20,000f.

The Great Western, owing to the new tariff, has a cargo very limited in quantity, but contains some valuable property. She brings out considerably more than one hundred passengers, among whom are Virgil Maxcy, esq. U. S. ambassador to Belgium, and lady; Mons. Pageot. charge d'affairs from Paris to Washington, lady and family; Mons. Destonet, of Philadelphia. bearer of despatches from the Ameri can legation at Paris; W. S. Derrick, esq. bearer of despatches from the American legation at London to the United States, containing the new treaty; Mons. Anthony Sampayo, attache to the legation of the United States at Paris; Louis Borg de Balzan, vice consul of France at New York; Viscomte de Cramayal. Mr. Derrick brings the official ratification of the The preliminaries for the marriage of her royal highness the princess Augusta of Cambridge, have been finally arranged, and the nuptial ceremony will take place at no very distant day.

treaty with the U. States of America.

The Calcutta Star tells an affecting anecdote of the retreat from Ghuznee:-"The death of lieutenant Lumsden and his young wife is confirmed, and the details of their fate as now narrated, are of a most melancholy and painful character. It is stated that, when he fell desperately wounded, his young wife threw herself upon his body, and implored him not to leave her to fall into the hands of the enemy; when he, with a last effort, drew his pistols from his belt and put an end first to her sufferings and then to his


Lord Advocate Sir William Rae expired on the 19th ult., at St. Catharine's, his country seat, near Edinburgh.

The Cumberland 70 gun ship was launched with great ceremony at the Chatham dock yard on the 21st ult. Her tonnage is 2,244.

MONEY MARKET-Friday evening. The permanent stocks continue to advance with the gradual increase of business, but there is nothing like speculative movement in the market. Consols for money and the account were, at the close of the day, quoted 93 to 7-9; bank stock, 165 to 1664; exchequer bills, 56s. to 58s. premium; India bonds, 47s. to 49s. premium. Three per cents. Reduced, 93 to; three and a half per cents. reduced 1002 to; new three and a half per cents. 100% to 1, and long annuities, 123.

The corn duties were yesterday declared unchang for the ensuing week.

ed; on foreign wheat the rate being 18s. per quarter

The price of bar iron is again lower, both in Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Wales. The best price for flat iron for railways, if any should be wanted for the American market in anticipation of the 1st. of March, would not be over £5 5s. per ton.

American stocks are still only saleable in small amounts, excepting that Pennsylvania 5 per cents could be disposed of more largely if any holder would accept about 1 per cent. below the last prices from the United States. Ohio stocks have been in vain offered at 70 for some days past.

The wind has remained in the north for the last two days, and many of the American packets and other ships have arrived the last of the packets is the Columbus, having been a month at sea.

There is nothing better to send by the Great Western than the "Notes for General Circulation," by Mr. Charles Dickens, which will reach the United States by this steamship. The work could not be obtained in time for the Caledonia, and is yet not much before the public here; but it is thought to be generally a much more sensible and valuable proParis October 20. Five per cents. 118f. 90c.; four duction than was anticipated from the forte of the and a half per cents. 106f. 60c.; four per cents, 102f; writer and the foolish title under which it was anper cents, 80f. 80f. 5c. 10c. 15c.; bank actions, 3,270f;nounced. There is, however, a labored, stilted, and Rente de Naples, 108f. 30c. 25c.; Romans, 106; absurd paragraph against the newspaper press of the Spanish actives, 21 1-8 3-8 1-4 1-8 32; Spanish dif- United States-but in which Mr. Dickens must be feres 9 1-2; Belgian five per cents. 103; do. 1840, supposed to be honest, because the newspaper trum104 3-8; Belgian bank, 805f. Haytian loan, 580f. 577f. 50c.; exchange on London, one month, paper, 25f. 60c. money, 251. 57 1-2c.; three months, money


25f. 47 1-2c.

Liverpool cotton market, October 20. There is nothing new to report in cotton; very little business is doing, sales only amounting to 3,000 bags, including Surats, from 3 1-4d. to 4d.; 100 Egyptian, 6 3-8d. to 6 1-2d.; and 2,500 Americans, 4 to 4 1-2d. Holders, though freely offering cotton, do not force sales.

Bourse, Oct. 29, half past 3, P. M. Last Prices. Five per cents. 119f. 5c.; three per cents. 801. 25c.; Rente de Naples, 108f. 45c.; Belgian three per cents. 72f. 35e.

Captain Drew, who commanded the expedition that destroyed the Caroline, at Schlosser, has been appointed to the command of the English man-ofwar Wasp, of 16 guns,

Correspondence of the N. Y. Courier & Enquirer. London, October 2d, 1842. The Great Western steamship returns to New A Paris letter says that the prince de Joinville York, and it is much to be rejoiced in that the aucgoes to the Brazils for the purpose of marrying the tion on Monday did not transfer this celebrated vessister of Don Pedro, but will meet with a formida-sel to any foreign power, or powers, and that we ble competitor. "The prince Albert, of Prussia has still have so magnificent a messenger between the passed Madeira in a Sardinian frigate, on his way to old and new world. To have been bought in at the Rio Janeiro, His supposed object is merely the large sum of £40,000 is a high testimony of the va pleasure of the voyage, but those who pretended to lue of the ship. know better assert that his real motive is the hope of Affairs have not improved in the slightest degree uniting himself with the young Princess, whom report during the two days which have passed since your affirms to be very beautiful." last accounts. All the markets are equally stag The losses of the corn speculators in England, thisnant, and money has only been invested to further harvest, are estimated at 42,000,000 sterling. excess in the funds; which have again been forced The hop duty is backed at £150,000. There are up-consols to 93; and exchequer bills to a premium many who lay it at a higher amount, but the sum we of 59s. per hundred pounds. have named is the general favorite, The report from Liverpool describes the cotton Paris dates received at London are to the 20th.--market of yesterday as very dull-the sales 3,000 They are filled with discussions of the new Ameri- bags at prices if not lower, with difficulty maincan and English treaty, and the right of search. In tained. There was a considerable public sale yes Lord Aberdeen's letter on the latter subject, and terday, in Mincing Lane, of Surat cotton, of which Lord Ashburton's abandonment of all care for ob- only 700 bales could be sold, and the price was taining the right of search from the United States, shade lower, being from 3d. to 3 d. per pound. In the French journals find every assistance in their dia- the sale sale were 640 bales of North American and cussions, 30 of Madras, which were all bought in.

The accounts from Madrid are of the 12th instant, An extraordinary cabinet council was held on that day, at which the regent presided, when Segor Ca atrava entered into a full and satisfactory expose of the situation of his department. The contents of the Madrid newspapers are wholly devoid of the jepest.

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The truth is, that the last three days have been wintry cold, and the thoughts of the approach of winter in the midst of a distress of the population so extensive, appears to appal almost every mind. The chundence of potatoes is certainly a great sal vation, bui su almost miljons to whom the winter is approaching without prospect of eren partial em

[blocks in formation]

ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. Lord Palmerston having complied with the wishes of his anti-slavery friends by directing the British ambassador at Constantinople to interpose with the Turkish government some repre sentation on the subject of slavery, received from him the following characteristic epistle;

Viscount Ponsonby to Viscount Palmerston, Therapia, 27th December, 1840. My lord,I have paid the greatest attention to your lordship's several instructions on the subject of slavery in Turkey, with the hopes of arriving at some result that would afford a chance of obtaining in any degree the object your lordship so earnestly desires to accomplish. I have mentioned the subject; and I have been heard with extreme astonishment, accompanied with a smile, at a proposition for destroying an institution closely interwoven with the frame of society in this country, and intimately connected with the law, and with the habits, and even the religion, of all classes of the people, from the Sultan himself down to the lowest peasant.

The Sultans for some centuries past have never married, and the imperial race is perpetuated by mo thers who are slayes,

In all other families slaves may be, and often are, the mothers of legitimatised children, who are in atl respects as much esteemed as those of legal wives.

The admirals, the generals, the ministers of state, in great part, have been originally slaves. In most families, a slave enjoys the highest degree of confi dence and influence with the head of the house,

To carry what your lordship desires into execution, it will be necessary to limit the law of succession to the crown and alter the policy that has so long guid ed the sultans in that respect, and also to change ruudamentally the political and civil institutions and

laws and all the domestic arrangements of the peo- the African board, with ahority from the Englishing the main body of our troops for battle, and waitple. Universal confusion would perhaps be the government to demand the liberation, of not only the ing for an attack, we again marched on to assault the consequence of such violent changes, and probably English blacks in cat part of the island, but of all enemy wherever they might be posted. The Mexi those persons intended to be most benefitted by them the Africans mtroduced since the treaty of 1821. cans continued their retreat, and stationed themselves Mr. T. Laded, dressed in full uniform, presented on the Arroyo Seco. The spy company under the would be the greatest sufferers.

the empire.

The slaves are generally well protected against ill hts ssport, and asked leave to proceed to certain command of captain Hays, having again overtaken treatment by custom and the habits of the TRs, plantations, which he named, with a view of prose- the enemy's rear guard, immediately, and with great and by the interests of masters and the religious cuting his intentions. This the commandant of the impetuosity and galiantry, charged upon them and duty; and perhaps slaves in Turks are not to be con- port refused. He then requested permission to pro- drove them to the main body, and under the protecsidered worse off than men erywhere else who are ceed to the town of Holguin, where the governor of tion of their artillery. The company of spies chargplaced by circumstance in a dependent situation, the district resides, which was granted. On pre-ed almost to the mouths of the cannon: and, although whilst, on the other hand, they may attain, and consenting himself at the governor's, he was recognised received with a very heavy fire of musketry and three stantly do enines the highest dignities, the greatest as the English consul who had caused so much to power and fargest share of wealth of any persons in ble in Havana a short time ago, and who only saved his life by flying for protection on board of the Eng; lish guard ship; and in consequence of opinions and acts expressed by him to the injury of the planters of the island, was ordered off and forbid to return to any part thereof by the captain general. He was immediately arrested and placed in charge of a double guard, no one being allowed to see or speak to him. Orders were likewise issued to place the crew and captain of the vessel in the fort, with the same restrictions. Mr. Turnbull and company were to be sent to Havana, to be placed at the disposal of the captain general.

I think at all attempts to effect your lordship's will fail, and I fear they might give offence Purged forward with importunity. I was asked, What would the English government think of the Sublime Porte if it was to call upon the sovereign of England and the people of England to alter the fundamental law of their country, and change its domestic habits and customs in order to please the taste

of the Turks?

I would perceive, in spite of the good humored politeness with which this question was asked, that there was something like wounded feeling in the speaker.

The Turks may believe us to be their superiors in the sciences, in arts, and in arms; but they are very far from thinking our wisdom or our morality greater

than their own.

I have, &c.,

B., &c.


The right honorable Viscount Palmerston, G. C. The Sultan lately again changed his ministry, removing Izzet Mehemet Pacha, and substituting Raouff Pacha, president of the state council. It was under the ministry of the former that Prince Michael of Servia, was lately deposed, to the triumph of Russian intrigues, and a new sovereign set up in that country in his place.

M. Boutenieff, the envoy extraordinary of Russia, landed at Constantinople on the 25th, from a Russian steamer of war, coming from Odessa. The arrival of that diplomatist at a moment when no person expected him caused considerable sensation, and gave rise to much conjecturing.

On the 21st one of the Sultanas was delivered of a prince, who received the name of Abdul Hamid. The Augsburg Gazette states that on the 28th ult. the representatives of the five powers had a conference at Constantinople, at which the affairs of Servia and Syria were discussed. The change of government in Servia having taken place without the consent of any European power, and being merely the result of the enterprising spirit of Izzet Pacha, the five representatives resolved that they would defend Prince Michael's rights before the Divan, and oppose, by all the means in their power, Wiezich's party. The steps taken by M. Titoff in this affair have produced no result.





From various creditable sources we have gleaned the following particulars in relation to the late incursion of the enemy-the operations of the campaign on our part, and the retreat of the Mexicans from our territory:

On the morning of the 11th ult. the enemy, 1.300 strong under the command of general Adrian Woll, entered San Antonio, and, after some resistance on the part of the Americans and a portion of the resident Mexicans, took possession of said city. In this affair six of the enemy were killed; on our part, no damage was sustained.

The enemy remained for some days undisputed masters of the city, and we acknowledge, with plea sure, that they conducted themselves according to the usages of civilized warfare.

discharges of artillery, yet only three or four of them were wounded, while three four of the Mexicans were killed. The main body of our troops having charged with great spirit to within two or three hundred yards of the enemy, met the spy company on their return. All the companies, with the exception of two or three, having dismounted, were marched up to the attack; but, after reconnoitering the enemy's position, it was concluded by the commander to bring the horses nearer, to dismount all the companies, and lead on the whole of our forces. Before effecting this, the sun was nearly down, and col. Caldwell determined to defer the attack until morning. Our troops then encamped one mile from the enemy,About midnight the enemy again retreated.

On the next morning the troops were called together, when col. Caldwell announced to them that he did not consider it prudent any longer to continue the pursuit, and ordered them to San Antonio. This

announcement was received with astonishment and

indignation by many of the volunteers. The company of spies, with vehement expressions of displeasure, refused to obey the order. or march off the ground; but being too weak to effect anything alone, were of course compelled to return. [Galveston Times.


The German Commercial Union are proceeding to adopt various changes to restrict foreign commodities and protect their own.

M. Pageot, the successor of M. de Bacourt as French minister at Washington, is the bearer of a valuable collection of books and other works of art and science sent by the French government in exchange for those which have been offered by the U. States, through the medium of Mr. Vattemare.

Captain Matthew Caldwell, of Gonzales, with 210 men under his command, having selected a strong position on the Salado, on the morning of the 13th ult. ordered captain Hays, with his command of fifty or sixty men, to proceed to the vicinity of the town, and bring on an engagement with the enemy if possiA letter from Germany states that Mr. Wheaton ble. This command having been executed with great having failed in inducing a reduction on tobacco by gallantry and spirit, the enemy, with a large body of the commercial congress at Stutgard has proceeded cavalry, infantry, and artillery, amounting to between to Berlin to renew his efforts at that capital. eight and nine hundred men pursued the party of skir- The Prince of Joinville and the duke of Aumale, mishers to our camp on the Salado; and, having sur-arrived at Brest on the 13th. They are thence to rounded the same, commenced an attack thereon, and embark for Lisbon. Prussia and England having incontinued it until late in the evening. The greater tervened to settle the differences between Turkey portion of the enemy's forces took position on the east and Persia, an ambassador from Turkey was to set of the Salado, and directly on the road leading from out for Teheran, says a letter from Constantinople Seguin to our encampment. of Sept. 20, to bring the matters in dispute to a speedy settlement.

With feelings of pride we congratulate the country and the troops in this engagement on the intrepidity, boldness, and coolness exhibited by them through this long-continued action; our only regret is, that more of the enemy did not dare to venture within rifle shot that the lesson taught them on this memorable occasion might be the more effectual and enduring.

In this action we had ten wounded, most of them

slightly, while the enemy had sixty killed, and one
hundred or more wounded, of whom several have

since died.

The continued progress of the principle of responsibility to public opinion in Europe has been evinced lately by a pamphlet from Genl Bugeand, setting forth his views for the perfection of French authority in Algeria, and which was laid before the public instead of being, as military rigor would have demanded, restricted as a report to the ministry of war or to the head of the French army. Marshal Soult. We would fain stop here in recounting the events General B. was formerly opposed to the continuation of this day, but we feel ourselves compelled to anof French efforts for acquiring a dominion in Afri-nounce, however mortifying to our feelings it may be. An examination of the country in 1827, has the fact of the destruction and capture of a party of caused him to change his views, and he now urges about sixty men, principally from Lagrange, who not yet a civil but a military government for the co- were advancing to the relief of captain Caldwell.lony with a permanent force of 80,000 men as indis- They were surrounded in an extensive prairie by sepensable to effect its ultimate colonization. This veral hundred of the Mexican force, and were, in a force is necessary to preserve as well as make the great measure, destroyed by the artillery, without conquest and to protect future immigrants, and when being able to use their rifles effectively against the not engaged in hostilities should be employed in enemy. Two escaped, fifteen were taken prisoners, opening roads, making bridges, extending cultivation, and the balance were killed or are missing. &c. in every direction. He thinks that a proper improvement of the promising resources of the territory will serve to build up a powerful power that may increase the imposing effect of French influence over the Mediterranean and in the interior of


Meanwhile, the Arabs have lately caused some severe losses to several of the remote detachments of the French army, and Abdel Kader's activity is as great as ever,

It was confidently stated that the arrangement for transmitting the Overland News through Germany, by way of Trieste, had been matured, by which a saving of five days' would be made, so that the mail should reach London by the 1st of the month. This

seems doubtful.

The attempts to navigate the Euphrates and Tigris by steam have been abandoned, the impediments to the navigation being found too numerous to over


The West India Mail Steamer Tay arrived at Falmouth, Oct. 12, from Jamaica, Sept. 9, Nassau the 6th, Bermuda the 5th and Fayal Oct. 5. She brought $1,000,000 besides bullion, and 240 serons cochineal on freight.

NATIONAL AFFAIRS. DIPLOMATIC. Amongst the passengers which arrived at New York on the 7th instant in the Great Western, was Virgil Maxcy, late charge d'affairs of the United States at Belgium, and his lady. Mr. Maxey had succeeded in securing indemnity for the American property destroyed at the seige of Antwerp.

GEN. CASS. The New York Journal of Commerce

Early on the morning of the 29th, the enemy evac uated the town of San Antonio, and marched nearly thirty miles without halting, and encamped on the Medina, above the Cannon ford. On the sume evening, the troops under captain Caldwell, amounting to publishes a Paris letter which states that gen. Cass, about three hundred men, commenced pursuit, und encamped on the same night on the Medina, several our minister to France, is to leave Paris for home on miles below the enemy. On the 21st, general Woll the 17th of this month. He has already broken up housekeeping. continued in his encampment, while our troops marched up and occupied a position about two miles distant. Early on the morning of the 23d the Mexicans conThe schooner Burlington, Capt. Ellis, from Xiba- tinued their retreat. This fact being ascertained, the ba, Juba, for New York, put into Savannah on the troops under the command of col. Caldwell, amount4th instant. The editors of the Georgian have been ing now to no more than 450 men, followed them in rainformed by the passengers on board the B. that a pil pursuit until, after a hard march of about twenty small sloop arrived at Xibara on the 18th of October iniles, their rear guard was overtaken by a company last, having on board David Turubuit, esq. member of spies. The enemy occupied a strong position, and of parliament, one of the mixed commissioners of one not easily examined; and after some delay in form- of Boston,


The hon. WM. H. BLACKFORD, United States charge d'affaires to New Grenada, arrived at Bogota on the 10th of September.

CONSULAR. Juan De La Granga and Henry G. Andrews, have been recognised by the president of the United States-'he former as consul general of the Mexican republic for the United States, at New York, and the latter as consul of Greece, for the port

according to the special instructions already com

APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. John H. Albers, of New York, consul of the Unit-municated. ed States, for Westphalia, and the Prussian provinces of the Rhine, to reside at Elberfeld, in the place of W. T. Simons, resigned.

5. The detachment of boys at Fort Columbus undergoing instructions in field music, will be transferred to the care of Col. Bankhead. 2d artillery, comRobert B. Semple, receiver of public moneys at manding the post, who will see that the system of Tallahassee, Florida, vice Henry Washington, re-instruction heretofore pursued be fully carried out. signed. Requisitions of commanders of regiments for musicians will now be made to the adjutant general direct.

ANOTHER INDIAN TREATY. The Detroit Advertiser says, that Mr. Stewart, the superintendent of Indian affairs, who left that city two months since to hold a treaty with the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior, has returned, having concluded an important treaty on terms highly favorable to the United States. Michigan will be particularly benefitted by it. All the Indian lands within the boundaries of the state are now ceded to the United States. By this treaty, about fifteen millions of acres are ceded; about eight millions of which lie in Michigan, and seven millions in Wisconsin.


GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 69. Headquarters of the army, adju't gen. office, Washington, November 1, 1842. 1. The act approved August 23d, 1842, entitled, "an act respecting the organization of the army, and for other purposes," having provided that no recruits shall be enlisted until the numbers in the several companies shall be reduced below the number fixed for the said companies respectively, it is hereby made known that the recruiting service ceased pursuant to special instructions to that effect, from the above named date.

2. It being in conformity with the law to keep full the grades of sergeant major, quatermaster sergeant, sergeant, corporal, principal musician, chief bugler, bugler, musician, farrier and blacksmith. and artificer, (two of the latter to each company of artillery,) vacancies in the same will be filled as they may happen, either by enlistment, or re-enlistment according to paragraph IV. of General Orders," No. 25, of 1838. "Privates" cannot be enlisted, or re-enlisted, or be accepted by way of substitute, until the number in the companies be reduced below the standard provided by the late act; to wit: 50 privates in a dragoon company, and 42 in that of an artillery, infantry or rifle.

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3. As more than a year may elapse before the pre

the extent of territory of the two countries, are all urged as reasons to accept the proffered mediation. To these is added the intimation that, in case of war, American citizens will emigrate hence and aid the Texians, and that it is the president's conviction that war is not only useless but hopeless.



6. The band of the Fort Columbus depot will be The legislature having convened, gov. Hubbard kept embodied, and has been transferred to Fort addressed to them on the 2d instant a message in Monroe for the present; and until further orders will which he calls their attention to a revision of the be mustered in the 4th regiment of artillery. public statutes, approves of the plan adopted by the 7. All public property, except such of the depot commissioners for their methodical arrangement, fixtures as can be retained in safety at the depots for hopes that they may be amended wherein property the recruiting service when hereafter resumed, will of females is subject to a like tax with males, rebe delivered to the several appropriate staff depart-commends the interests of the militia to their favo ments. rable attention, having reviewed since the last session nearly one-half the regiments composing the militia of the state, and found them with few exceptions well armed and equipped, recommends certain changes in the state judiciary system, expresses his happiness at the conclusion of a treaty that has secured the territory always claimed on the northern

8 The depot fund will be delivered for safe keeping to the paymaster of the district, whose receipt for the amount will be forwarded to the adjutant general's office.

9. Lieut. Col. N. S. Clarke, 8th infantry, and Maj. C. Wharton, 1st dragoons, the two superintendents, after executing these instructions, will join their re-line of the state hopes a law for districting the state, giments according to their orders.

By command of Major General Scott.
R. JONES, adjutant general.


NAVAL COURT MARTIAL. The naval general court martial lately sitting on board the U. S. ship North Carolina, New York, was dissolved on the 4th inst. after a session of one hundred and five days, and hearing and determining nineteen cases.

IRON STEAM SHIPS FOR THE LAKES. The British are now putting together at Kingston, Canada, a large iron steam frigate, which was constructed in England for the lakes and sent over. It has been examined by a gentleman of skill in that line, from this country and pronounced not to be equal in "finish" or "fitness" to the one our government is constructing at Pittsburg, under the superintendence of Capt. Hart, and which is progressing rapidly.

On the 2d of August the U. S. ships Cyane, Yorktown, and Dale, were at Coquimbo.

The steam frigate Mississippi has taken a draught of men on from N. York to Boston for the U. S. ship Independence.

The United States frigate Constellation, was at
Whampoa on the 7th of June, and the Boston i
Macao roads.

sent strength of the army be reduced by discharges The United States Marion, captain Armstrong
and the usual casualties of the service, to the legal dropped down to Hampton Roads on the 7th from
standard, the public interest requires that the princi- the naval hospital, Norfolk, bound to Central Ame-
pal depots for receiving and instructing recruits at rica.
Carlisle Barracks, for the dragoons; and at Fort Co-
lumbus, for the general service, be broken up, and
that all the recruits with the permanent parties, be
distributed in such manner as will equalize as far as
may be practicable, the excess in the several regi-
ments above the new organization. All the recruits
will accordingly be distributed as follows:
First dragoons,

Second dragoons.

Fort Jesup, companies C. D. E. F. H,
Baton Rouge, companies B. K.

Fort Towson, companies C. I.

Fort Washita, company A.

Total for dragoons,

Hancock barracks, companies B. E. F. I.

First artillery.

Fort Kent, company C.

Fort Fairfield, company H.

Fort Preble, company A.

Fort Sullivan, company G.

Fort Constitution, company D.

Second artillery, •.

Third artillery

Fort Moultrie, companies D. G. I.

Oglethorpe Barracks, companies H. K.

Fort Marion, companies B. E.

Fort Johnston, company A.

Fort Macon, company F.

[blocks in formation]

The United States ship Columbus, for Mahon, sail-
ed from Gibraltar on the 4th ult. The U. S. frigate
Columbia was spoken August 31, lat. and long. not
given, 40 days from New York for Rio Janeiro. The
U. S. schooner Enterprise, lieut. commandant J. P.
Wilson, was at Rio Sept. 7th, the only American
vessels of war in port.
Com. Isaac Hull, the veteran naval hero, is at pre-
21 sent residing at Philadelphia,

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ton Roads.

All well.

which by the late apportionment will have 4 representatives according to the late act of congress, may not be passed, as he deems the said act of congress to be unconstitutional, announces that he had appointed no agent in reply to a letter of the secretary of the treasury of June 24, 1842, to receive the state's quota of the land distribution fund, which act of congress he also deems unconstitutional, rejoices that the tariff act puts a stop to further distribution, considers however that the tariff act is unequal and unconstitutional, calls attention to his letter refusing to deliver up T. W. Dorr to the governor of Rhode Island, and concludes with an exposition in favor of the absolute political rights of the people as superior to any civil or political power, and his readiness to concur in the passage of all such acts as the interests of the people may require and the constitution may justify.


STATE EXPENDITURES. It appears by public dopublic that the income of the state will exceed its cuments from the treasurer's office already made expenditures by more than $27,000, besides liquidating nearly one hundred thousand dollars of its public debt; and notwithstanding we have had an extra session of the legislature, the expenses of the state adThis picture of our state prosperity argues volumes ministration are less than for several former years. in favor of governor Davis and his faithful coadju[Boston Journal. tors in power.

From the Providence Journal.
Quincy, October 20, 1842.
MY DEAR SIR-I answer without a moment of he

sitation the inquiries in your letter of the 18th inst. I have not volunteered my services to defend the persons charged with offences against your worthy The United States frigate Constitution, Captain and honored state. At the request of Mr. Dutee J. Parker, bound on a cruize between the Capes of Vir- Pearce, an old personal and political friend, but with ginia and forty-two degrees north latitude, keeping whose recent politics I have no sympathy, I have eninside of the Gulf stream, is now at anchor in Hamp-gaged to act as his counsel to defend him on his trial for treason, if he should be brought to trial, as I fervently hope and pray he may not. I have not engaged nor been requested to defend any other perTEXAS AND MEXICO. From the New Orleans son, nor Mr. Pearce himself, for any other offence Advertiser. By the Natchitoches Herald we learn than upon an indictment for TREASON. I held this that the mediation of the United States has been of- from the moment that he made the application to me fered by this government, in the hope of bringing to be my duty; and I hope and intend to discharge it about a reconciliation between Texas and Mexico. faithfully. But it is no pleasant duty to me; and if It appears that Mr. Webster, by instruction of the you can prevail on your government to direct a with president, has addressed a letter to the American drawal of the prosecution, or proclaim an amnesty, minister at Austin, enclosing a copy of instructions to include Mr. Pearce, you will render me a service which had already been forwarded to Mr. Thompson for which I shall be ever grateful to you, at Mexico, directing him to express, in the name of I have never expressed an opinion favorable to the American government, "the hope that it may be deemed to comport with the Texian government to suspend any offensive military operation which may be in contemplation against the Mexican republic until it should learn the result of the negotiation which Mr. Thompson had been directed to under


This, though not officially communicated, yet comes in such a shape as entitles it to credit. Mr. Total for infantry, Webster is represented to say to the Mexican autho4. The several detachments from Carlisle barracks, rities, "that while his government sees with pain the for the dragoons, and from Fort Columbus for the prospect of active warlike preparations between artillery, with 3 recruits for the 30, 17 for the 7th, and Texas and Mexico, and disclaims all right to inter 13 for the 8th infantry, will according to previous fere, yet it cannot, under the circumstances, be ininstructions, be put in route, under the officers on du- different to a renewal of hostilities between them, ty at the two depots. The residue of the recruits The general and natural advantages of peace, the ordered for the infantry regiments will be furnished security of our commerre, the uncertainty of the from the detachment in depot at Jefferson harracks, jasue of a war, the dissimilarity of the people, and

the proceedings of the suffrage party, nor against the proceedings of the charter government. I should rejoice to be relieved from the necessity of contest ing any part of them. Will you not aid me in the earnest desire to be exonerated from this burden, and from the anguish of witnessing the trial of a Rhode Islander for treason against his country? I am, ever faithfully, your friend,

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Hon. Joseph L. Tillinghast, Providence, R. Į, LEGAL DECISION-Treason cases. The Rhode Island supreme court has decided on the question raised by demurrer in the case of the state prisoners, that the recent act of assembly under which they were ar rested is constitutional, and in no respect violative of any fundamental right, whether secured by magna charta or otherwise," The spurt stated that there

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