
those of Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius; "l'Antiquité expliquée," of Montfaucon; the descriptions of the "Museum Capitolinum;" that of the "Museum Pio Clementinum;" the "Monumenta Mathaiana;" the "Musée de Verone;" the works of "Count Caylus, of Guattani;" and the "Cours Historiques du Musée Napoleon."

Specimens of these basso-rilievos and terra cottas, of excellent workmanship, decorate the walls of the first room; which, as a tout-ensemble, is certainly unequalled in England, perhaps in Europe. Having now gone so farthrough the antiquities of this first room, I shall insert in my next a list of the chief objects, and some account of them; but before I left the rooms, I took another perambulation through their maze of beauties; in doing which, my attention was most forcibly arrested, by the great sarcophagus, commonly called the tomb of Alexander the Great, one of the celebrated specimens of antiquity, that was ceded to us at the memorable capitulation of Alexandria, in 1801. It was brought from the mosque of St. Athanasius, at Alexandria, where it had been transformed by the Mahometans, into a kind of reservoir, consecrated to contain the water for their pious ablutions. It is of considerable magnitude, and would form an oblong rectangle, were not one of the ends or shorter sides. of the parallelogram, rounded somewhat like a bathing tub. It is probable that formerly it was covered with a lid, but no trace of it is now visible; but is entirely open like an immense laver, of one single piece of beautiful marble, spotted with green, yellow, reddish, &c. on a ground of a fine black, of the species called Breccia, a sort of pudding stone, composed of agglutinated fragments of various sizes, which are denominated according to their component parts. This comes under the class of calcareous breccias. But what renders this magnificent fragment of antiquity peculiarly interesting, is the prodigious quantity of small hieroglyphic characters, with which it is sculptured both within and without, as you may perceive by the drawing. It would employ me nearly a month to make faithful copies of thein: their shape and general appearance is pretty fairly given in the annexed sketch; but it can only serve to convey to you an idea of the monument in one view. A correct and faithful copy of all the hieroglyphics, though an Hier

culean task, is a desideratum; for it can be only by copying with scrupulous accuracy, and of a large size, the figures of this symbolical lan guage, that we can attain the knowledge of a mysterious composition, on which depends that of the history of a country, once so highly celebrated. When that language shall be understood, we may perhaps learn the original purpose of this sarcophagus, and the history of the puissant man whose spoils it contained. Till then it is but the vain and flitting field of conjecture.

Many men of science and learning, have examined this memento of Egyptian skill and industry'; but no positive decision of its former application is yet found by the learned. Sonnini and Ďenon, who both closely and attentively examined it, have pronounced nothing decisive on the subject. Dr. Clark of Cambridge, an indefatigable and learned antiquary, has asserted that the sarcophagus of the muscum really was the tomb of Alexander; but it requires more talents than I possess, to remove the obstacles that withstand the clear intelligibility of this invaluable antique.

Yours, &c.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine,




Your last number, under the head Literary and Philosophical Intelligence," I observed an article, taken from the Philosophical Journal, mentioning the circumstance of a person passing, without injury, a red hot poker over his tongue. To which is subjoined an account of two other facts equally extraordinary, viz putting the finger into melted lead, and skimming melted iron with the naked hand. The first of these experiments I have often seen repeated, which has led me to investigate the cause of so singular a phenomenon; and from the result of several experiments, made for the purpose, I am convinced that injury is prevented only by the vaporization of the saliva on the tongue (as observed by the correspondent to the Philosophical Journal,) the expansive force of which, during the momentary operation, prevents the iron from coming in contact with the cuticle. This is the principle on which the safety of the experiment depends, but it is not to be attempted without some precaution; for if the iron be heated to a white heat, that is, nearly in a fusible state, it will instantaneously carbonize the small quantity of saliva

which is detained on the tongue, and the cuticle will be severely burned; and, on the contrary, if it be too cold, it will not vaporize the saliva sufficiently to create that repulsive force, which prevents the contact of the tongue and iron, and a blister will be raised.

The proper heat, therefore, at which the experiment may be safely performed, is a blood red, taking care to hold the poker or iron in such a way as to insure the degree of expertness necessary.

The other experiment, with melted lead, may be as easily performed as the one just stated; the finger not being so powerful a conductor of caloric to feel any effect from passing it instantly through, provided none of the particles adhere to it; which may be prevented by rubbing the finger with chalk or whiting previous to the experiment.



"Nil actum reputans, si quid superesset agendum" LUCAN. Thas long been the fashion to remark,

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With respect to skimming melted iron with the hand, I can only observe, that to question the veracity of a positive assertion, is always unpleasant; but whoever has had an opportunity of seeing this metal in a state of fusion, must be convinced of the impossibility (without a miracle) of attempting the experiment. London, Your's, &c.

Jan. 16, 1809.


P. S. I beg to return my sincere thanks to September last, for his excellent answer to your correspondent X. in the Magazine for my enquiries, in a former number, relative to "Accidents by fire, and the best mode of treatment in cases where medical aid cannot

be immediately procured." The instant applications, as well as the subsequent treatment he recommends, are so simple and easy to be remembered, that they cannot fail to be of great utility.

made known by means of their works, and that they afford little or no portion of that amusement which is to be found in the memoirs of those who have taken a more active part in the busy scenes of actual life. We agree indeed with Cicero, that nothing is better calculated for entertainment than "variety" and " vicissitude;" but even these are to be met with in the "many-coloured lives" of a studious career; and if to these were but added, a description of his pursuits, his avocations, and above all, an account of the progress of his intellectual researches and attainments, we fear not to assert, that the memoirs of such a man might be rendered to the full as entertaining, and infinitely more instructive, than the flippant pages of a modern novel. In fine, to apply this train of reasoning to the subject of the present article, if the late Dr. Beddoes, like the late Bubb Doddington (Lord Melcombe) had but kept a "diary" similar to what we have now hinted at, there is little doubt but that it would have abounded with

"Nihil est aptius ad delectationem lectoris, quam temporum varietates, fortunæque vicissitudines."

curious anecdotes, valuable speculations, the details of an extensive course of medical study, and many admirable hints towards the perfection of the healing art, and the consequent alleviation of the mul

to." Without further preface, we shall first give an account of such facts as we have been able to collect of his life, and then endeavour to present a brief analysis of his works.

Thomas Beddoes was born at Shif

nal, in Shropshire, about the year 1754 or 1755. His relations were respectable and opulent people, nearly all of whom were engaged in trade. The father was a tanner, but seems to have been determined in early life that the son should receive an excellent education, so as to be fitted for a higher sphere in society. Accordingly, after obtaining that species of knowledge usually procured in the provincial schools, the distant prospect of Oxford terminated the visto of his



of the laudable ambiIn consequence tion of his friends, he was sent thither; and there is still a report extant at this university, that the settlement of the young Tyro was wholly entrusted to the care of an uncle. On entering the grand' its inhabitants, he was utterly unacmart of learning, with which, as well as quainted, he instantly presented himself, along with Thomas, at the gate of St. John's, and ringing the bell, asked, "If


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But the adventure did not conclude here; for the master, struck with the novelty of the circumstance, kept them both to dinner, when, in the course of conversation, it came out that the two strangers were provided with letters of recommendation to Dr. Surgrove, master of Pembroke, and that the uncle had imagined there was but one college in the university. On this, the money was returned with great politeness and liberality, and young Mr. Beddoes matriculated in due form at Pembroke, according to his original destination.

Of the exact year when this occurred we cannot speak with any degree of certainty, but suppose it to have been in 1778, or 1779 Certain it is, that on the 19th of July, 1783, he proceeded master of arts, and on the 13th of December, 1786, obtained the degrees of B. and M.D.

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As it has generally been supposed, that a modern medical education is incomplete without a visit to Scotland, Dr., Beddoes accordingly repaired to Edinburgh, about the year 1781, or 1782, in pursuit of those liberal attainments, by which both himself and the public were afterwards to profit; for, as is hinted in the motto, he was eminently replete with zeal, and never wished to do or to learn any thing by halves. While there, he attended the lectures of the most famous professors of the day, was noticed as a youth of great promise, and, if we are not greatly misinformed, lived in intimacy with the celebrated Dr. Brown, whose now system for a while seemed to bear down every thing before it. Sir James Macintosh, who was also intended to be a physician, and actually took a degree for that purpose, was one of his contemporaries and friends.

It does not appear, however, that the subject of this memoir, at a more mature period of his life, considered the system then prevalent in North-Britain as incapable of being amended; for we find him, but the year before his death, while treating of the melioration of his favourite science, expressing himself as follows:

"However the pupils of Edinburgh may succeed in the world, and fair as it

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may be for an advocate to avail himself of the fact, I doubt exceedingly whether the public would, if called upon to act with deliberation, yield its confidence to one of their three years' graduates. In case, for instance, of an election to an hospital, would not the shortness of his standing, and the necessary immaturity of his experience, operate as a fatal objection? Well then! if he is not fit to have pauper-patients committed to him, why should others be allowed to commit themselves? It may be said, that a five or six years' graduate would be thought equally incapable of the charge. I believe quite the contrary; provided the electors should have both information and integrity enough to vote according to the merits.

"It always seems invidious, and in many cases is arrogant in an individual to adduce his opinion of a public body in argument; but as the merits of the Edinburgh school are opposed in this manner to the projected improvement of medical education, those who take a part in the question, seem called upon to declare themselves, if they have any probable cause of knowledge.

"Let me, therefore, briefly state that I went to Edinburgh as an Oxford bạchelor of arts, passed there three winters and one summer, was perpetually at the lectures of the professors, and in the societies, of the students. You may think it probable that I have no humiliating associations connected with Edinburgh, if I add that I can never hope to be of so much consequence among my equals any where else, since the students heaped upon me all those distinctions which you know it is in their power to confer. Few individuals, certainly, have ever had a better opportunity of knowing any school. I have seen other schools of medicine, conversed and corresponded much, from that time to the present, with pupils and professors, studied their methods and the productions as well of the youth as of the seniors. So that I cannot accuse myself of having omitted any thing by which I might be enabled to form an opinion concerning this grand question of medical instruction.

"After comparing, on the spot, the means with the end, I certainly did conceive that a more deliberate process would be preferable, and that a method of instruction, in some other respects, materially different, would form physicians far more trustworthy. This opi nion, various members of the medical


societies could, I dare say, testify that I expressed; and every thing that I have since seen of practice and of literature has tended to confirm it. After a lapse of years, and without the smallest communication, it is satisfactory to find the associated faculty and their correspondents concurring to make it the basis of a legislative measure, and certainly without being actuated by the least ill-will towards any medical school in the uni


"I know not whether any impartial person, after seriously reflecting upon the surest way of advancing in so difficult a study, ever surveved the medical classes at Edinburgh. He would see that perpetual bodily hurry which is generally attended with a good deal of confusion of mind. No sooner does the college hourbell toll, than the audience rush out in full stream, leaving the last word half finished in the mouth of one professor, not a few fearing lest they should miss the first words of another. Will you call this mere juvenile ardour? The young men there were generally, and doubtless still are, earnest in their pursuits; but it was a common feeling, that each attempted too much at once; and if it be true, that figures and hues which are to last, must be laid again and again on the mind, with pauses between to allow them to fix, somewhat as in fresco painting, this feeling would appear to be right. A calculation had been made, and the required attendance distributed as well as possible through the three years. Considering the number of professors, and the necessity for those, who were to trust to this school solely, to attend certain courses, as the anatomical, practical, and climcal) two or three times; considering, besides, that the merit of out-lecturers will have claims upon the inquisitive, and that many had no other chance for acquiring a smattering of natural philosophy and natural history, how could any student, and especially the most ardent, avoid attempting too much at once? The consequeace was too apparent. Our academical architects, in their hurry to finish the structure, failed to lay a solid foundation."

It appears evident, that Dr. Beddoes' residence in Scotland did not prevent m from keeping his terms, and partipating in the honours of his own university; for on his return, he again rewrted to Pembroke, and took his deats, in the manuer, and at the times ady specified.

-It may be necessary to state here, that chemistry had always been a favourite study with the subject of this article; and that after having first viewed it, merely as a branch of medicine, he afterwards addicted himself to this pursuit, with a more than ordinary degree of avidity. His reputation, indeed, as well as his acquirements, in this very elegant, and very useful department of human knowledge, must have been very extensive, for in 1786, we find him acting as reader of chemistry to his "Alma Mater:" there was no professorship of this kind, established at that period, or indeed until 1803, at Oxford, although one had been founded so early as 1706, at Cambridge.

In the course of 1787, he visited France, and appears to have been for some time resident at Dijon. While at Paris, he of course became acquainted with Lavoisier, whose reputation was, at that period, at its height, and not only acquired his esteem, but also carried on a scientific correspondence with him after his return. At the evening parties of the amiable and accomplished Madame Lavoisier, bis wife, he also saw some of the first company in the French metropolis, among whom were many who have since figured in the political stage, and been swept away by the volcano, that soon after burst forth. Here, too, he beheld the first symptoms of that Revolution, which, after shaking France to her centre, was destined to convulse the whole world.

That an ingenious young man, who with a liberal education had imbibed generous notions of both science and government, should be disgusted with the tyranny of the Bourbons, and the horrors of an arbitrary government, even while administered under its mildest forms, by a weak but amiable prince, is little to be wondered at. He certainly, like thousands, did experience great joy at the glorious prospect, which has since been so completely blasted; and who can blame him for witnessing with satisfaction, the first efforts of the French nation; who, in 1788, and 1789, in imitation of the English people in 1688, attempted a melioration of their political system.

With ideas, such as, or at least similar to these, the mind of Dr. Beddoes be came deeply imbued, and it cannot be denied, that they had a considerable effect on his future fortunes, studies, and pursuits. In all governments whatsoever,


the idea of a reform sounds terrible to those who profit by the corrupt practices that decorate and disfigure the ancient system; and one abuse, as we know by experience, is well calculated to prop and support another. Many, therefore, who admired the talents of Dr. Beddoes, were alarmed at his principles, and in the very bosom of that University, amidst those academic groves, where the noblest, the purest, and the most enlightened principles, ought to be cherished; he was doomed at one critical period to experience all the rancour of malignity, and encounter all the suspicion incident to little, and contracted minds.

Towards the latter end of 1792, he voluntarily resigned his readership, of which he had been in possession for about six years, and was succeeded by Robert Bourn, M.D. It was now time for him to settle in life, but a considerable period elapsed before he could finally determine on so important an object. His eye was naturally fixed at first on the metropolis, as presenting an ample field for a man ambitious of fame, and addicted to the pursuit of science. But he soon perceived, that all the important stations were already occupied; and that for years, he could only aspire to a secondary rank among the eminent practitioners of the capital.

On this, he pitched on Bristol, where, in consequence of the vicinity of the hot-wells, which still continue to attract some of the first families in the kingdom, and the swarm of rich citizens, settled both in the town and its neighbourhood, there appeared to be full scope for an honourable and successful career.

He had not been long resident there, when the prevalent disease of consumption, to palliate which the exercise of his professional talents was so often invoked, engaged his particular attention. Calling in chemistry to the assistance of medicine, he formed a notion that it was possible to cure this cruel disorder, by changing the medium, which the patients respired, and this gave birth to the Pneumatic Institution, established by him. As the attempt was founded on genera! benefit, and the fortune of a single individual could not be sacrificed with any degree of prudence to such an undertaking; many noblemen, and gentlemen, we believe, and among others the late Marquis of Lansdowne, entered into a subscription to enable him to defray the expence. Of the success, I cannot speak with any degree of certainty, and

am upon the whole inclined to consider the experiment as more curious than useful. It was, however, attended with one effect, that has in the end proved highly favourable, as well as eminently beureficial to science; for it was the means of introducing Mr. Davy to public notice, that gentleman having assisted Dr. Beddoes, in constructing the apparatus, and performing the various experiments, during the course of six months.* the honour of both parties, although they separated at the end of this period, yet they preserved an unbroken friendship, and an uninterrupted correspondence, with each other, until death snatched the pen out of the hands of one of them, and put an end to a connexion, founded on mutual regard.


I shall now endeavour in this place, to take a survey of the literary life and labours of Dr. Beddoes, without any par ticular attention, either to dates or subject.

It is pretty evident, that for some time at least, he attempted, like the celebrated Dr. J. Jebb, occasionally to unite polities with medicine; and while acting as a physician, resolved not to omit those duties which appertained to him as a man. We accordingly find him attending a committee, which had been convoked preparatory to a general meeting of the inhabitants of Bristol, during the progress of Mr. Pitt, and Lord Grenville's "restrictive bills." Soon after this, (1796) appeared an "Essay on the Public Merits of Mr. Pitt," by THOMAS BEDDOES, M.D. printed for Joseph Johnson, St. Paul's Church-yard. It is dedicated as follows:

"To the House of Commons,
An Assembly

Whose Acts for the last Twenty Years,
No Man

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