
peace. These expences are increased by those of your military organization. Your men are paid with miney-you have clothed a part of them, and found them with arms. This cannot be done but at great expence; and yet you confess yourselves the sad state of your finances. Your exchange, which has been for a long time low, has fallen still lower; your commerce has decayed. Is it then without an object that you have bid defiance to all such difficulties? Do not say that you were forced to think of your own security. Confess that all our relations have been friendly. You know that I ask for nothing and want nothing,, and that I even consider the maintenance of your power under present circumstances, as very necessary to the European system and the prosperity of France. I have put my troops in camp, in order to keep them in good discipline and activity. They do not encamp in France, because it costs too much. They encamp in foreign countries, where it is not so dear. My camps, are scattered about. Not one of them threatens you. I should have had no camps, if I had had projects against you. And I was so very pacific, that I dismantled the fortresses of Silesia. I should certainly not have had those camps, if I had thought they would have given you any uneasiness. A single word from you would have been enough for me; and I am ready to break up all of them, if it is necessary for your quiet.'

"M. Von Metternich having observed that there had been no movements of troops in Austria, the Emperor replied, You deceive yourselves; you remove your troops from places, where they could be without the least expence: you send them to Cracau, that if necessary you may be able to menace Silesia. Your who e army is collected together, and has taken a militry position. In the mean while what do you want? Do you mean to alarm me? You won't succeed in that. Do you think the circumstances are favourable to you? You deceive yourselves. My policy was open before you because it is honest, and because I feel my own strength. I shall take 100,000 of my troops from Germany, in order to send them into Spain, and I still have enough remaining to oppose you. You arm -I will arm too; and if it is necessary, I can apare 200,000 men. You will not have a single power on the Continent in your favour. The Emperor of Russia, I can almost venture to speak for him in his name, wil urge you to be quiet. He is already little pleased with your connec ions with the Servians. He, as well as I, may feel offended by your preparations. He knows that you have designs upon Turkey. You pretend that I have such my self. 1 declare that that is false, and that I want nothing from Austria Turkey.

"Nevertheless your Emperor does not wish for war! I believe it. I reckon upon the promise he made when we had our interview togather. He ́can have no feelings of revenge

against me. I had possession of his capital; I occupied the greater part of his provinces. He had all back again. I did not keep Venice for myself, merely that I might not leave any ground of dispute, any occasion for war. Do you think that the vanquishers of the French, in case they had been in possession of Paris, would have acted with the same moderation? No: your Emperor does not wish for war, your government does not desire it. The principal men of your country do not seek for it; and yet the movements which you have occasioned are such, that war will take place inspite of you and myself. You have caused it to be believed that I have demanded provinces. of you; and you have roused in the breasts of your people a national and generous sentiment, which I am far from depreciating; they have run into extravagancies and flown to arms. You have issued a proclamation with a command not to talk about war; but the proclamation was equivocal, and people said it was merely political, and while your measures were opposed to your proclamation, they believed your measures, and not at all your proclamation. Hence the insults offered by a troop of your new militia to my consul at Trieste. Hence the murder of three of my couriers, who were on their way to Dalmatia, If there are any more of such insults, war is inevitable; for you may kill us, but cannot insult us with impunity. It is so that the authors of the troubles of all Europe incessantly excite war. It is so they provoked the war by the insult offered to General Berna dotte.

“ You are drawn by various artifices into a situation contrary to your wishes. The English and their partisans induce you to take to these false measures. Already they rejoice in the expectation of once more lighting up the flame of war in Europe. Their funds have risen 50 per cent. in consequence of the impulse which they have communicated to Europe. It is they whom I blame for all this; they are the cause that no Frenchman can go to the baths of Bohemia without subjecting himself to insult.

How can you permit such licentiousness? Do you meet with any examples of such conduct in France? Are not your travellers, your consuls, treated with respect and distinction? The slightest injury done them would be punished in the most exemplary manner. I repeat it, you are hurried along in spite of you: the ferment which has been improvidently excited in the minds of your people, the intrigues of the English partisans, and of certain members of an order of knighthood, who have carried with them, into the midst of you, all the bitterness of vexation and revenge all tend to involve you in a war. Emperor of Russia will perhaps prevent this result, by declaring to you, in a positive manner, that he is averse to it; and that he will be against you. But if it is to his interposition only, that Europe is indebted for the continu





ance of peace, neither Europe nor I shall that obligation to you, and we can by no means consider you as friends; and I shall consider myself as completely at liberty, to call upon you to make those arrangements which the state of Europe demands..

What may in the mean time happen. You have levied a force of 400,000 men; I will levy a body 200,000 men. The Confederation of the Rhine, which had disbanded its troops, will reassemble them, and arm the mass of their population. Germany, which had begun to breathe after so many destructive wars, will find her wounds bleeding afresh. Instead of evacuating, as was my intention, the province of Silesia, and the Prussian states, I shall again put the fortresses of Silesia in a state, of defence. All Europe will be in arms; the armies will be drawn up in the presence of each other, and the slightest occurrence will occasion the commencement of hostilities.

You say that you have an army of 400,000 men, a force more considerable than you possessed at any period of your monarchys you intend to double it ; if your example were to be followed, even the very women would soonbe made to take.up arms. In such a state of things, when every spring is on the stretch, war will become desirable, for the mere purpose of unbending them. Thus it is, that in the physical world, the state of suffering which nature experiences at the approach of a tempest, excites a wish that the thunder should burst forth, in order to unbend and give relief to the contracted sinews, and to restore the sweets of a pleasing calm to heaven and earth; a violent,.but short illness, is better than a long period of suffering.

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Mean while all hope of a maritime peace disappears; the efficient means of attaining it are rendered of no avail. The English emile with satisfaction at the prospect of discord being revived on the continent, and to her it is they confide their interests.

Such are the evils which you have produced, and that too, were I to credit your professions, altogether unintentionally. But if your intentions are as pacific as you pretend, you must give proofs that they are so; you' must recal the measures that have produced so dangerous a ferment; and this impulse; in voluntarily impressed, must be opposed by à direct contrary impulse; and whereas from Petersburgh to Naples nothing has been talked of but the war that Austria was on the point of commencing, and which all your merchants represented as inevitable, all Europe must, I say, he completely convinced that peace ́requires that your pacific intentions should be universally talked of and confirnred by your actions as well as your professions. On my side you shall receive every assurance that you can desire.

"Such, Sir, as far as I have been able to describe it, is an authentic statement of what his Majesty addressed to M. Von Metternich. His Majesty seemed to be moved, as men na

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turally are, in discussing matters of such importance! He, however, exhibited only that degree of animation, which such a motive was calculated to produce; he spoke of the Emperor of Austria and his government, with the greatest reserve, and paid many personal coinpliments to M. Von Metternich. This Am bassador, who, it should be observed, has al• ways given us assurance of the pacific sentiments of his court, was not, for a*moment, placed in a situation of embarrassment; I had a conversation with him in the evening, and he felicitated himself on being employed at a court where communications of this description could be personally made by a sovereign to a foreign minister. M. Von Tolstoy concurred with him in this sentiment. The Emperor, to those who are capable of comprehensing' him, appears noble, magnanimous, frank, attentive to all the duties of etiquitte, and performing them with a peculiar degree of refinement, and that perfect sensibility, which is awakened by the great interests of humanity. It might be clearly discovered that, equally prepared for war or peace, he wished for the latter without dreading the former; and it was the general opinion that to so frank and magnanimous a discourse, no other answer could be given than by declaring either that war is actually intended, or by proving the existence of a pacific disposition by deeds rather than by words. You may make this dispatch,Sir,the subject of your conferences with M. Von Stadion.' The Austrian government can entertain no doubts with respect to the sincerity of the Emperor's pacifie inclinations. But the Emperor will have tranquillity as well as peace. If Austria attaches an equal degree of value to this peace, she will neglect no means of com-* pletely tranquillizing the Emperor, with res pect to her dispositions, and she will most ef fectually contribute to this object by giving another direction to public opinion; but this direction can only result from a change of mca-›

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The Wirtembergh division at Heydenheim.

The Saxon troops encamped under the walls of Dresden.

The corps of the Duchy of Warsaw, commanded by Prince Poniatowsky, in the environs of Warsaw.

On the 10th the Austrian troops invested Passau, where they surrounded a battalion of Bavarians, and at the same time invested Kuffstein, where there was another battalion of Bavarians. These movements took place without even a shot being fired.

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The Bavarian Court quitted Munich for Dillingen.

The Bavarian division which had been at Landshut went to Altorff, on the left bank of the Iser.

The division under the command of General Wrede marched upon Neustadt.

The Duke of Rivoli left Ulm for the environs of Augsburg.

From the 10th to the 16th the enemy's army advanced from the lan to the Iser; there were several skirmishes between parties of the cavalry, in which the Bavarians

were successful.

On the 10th, at Pfaffenhoffen, the 2d and 3d regiments of Bavarian light horse com. pletely routed the hussars of Stipschitz and the Rosenberg dragoons At the same time the enemy appeared in large bodies, for the purpose of forming at Landshut, the bridge was broken down, and the Bavarian division, commanded by General Deroy, vigorously opposed this movement of the enemy, but being threatened by the columns which had passed the Iser at Moorberg and Freysing, this division retired in good order upon that of General Wrede, and the Bavarian army took a central position upon Neustadt.

Departure of the Emperor from Paris on the 13th. The Emperor learnt by the telegraph, in the evening of the 12th, that the Austrians had passed the Inn, and he set out from Paris almost immediately. He arrived at three o'clock on the morning of the 16th at Louisburg, and in the evening of the same day at Dillingen, where he saw the King of Bavaria, and passed half an hour with that Prince, and promised in fifteen days to restore him to his capital, to revenge the insults which had been offered to his house, and to make him greater than any of his ancestors had ever been.

On the 17th, at two o'clock in the morning, his Majesty arrived at Donauwerth, where he immediately established his headquarters, and gave the necessary orders.

On the 18th the head quarters were removed to Ingolstadt.

Battle of Pfaffenboffen, on the 19th. On the 19th Gen. Oudinot quitted Augsburg and arrived by break of day at Pfaffenhoffen, where he met 3 or 4000 Austrians, which he attacked, and took 300 prisoners.

Battle of Tann, on the 19th..

On the 19th, by break of day, the Duke of Auerstadt began his march in two columns.

The divisions of Moraud and Gudin formed bis right, the divisions of St. Hilaire and Friant formed his left. The division of St. Hilaire arrived at the village of Pressing, and there met the enemy, superior in number, but inferior in bravery, and there the campaign was opened by a battle, which was most glorious

to our arms.

General St. Hilaire, supported by General Friant, overturned every thing sitions of the enemy, killed a great number of that was opposed to him, and took all the po them, and made between 6 or 700 prisoners.

The 720 Regiment distinguished itself on that day; the 57th maintained its ancient reputation. Sixteen years ago, this regiment obtained in Italy the name of the Terrible. In this action they maintained their pretensions to that title; they attacked singly six Austrian regiments in succession, and routed them. Gen. Moraud also fell in with an Austrian diviOn the left, at two o'clock in the afternoon, sion, which he attacked in front, while the Duke of Dantzic, with a corps of Bavarians, which had marched from Abensberg, attacked them in the rear. This division was soon driven from all its positions, and left several hundreds in killed and prisoners. The whole stroyed, and its Colonel killed, by the Bavarian regiment of the Dragoons of Levenher was delight-horse. At sun-set, the division of the Duke of Dantzic formed a junction with that of the Duke of Auerstadt. In all these affairs Generals St. Hilaire and Friant particularly distinguished themselves. Those unfortu nate Austrian troops, who had been led from Vienna with music and songs, and under a persuasion that there was no longer any French have to deal with Wirtemberghers and Bavari. army in Germany, and that they would only ans, displayed in the strongest manner the resentment they felt against their chiefs, for the error into which they had been led; and their terror was the greater when they saw those old bands which they had been accustomed to consider as their masters.

In all these battles our loss was inconsider able, compared with that of the enemy, who lost a number of General Officers and others, who were obliged to put themselves forward to give courage to their troops. The Prince of Lichtenstein, General Lusignan, and others, were wounded,The loss of the Aus

trians in Colonels and officers of lower rank, was considerable.

Battle of Abensberg, on the 20th. The Emperor resolved to beat and destroy the corps of the Archduke Louis and General Keller, which amounted to 60,000 men. On the 6th, his Majesty took post at Abensberg; he gave orders to the Duke of Auerstadt to keep the corps of Hohenzol ́ern, of Rosenberg, and Lichtenstein, in check, while with the two divisions of Moraud and Gudin, the Bavarians and the Wirtemberghers, he attacked the army of the Archduke Louis and General Keller in front, and caused the communications of the enemy to be cut off by the Duke of Rivoli, who passing by Freyberg, from thence proceeded to the rear of the Austrian army. The divisions of Moraud and Gudin formed the left, and manœuvred under the orders of

ards, 12 pieces of cannon, and 18,000 prisoners, were the result of this affair, which cost us but a few men.

The Battle of Landshut, and taking of that place.

The battle of Abensberg having laid open the flank of the Austrian army, and all their magazines, the Emperor by break of day on the 21st marched upon Landshut. The Duke of Istria defeated the enemy's cavalry in the plain before that cicy. The General of Division Mouton made the grenadiers of the 7th advance to the charge on the bridge, forming the head of a column. This bridge which was of wood, was set on fire, but that was not an obstacle to our infantry, who forced it, and The enemy, driven penetrated into the city. Duke of Kivoli, who had advanced by the from their position, were then attacked by the right bank. Landshut fell into our power, and with Landshut we took 30 pieces of cannon, 9000 prisoners, 600 ammunition waggons, and the hospitals and magazines which the Austrians had begun to torm: Same Couriers and Aides-de- Camp of the Comman der in Chief, Prince Charles, and some convoys of wounded men, coming from Landshut,

the Duke of Montebello. The Emperor determined to fight that day at the head of the Bavarians and Wirtemberghers. He ordered the officers of these two armies to form a circle, and addressed them in a long speech. The Prince Royal of Bavaria translated into German what he said in French. The Emperor made them sensible of the confidence which he reposed in them. He told the Bavarian officers that the Austrians had always been their enemies; that they now wished to destroy their independence; that for more than 200 years, the Bavarian standard had been displayed against the Austrians. But at this time he would render them so powerful that they alone should be able to contend with the House of Austria. He spoke to the Wirtemberghers of the victories they had obtained over the House of Austria, when they served in the Prussian army, and of the advantages which they had recently obtained from the campaign in Silesia. He told them all, that the moment was come for carrying the war into the Austrian territory. This speech was repeated to the different companies by the Captains, which produced an effect which may easily be conceived. The Emperor then gave the signal for battle, and planned his mancuvres according to the particular character of the troops. General Wrede, a Bavarian Officer of great merit, was stationed at Siegenburg, and attacked an Austrian division, which was opposed to him. General Vandamme, who commanded the Wirtemberghers, attacked the enemy on their right flank. The Duke of Dantzic, with the division of the Prince Royal, and that of Gen. Deroy, marched towards the village of Rouhausen, in order to reach the grand road from Abensberg to Landshut. The Duke of Montebello, with his two French divisions, forced the extremity of the enemy's left, and overthrew every thing that was opposed to him, and advanced to Rohr and Rosemburg. Our cannonade was successful on ail points. The enemy, disconcerted by our movements, did not fight for more than an bour, and then beat a retreat. Eight stand

also fell into our hands.

Battle of Eckmuhl, on the 2od.


While the battle of Abensberg and that of Landshut produced such important consequences, the Archduke Charies had formed a junction with the Bohemian army under Kollowrath, and obtained some partial success at Ratisbon. One thousand of the 65 h, who were left to guard the bridge of Ratisbon, and who had not received orders to retreat, having expended their cartridges, and being surrounded by the Austrians, were obliged to surrender. This event made an impression upon the Emperor, and he swore that in 24 hours Austrian blood should flow in Ratisbon to resent the insult which had been offered to his arms. During this time the Dukes of Auerstadt and Dantzic held in check the corps of Rosenberg, Hohenzollern, and Lichtenstein. There was no time to be lost. Emperor began his march from Landshut, with the two divisions of the Duke of Montebello, the corps of the Duke of Rivoli, the cuirassiers of Nausoutz and St. Sulpice, and the Wirtembergh division. At two o'clock in theafternoon they arrived oppos.te Eckmuhl, where the iour corps of the Austrian army, consisting of 110,000 men, had taken a position under the command of the Archduke Charles. The Duke of Montebello attacked the enemy on the left, with the division of Gudin. On the first signal the divisions of the Dukes of Aperstadt and Dantzic, and the division o: light cavalry of General Montbrun, took their position. One of the most beautiful sights which war can present then presented itself; 110,000 men attacked on all points, turned on their left, and successively driven from all their positions; the detail of

the events would be too long; it is sufficient to say, that the enemy was completely routed; that they lost the greater part of their cannon, and a great number of prisoners; and that the Austrians, driven from the woods which cover Ratisbon, were forced into the plain, and cut off by cavalry. The Austrian cavity, strong and numerous, attempted to cover the retreat ~of their infantry, but they were aftacked by the division of St. Sulpice on the right, and by the division of Nausoutz on the left, and the cuemy's line of hussars and cuirassiers routed;. more than 300 Austrian cuirassiers were made prisoners. As the night was commencing, our cuirassiers continued their march to Ratis bou. The division of Nausoutz, met with a column of the enemy which was escaping, and attacked it, and compelled it to surrender; it consisted of three Hungarian battalions of

1500 Alen.

The division of St. Sulpice charged another division of the enemy, where the Archduke Charles narrowly escaped being taken. He was indebted for his safety to the fleetness of his borse. This column was also broken and taken. Darkness at length compelled our troops to halt. In this battle of Eckmuhl not above. half of the French troops we engaged. The enemy, closely pressed, continued to defile the whole of the night in small divisions, and in great confusion. All their wounded, the greater part of their artillery, 15, standards, and 20,000 prisoners, fell into our


Battle of Batisbon, and taking of that place.

On the 23d, at day break, the army advanced upon Ratisbon; the advanced guard, formed by the division of Gudin, and by the cuirassiers of Nausoutz and St. Sulpice, and they very soon came in sight of the enemy's cavalry, which attempted to cover the city. Three successive charges took place, all of which were to our advantage. Eight thousand of their troops having been cut to pieces, the enemy precipitately repassed the Danube. During these proceedings, our light infantry tried to get possession of the city. By a most unaccountable disposition of his force, the Austrian General sacrificed six regiments there without any reason. The city is surrounded with a bad wall, a bad ditch, and a bad coun..terscarp. The artillery having arrived, the city was battered with some 12-pounders. Itwas recollected that there was one part of the fortifications where, by means of a lauder, it was possible to descend into the ditch, and to pass on the other side through a breach in the wall. The Duke of Montebello caused a battalion to pass through this opening; they gained a postern, and introduced themselves into the city. All those who made resistance were cut to pieces: the number of prisoners exceeded 8000. In consequence of these unskilful dispositions, the enemy had not time to destroy the bridge, and the enemy passed peil-mell with them to the left bank. This unfortunate city, which

they were barbarous enough to defend, has suffered considerably. A part of it was on fire during the night, but by the efforts of GeneTal-Moraud and his division it was extinguished. Thus, at the battle of Abensberg, the Emperor beat seperately the two corps of the Archduke Louis, and General Keller. At the battle of Landshut he took the centre of their communications, and the general depot of their maga. zines and artillery. Finally, at the battle of Eckmuhl, the four carps of Hohenzollern, Rosenberg, Koilowsath, and Lichtenstein, were.defeated. The corps of General Bellegarde arrived the day after the battle; they could only be witnesses of the taking of Ratisbon, and then fed into Bohemia. In all these battles our loss amounted to 1200 killed, and 4000 wounded!!!

[Then follows a list of the French officers killed and wounded, and very high eulogiums upon the different French Generals.]

Of 222,000 of which the Austraan army was composed, all have been engaged except. 20,000 men, commanded by General Bellegarde. On the other hand, near one half of the French army has not fired a shot. The enemy, astonished by rapid movements, which were out of their calculation, were in a moment deprived of their foolish hopes, and precipitated from a delirium of presumption to a despondency approaching to despair.

Second Bulletin.

Head quarters, Muhldorff, April 27. On the 22, the day after the battle of landshut, the Emperor left that city for Ratisbon, and fought the battle of Echmuhl. At the same time he sent the Duke of Istria, with the Bavarian division, under General Wrede, and Muutoh's division to proceed to the Inn, and pursue the two corps of the Austrian army beaten at Abensberg and Landshut.

The Duke of Istria arrived successively at Wilsburg and Neumark, found there upwards of 400 carriages, caissons, and equipages, and took from 15 to 1800 prisoners in his march.

The Austrian corps found beyond Neumark a corps of reserve which had arrived upon the Inn. They rallied, and on the 25th gave battle at Neumark, where the Bavarians, notwithstanding their extreme inferiority, preser ved their positions.

On the 24th, the Emperor had sent the corps of the Duke of Rivoli from Ratisbon to Straubing, and from thence to Passau, where he arrived on the 26th. The Duke made the battalion of the Po pass the Inn; it made 300 prisoners, removed the blockade of the citadel, and occupied Scharding.

On the 25th, the Puke of Montebello had orders to march with his corps from Ratisbon to Muhldorff. On the 27th, he passed the Inn and proceeded to the Salza.

To day, the 27th, the Emperor has his head-quarters at Muhldorff! The Austrian division, commanded by General

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