


VOL. 27. No. 187.]

JULY 30, 1809.




IRST in the class of History we place the "Memoirs of the Reign of James 11." by JOHN LORD VISCOUNT LONSDALE; in which many points are il lustrated in the history of that unfortunate monarch's reign, that were before ambiguous; and no small share of light thrown on the singular history of Monmouth's Rebellion.

Another valuable work, connected with history more than with biography, has been published, in the "Memoirs of Robert Cary, Earl of Monmouth, written by Himself; with Explanatory Anno tations. The former part of this volume is, in fact, a re-publication. The latter, the "Fragmenta Regalia," contains some characters very spiritedly drawn. Both deserve a place in the library of every lover of English History.

As a production of the present day, a History of the Rebellion of 1745, in Latin, may, perhaps, be thought a kind of literary phenomenon. Such an one, however, has made its appearance, from the elegant pen of Dr. F. D. WHITAKER. "De Motu per Britanniam Civico Annis MDCCXLV. et MDCCXLVI. Liber Unicus." A neat duodecimo volume, not only elegant and spirited in its style, but acceptable for more important reasons, both to the scholar and the antiquary,

In "The History of Don Francisco de Miranda's Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America, by Mr. BIGGS, we have an assemblage of facts, which, though Inoulded into a series of Letters, forms almost a complete Journal of the Expedition. General Miranda himself appears to have been no great favourite with the author; so that for many passages in the work, a little allowance must probably be made. The expedition, well imagined as it might have been in the outset, was evidently ill supported; and our author's own disappointment may be read in almost every page. He appears to be an American; and his history, which is called, in this impression, the London Edition, is represented to MONTHLY MAG. No, 187.


have been revised, corrected, and enlarged.

Another work, however, of inferior importance to none that have been already named, will be found in the final portion of the second volume of Mr. MAURICE'S "Modern History of Hindostan ;" containing the History of India, and of the East India Company, during the seventeenth, and part of the eighteenth, century. It was Mr. Maurice's first intention to bring the modern history down to the close of the eighteenth century; but owing to the vast mass and press of matter, he found it impossible. The details, therefore, which mark the closing day of the Mogul dynasty, with what remains to be recorded of British transactions in India, down to year 1800, are to be presented to the public in a few months, in the form of an Appendix.

The fifth book of the Modern History, with the second chapter of which the present portion opens, relates mostly to the commercial settlements of different countries in India. The third, fourth, and fifth chapters, relate more particularly to the history and policy of the English Company, down to the end of the year 1757. The sixth book concludes the history of the Mogul Emperors, in three chapters, finishing with the death of Aurungzebe.

We shall select a single specimen of the work, in Mr. Maurice's Reflections on the Character and Manners of the Mahrattas-(p. 333.)

"The Malirattas, whether considered as a nation, or as individuals, constitute a peculiar phenomenon in the history of human society. Superstitiously addicted to the inild rites of the Brahmin religion; never eating of any thing that has life, and by their belief in the Metempsychosis, restrained from killing even the most noxious reptile that molests them; yet barbarously mutilating, and, in their sanguinary warfare, putting to death, thousands of their fellow-creatures, and that often with aggravated tortures; they exhibit a contrast of character wholly un4 P



paralleled. The engines of torture incredible what, on good authority, I which they are said to carry with them, had long ago intimated in the lodian to force confession of concealed treasure, Antiquities, when detailing the anare of a terrible description. The iron cient sanguinary rites of Hindostan; that, chair in which, heated red hot, the of even at this day, certain tribes of the fe fender is placed, and the envelope of the rocious race of Mahrattas, are inore than same metal

, also heated red hot, to encir- suspected of secretly cherishing a numcle bis head, are among a few of them. ber of human victims, the most remarkThese are particularly mentioned by the able for personal beauty that can possimissionaries, who resided in the Carna- bly be obtained, and generally in the tic at the time of their grand irruption full vigour and bloom of youth, for the there in 1740; and, in fact, for one of rites of the altar; of fattening them, like them, Pere Madeira, after having been the stall-fed oxen, for slaughter; and on first severely flogged, and exposed seve. grand solemnities of festivity, or grief, of ral days naked to a vertical sun, to make actually offering up those unhappy vichin discover hidden treasure, the chair tims to their gloomy goddess Cali, in all and that envelope were heated red hot; the pomp of that iremendous sacrifice. but by the interposition of one of the “ Making war their sole profession, generals he was respited. Their more and letting themselves out to the best lenient punishments are slitting the nose, bidder, they are to be found in all quarand cutting off the ears; but Bernier, ters, and are alternately engaged by all who was an eye-witness of their cruelties, parties. It is dangerous, however, to during the plunder of Surat, in 1604, employ them; for the offer of better savs, that, to make the rich inhabitants terins generally induces them to change discover their wealth, they were guilty sides; and plunder being their grand obof more horrid cruelties, cutting off the ject, they often devastate the very counlegs and arms of those who were suspected try which they were hired to defend, of secreting it.

Their principal strength lies in their nu"If it were only against the Moors, merous cavalry, which they cherish with the ferocious invaders of their country, the greatest care; and their horses, like the despoilers of the Hindoo temples, and themselves, being inured to privations, the remorseless inurderers of the priests and perpetually in exercise, are of a of Bralıma, that these cruelties were di- bardier nature, and more capable of rected, it would be less a subject of bearing fatigue, than any brought into wonder, since Sevajee publicly announced the field by the princes of India. Rapid himself the avenger of the gods of Hindos- in their movements, and unincumbered tan, against the sanguinary violators of with baggage, they render themselves fortheir shrines, meaning Aurungzebe, and midable to the Mogul armies, by harassthe Moguls; but their rage is indiscrimi- ing their rear, by ravaging the country, nating; and Hindoos and Mahommedans and by cutting off their supplies. They are alike the victims of their unrelenting avoid, as much as possible, a general enbarbarities. How astonishing inust this gagement, but when it takes place they conduct appear to every reflecting mind! combat with resolution; and in the use Scrupulous ininutely to observe all the of the sabre are dreadfully dexterous. prescribed duties of their cast, with re. If, however, their arms are crowned spect to diet and ablutions, even amidst with victory, their principal attention is the tumult of war, and often to the ob- instantly directed to plundering the camp struction of the business of a campaign, of the vanquished, instead of pursuing yet practising every species of brutal ine then to extermination.

Were they humanity: how strange the transition firmly united under one able commandfrom the meekness of prayer to the rage ing chief, as under Sevajee, they would of plunder; from ablution in the purify- be formidable indeed, and must soon be ing wave, that washes away sin, to bathe the sovereigns of Hindostan; but their in torrents of human blood. From all government being feudal, divided amorty this pollution, however, the Brahmins, many chiefs, mostly at variance with each who share in the plander, have the ef- other, their power is weakened in profrontery to tell them, they are purified portion, and it is only from their devastathe sacrifice of a butfalo, accom- tions that Hindostan has to fear." with many mysterious ceremo

ARCHÆOLOGY, with this wretched salvo their In this department, rather than among are appeased.

the fine arts, we place the “ Costume of count will render less the Ancients," by Mr. Thomas Hope, a



work of singular curiosity, and almost unrivalled elegance.

"I have often wished," says Mr. Hope, "that some person who had made antiquarian investigation his hobby; who had visited the chief countries in which are found collections of antiquities, in sculpture, painting, fictile vases, coins, and gems; who had compared the original monuments of different Musea, with each other, and with the representations existing of them in print; and finally, who had preserved memoranda and drawings, of whatever interesting remains, in different places, had never yet been published; might be tempted to produce some compendium which, weeded, on the one hand of the representations of all such monuments as are either confessedly spurious, or doubtful, or insignificant; and enriched, on the other, with transcripts of all such specimens, as, though genuine and interesting, have not yet found their way into other descriptions; should offer, as it were, the purest spirit of many different larger works, condensed in one single restricted volume; nay, often the most interesting details of many different antique originals concentrated in one single small figure, in such a way, as to become capable of being again most easily and readily transfused in, and applied to the most extended and diversified modern compositions; and by so doing, should form, to the large and expensive works above described, not only an useful substitute with those individuals who cannot command then, but even an interesting supplement with those who can, and do possess them.

"This task never having been undertaken by those more able to accomplish it, I have at last, inadequate as were my abilities, attempted, in some measure, to perform myself.

"As I conceived the object of an epitome, like the one I intended, was not to present the whole mass of information which the savant might possess on ancient costume, but only such details as the painter might oftenest want to introduce; not to afford topics for discussion to the antiquarian, but only models for imitation to the artist; not to advance crudition, but only to promote taste; the representation of many remains more curious than picturesque, more rare, even in ancient composition themselves, than applicable to modern works of art, has been entirely omitted: and as I moreover apprehended the limits of such a

publication, required its restricted designs to be accompanied by still more concise elucidations, a succinct account of the varieties of costume, most interesting to the artist, offered in the shape of a general introduction to these designs, has been preferred to a detailed illus tration of each of the plates in particular; which must have occasioned many repetitions, and have swelled the volume beyond a portable size. Where this method might have left indeterminate, or doubtful, the application of these general data to the different individual plates, the uncertainty has been, as far as possible, removed, or the deficiency supplied, by the short explanations introduced at the bottom of the plates themselves. All account of the authorities, on which each of the designs individually rests, has been studiously omitted; where, from a great diversity of models having supplied each in a very small proportion the different component parts of a single representation, this account must have become a long and circumstantial trea tise; and some indication of the sources, from which the delineations are bor rowed, has only been admitted; where, from a single original having furnished in the lump almost the whole of the design offered, this account might be comprehended in a single line."

Having described Mr. HOPE's work so amply from his own preface, it may be necessary, perhaps, to add little more, than that the general preliminary remarks are divided under three heads: "The Costume of the Asiatics; Grecian Costume; and the Costume of the Romans."

The engravings, in outline, two hundred in number, have been principally executed by Mr. Moses, from drawings by Mr. HOPE himself. Among the most exquisite in point of style, we notice: 1, Phrygian Lady. 28, Grecian Ladies in dresses of the old style. 32, Grecian Female, from a statue in Mr. Hope's possession. 35, Grecian Lady. 37, 38, 40, 74, 76, Greek Warriors, from fictile vases. 54, Greek Warrior, from a bronze in the Florentine Gallery. 58, Female Flute-player. 62, 65, Bacchantes. 88, 89, 91, 104, 122, 144, Grecian Females. 135, Tripod, Candelabrum, Chair, &c. 136, 151, Vases, Pateras, Lamp, &c.

157, Greek Vases. 174, Roman Study. 177, Victorious Auriga, or Driver in the Games of the Circus, from a statue in the Vatican. 184, Roman General. 189, 190, 191, Roman Soldiers. 198, 199, Roman Columbaria,

lumbaria, for the reception of Cinerary Urns.

The work itself is printed in two sizes: in two volumes quarto, and in one octavo. The latter, we are informed, has risen in price considerably since its publication.

The most important work, however, which we have to notice in the class of Archæology, is the description of the "Greek Marbles, brought from the Shores of the Eurine, Archipelago, and Mediterranean, and deposited in the Vestibule of the public Library of the University of Cambridge," by EDWARD DANIEL CLARKE, LL.D. It forms a modest, valuable catalogue, and is accompanied by four plates. The account of the statue of Ceres, published in 1803, is included in it, accompanied by some additions; and at the end, we have Professor Porson's translation of the Greek inscription on the Rosetta stone, now at the British Museum.

Here also may be mentioned, the acCount of ABBOT ISLIP's" Funeral," published by the Society of Antiquaries, in continuation of their Vetusta Monumenta, from a manuscript roll in the Herald's college.


First, in point of importance, in this class, we place, "The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's; chiefly compiled from Registers, Letters, and other authentie Evidences," by RALPH CHURTON, M.A. rector of Middletou Cheney, Northamptonshire. A work, which does honour both to the head and heart of the compiler. ALEXANDER NOWELL, a learned divine, and a famous preacher in the reign of King Edward the VI. was, to use the words of honest Izaac Walton, a man, that in the reformation of Queen Elizabeth, not that of Henry VIII. was so noted for his meek spirit, deep learning, prudence, and piety, that the then parliament and convocation, both, chose, enjoined, and trusted him to be the man to make a Catechism for public use, such a one as should stand as a rule for faith and manners to their pos terity. And the good old man, though he was very learned, yet, knowing that God leads us not to heaven by inany, nor by hard questions, made that good, plain, unperplexed Catechism, which is printed with our good old service-book. Upon the death of Edward VI. Nowell, with many other protestants, fled to Germany, where he lived for several years. In 1561, he was made dean of

St. Paul's; and in 1601, he died. Prefixed to the work, is an engraving of the portrait, which is likewise described by WALTON, in the "Complete Angler.” It is also accompanied by several other elegant embellishments.

A work more splendid in appearance, though certainly of less general attraction in its contents, has been published by Dr. DISNEY, in the "Memoirs of Thomas Brand Hollis, esq. F.R.S. and S.A." Prefixed is a portrait of Mr. Hollis: and interspersed, are nine views of the Hyde, (near Ingatestone,) and its curiosities. The work itself, like the monument which Dr. Disney erected in the church of Ingatestone, is a testimony of friendship and gratitude.

In Mr. MEADLEY's "Memoirs of Dr. Paley," we have another life, of no ordinary interest to the world in general. If it is not written with quite so much compactness as Mr. Churton's Life of Nowell, it is not strikingly inferior. Mr. Meadley, in the preface which precedes it, expresses himself in a manner too modest to be passed by. "The Memoirs (he says) now offered, to supply in some degree, a neglect, or at least to provoke the exertions of some abler pen, are, in the compiler's own estimation, very far from complete. The acknow ledged talents of some of Dr. Paley's earlier and more intimate friends, from whom an authentic detail of his life might most naturally be expected, ought perhaps to have deterred from the attempt one who knew him only in his later years. But a persuasion, that the whole of any eminent character can never be duly appreciated, except from the views of different observers on the one hand, and, on the other, an anxious wish to bear testimony to the merits of a much respected pastor, and to perpetuate his memory amongst his last parishioners more especially, have produced the present publication."

The Narrative is by no means one of dry detail. It is interspersed, not only with numerous, but valuable, memoranda of Dr. PALEY'S Conversations; highly illustrative of his real character.

In an Appendix will be found, some of Dr. Paley's minor productions, which, though not absolutely new to the public, are comparatively little known.

In a Narrative of the last Illness, and Death of Richard Porson, M.A. Professor of Greek, in the University of Cambridge," by Dr. ADAM CLARKE, WE have a pamphlet which cannot fail to

excite some interest with almost every reader. It is accompanied by a fac simile of an ancient Greek inscription, which formed the chief subject of the profes sor's last literary conversation.

Nor must we here forget to mention a posthumous publication of Mr. GILPIN'S, whose writings, both on the pic turesque, and in biography, have been so long valued by the world. It is a small volume, containing, "Memoirs of Josias Rogers, esq. Commander of his Majesty's Ship Quebec and presents the life of a gallant sailor, who would unquestionably have risen to higher honours in his profession, had his life been spared. The narrative is simple and impressive; worthy the pen of him whose name it bears.

NATURAL HISTORY, MINERALOGY, &c. Since our last Appendix, but few articles have occurred on the subject of Natural History.

Of Dr. SHAW'S "Zoological Lectures," delivered at the Royal Institution, it may be sufficient to announce the title. The author is well known by his former works, and as a public lecturer. If they contain but little novelty, they are neither destitute of order, interest, or correctness, the principal objects in works of Natural History.

"DEDE'S English Botanical Pocket Book, and DONOVAN'S Natural History of British Insects," are both.useful companions for those who carry with them leisure, taste, industry, and a love of science, into their country retreats, and most of all, for those who are secluded a considerable part of the year.

"The Alphabetical List of the Mineral Names, in English, French, and German," can only interest those who are in some measure adepts, or who wish to make


We have found ourselves much interested in Mr. COLLIER'S "Thoughts on Reanimation, from the Reproduction of Vegetable Life, and the Renewal of Life after Death to Insects." This work is so replete with the different views in which nature fulfils her benevolent designs in each system, that we cannot fail to recommend it to our young readers for the novelty they will meet with; and to their elders, for the comfortable as surances it points out of a future state, from every analogy.

"While the insect and the plant have been passing through one stage of sentient life, at the same time preparations have been, in a regular train, going on

for another, which death at length unfolds.

"Does all this foresight and contrivance end with these inferior systems is theirs, and theirs only, the distinguished privilege of living always?

"All of it did not die.' Life and death appeared, however, in alternate successions. The wither and death of the plant having taken place, a re-organized body, retaining the resemblance and qualities of the former, fills up its place, and passes through its several stages to maturityperfection.

"The insect, on the close of its first stage of animation and life, some short pause is seen to take place, and it appears to die, while yet, life is only again renewing, and to be passed in some newcreated body which it now enters into clad and fashioned as it may. Nature bringing about all her purposes, as they respect succession and reproduction, throughout these two systems.

Thus is

"Is one stage of active life all we have to pass no surely! the two systems we have here investigated, from analogy, at least, assure us, that we also live againthat we partake somehow, together with them, in the blessings of renewed exist→ ence somewhere.

"Under the intelligent will of the Power at work, one regular persevering process is going on-assuredly, in some way, it may implicate usor, do we deny the probability, that the grant of life after death extends beyond the two systems of insect life and vegetable? It is impossible to conceive of some not dissimilar mode adopted for the renewal of life after death to the human race. We have constantly seen the preparations going on, during one life for another in the plant; is it too much to expect, that at some period, (affixed or not) is it too much to suppose, that the envelopement of some particle (of dimension what it may) should take place in us. Death unfolds a something. We every day trace it in both systems."

On the subject of Anatomy, we have to announce one of those splendid performances which have long been common in a rival nation, but which rarely appear among us. A Hunter, a Baillie, a Cooper, a Saunders, have indeed introduced us to engravings, imitating, if not real life, at least that state of parts which the anatomist only can demonstrate. Mr. WATTS has undertaken an

Anatomico-Chirurgical Review of the Nose, Mouth, Larynx, and Fauces," with


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