
of Reserve, were on the 3d within three leagues of Madrid; but being charged by a picquet of Dragooos, they fled, abandoning 46 pieces of cannon, and 60 caissons.

A meritorious trait cited-An old General retired from the service, and aged eighty years, was in his house at Madrid, near the street of Alcala-a French Officer entered, and took up his quarters there, with his party. This respectable old man appeared before him, holding a young girl by the hand, and said, “I am an old soldier-1 know the rights and licentiousness of war-there is my daughterI give her 900,000 livres for her portion-save her honour, and be her husband." The young Officer took the old man, his family, and his house, under his protection. How culpable are they who expose so many peaceful citizens, so many unfortunate inhabitants of a great capital, to so many misfortunes.

The Duke of Dantzic arrived at Segovia on the 3d. The Duke of Istria is gone in pursuit of the division of Pena, which having escaped from the battle of Tudela, took the route of Guadalaxara. Florida Blanca, and the Junta, had fled to Toledo. They did not think themselves in safety in that town neither, and have gone to take refuge with the English.

The conduct of the English is shameful. On the 20th November they were at the Escurial to the number of 6000 men. They pas sed some days there. They pretended they would do nothing less than pass the Pyrenees, and come to the Garonne. Their troops are very fine and well disciplined. The conndence with which they had inspired the Spaniards is inconceivable. Some hoped that this division would go to Samosierra; others, that it would come to defend the capital of so dear an ally. Scarcely were they informed that the Emperor was at Samosierra, when the English troops beat a retreat on the Escurial. From thence, combining their march with the division which was at Salamanca, they have taken their course tewards the sea. "Arms, powder, and clothing they have given to us," said a Spaniard, "but their soldiers came only to excite us, to lead us astray, and to abandon us in the critical moment," "But are you ignorant," answered the French Officer," of the most recent facts of our history? What have they done for the Stadtholder, for Sardinis, for Austria? What have they done recently for Russia? What have they done still more recently for Sweden? They every where foment war; they distribute arms like poison; but they shed their blood only for their direct and personal interests. Expect nothing else from their selfishness." "Still," replied the Spaniard," their cause was ours. Forty thousand English added to our forces at Tudela, and Espinosa, might have balanced the fortune of the war, and saved Portugal. But at present, when our army of Blake on the left; that of the centre, and that of Arragon on the right, are destroyed; that Spain is almost entirely conquered, and that reason is

about to complete its submission, what is to become of Portugal? It is not at Lisbon that the English ought to defend themselves, they ought to have done so at Espinosa, at Burgos, at Tudela, at Samosierra, and before Madrid." No. 1.-To the Commandant of the Town of Madrid.

"Before Madrid, Dec. 3, 1808.-The circumstances of war having conducted the French army to the gates of Madrid, and all the dispositions being made to take possession of the town by storm, I hold it right, and conformable to the usage of all nations, to summon you, Monsieur General, not to expose a town so important to all the horrors of an as,

sault, nor to render so many peacerul inhabi

tants victims of the evils of war. Wishing to omit nothing to inform you of your real situa tion, I send you the present summons by one of your Officers who has been made prisoner, and who has had an opportunity of seeing all the means that the army has to reduce the town. Receive, Monsieur General, the assurances of my high consideration.


No. 2.-To bis Highness the Prince of Neufchatel.

"It is indispensably incumbent upon me, most Serene Signior, to consult, previous to my giving a categorical answer to your Highness, the constituted authorities of my Court, and, moreover, to assertain the dispositions of the people as impressed by the circumstances of the day. For these purposes I intreat your Highness to grant, for this day, a suspension of arms, in order that I may comply with those duties; assuring you that early in the morning, or this night, I will send a General Officer with my answer to your Highness and that I profess to you all the consideration due to your MARQUIS CASTELAR." "Madrid, 3d December 1808." No. 3.-To the General commanding in Madrid.


"Imperial Camp before Madrid.-Monsieur General Castelar-To defend Madrid is contrary to the principles of war, and inhuman towards the inhabitants. His Majesty authorises me to send you a second summons.-Im mense batteries are mounted; mines are prepared to blow up your principal buildings; colums of troops are at the entrances of the town, of which some companies of sharp-shooters have made themselves masters; but the Emperor, always generous in the course of his victories, suspends the attack till two o'clock. The town of Madrid ought to look for protection and security for its peaceable inhabitants; for its Ministers; in fine, the oblivion of the past. Hoist a white flag before two o'clock, and send Commissioners to treat for the sur render of the town. Accept, Mons. General, &c. Major-Gen. ALEX. BERTHIER." Dec. 4, 11 A.M.

Fifteenth Bulletin.

Madrid, Dec. 7.-This Bulletin contains particulars of several Officers who had distin guished

guished themselves, with their several promotions. Itthenstates, that Gen. Lubienski had, on the 2d, reconnoitred the remains of the army of Castanos, near Guadalaxara, under the command of Gen. Pena. Castanos was said to have been deposed by the Central Junta Then follows a long tirade against the Duke Del Infantado, which ends with stating, that he will lose his titles, bis property valued at 2,000,000 livres a-year, and he will go to London, to seek the contempt and ingratitude with which England has always rewarded the men who sacrifice their honour and their country to the injustice of their cause.'

The Bulletin continues: "As soon as the report of Count Lubienski, was known, the Duke of Istria put himself in motion with 16 squadrons, to observe the enemy. The Duke of Belluna followed with the infantry. The Duke of Istria arrived at Guadalaxara, and found there the rear-guard of the enemy, which was filing towards Andalusia, dispersed it, and made 500 prisoners. The General of Division Ruffin, and the brigade of dragoons of Bordesault, informed that the enemy were moving towards Aranjuez, proceeded to that place. The The enemy were put to flight, and these troops were immediately sent in pursuit of all those that are flying towards Andalusia. The General of Division Lahoussaye entered the Es curial on the 3d. Five or six hundred peasants wished to defend the Convent, but were driven out by a brisk attack."-Then follows fur ther particulars of the tranquil state of Madrid, and the orderly manner in which that city was taken possession of, &c. A French soldier found guilty of plundering a number of watches, was shot in the principal square. The disarming was carried on without difficulty. The "King of Spain" (Joseph) had formed two regiments of foreign troops, from the Spanish army; one the Royal Foreigners, and the other that of Reding the younger, a Swiss General of a very different character from that of the Spanish General of the same name. The 5th and 8th corps of the French armies were but passing the Bidossa, very far from the line of the French army, and all the victories recounted were already obtained, and the business almost completely settled.

Sixteenth Bulletin.

Madrid, Dec. 8.-This Bulletin begins with the praises and rewards of distinguished Officers. The General of Division, Ruffin, having passed the Tagus at Aranjuez, advanced towards Ocara, and cut off the retreat of the remains of the Army of Andalusia, which wished to retire to their own province, and throw themselves towards Cuenca. The divisions of cavalry of Generals Lasalle and Milhaud were directed to march on Portugal by Zalavera de la Reyna. His Majesty wished to spare Saragossa till Madrid had surrendered; but if that town would be obstinate enough to make resistance, mines and bombs should bring it to reason. The English fly on every

side. The division of Lasalle has, however, fallen in, with 16 men of them, who have been put to the sword. They were stragglers, or such who had gone astray.

Then follow some particulars of the siege of Rosas, in Catalonia, which had not surrendered; but it is supposed the inhabitants were thinking to evacuate it. About 400 Engl sh

men, who had landed, were killed or driven into the sea by an Italian regiment. An at. tack made by the Spaniards on the Huora, was repulsed with loss.

Seventeenth Bulletin.

Madrid, Dec. 10. His Majesty reviewed yesterday on the Prado the Dake of Dantzic's corps, which arrived the day before yesterday at Madrid. He expressed his satisfaction at these brave troops. To-day he reviewed the troops of the Confederation of the Rhine, forming the division commanded by Gen. Leval. The regiments of Nassau and Baden behaved well. The regiment of Hesse Darmstadt did not sustain the reputation of the troops of that country. The Colonel and Major appear to be men of moderate talents.

The Duke of Istria set off on the 5th for Guadalaxera. He scoured the whole road from Saragossa and Valencia, made 500 prisoners, and took a great deal of baggage. At Baston a battalion of 500 men, summoned by the cavalry, were broken in upon. The enemy's army, beaten at Tudela and Catalayud, abandoned by its Generals and a great number of soldiers, was reduced to 6000 men.-On the 8th, at midnight, the Duke of Istria attacked at Santa Cruz, a corps which covered the flight of the enemy's army. That corps was closely pursued and a thousand prisoners taken. It wish ed to throw itselfinto Andalusiaby Madridego. It appears to have been forced to disperse in the mountains of Cuenca.

Eighteenth Bulletin.

Madrid, Dec. 12.-The Central Junta of Spain had but little power; the greater part of the provinces paid it little submission, and all of them deprived it of the administration of the finances. It was under the influence of the lowest class of the people; it was governed by the minority. Florida Blanca was without any credit. The Junta was under the controul of two men, the one named Lorenzo Calvo, a grocer of Saragossa, who had in a few months obtained the title of Excellency: he is one of those violent men who appear in revolutions: his honesty was more than suspected. The other is called Tilly, formerly condemned to the gallows as a thief, the younger brother of a man of the name of Gusman, who formerly played a part under Robespierre during the reign of terror. As soon as any of the Members of the Junta opposed the violent measures that were proposed, these two wretches immediately called out "Treason," and immediately a mob was collected under the windows of Aranjuez. The extravagance and wickedness of these dangerous men manifested itself upon all occasions. As soon as they learnt that the


Emperor was at Burgos, and he would soon be at Madrid, they published a declaration of war against France, replete with insults and folly.

On the 11th, when the General of Division Lasalle, who was pursuing the enemy, arrived at Talavera de la Reyna, where the English had triumphantly passed ten days before; saying they were going to relieve the capital, a frightful spectacle met the eyes or the French A body clothed in the uniform of a Spanish General, was suspended from a gallows, and pierced with a thousand bull: ts. It was General Banito San Jean, whom his soldiers in their terror, and as an excuse for their cowardke, cruelly sacrificed-The Bishops of Leon and Astorga, and a great number of Ecclesiastics, distinguished themselves by their good Conduct and their apostolic virtues. The general pardon offered by the Emperor has produced a great effect. The abolition of the duties odious to the people, and contrary to the prosperity of the state, and the measures which leave the numerous class of Monks no longer any uncertainty respecting their lot, produced a good effect.

The general animadversion is against the English. The peasants say, in their language, that at the approach of the French the English went away to mount their wooden horses (ships).

Nineteenth Bulletin.

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The breaking up of the Spanish troops is observed on every side The new levies which were attempted to be raised disperse on all sides and return to their homes.

The details which we learn from the Spamards respecting the Central Junta are all of a nature to place them in the most ridiculous point of view. That Assembly has already become an object of contempt with all Europe. Its Members, to the number of 86, have bestowed upon themselves titles and ribbons of every sort, and an annual allowance of 60,000 livres. Florida Blanca was a real man of straw: he is now ashamed of the dishonour he has brought upon his old age. As usually happens in such assemblies, two or three per sans domineer over all the rest, and these two or three persons were in the pay of England. The opinion held by the city of Madrid respecting the Junta is notorious: they are as much the object of the mockery and derision as they are of the detestation of the inhabitants of the capital.

Never was there so fine a December; it is

like the beginning of Spring. The Emperor avails himself of the fine weather to remain in the country, one league from Madrid. Twentieth Bulletin.

Madrid, Dec. 19.-His Majesty this day reviewed the army which is at Madrid, with all its equipage and appointments. Sixty thousand men, 150 pieces of cannon, more than 1500 carts loaded with biscuit and brandy, formed an assemblage formidable in every respect. The right of the army was stationed on Charmartin, and the left stretched beyond Madrid. The Duke of Belluna still continues at Toledo with the whole of his corps.

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The Duke of Dantzic, with the whole of his corps, still continues at Talavera de la Reyna.

The 8th corps has arrived at Burgos. General St. Cyr is forming a junction at Barcelona with General Duhesme.

Our posts of cavalry are clearing the roads to the borders of Andalusia.

The Emperor has given the army a few days of repose.

Very fine fortifications are carrying on upon the heights of Madrid. Six thousand men are employed on these works.

The small besieging train, composed of 24 pounders and of small mortars, is arrived.

There has been found at Talavera de la Reyna, about 50 men in the hospitals, two ot three hundred saddles, and some remains of magazines belonging to the English troops.

Some detachments of cavalry have made their appearance in the neighbourhood of Va ladolid. This is the first symptom of existence which the English have indicated. Their sick and their deserters are in great number. On the 13th of December their army was still at Salamanca. Such distinguished self denial; such a singular state of immobility for the last six successive weeks, must be acknowledged to have the appearance of something very extraordinary.

His Majesty enjoys the most perfect state of health.

Twenty-First Balletin..

This bulletin begins with an account of the entrance of the English into Spain, on the 29th October, and gives a detail of our operations to the taking of General Lefebvre, on the 29th December.

On the 28th December, Bonaparte's headquarters were at Valderas, the Marshal Soult at Mancilla, and the Marshal Ney at Villafer. The weather is very bad: we suffer, but the English suffer more.

Twenty Second Bulletin.

Benevente, Dec. 21.-The head-quarters of the French were here yesterday. The Marshal Bessieres passed through Benevente on the 30th, at night, and pursued the enemy to Puente. The flight of the English is so quick, that they leave their sick and wounded in the hospitals, and shoot their horses that were fatigued or wounded-they have also been obliged to burn a superb magazine of clothing, &c.


All the Germans in the service of the English desert. The French army will be this evening at Astorga, and near the confines of Gallicia.

Twenty-Third Bulletin.

Benevente, Jan. 1.-Marshal Soult arrived at Mancilla on the 30th, which was occupied by the enemy's left wing under Ro


General Franceschi overthrew them with a single charge-killed many; they lost one Colonel, two Lieutenant-Colonels, 50 Officers and 1500 men.

On the 31st, Marshal Soult entered Inson. Marshal Bessieres, with 900 cavalry, is pursuing the English-we have taken 200 waggons of baggage left on the road to Astorga -Romana's remains have thrown themselves into Astorga.

General St. Cyr has joined General Duhesme. That junction has raised his army to 40,000. The King of Spain has gone to Aranjuez, in order to review the first corps, commanded by the Duke of Belluna.

Twenty-Fourth Bulletin.

Astorga, Jan. 2.-The Emperor arrived here on the 1st. The road from Benevente to Astorga is covered with dead English horses, waggons, and caissons.

On the road from Astorga to Villafranca, General Colbert, commanding the advanced guard, made 2000 prisoners.

The Emperor has charged the Duke of Dalmatia with the glorious mission of pursuing the English to their point of embarkation, and of throwing them into the sea.

General St. Cyr has entered Barcelona; the Dukes of Cornegliano and Treviso have invested Saragossa, and taken possession of Monte Terrero with little loss.

General Sebastiani, having passed the Tagus on the 24th, at Arzobispo, has attacked and routed the remains of the Estremaduran army. General Valence has passed the Tagus over the bridge of Almaraz.

Corunna, Jan 6.-The retreat of the English army is confirmed. At twelve o'clock yesterday, the army had assembled at Lugo, with the exception of General Frazer's division, which had made a considerable advance towards Vigo, but was ordered to fall back to the assistance of the main body, a battle being hourly expected. Benevente has been burnt, and the French threaten Astorga with the same fate. At both these places English prisoners have been murdered by Bonaparte.

Previous to the assembling of the English at Lugo, the cavalry which covered the retreat, assisted by the flying artillery, had thrice repulsed a column of the enemy, consisting of 2000 cavalry, and rendered it completely incompetent to act again by itself.

Jan. 9.-1 he staff equipage of the English arrived here on the 7th, but the head quarters of the army are still at Lugo. On the afternoon of the 6th, the ereny made a partial attack on the English position, but were re

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pulsed with the loss of about 500 men, that of the English being but trifling.

The sea-batteries here have been dismantled, in order that they might not furnish the enemy with means of annoyance. The enemy have two columns on their march to Portugal, one for Lisbon by Estremadura and Elvas, the other had reached Zamora on the 15th, on its way to Oporto.

Jan. 13.-The whole of the English army effected a retreat to this place and its vicinity on the 11th in the evening. Gen. Beresford, however, occupies the heights near Betanzos, with a corps of about 5000 men, who are busily employed in fortifying that position.

Whilst at Lugo, Sir J. Moore drew up his army in order of battle, inviting the attack of the enemy, which was, however, declined by him.

The Governor of Lugo has reported, under date of the 7th inst. that on the 6th inst. at three o'clock in the afternoon, at a league's distance from that town, the English troops were engaged with the advanced parties of the enemy; but the latter were repulsed, and the former shew no inclination of maintain

ing themselves in that position.


Dispatches, from which the following are extracts, were, on the 8th of Jan. received at the Office of Lord Viscount Castlereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, from Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Moore, K. B. Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces employed in Spain.

Benevente, Dec. 28, 1808. the 16th, from Toro, the army has been alSince I had the honour to address you upon most constantly marching through snow, and with cold that has been very intense. The weather, within these few days, has turned than the cold, and has rendered the roads alto rain, which is much more uncomfortable most impassable. On the 21st the army reached Sahagun; it was necessary to halt there in order to refresh the men, and on account of provisions. The information that I received was, that Marshal Soult was at Saldana, with about 16,000 men, with posts



the river from Guarda to Carrion. The army was ordered to march in two columns at eight o'clock on the night of the 23d, to force the bridge at Carrion, and from thence proceed to Saldana. At six o'clock that evening, I received information that considerable reinforcements had arrived at Carrion from Palencia, and a letter from the Marquis de la Romana informed me that the French were advancing from Madrid either to Valladolid or Salamanca. It was evident that it was too

late to prosecute the attempt upon Soult, that I must be satisfied with the diversion I had occasioned, and that I had no time to lose to

secure my retreat.

The next morning Lieut.-Gen. Hope, with his own division and that of Lieut.-Gen. Fraser,

Fraser, marched to M jorga. I sent Sir D. Baird with his division to pass the river Valmira and followed Lieut.-Gen. Hope on the 25th with the reserve and the Light Brigades, by Majorga, Valderas, to Benevente. The cavalry under Lord Paget followed the reserve on the 26th; both the latter corps entered this place yesterday. We continued our march on Astorga. Generals Hope and Fraser are already gone on; Sir D. Baird proceeds to-morrow from Valencia; and I shall leave this with the reserve at the same time; Lord Paget will remain with the cavalry to give us notice of the approach of the enemy; hitherto their infantry have not come up; but they are near, and the cavalry is round us in great numbers; they are checked by our cavalry, which have obtained by their spirit and enterprise an ascendancy over that of the French, which nothing but great superiority of numbers on their part will get the better of.

The diversion made by our march to Sabagun, though at great risk to ourselves, has been complete; it remains to be seen what advantage the Spaniards in the South will be able to take of it; but the march of the French en Badajoz was stopped when its advanced guard had reached Talaveira de la Reine, and every thing disposeable is now turned in this direction.

The only part of the army which has hitherto been engaged with the enemy, has been the cavalry, and is it impossible for me to say too much in their praise. I mentioned to your Lordship in my letter of the 16th, the success Brigadier-General Stewart had met with in defeating a detachment of cavalry at Rueda. Since that, few days have passed without his killing or taking different parties of the French, generally superior in force to those which attacked them. On the march to Sahagun, Lord Paget had information of six er seven hundred cavalry being in that town. He marched on the night of the 20th from some villages where he was posted in front of the enemy at Majorga, with the 10th and 15th Hussars. The tenth marched straight to the town, whilst Lord Paget with the 15th endeavoured to turn it. Un ortunately he fell in with a patrol, one of whom escaped and gave the alarm. By this means the French had time to form on the outside of the town before Lord Paget got round. He immediately charged them, beat them, and took from 140 to 150 prisoners, amongst whom were two Lieutenant-Colonels and eleven officers, with the les on our part of six or eight men, and per haps 20 wounded.

There have been taken by the cavalry from 4 to 500 French, besides a considerable numbe killed; this since we begun our march from Salamanca. On his march from Sahagun, oa the 20th, Lord Paget, with two squadrons of the 10th, attacked a detachment of cavalry it Majorga, killed 20, and took above 100 prisoners. Our cavalry is very superior in MONTHLY Mac., No. 181.

quality to any the French have; and the right spirit has been infused into them by the example and instruction of their two leaders: Lord Paget and Brigadier-Gen. Stewart.

Astorga, Dec. 31.

I arrived here yesterday. Major-Gen. Fra ser, with his division, will be at Villa Franca this day, and will proceed on Lugo. Lieut.Gen. Hope, with his division, stopped yester day two leagues from this, and proceeds this morning, followed by Sir D. Baird. The two flank brigades go by the road of Penferada. [ shall follow, with the reserve and cavalry, to Villa Franca, either this night or to-morrow morning, according as I hear the approach of the French. The morning I marched from Benevente, seven squadrons of Bonaparte's Guards passed the river at a ford above the bridge. They were attacked by BrigadierGen. Stewart, at the head of the piquets of the 18th and 3d German light dragoons, and driven across the ford. Their Colonel, a General of Division, Lefebvre, was taken, together with about 70 officers and men.

The affair was well contested. The numbers with which Brigadier-Gen. Stewart attacked were inferior to the French; it is the corps of the greatest character in the army; but the superiority of the British was, I am told, very conspicuous. I enclose, for your Lordship's satisfaction, Lord Paget's Report of


Benevente, Dec. 29.

SIR-I have the honour to inform you, that about nine o'clock this morning I received a report that the enemy's cavalry was in the act of crossing the river near the bridge. Iimmediately sent down the piquets of the night, under Lieut.-Colonel Otway, of the 18th. Having left orders that the cavalry should repair to their alarm posts. I went forward to reconnoitre, and found four squadrons of Imperial Guards formed and skirmishing with the picquets and other cavalry in the act of passing. I sent for the 10th hussars, who having arri ved, Brigadier-Gen. Stewart immediately placed himself at the head of the picquets, and with the utmost gallantry attacked. The 10th hussars supported in the most perfect or der.

The result of the affair, so far as I have yet been able to collect, is about 30 killed, and 25 wounded, 70 prisoners, and about the same number of horses.

It is impossible for me to avoid speaking in the highest terms of all those engaged Lieut. Colonel Otway and Major Bagwell headed the respective night picquets. The latter is slightly wounded. The utmost zeal was conspicuous in the whole of my staff; and I had many volunteers from head-quarters, and other officers of your army. Amongst the prisoners is the General of Division Lefebvre (who commands the cavalry of the Imperial Guard), and two Captains. Our loss is I fear nearly 50 men killed and wounded. I will



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