
SERM.Cy of Building, to be furnished with neV. ceffary Utenfils, and decent Ornaments, after fuch a Manner as will make God's Glory appear moft confpicuous in the Eyes of Men, and Man's Service most hearty and affectionate, and, by Confequence, most acceptable in the Sight of God.

GREAT Care, therefore, ought to be taken, that nothing vile or mean, uncomely or indecent, be admitted into that Place which is dedicated to God's Worship; and whoever truly loves and honours God, he will have a particular Value and Esteem for every Thing which belongs to him; he cannot remain an unconcerned Spectator where God's Honour is concerned, though in the smallest and most inconfiderable Circumftances; and, whoever is carelefs and remifs in the Externals and Circumftantials of Religion, it is much to to be feared, that he is fo, also, in the effential and vital Parts of it: That Zeal, which inflames his Affections, will derive an Influence upon all his Actions, and will not fuffer him to omit any Thing which tends to promote God's Glory. And therefore in thofe Places where magnificent Buildings cannot be erected to the Service of God, by reafon of the small Number and Poverty of the Inhabitants,


yet every good Man will endeavour that SE RM. a convenient Place be fet a-part for the V, Worship of God; that it be decently furnished, neatly and cleanly kept, modeftly adorned, and fo competently endowed, as may afford a comfortable Subfiftance for those who ferve at the Altar.

AGAIN, fince Mufic has always been. efteemed an Affiftant to Devotion, when grave, and folemn, and kept within its due Bounds and Restrictions; therefore, in fuch Places, where the Quality and Opulency of the Inhabitants will admit of it, it is highly commendable and praiseworthy; for it will not only add to the Solemnity of our Worship, but it chears the Heart and raises the Spirits; it compofes the Mind, and difpels the Fumes of Melancholy, and chaces away thofe panic Fears, which are the Caufe of Superstition. Acts of Praise ought to be attended with Joy and Complacency, and God loves a chearful Worshiper, as well as a chearful Giver. The good Man has moft Reason to be merry and chearful, to rejoice and fing, because he is affured of God's Love and Favour here, and that great will be his Reward in Heaven.

6. Lastly, If God has promised to come unto us and bless us in thofe Places where

SERM. he records his Name, then let us praise V. and magnify the Name of God, who has given fuch Gifts unto Men: Who has put it into the Hearts of pious and good Men, to build Places for God's public Worship, to enlarge, beautify, and endow them, when built. Let us look up and blefs our good God from whofe bountiful Hand all thefe gracious Gifts originally come; but let us not forget the due Returns of our Gratitude to those whom God has made the Inftruments of conveying thefe Bleffings to us. And, the more to incite our grateful and affectionate Returns both to God and Man, let us confider with ourselves, what an uneafy and uncomfortable Condition it was, when we were lately excluded only for fome fhort Time, from the House of God; and how dreadful a Judgment it would be, to be wholly deprived of the Place of God's public Worship. It was looked upon amongst the Jews, as no flight Punishment, to be caft out of the Synagogue; and tho', in our profane and Atheistical Age, Excommunication has loft its Force, and is esteemed only as brutum Fulmen; yet in the primitive Times it was looked upon, as the feverest Punishment which could be inflicted upon the

incorrigible Offender; now the best Way SERM, to demonftrate our Gratitude to God and V. Man, for thefe Bleffings, is to be fruitful under them, and thankful for them. And as for thofe who have contributed to the greater Beauty and Solemnity of God's Worship, let their Minds be filled with Complacency and Satisfaction, and their Hearts fpring with Joy, when they confider, that they have had both the Will and Ability to set forward fo good a Work, fo honourable to God, and fo beneficial to their Neighbours and themselves. They may reasonably hope, that what they have offered up unto God, will return into their own Bofoms, and may fay with Na-Neh. xiii. hemiah, Remember me, O my God, con- 14. cerning this, and wipe not out my good Deeds that I have done for the House of my God, and for the Offices thereof. Remember me, Ver. 22. O my God, concerning this alfo, and Spare me according to the Greatness of thy Mercy. For God, by his fpecial Providence, will repay their good Deeds, and their Charity fhall cover a Multitude of Sins.

AND, if we are poffeffed with a fincere Love to God, this will enlarge our Hearts, and warm our Affections towards our poor Brethren; and we fhall readily bestow upon then a few Pence, when we con


SERM. fider that we have received fuch immense Treasures, from our generous and almighty Benefactor. We fhall not fuffer the Hungry and Thirsty to pine for Want of neceffary Provifions, the Naked to starve for Want of Raiment, nor the Ignorant to perish for Want of Knowledge; but do what in us lies to fupply their several Wants; and by these good Works, and whatever elfe we can, to promote the Benefit of Man and the Glory of God.

Now unto God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, three Perfons but one God, be all Honour, Glory, and Praife, for these and all other Bleffings, both spiritual and temporal, now, and evermore.


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