
ange had established a sort of counter-govern-
ment, from which orders, as for the whole of
Flanders, were issued. At length even Antwerp
was wrested from them, with the exception of
the citadel, which, with a garrison of seven thou-
sand men, was held by a resolute veteran, GEN-
ERAL CHASSÉ. On the 27th October, the
Prince of Orange left the town for the Oct. 27.
Hague, and he was no sooner gone than symp-
toms of insurrection appeared. Encouraged
by a body of troops which approached from
Brussels, and who were stealthily admitted
within the gates, the people broke into revolt,
surrounded and disarmed several isolated sol-
diers and detachments, and gradually wrested
from the Dutch all the gates, while the garrison
retired to the citadel. Emboldened by this suc-
cess, the insurgents ventured to measure their
strength with the citadel, and fired some
shots at the sentinels on the ramparts.
Chassé replied by a vigorous fire from two hun-
dred pieces of artillery, which speedily set the
town on fire in several places, and destroyed
property to the amount of 5,000,000 florins
(£400,000). Menaced with total ruin, the in-
surgents were too happy to accede to a con-
vention, by which a suspension of 1 Moniteur,
hostilities was agreed to, on condi- November 1,
tion of the city remaining in their 1830; Ann.
hands, and the citadel, arsenal, and 568, 574;
squadron in those of General Chas- Cap. iii.
80, 81.

Oct. 29.

Hist. xiii.

which that gallant people are pre-eminently dis-sa, and at the first of which the Prince of Ortinguished, they intrenched themselves strongly in the quarters adjacent to the park, and filled all the houses looking into it with musketeers. The Dutch troops might easily have forced the city to capitulate, by bombarding it from the park, which commanded it in every part; but the Prince of Orange was reluctant to proceed to such extremities with his own capital city, and with reason apprehended that it was a hopeless thing to attempt to conciliate a hostile kingdom by burning its metropolis. He confined himself, accordingly, to a combat of musketry, the effect of which would not reach beyond the combatants; and the entrance into the Place Royale from the park continued through the whole of the 24th to be the theatre of as warm a fire as ever was witnessed in street conflicts. The insurgents, however, bravely stood their ground, and notwithstanding the most vigorous efforts, the Dutch troops were unable to dislodge them from the houses commanding the entrances of the parks. During the night the insurgents received great reinforcements from Liege, Ghent, and other towns, which had espoused the same cause, and this so encouraged them that on the morning of the 25th they assumed the offensive, and Sept. 25. commenced a vigorous attack on the Royalists in the park at all points. Success was for some time pretty nearly balanced; but reinforcements having come up in great numbers during the day, the insurgents, toward evening, gained decided advantages, dismounted a bat- It was not to be expected that GERMANY, the tery which the Dutch had established in front land of ardent feelings, heroic courof the palace of the Prince of Orange, and forced age, and lofty aspirations, as the tone State of pothe Dutch into the extremity of the Madeleine, of its contemporary literature and the litical feelwhere they succeeded in maintaining them- deeds of its gallant sons demonstrate, ing in Gerselves. But as they were now evidently over- was to escape the influence of the matched, and had a whole nation on their hands, electric shock of the French Revolution. It was the royal troops were withdrawn early in the felt there, accordingly, and only with the more morning of the 26th, and took the road to Ant- vehemence that the people were unaccustomed werp. The revolutionary chiefs, amidst shouts to the exercise of political rights, and that to of triumph, immediately appointed a provision- them the land of freedom was the fairy region al government, which forthwith pro- of imagination, not the theatre of actual expe1 Moniteur, October 1,' nounced the dethronement of Fred-rience or observation. The feelings of a large 1830; Ann. erick-William from the Hôtel de Ville of Brussels, as Lafayette had done 561, 568. from the Hôtel de Ville of Paris,1 This decisive victory of an insurgent populace over a considerable body of regular troops, armed with a powerful artillery, and headed by a prince of the blood, produced, as well it might, the separa- very great sensation in Europe, and tion of Bel- stimulated the revolutionists every gium and Holland is where to imitate the example of the pronounced Parisians and Belgians, and overturn by the the existing authorities by a wellChamber. concerted urban tumult. The whole provinces of Flanders followed the example of the capital, and declared for the provisional government and the separation from Holland. The Estates, by a majority of 55 to 43, decided

Hist. xiii.


The insurrection ex

tends generally, and

for the separation; and ordered a nationOct. 18. al Congress, where all interests should be represented. Meanwhile the fortresses, still remaining in the hands of the Dutch, being without ammunition or provisions, were all obliged to capitulate except Antwerp, Maestricht, and Luxembourg, which, with the province of Limburg, held out for the house of Nas



At pres

portion of the people had been deeply wound-
ed by the failure on the part of the greater
powers to perform the promises which, under
the pressure of danger in the war of liberation,
they had made to give representative institu-
tions to their people. This theme, so vast and
important, will form the subject of an ample
disquisition in a future chapter, when Germa-
ny comes prominently forward, and the causes
which led to the general outbreak of its inhabit-
ants in 1848 require to be recounted.
ent, as the disturbances which occurred were
only partial, and of ephemeral duration, though
not ephemeral consequences, it is sufficient to
observe, that though representative institutions
had been established in Wirtemberg, Baden,
and several of the lesser States, subsequent to
1814, yet they were either wholly awanting, or
existing only in form, in Austria and Prussia,
and that a deep though smothered feeling of in-
dignation pervaded the middle class over all
Germany, at what they justly regarded as a
deliberate breach of faith on the part of their
governments in this vital particular. When
men's minds were in this indignant and agitated
state, a spark was sufficient to produce an ex-

82. Disturbances


plosion; and the French Revolution was too ed on intelligence being received of the events important an event not at once to induce it. in Brussels; but they assumed the 84. The train took fire first in the great commer- most formidable aspect in Leipsic, In Dresden, cial and manufacturing towns, the Dresden, Brunswick, and Hesse-Cas- Leipsic, and centres, in all ages and countries, sel. In the first of these cities, exin Aix-la-Cha- of independent thought and united tensive mercantile transactions, a great spread pelle and Co- action. No sooner did the disturb- of knowledge, and the vast concourse of stranlogne. ances, accordingly, break out in gers during the fair, had greatly strengthened August 30. Brussels, than they extended to the desire for popular institutions. In the secAix-la-Chapelle and Cologne, in both of which ond, in addition to the general desire for freecities the workmen assembled in tumultuous dom, there was united the discontent of a popucrowds, and began to pillage shops, break ma-lation generally Protestant at a royal family still chines, attack manufactories, and deliver prison- Catholic. In Leipsic, the disturbances, which ers from jail in order to swell the ranks of the originated with the students of the unidisaffected. These disorders excited the utmost versity, were repressed without any seSept. 7. alarm all along the Rhine, in all the principal rious consequences at the end of two days; but cities on which river symptoms of agitation ap- at Dresden the populace for a time gained the peared; and it was only by the general turning ascendant. The Hôtel de Ville and the Hôtel out and firm countenance of the burgher mili- de la Police were both burned, and the Sept. 9. tia that they were prevented from breaking out King was obliged to fly from his capital, into open insurrection. Greatly alarmed, the and take refuge in the impregnable fortress of Prussian government in haste moved forward Königstein, so celebrated in the wars of Fredseveral veteran regiments of Old Prussia into the erick the Great and Napoleon. At Hesse-CasRhenish provinces; and Prince William of Prussel-where the people, in addition to the other sia, on September 9th, addressed a letter to the causes of German discontent, were irritated by authorities there, expressing his resolution not the absence of the Elector, who lived, apart from to interfere with the internal affairs of France, the Electress, a scandalous life at his palace 1 Cap. iii. or the form of its government, but to of Wilhelmshohe, in which his presence was 92, 93; An. defend the Prussian dominions from signalized only by arbitrary decrees or acts of Hist. xiii. attack, and maintain the provinces on oppression against his subjects-the disorders 629, 630. the Rhine to the last extremity.1* were not less serious, and were only put down From the banks of the Rhine the agitation by four thousand of the Burgher 1 Ann. Hist. was communicated like an electric Guard and four hundred regular xiii. 634, 640; Convulsions shock through all the cities of the troops.1 Cap. iii. 96. north of Germany, though the success which attended the attempts Germany. at insurrection was very various, according to the vigilance and strength of the Government in different places, and the fidelity which the troops evinced when brought into contact with the people. Enough, however, appeared to indicate what the events of 1848 so fully confirmed, that the stability of existing institutions in Germany rested entirely upon the strength and fidelity of the armed force; that in the midst of feudal manners, institutions, and traditions, though repressed by an enormous military establishment, there existed a deep and widespread spirit of discontent in the industrious and highly-educated middle classes; and that, if the time should come when the regular troops were no longer, as in France, to be relied on in a conflict with the people, or were openly to espouse the popular side, society would be shaken to its centre, and the most dreadful convulsions might be anticipated.2 In all the cities where the Teutonic race was predominant, even the military capital of Bavaria, and the distant metropolis of Denmark, disturbances or symptoms of disorder appear


in all the north of

3 Cap. iii. 93, xiii. 626, 629.

95; An. Hist.

Still more alarming were the disturbances in Brunswick. On the 6th the pop- 85. ulace rose, and, disregarding six- And in Brunsteen pieces of cannon placed around wick. Sept. 6. the palace of the reigning sovereign, but which were never discharged, surrounded the ducal residence, which was soon committed to the flames. The whole pictures and furniture were broken to pieces or thrown out of the windows, and the superb pile reduced to ashes. The Duke fled in disguise during the darkness of the night, and escaped to London, where he was coldly received by the English government, which was aware of the indiscretions and faults on his part which had occasioned so violent an explosion. Meanwhile, the Estates of the duchy conferred the government, provisionally, on his brother Prince William, in the character of regent, and as a matter of necessity he was recognized by the courts of London, Berlin, and Vienna. Even the distant capital of Vienna felt the shock. Assemblages were formed in the streets which defied the whole power of the police, and were dispersed only by the appearance of 2 Ann. Hist. the cuirassiers; and the dawn of xiii. 631, that spirit already appeared, des- 634, 637; tined at no distant period to threat- Cap. ii. 96; Moniteur, en with dissolution the whole Aus- Sept. 12, trian monarchy.2



"Le roi m'a chargé de témoigner à ses sujets des provinces Rhénanes combien il regrettait de ne pouvoir se rendre au milieu d'eux. Les évènemens survenus en SWITZERLAND did not escape the general conFrance nécessitent sa présence dans sa capitale. Cependant le roi est fermement résolu de ne s'immiscer en rien tagion; and though the shepherds dans les affaires de ce pays, et de laisser le volcan se con- of the valleys, in possession of full Political consumer dans son intérieur. Mais si les Français attaquai- democratic privileges, remained tests in Switzforces pour les combattre. Les travaux qui ont été exé- tranquil, the burghers of its cities, erland. cutés à Coblentz et qui en font un boulevard puissant de who were not equally endowed, were violently la monarchie, prouvent l'importance que sa majesté attache agitated. The Federal Diet was sitting at Berne à la possession des provinces Rhénanes, et sa ferme ré-in perfect tranquillity when the news arrived solution de les défendre à toute extrémité.-GUILLAUME. Coblentz, 9 Septembre, 1830."-Ann. Hist., xiii. 93, note. of the revolution of July in Paris; and the ex

ent nos frontières, alors le roi rassemblerait toutes ses

Nov. 27.


citement immediately became so violent that it was evident the demand for more popular institutions could no longer be withstood. Wisely resolving to yield to a storm which they could not resist, the cantons in which aristocratic institutions still existed, themselves took the lead in making the changes which were demanded. Zurich was the first which did so. the 27th November the local Legislature of that city passed a resolution fixing the representation of the Council at 212 members, of whom a third were to be returned by the eity, and two-thirds by the landward part of the canton, fixing the qualification for representatives at twenty-nine years of age, and a fortune of 5000 francs (£200). This Council was to appoint a smaller body, which was to form a constitution, the basis of which was to be popular sovereignty, and an equal division of the public burdens. Similar organic changes, in effect, like the Reform Bill in England, amounting to revolution, were brought about in Lucerne, Soleure, Argovia, St. Gall, and Turgovia, not without, in some, serious popular disorders which disgraced the land and cause of freedom. Berne itself, the most aristocratic of all the cantons, underwent its revolution. The petitions praying for reform and an extension of popular rights, presented to its Council of State, were so numerous that at length they could no longer be resisted, and in the beginning of December a meeting of the great Council, which consisted of 217 members, was held, at which it was unanimously resolved to put the whole militia of the country on a war footing, and to appoint a committee of eleven to revise the constitution. So great, however, was the public agitation, that these measures would not suffice, and the central committee of government accordingly convoked a general assembly of the representatives of all the cantons to meet at Berne on the 23d December. It decreed the levy of sixty Dec. 23. thousand men, to cause the external independence of the confederation to be respect ed; but wisely abstained from interfering with the internal constitutions of the can1st. tons, which were left to their sepaxiii. 674,678. rate Legislatures.1

ITALY also felt the shock, and, from the more 87. ardent temperament of its inhabitConvulsions ants, and the circumstance of their in Italy. having so long been unaccustomed to the exercise of any of the rights of freemen, with more violence than in the colder latitudes of the Alps. In Lombardy and Piedmont the extreme vigilance of the police, and the presence of an immense Austrian force, the fidelity of which could perfectly be relied on, prevented any open convulsions; but the impression was not the less decided, and the public passions, long and rigorously repressed, only acquired the greater strength from being brooded over in silence. The fermentation was extreme in Bologna and Modena, the two cities of the peninsula most warmly attached to the new institutions; but it was repressed with rigor, and in Florence overawed by the influence of Austria. In Rome the effect was very great at first, but it was ere long superseded by the election of a new Pope, in consequence of the death of Pius VIII., which took place on the 30th November.

2 Ann. Hist. xiii. 684, 688.


was succeeded by Cardinal Capellari, elected to the pontifical chair on February 2d, who took the title of Gregory XVI.

But these events, important and startling as they were, yielded in ultimate im- 88. portance to an event which took place Change in in this year in Spain, and proved the the order of source of unnumbered calamities to succession in Spain. both the kingdoms of the Peninsula. This was the CHANGE IN THE ORDER OF SUCCESSION to the Spanish crown, as it had now been established for a hundred and twenty years, with the concurrence of all the powers of Europe. This order, which strictly excluded females from the crown, was an innovation on the old law of Spain, which admitted them; but it had been established by a decree or pragmatic sanetion on 10th September, 1713, on occasion of the accession of Philip V. to the throne, and subsequently ratified by all the powers of Europe, and in particular by France and England, by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1714. It had ever since regulated the succession to the Spanish crown, and was regarded as a fundamental point in the public law and fixed policy of Europe. The object of it was not so much any peculiar necessity for the male succession in the Spanish monarchy beyond other states, but considerations of the highest moment for the general balance of power. The bequest of the crown of "Spain and the Indies" to the Duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., in 1700, by the King of Spain, had lighted up the flames of the War of the Succession in Europe, which burnt fiercely for thirteen years, and were very imperfectly laid by the Peace of Utrecht in 1714. This treaty was thought by the Tories to have averted the danger of a union of the crowns of France and Spain on the same head, by entailing the crown of the latter kingdom on the male line. Bolingbroke and Harley, who made that treaty, did not perceive, what the event ere long demonstrated, that it was not the union of the crowns, but the alliance of the kingdoms, which was the real object of danger; that a "family compact" founded on family connection might prove as formidable as a union of kingdoms; and that, if the English fleets were outnumbered, and blockaded in their harbors, as they often were in the course of the 1 See Life century, by those of France and Spain of Marltogether, it were of little moment borough, whether it was in virtue of a united c. xii. p. 474, 524. government or a family alliance.1*

An opportunity now occurred which enabled the Liberals of Spain to lay the foun- 89. dation for a revival of their hopes, Its motives which had been so signally blasted and political objects. by the universal burst of indignation against their rule that appeared on the invasion of the Duke d'Angoulême in 1823. The King, now advanced in years, had married in

in the course of the eighteenth century, subsequent to * In every one of the wars of England against France, 1714, the Spanish government took part with the French, and their united navies always considerably outnumbered the English. This was particularly the case in the American War and the war of the Revolution, in the former of which the French and Spanish fleets, numbering fortyseven sail of the line, blockaded the English, of twentyone sail, in Plymouth; while, at the outset of the latter, their combined fleets outnumbered those of Great Britain by forty-four line-of-battle ships.-See ALISON'S Life of Marlborough, vol. ii. p. 474, 3d edit.

1 Ann. Hist. xiii. 688, 690.

1 Ann. Hist.

xiii. 690, 691.



the close of the preceding year CHRISTINA, daugh-lowed this circumstance, what mournful trageter of the King of the Two Sicilies; and the dies it occasioned in all parts of the Peninsula, fêtes consequent on the marriage, which was and how completely, in the end, it has had the graced by the presence of the royal parents of effect of nullifying Spain in the the bride, had been of so magnificent a charac- general balance of power in Euter as to have recalled the pristine days of the rope.1 monarchy, and in some degree reconciled even Thus, within less than six months after the the Liberals to the sway of "El Rey Assoluto." Revolution of 1830 broke out, and 91. In the spring of this year the Queen was dis- Charles X. had been dethroned, was Resumé of covered to be with child; and as the sex of the the whole face of affairs in Europe the influinfant was of course uncertain, and DON CARLOS, changed. Disgust had every where ence of the the King's immediate younger brother, was, succeeded to confidence, apprehen- in France failing male issue of the marriage, the heir-ap- sion to security, convulsion to stabil- over Euparent of the monarchy, and the avowed head ity. In vain had Louis Philippe asof the despotic party, the Liberals resolved sured the Continental sovereigns, and with sinupon a device, which was attended with en- cerity, that he was inclined to abide by existtire success, for altering the order of the suc- ing treaties, to check the spirit of revolution, to cession, and establishing it in favor of the King's stand between them and the plague. Events issue, whether male or female. By this means had proved that, whatever his intentions were, they hoped to ingraft a war of succession on a his power to carry them into effect was exwar of principles, and gain for themselves an tremely circumscribed. It was evident that ostensible and visible head-a matter of import- there were two governments in Paris, one in ance in all civil wars, but especially in one in the Tuileries and one in the clubs, and that the Spain, where the people were much latter was more powerful for evil than the formore inclined to attach themselves mer was for good. The spirit of propagandism, to persons than to things.1 nursed in France, and quadrupled in strength By the united influence of the young Queen by its victory there, was now spreading over 90. and the old father-confessor, the King the adjoining states, and had already achieved Promulga- was won over in his old age to this in- the most signal triumphs in foreign nations. tion of the trigue, and the decree accordingly ap- The Conservative administration had been overdecree. peared calling females as well as males turned in England, and a party installed in March 29, to the succession of the throne. To power, based on popular support, and pledged render the device the more plausible, to organic changes, with a democratic tendency it was stated in the decree that it was no new or in the constitution; the Kingdom of the Nethder of succession which was thereby established, erlands had been revolutionized, the King debut that it was a mere transcript of a former de- throned at Brussels, and Belgium to all appearcree made by the late king, Charles IV., in 1789, ance irrevocably severed from Holland; the on the requisition of the Cortes. Neither the al- barrier of Europe against France had been conleged old decree, however, nor the requisition verted into the outwork of France against Euof the Cortes, were ever produced to give au- rope; Germany had been convulsed, and a thority to the innovation, and it was done with- reigning sovereign dethroned; Switzerland subout the privity or concurrence of any of the jected to democratic change, and brought unpowers in Europe which had been parties to der the influence of the clubs in Paris; and in the Treaty of Utrecht, by which the crown Spain the order of succession changed, and a had been entailed on the male line. This, how-visible head given to the democratic party in ever, soon came to be of little moment; for in the Peninsula, in the person of the heiress to due time the Queen gave birth to a daughter, the throne! A conflict of three days' duration ISABELLA, the present sovereign of Spain; and in the streets of Paris had obliterated the whole although the irregularities of the mother's con- effect of the victories of Marlborough and Welduct gave rise to serious doubts as to the in-lington, overturned the barrier in Flanders to fant's legitimacy, yet she was immediately adopted as the head of the Liberals, and the dependants of the crown united with the partisans of free institutions in making THE QUEEN the warcry of their united party. It will appear in the sequel what important consequences folVOL. II.-D D


revolutionary power, and annihilated in Spain the last remnant of security against French influence becoming predominant in the Peninsula! To all appearance the prophecy of Lafayette, forty years before, was about to be realized; the tricolor flag was to make the tour of the globe.



attitude of France in ref

erence to the


1 Ante, c.


THE events which have been recounted in the | derwent the fate of all administrations formed 1. end of the last chapter entirely al- by a combination of interests, not a union of Change in the tered the position of France and principles. Dissensions of the most violent kind Louis Philippe with reference to speedily appeared; the debates and recriminathe European powers, and had an tions were as tumultuous at the council-board important effect, both externally as at the tribune; and it soon became evident powers. and internally, on its future histo- that the differences of opinion were so great ry. The Government of July was now placed that every thing like united action was imposin a state of antagonism with Europe. The sible. In truth, each of these sections of the cordial feelings with which the envoys of Louis Cabinet was the representative of a party in Philippe had been received by the northern the State, the passions or apprehensions of powers on his first accession to the throne, as a which had become so violent that they could fortunate necessity and valuable barrier against no longer be restrained. The Republicans in evil, had given place to an alarming anxiety and the clubs, the press, and the streets, loudly proentire distrust. Without doubting the sinceri- claimed the necessity of instantly establishing ty of his professions of an ardent desire to co- the sovereignty of the people, installing the citerce revolution and restrain propagandism, they izens in possession of real power by a great rehad seen enough to have the most serious appre- duction of the suffrage qualification, receiving hensions of his ability to do either the one or with open arms the friends of freedom in other the other. The English government evinced, countries, and regaining the frontier of the not without reason, great disquietude at the Rhine, and all that had been lost by the treaty events in Flanders, and the extension of revo- of Vienna, by accepting the proffered amalgamlutionary influence to the mouth of the Scheldt. ation of Belgium with France. The burghers, The speech from the throne at the opening of whose strength, always great, had been doubParliament openly expressed that feel- led by their forming the greater proportion of xing. The Prussian cabinet was equal- the National Guard, both in the metropolis and ly alarmed at the revolutionary move- the provincial towns, were mainly set on the ments in Northern Germany, and the obvious maintenance of order and the preservation of danger to which their Rhenish provinces were general peace, and dreaded alike any foreign exposed, from the vicinity of the Flemish states demonstration which might revive the hostile in which the government had been overthrown. alliance of 1815, and any domestic innovation The cabinet of Vienna, under the cautious guid- which might restore the internal sway of the ance of Prince Metternich, was still more ap- Jacobins in the State. And the Doctrinaires, prehensive at the democratic fervor in Switz- to whose enlarged and philosophic ideas the erland and the excitement in Northern Italy, sagacious and experienced mind of the soverwhich their huge army and vigilant police had eign was most inclined, earnestly inculcated the the utmost difficulty in repressing. Even the principles that the government, to be stable, distant court of St. Petersburg took the alarm, must be one of progress and of order; that and, well aware of the sympathy of feeling be- measures must be taken to coerce the extravatween Paris and Warsaw, began to direct forces, gance and restrain the influence of the clubs; to be prepared for any event, in great numbers, and that the only lasting security Cap. iii. 336, to the banks of the Vistula. The Prussians sent for internal freedom was to be 341; Louis troops as rapidly as possible to their Rhenish found in the maintenance of ex- Blanc, ii. 157, provinces, and Austria did the same to North-ternal peace.' ern Italy. Every where on the Continent were to be seen armaments and heard the sound of marching men. England alone, secure in her sea-girt isle, and entirely engrossed with domestic questions, made no warlike preparations, and regarded the distant din on the Continent as the precursor of a conflict 3 Cap. iii. with which she had no immediaté con

275, 279.




With such discordant opinions agitating both the Cabinet, the Chamber, and the 3. people, it was impossible that the CommenceGovernment could long hold togeth- ment of the er; but an event which strongly trial of the roused and agitated the nation, in- late Minisduced its dissolution even earlier than might have been anticipated. This was the trial of Prince Polignac and the other minThis great change of necessity induced a cor-isters of Charles X., who, by the officious zeal responding alteration in the French of inferior functionaries rather than the real Cabinet divi- cabinet. The original government, wishes of the Government, had been arrested sions, and fall formed by a coalition of the three in various places and brought to Vincennes, of the Minis- parties the Doctrinaires, headed where they awaited the determination of the by the Duke de Broglie and M. cabinet and Legislature on their fate. Had it Guizot; the burgher interest, by Count Molé been practicable, Louis Philippe and the majorand M. Casimir Périer; and the Republicans, ity of his cabinet would gladly have avoided so represented by M. Dupont de l'Eure soon un- I embarrassing a proceeding as the trial of these



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