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the latter, we (attempt how we may berality," make fellowship with those to gloss the matter over) join in the who call CHRIST an impostor, we may blasphemy And, if we, no matter by deceive ourselves, but we cannot deceive what means, however distant and indi-God, who has forbidden us to be rect, declare that those who call CURIST" yoked together with unbelievers; for, an impostor, are as good as those who what fellowship hath righteousness adore him, we ourselves partake in their" with unrighteousness; and what com crime. For, "can a man take fire in his "munion hath light with darkness; and “bosom, and his clothes not be burnt:" what concord hath CHRIST with Becan one go upon hot coals, and his "lial; or what part hath he that he"feet not be burnt?" (Proverbs, chap. "lieveth with an infidel? Therefore, vi. ver. 27 and 28). come out from among them, and be By that modern "liberality” which" separate from them, saith the Lord." means an abandonment of all principle Attempt to disguise the matter in whatand a supplying of its place with folly ever manner we may, plaster it over and hypocrisy duly admixed; by the with "liberality" and "toleration" as professors of this new and curious thickly as we please, if we, under whatschool, I shall be asked, Whether the ever colour or name, and in any way Jews had not "the sume Maker, with however circumlocutious, do any act, or us"; this being the standing question approve of any act, expressly or tacitly, of this school. Yes, surely, God made by which it shall be declared, though the Jews; and so he did the serpent only by implication, that he who calls and the crocodile; yet he teaches other CHRIST an impostor is as good as he animals to shun serpents and crocodiles. who worships him, we fall under the God made the hawk, the kite, and the awful denunciation pronounced against screech-owl; yet he has taught other those, who, "to themselves," that is, as birds to flee from them. God made the far as they are able," crucify the Son of arrow that flieth by day, and the pesti- "God afresh, and put him to an open lence that flieth by night; yet he has shame Come, then, professor of taught us to endeavour to escape from Christianity! Look at HIM now, as on both. Oh, yes! God made the Jews; this very day, stretched on the cross; and so he did Ahab and Nero and Cali-behold the thorns round his brow; see gula and Judas Iscariot and Henry the the blood stream down from his hands Eighth and Jezebel and "Good Queen and his feet; witness his agony and Bess." God made the cannibals and the hear his dying groan; see the heavens men of Sodom and Gomorrah; and, darkened, hear the avenging tempest lastly, God made Satan himself, who, roar, and see the temple rent in twain: though he tempted the Son of God, did and then take the Jews to your bosom; not murder him. And, what does this and then, if you can, call yourself “a eternal enemy of God and man do now? follower of Christ," and expect salvation What can he do worse, than instil into from his atoning blood! the minds of men, that Jesus Christ was an impostor, and that the Gospel is à fraudulent lie? Come, then,"liberality"! Away with all squeamishness; open widely thy indiscriminating arms, and hug to thy bosom the devil himself!


TO PETITION AGAINST EARL GREY'S Ah! let us not deceive ourselves by BILL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF DISTURBANCES IN IRELAND. these hypocritical excuses! If we make a compromise with the blasphemer, int (From the True Sun of 7. March.) order to ensure to ourselves a share in IN Manchester, as in most other popu his wealth, or in order to slacken his lous towns in England, Earl Grey's usurious grasp, or from any motive of Coercion Bill has produced a very strong expediency, either private or public; if feeling, and the meeting that has just we, thus acting under the garb of "li- taken place there proves that although


it should pass, it will not do so without Grey, say "Never?" Yes, for he must calling forth the strongest feelings of recognise the voice of England when indignation amongst a large mass of the she cries "Never!"-he, even he, must English people, both against the bill and the advisers of that extraordinary n.easure. The meeting assembled about half-past twelve o'clock, on Monday, in Camp-field.

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to-morrow in England.

yield. And why? Because he owes his power to the people. For who placed him and the Whigs in power? The people. And if the people "gave," the people may take away." You are reMr. CROFT having been unanimously sponsible for his acts; he is your sercalled to the chair, briefly opened the vant-your child, and let me say, now, business of the meeting. your most undutiful child. (Cheers). Mr. JOHN LALOR, barrister, of Kil-He had better pause; he never dreamed burn, Ireland, was now introduced by that England would have espoused the the chairman, and was received with cause of Irish liberty as she has. But long and enthusiastic cheering. He is it Irish liberty? Oh no, prostrate lispoke nearly as follows:-I am, my berty in Ireland this day, and it will be friends, almost ashamed of those heart-prostrated stirring cheers. I am almost ashamed Those Whigs have made a serious misthat cheers such as those should have take; they have made one fatal step in been wanted upon a man who is soon to their progress towards despotism; they be, together with eight millions of his had better lose no time in retracing fellow-countrymen, deprived of those it. Yes, you people of England have attributes which make man's life alone grievances; serious ones. (Here the worth having. Upon a man so soon to learned gentleman pointed to St. Matcease to be a man. Those cheers only thew's church, which was in the rear tend to increase the infliction, because of the platform). Does that building they prove the value of liberty. I am remind you of any grievance? Must almost ashamed of myself and my coun- tithes exist without any control in try, when I think that I, who am now England. I do not wish but that the free, shall in one short week have Protestant church should long continue; ceased to be so-for in one week I shall but you may wish it to resemble somebe a bondsman. (Loud and simulta- what more than it now does the moneous cries of "No, no, never, we won't derate spirit of its original founders. have it"). Do I understand you to say " Its kingdom," may be less of "this never, my friends? (Cries of "Yes, yes, world than it is, without the least we do"). Well then, let it be so. If a detriment to its spirituality. (Applause).. fixed determination to resist oppression But this is not all: there are many other in every justifiable shape and form can grievances in England which cry out for prevent oppression, then I join you and redress. Will you, do you think, be U say, "Never." (Loud cheering). But safe in looking for this redress? If once how venture I to say never, threatened the Whigs find that they can stifle disas my country is. Because although cussion on grievances in Ireland — if military despotism may manacle the they find that you will allow them to limbs-though tyranny may forge and prostrate liberty there, do you think fasten its chains round the body, and their success there will not tempt them tyrants incarcerate our persons, our to try to put it down here? (Yes; true, minds cannot be reached. No! God, true). But do you know how it is that -great, and almighty, and all-power- they will put it down? Perhaps you ful, has restrained the power of never heard-I will tell you. They will one man over another thus far that pronounce sentence first, and try you he has forbidden it to reach the afterwards. (Laughter). They will give human mind, that seat and sanctuary of the verdict first, and then, when they liberty. Thus it is, and thus viewing the question, I agree with you in saying, "Never, never!" But must not, Earl

have leisure, they may condescend to look after evidence. (Great applause). Did you ever hear of such a mode of

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here; but they exceed Lord Althorp's list against Ireland for one month. Well, then, here is another case against England. But let us get to Bristol. (Cries of


proceeding until now? Yet that is pre-a case for suspending the Habeas cisely what they are going to do in Ire- Corpus Act, or delivering us over to the land, and what, if you let them do there, tender mercies of the military? A list they will most certainly do here. Now, is quoted by Lord Althorp, showing the suppose any of you here to be taken be-ratio of crime in Ireland between two fore a judge; when you are arraigned; periods; does that prove the case? If you inquire your crime; you are told it does, then tremble you men of Engthat you are a disorderly fellow; you land, for if so, your liberties are not ask what is against you to name the safe one hour. Thus it stands. The time and place; you demand facts; you criminal calendar is ransacked in Ireare told that your judges have not time land; let me do the same in England; to go into particulars. You are accused let me get the Newgate Calendar, and I in the lump. Letters without names shall make out a case against Minisare produced, and you are sentenced. ters; for, mind, Dublin is a capital, Then, when punishment has taken and the crimes of that capital are taken place, inquiry comes, and it is into account against Leinster; and found you were innocent! Shame, mind, if I establish crime in one place, shame). This is the mode of trial I make out a case against all England. now adopted by Earl Grey towards Well, again, take the result of England; my country. (Cries of "Shame, how many hay-yards were burnt there shame"). Is this to be endured? by Swing, the English Captain Rock! (No, no). Yet we must endure it. I had the list of them, but have it not (No, no). And so may you yet. (But we won't never). But the Ministers have stated what is not correct as to the state of Ireland. I know Ireland better than Earl Grey, or the haughty Ay, ay "). Pray did we ever burn a and supercilious Mr. Stanley, and I city in Ireland? (Cheers). Have we deny as a fact, that Ireland is in the ever dragged a judge out of his coach, state of disturbance described by them. and so alarmed him as to cause him to I allow that disturbances do exist in fly out of a garret window without his parts of Ireland, but is that a reason for breeches, and then for fear his worship destroying the constitution in every should not have light enough to have part; but I am told it is a preventive. escaped his pursuers from the light of Indeed! Now suppose I have an ulcer the lamps, to set a city on flames to aid on my hand, am I to be told that my his progress?-(loud cheers)-did we back, my legs, my shoulders, are to be ever do that in Ireland? (Hear). Yet blistered, that I am to be made an I believe even after that the suspension ulcer from head to foot? ("No, no," of the Habeas Corpus was not talked of; and loud laughter.) Would you be and I cannot recollect reading of a trial persuaded by the best doctor in Man- by gentlemen with red coats of twentychester to submit to such a remedy? one years and upwards. But I stop not Would you not send that Esculapius about here. Let me ask you, did we in Ireland his business? (Ay sure). Would you ever presume to interrupt the King in go to that doctor a second time? Then the exercise of his prerogative of choos this is the medicine of your friends the ing his own advisers? Yet you, men of Whigs for Ireland. (Cries of "Shame "). Manchester and Birmingham, did! You Now let us look to the evidence of the would not let the Duke of Wellington Ministers-let us look to their case such come in to govern, and you put in the as it is. Murders have taken place in Whigs. But let me ask, if there be Ireland, in Kilkenny some shameful crime in Ireland, is there no cause for it ones have taken place-a Mr. Houston-no oppression (Cries of "There is has been killed-a rapacious tithe too much"). Here the learned Gentleproctor has suffered. Well, I allow man drew a heart-rending picture of the this to be bad; but does this make out poverty and wretchedness of Ireland,

and contrasted strongly the condition of pillars (pointing to St. Matthew's the two countries, showing that in Eng-church), imagine him lacerated with land no man dare to refuse sharing his rods-the blood streaming from every wealth for the public good. Whereas pore, and a merciless executioner strainin Ireland the rich adopted the ruinous ing every nerve to excruciate his vicprinciple of keeping all to themselves, tim; the wretched sufferer cries for leaving the poor to starve. (Great dis- mercy; he calls on each passer-by to approbation). The landlords left no-interfere and release him; but nothing on their estates but misery. In the answer is, great commiseration for England the landlord must let every what he suffers; but interference is man live. (Loud cheers). How then, refused because trust is reposed in the said the learned Gentleman, can peace executioner. (Cheers). Is not this the be expected in the midst of want? He doctrine of those who allow the Whigs asked if it ought to be a source of won- to harass and destroy Ireland? (Cheers). der that there were disturbances. Ima- Do you place this unqualified trust in gine, he said, the case of some wretched any man, be he who he may, in your victim of tyranny clothed in rags, who ordinary transactions and dealings in had been but recently ejected from the life? The learned Gentleman then almiserable hovel where he endeavoured luded to the bill, and amongst other to work out a wretched existence- matters illustrated its workings; he without a bed whereupon to lay his head mentioned a fact which he said he could -without food, houseless and hopeless vouch for. In a county under the In-his wife and his children starving-he surrection Act, a man was owed a debt himself maddened by witnessing their by some comfortable farmers, the crewants. Suppose as he strolls along me-ditor had in vain endeavoured to serve ditating upon the past and not daring a law-process on his debtors, who kept to look to the future-the oppressor out of the way during the day; but he suddenly crosses his path: forgetful of hit upon an excellent means of proeverything but his wrongs, this much-curing that service; he got a friendly provoked, though not yet justified crea- policeman to call at the houses of his ture, seizes upon his victim, and in a mo- debtors after sunset; they were absent; ment of desperation and revenge mur- the policeman gave notice that he ders his oppressor. Do I justify this? should again call next night, warning God forbid. Imagine it your own case. them, that if again absent, they would Would not at least the temptation be be liable to transportation. This had awful? (Tremendous cheering). Now the desired effect; the debtors were who will in Ireland have the directing found in their houses next night. But of the measures at this moment in pro- who accompanied the police? gress? The very men who have driven creditor. He had a decree against their the people to what I have just described persons, and he hurried them off to -the parsons and Tory landlords and jail. Here was a dilemma, with a magistrates. The learned Gentleman vengeance! If you are out of your then referred to the folly of those who, houses you will be taken to jail under though meaning well, put so much ri- the act; if in your house, under the diculous trust in the Whigs as to sanc- decree. (Groans, and cries of Shameful). tion all their measures, be they what He said that there were many now in they may. This, he said, was the most South Wales banished, whose only dangerous doctrine that could be ima- crime was that they had chanced gined. What, he said, give up the con- to be out of their houses for a stitution on trust, and that, too, to men short period. Many were found to be who have in this instance exhibited innocent who had been in confinement themselves so unworthy of it! Will for months. He would give a striking you let them torture Ireland because instance. He would mention the name you trust them? (Cries of No, no, no). of his informant-it was Mr. Spring Suppose a man tied to one of yonder Rice. In the year 1823, that gentle


man having rode out in one of the dis- | ignorant officers of dragoons. But we tricts under the insurrection law, was are to have counsel to defend us. Counreturning after the sanctioned hour to sel, indeed!-what use of counsel behis lodgings. He and his companions fore such a tribunal; they will not jocosely observed to each other that listen, what care they for big wigs. they were infringing the law, and what These heroes of the spear will tell should they (magistrates) say, had they us if the law was to decide the questo sit themselves in judgment next day tion, that they would not have been on similar offenders. Well, they did selected-that the crisis was such that sit next day, and upon a similar of-there was no time for law-they will fender; the man was not ready for his laugh at the idle rules of evidence, twist defence, and his trial was postponed for their perfumed mustachios, smoke a a long time. Well, he was eventually cigar, and sentence a mere Irishman acquitted; he returned home, but to without ceremony. (Applause). They what a home! Whilst this innocent were appointed because jurors would man had lain in jail awaiting his trial, not find a verdict of guilty in doubtful his landlord having heard that he had cases. It was their business not to doubt, been taken up for Whiteboy offences, and to fill up all gaps in the evidence. considered that he could not too speedily Might it not be convenient to get rid of get rid of him. He had therefore come a father whose virtuous daughter had down upon his premises for his rent; resisted the lustful importunities of he had sold every thing to discharge it; some gay Lothario; would not the difand this wretched victim of oppression ficulty be decreased if the protector was found himself deprived of every worldly removed? Oh my friends, I tremble for comfort; and to add to this, his the use which may be made of those wretched and broken-hearted wife had, nightly inquisitions-those domicilious in the mean time, passed to another visits; the daughters of Ireland are fair, world, where tyranny and oppression, and virtuous, and beautiful; they may like all other worldly evils, end. (A ge- soon become unprotected. I hear talk neral burst of indignation). Gracious of the repeal of the union and SeparaGod said, the learned Gentleman, am tion. But let me ask you, as EnglishI to be blamed for coming here to en-men, would you desire to be any longer deavour to avert from my country a united with a nation of slaves-would repetition of such calamities? We will you not desire and pray for a separation come. (Cheers). Yes; let the Govern- from Ireland, when she shall be desment pass this most odious measure to put down free discussion in Ireland, and the moment this becomes law, we men of Ireland will emigrate here, and perambulate all England, until we have published the wrongs of Ireland in every part of this island. We will open rooms in Liverpool, Birmingham, Hull, Sheffield, Bristol, and everywhere. (Deafening cheers followed this announcement). I thank you, men of England, for those cheers. Would to God that Earl Grey and his colleagues were here to hear them. Let them be assured, that if they force us to come here, the Whigs will rue the day they forced us to it. Only think of the Whigs depriving us of trial by jury, that bulwark of English liberty; and what is the substitute?-a few idle,

pised and disgraced by the passing of these odious measures? Would you not consider yourselves contaminated by any connexion with such a country? It is told of a tyrant in ancient times that he in his lust for cruelty invented this; to a putrid corpse he united a living body, in order that the corruption of the one might, by slow degrees, infect and destroy the other. The result of this horrid union was, the slow but sure destruction of the victim. (Strong feelings of disapprobation). Men of England! should this bill pass, Ireland will be this loathsome and corrupted corpse; for she will have lost her constitutional and national exist

ence. She will become corrupted ; she will rot. England is the living body. Would not England, ought she

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