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16. SERMONS.-There are twelve of these, in one volume, on the following subjects: 1. Hypocrisy and Cruelty; 2. Drunkenness; 3. Bribery; 4. Oppression; 5. Unjust Judges; 6. The Sluggard; 7. The Murderer; 8. The Gamester; 9. Public Robbery; 10. The Unnatural Mother; 11. The Sin of Forbidding Marriage; 12. On the Duties of Parsons, and on the Institution and Object of Tithes. Price 3s. 6d. bound in boards.

A Thirteenth Sermon, entitled "GOOD FRIDAY; or, The Murder of Jesus Christ by the Jews." Price 6d.

17. LETTERS FROM FRANCE: containing Observations made in that Country during a Residence of Two Months in the South, and Three Months at Paris. By JOHN M. COBBETT. Price 4s. in boards.


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C Review of Public Net Monthly matic Geet or Rheumatism in yn hof Bucur

Literature, Arts, &c. &c. published 1. March. taking, and one box, price 2s. 9d., will con The Contents of the Number for this Month vince the hitherto unhappy patient of the are as follows:-1. Fine Arts-No. 1. Of the certainty of returning ease and comfort. The National Gallery of the Pictures by the Great Proprietor, anxious to alleviate the sufferMasters.-2. Reminiscences of a Tailor.-3. gs of those afflicted with this tormenting The Apology of a Parisian Girl.-4. Divarica-malady, respectfully invites them to partake tion of the New Testament, into Doctrine and of the benefits of this discovery, assuring the History 5. Sonnet to Music.-6. Origin of timid that in no case can its use be attended the Marseillaise Hymn.-7. Political Ethics with the least inconvenience. The following -Mustard or Honey.-8. Change in the Times.-9. Taxes ou Knowledge.-10. Literary Puffing.-11. Parliamentary PrivilegesFreedom from Arrest.-12. Portraits of the

is one of a series of letters received corrobora

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for the relief of this disease, which far surpasses every other invention yet offered to the public, and should be known to every indiO vidual afflicted with the above distressing com. 0 plaint. This TRUSS possesses the peculiar advantage of giving the most effectual security during the greatest exertion, and of affording ease and safety in the periods of relaxation from exercise. Its pressure may be increased or diminished in a moment, to any degree required, without the removal of the Truss, or its wearer even rising from his seat-advantages never before possessed by any other Truss. Testimonials of its merits from the highest surgical authorities may seen.

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Manufactured and sold by S. T. and C Adams, Oldbury, near Birmingham, and by appointment by Mr. J. Read, Inventor of the Stomach Pump, &c. 35, Regent Circus, Piccadilly, London."

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court: and published by him, at 11, Bolt court, Fleet street.

VOL.79.-No. 12.]


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LONDON, SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1833. [Price Is. 2d


Bolt-court, 21. March, 1833.

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This was written in March, and on the 21. March too, 1817. How clearly the truth of it now appears! The taxes, the unbearable taxes, are the cause of all the turmoil. The tithes, and all the af

READERS OF THE REGISTER. fairs of the church, might have remained READERS OF THE REGISTER. undisturbed as completely as they did eighty or a hundred years ago. But the pressure of the taxes, falling at last How often have I told you, that "the so heavily on the working people, has "THING would lay furiously about it compelled men to look about them, to as it approached its end!" How often find something to make give way; and have I told you, that "the THING the church has been an object that has "would at last expire in the hands of first presented itself. Hence, the present "the Whigs, whose greediness and im- disturbanees in Ireland; hence, also, "berty conjoined, would push it on the approaching conflict in England; 86 and endurance!" These things hence, Sturges Bourne's Bills; and have I told you five hundred times hence, all the other projects for endeaover; and what do you think of the vouring to make the labouring people matter NOW? In my LEAVE-TAKING live upon potatoes; and hence, the fires ADDRESS, when I went to Long Island, and all the calamities and disgraces. to escape the dungeons of Castlereagh amidst which we live,and the still greater and Sidmouth, I said this: "The great ones amongst which we must live, unless question now to be determined, is, this system of taxing be changed. I "whether the military and dungeon have said it a hundred times over, and I system can be carried on, after the repeat it here, that, whoever approves paper system shall have been blowed of the present system of taxation, is a up. I am quite sure, that the paper- fool or is guilty of insincerity, if he system will be blowed up in compa- blame the Ministers for the soldier and "ratively a few years: I am quite sure the dungeon system. Without military "of that: the question, therefore, is; force and without dungeons, they can. not whether the paper system will be not carry on this system of taxation. "deed; nor is it a question whe- The industrious classes present a mass "there soldier and dungeon system of indescribable ruin: the ruin increases "will continue as long as the taxing daily, and daily it must continue to in86 system shall continue; for I know that crease until the system be changed; "it must; I know, that it is impossible that is to say, until the burden of the "to carry on the latter without the taxes be very greatly diminished. I de"former. But the grand and vital spise the man for his insincerity and facquestion is, whether the taxing and tiousness, or I pity him for his imbe"soldier and dungeon system can sup-cility, if he call upon the Ministers to port itself amidst the turmoil of the "breaking up of the paper-system; and, "whether it can, after that, go on, and

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preserve to us the trial by jury and the laws of our fathers, and who at the same time votes for an expenditure of money


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such as they are now compelled to meet.|" and provincial banks. In the town The Ministers had to choose between" of Athy, county of Kildare, where I taking off a great portion of the taxes," believe no branch of either establish and ruling us by sheer force. If they" ment exists, so extreme was the panic had chosen the former, they might" yesterday, that some credulous and have effected their purpose with ease" foolish creatures exchanged 14. notes and with equity; having chosen the" for seventeen shillings each. In all latter, they must employ force. I can-" places where the run' has occurred, hot say that I expected them to do the" there has been a diminution to a conformer, or that I had any ground to "siderable amount in the prices of hope that they would do it; and, there-" farming produce. In the west the fore, I am not at all surprised at the influence of the 'run' has been alcourse they are how pursuing; for, in-"ready slightly felt, but the worst feadeed, they could pursue no other if they "ture in the matter is connected with the meant to keep on the taxes. This course" savings banks. The accounts from will be fatal to them in the end; but," Limerick state that the artisans in in the meanwhile, it may be efficient for" that city have given notice for the their purpose, for a year or two; and " withdrawal of their deposits to some my readers, at any rate, will not, extent. Never was there a more trust, be at all surprised, if they see" groundless and monstrous delusion Irish government attempted to be" than that which now prevails respectintroduced into England, whenever" ing gold, nor one which was calcu the necessity shall arise. The chances" lated to produce more disastrous conare that the attempt would be defeated" sequences to the people themselves. by some movement of the paper-money;" But the popular prejudice has been but, indeed, so many accidents arise in "excited and increased by an injudisuch a state of things, that it is utterly" cious advocacy of a sort of bank reimpossible to form anything like a fixed" striction to stop the run' by some opinion as to the precise manner in" of the Irish journals. This sugges which the end will approach us. In the "tion, working upon ignorant minds, meanwhile, I earnestly caution my read-" induced a belief that all was not right ers to be prepared for the worst. The" with the banks when they required THING will lay about it in a strange "such a protection. In the city of manner when it comes to its real agony." Dublin, where the people are more What every man should aim at, is, to" correctly informed upon the subject, keep, at all times, if possible, more or “ there has been nothing deserving the less of gold safely in his pockets or "name of an increased demand upon his chests. "the banks."

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This shows nothing but the foolishness of the writer. If he were not foolish or insincere, he would know, say, that no man can tell when a bankrestriction may take place; that, whenever it do take place, it must take place suddenly and without warning to any body; that it must be done by order in council, and in all parts of the kingdom at one and the same moment; that the pig-banks must be protected as well as the sow-bank; and that, every person having money deposited in any bank whatsoever, will lose, at the least, one half of the real value of that money, at the first blow. That great statesman, Mr. Pease, was, apparently, not aware

of the effect of talking about a bank-re-"knowledge, that such is the state of striction beforehand. I shall say no trade in this great metropolis (hear, more upon this subject at present than hear), and its immediate environs, merely to tell my readers what I myself" and so unable are its inhabitants to do; namely, never to sleep with a bank," pay these imposts-we say, my note in the house, and never to keep"Lord, that it is our painful duty to one in the day-time, longer than during" state our firm conviction that these the time required to send it and get it" taxes can no longer be collected. turned into gold. This is the safe way; "(Hear, hear '). for though the Ministers will not resort "Lord ALTHORP said that he felt to an issue of assignats, if they can" considerable difficulty in addressing avoid it, no man can tell to what a point" the meeting on this subject at the they will be pressed; and for my part I present moment, although it was one think it likely enough that they will be" which he had taken into his most se pressed this terrible point. The arti-"rious consideration, and looked upon cle which will follow this, will show to" in all its different details, preparatory what a point they are already pressed;" to laying his financial statement beand to what a point the people are "fore Parliament. He had maturely ruined. After inserting the article, I considered the subject, and was aware will make some remarks on it. The" of the difficulties by which it was reader will perceive that it is a subject "beset, and all who heard him must be of monstrous importance. I beg the reader to pay attention particularly to what is said about the bankruptcy of Regent-street. I beg him to read the whole with the greatest attention; and

aware that it would be most inconve"nient, and indeed impossible for him, as a single member of his Majesty's "Government, to decide upon the expediency of repealing any particular

then to be pleased to hear what I have" branch of taxation. He was afraid,

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to say upon the subject. "therefore, that he could not give the "Yesterday, at twelve o'clock, a nu- "deputation a satisfactory answer as to "merous body of gentlemen, consisting "what course he should hereafter feel "of the members for the metropolitan "it his duty to pursue. He was aware "districts, and of deputations from the that this answer would not give sa"metropolitan parishes, waited upon the" tisfaction to the numerous body whom "Chancellor of the Exchequer, in" he had the honour to address (cries of "Downing-street, for the purpose of " No, no); but filling the situation impressing on him the necessity of" which he filled, he was bound by repealing the whole of the assessed" public duty, however numerous and "taxes. Amongst those present were respectable might be the meeting, to -Sir F. Burdett, Mr. Byng, Mr. confine his communication within "Hume, Sir J. C. Hobhouse, Sir J." those limits which were compatible Key, Alderman Wood, Mr. Grote, Mr." with his situation, as a confidential "Briscoe, Mr. Hawes, Dr. Lushington," member of his Majesty's councils. "Mr. Tennyson, Major Beauclerk, Mr. “Mr. E. BROWN said, it had been Goring, and Mr. D. W. Harvey; to-" stated that there had been no general gether with several gentlemen offi-expression on the subject of these "cially connected with the metropolis taxes; but he would say, that if agi

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" and its environs.

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"tation were necessary to show the

"Mr. CORDER, the vestry clerk of "general feeling, he could command "St. Paul's Covent-garden, addressed" plenty of it. The amount of assess"Lord Althorp at great length, and" ment for thelast year was 11,154,000l., argued on the oppressive character" of which enormous sum that for the "of the taxes in question. My Lord,' county of Middlesex alone amounted to " he said, in the course of his speech, no less than 5,143,0. (Hear). Thus "it is the painful duty of this deputa-" the metropolis anal metropolitan ❝tion to state, from our own local" districts alone paide than half of

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