


Bolt-court, 21. March, 1833.

the distant provinces; and which did not proceed far, before those who had relied upon the police for their protection, were sent out of their mansions as beggars upon the world.

SIR,-For about ten or twelve years, I think it is, I have exchanged two I charge the Morning Chronicle, as Registers a week against six Morning being a FEELER for effecting this purChronicles in the week. I will do this pose; and I detest and abhor it accordno longer. I will no longer have fel-ingly; and will no more have any lowship or communication with that transaction with it of any kind whatsopaper, and my reasons are as follows: ever. I believe that the scheme is very I have perceived in the Morning ripe in the minds of some persons, and Chronicle, always, a disposition to in- I think it my bounden duty to keep the troduce a government of spies and in-country in a state of warning with reformers and gendarmerie and hired ma-gard to the thing itself, as well as with gistrates into England; a disposition to regard to its consequences.



supplant the ancient laws and usages of the country by German and Austrian establishments; a disposition to sweep away sheriffs, constables, watchmen, and all the whole of the county and parochial officers of the peace; and to introduce in their stead hirelings, exer- I CANNOT answer the letters written cing power coming immediately from to me on this subject. My whole time the Government; a disposition to super-would not suffice for giving proper ansede, in effect, the humane poor-law of swers to a twentieth part of them. To Elizabeth, and to treat the working people like so many slaves; a disposition, in short, to reduce Englishmen to a government of force, instead of a government willingly obeyed. This I have `perceived, in that paper, for many years past, and have, upon several occasions, expressed my indignation at it; but, NOW, that man must be blind who does not see, in that paper, FEELERS | continually put forth for the purpose of preparing the country for the establishment in England of just such a government as that which has so long existed in Ireland. That paper now tells us, almost in so many words, that the POOR-LAW COMMISSIONERS are about to recommend the establishment of a police-force, which is to extend all over England into the very villages, and that one object of it is to compel the poor to desist from demanding and obtaining relief. The writer of the articles that I allude to, forgets that there was, in France, a police of this sort in every village, previous to the breaking out of the French revolution; and that, the police-force did not prevent that revolution which began, not at Paris, but in

one correspondent, who expresses a hope that I will not let the matter drop till I have obtained justice for the people, I had almost a mind to write an angry letter. When did he know me let a thing drop? As to obtaining justice for the people, that I cannot pledge myself for; but I will pledge myself to leave undone nothing that I am able to do, in order to obtain that justice. The affair stands thus at present. On the first Monday in April I shall bring forward the subject again; and, if the Chancellor of the Exchequer do not then name some day before the 21. of April, on which he will bring in the bill of which he has spoken, I will, on the last Monday in April, have my bill ready, and move for leave to bring it in. If I have leave to bring it in, it is well; if I have not, I will then publish my hill, and show what has been, and what is, and what ought to have been, and what ought now to be. The country will be astounded at the sight; and, for my own part, as I proceed in the work, I feel my heart filled with indignation that I cannot describe; indignation to reflect that this industrious and harassed

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for so many years, and that there should have been no one single member of Parliament to make a complaint in their name.

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people should have been thus treated nufacture,, if you include rent of land, wages of reaping, washing, bleaching, dressing, and plaiting the straw, sewing the plait, freights of vessels, and manufacturers' profits, bring in 20,000l. a year additional, to enable the Orkney man to eat his brown bread, to drink his beer, and kindle his fire in the middle of his hearth, for this good old Saxon custom, as well as that of drinking his own homebrewed, is cherished by the descendant of the Norseman. And a patriarchal sight it is to see the bluff old islander, behind the hallan, with his numerous offspring encircling him, to hear the fireside tale he tells them of the seasome virtuous exploit of his younger days, for all are seamen in their


To Mr. William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham.

SIR,-These islands are benefited not less than 20,000l. a year by this manufacture, which you were the first to introduce. The wages paid out to females who plait the straw, somewhatyouth. exceed 12,000l. As high as six guineas To any county in Scotland the sum of an acre are given for land to grow the 20,000!. a year would be a vast accession straw, in a country the arable acres of to its resources, but this came to Orkwhich seldom exceed 251., and rarely ney at a critical time, and went far to come up to that amount. The owner supply the deficiency occasioned in its of the land ploughs and lays down the revenue, when the kelp trade was crops; but, after all deductions for his ruined by the experiments of Huskisson labour at the current rates of the coun- and Poulett Thomson, backed by the try, he pockets a nett rent of not less stupidity of some of our northern rethan 41. 10s. an acre-the average of presentatives. You may remember that the arable land in Orkney being not this article of kelp, the staple of one 141. To such a pass is the manufac- third part of Scotland, and the staff of ture brought, that bonnets have been life to two hundred thousand families, made as high as 107. in price; 31. or 41. was the first on which those, bungling have frequently been obtained for fine charlatans, who knew nothing of the specimens. What renders it more pe- true principles of free trade, tried their culiarly advantageous, the greater part miserable hands. Having plunged the of the labour is carried on by those who whole north and west of Scotland into could not otherwise turn their hand to ruin irremediable and deplorable, they so good account-the young women. rested from their labours, till a wagon At this easy employment they find an wheel avenged the wrongs of the houseoccupation every way suitable to the less, and the orphan, and the exile on softness of their nature, and calculated the Canadian shore. Thus it is to legisto engender those little tastes and habits late for men, as if they were sheep, and of nicety, neatness, and propriety in to sport with the property of the subdress and behaviour, the ornament of ject as if there were no property in their sex when kept in proper bounds. goods. Kelp, which brought in 30,000l. I have not by me, at present, an exact a year to Orkney, prior to the minisreturn of the number of persons wholly tration of that ill-omened Jacobin, Husor partially employed in this manufac-kisson, yields not, now, 5,000l. The ture in Orkney, nor of the number of yards of plait manufactured, with their market value; but I have applied for it, and when obtained, I shall send it to you. I do not think, however, that I exaggerate, when I repeat that the ma

difference goes into the pocket of the Spaniard for his barilla, or of the glassmaker, who has a monopoly, and keeps up his price as before. But the British Leghorn compensates, though partially to other hands, the whole deficiency of



Bolt-court, 21. March, 1833.

the distant provinces; and which did not proceed far, before those who had relied upon the police for their protection, were sent out of their mansions as beggars upon the world.

SIR,-For about ten or twelve years, I think it is, I have exchanged two I charge the Morning Chronicle, as Registers a week against six Morning being a FEELER for effecting this purChronicles in the week. I will do this pose; and I detest and abhor it accordno longer. I will no longer have fel-ingly; and will no more have any lowship or communication with that transaction with it of any kind whatsopaper, and my reasons are as follows: ever. I believe that the scheme is very I have perceived in the Morning ripe in the minds of some persons, and Chronicle, always, a disposition to in- I think it my bounden duty to keep the troduce a government of spies and in-country in a state of warning with reformers and gendarmerie and hired ma-gard to the thing itself, as well as with gistrates into England; a disposition to regard to its consequences.



supplant the ancient laws and usages of the country by German and Austrian establishments; a disposition to sweep away sheriffs, constables, watchmen, and all the whole of the county and parochial officers of the peace; and to introduce in their stead hirelings, exer- I CANNOT answer the letters written cing power coming immediately from to me on this subject. My whole time the Government; a disposition to super- would not suffice for giving proper ansede, in effect, the humane poor-law of swers to a twentieth part of them. To Elizabeth, and to treat the working one correspondent, who expresses a hope people like so many slaves; a disposi- that I will not let the matter drop till I tion, in short, to reduce Englishmen to have obtained justice for the people, I a government of force, instead of a go-had almost a mind to write an angry vernment willingly obeyed. This I have letter. When did he know me let a perceived, in that paper, for many years thing drop? As to obtaining justice past, and have, upon several occasions, for the people, that I cannot pledge expressed my indignation at it; but, myself for; but I will pledge myself to NOW, that man must be blind who leave undone nothing that I am able to does not see, in that paper, FEELERS | do, in order to obtain that justice. The continually put forth for the purpose of -preparing the country for the establishment in England of just such a government as that which has so long existed in Ireland. That paper now tells us, almost in so many words, that the POOR-LAW COMMISSIONERS are about to recommend the establishment of a police-force, which is to extend all over England into the very villages, and that one object of it is to compel the poor to desist from demanding and obtaining relief. The writer of the articles that I allude to, forgets that there was, in France, a police of this sort in every village, previous to the breaking out of the French revolution; and that, the police-force did not prevent that revolution which began, not at Paris, but in

affair stands thus at present. On the first Monday in April I shall bring forward the subject again; and, if the Chancellor of the Exchequer do not then name some day before the 21. of April, on which he will bring in the bill of which he has spoken, I will, on the last Monday in April, have my bill ready, and move for leave to bring it in. If I have leave to bring it in, it is well; if I have not, I will then publish my hill, and show what has been, and what is, and what ought to have been, and what ought now to be. The country will be astounded at the sight; and, for my own part, as I proceed in the work, I feel my heart filled with indignation that I cannot describe; indignation to reflect that this industrious and harassed

for so many years, and that there should have been no one single member of Parliament to make a complaint in their name.

people should have been thus treated nufacture, if you include rent of land, wages of reaping, washing, bleaching, dressing, and plaiting the straw, sewing the plait, freights of vessels, and manu facturers' profits, bring in 20,000l. a year additional, to enable the Orkney man to eat his brown bread, to drink his beer, and kindle his fire in the middle of his hearth, for this good old Saxon custom, as well as that of drinking his own homebrewed, is cherished by the descendant of the Norseman. And a patriarchal



To Mr. William Cobbett, M.P. for Oldham.sight it is to see the bluff old islander, behind the hallan, with his numerous

To any county in Scotland the sum of

SIR,-These islands are benefited offspring encircling him, to hear the not less than 20,000l. a year by this ma-fireside tale he tells them of the seanufacture, which you were the first to some virtuous exploit of his younger introduce. The wages paid out to fe- days, for all are seamen in their males who plait the straw, somewhatyouth. exceed 12,000l. As high as six guineas an acre are given for land to grow the 20,000!. a year would be a vast accession straw, in a country the arable acres of to its resources, but this came to Orkwhich seldom exceed 251., and rarely ney at a critical time, and went far to come up to that amount. The owner supply the deficiency occasioned in its of the land ploughs and lays down the revenue, when the kelp trade was crops; but, after all deductions for his ruined by the experiments of Huskisson labour at the current rates of the coun- and Poulett Thomson, backed by the try, he pockets a nett rent of not less stupidity of some of our northern rethan 41. 10s. an acre-the average of presentatives. You may remember that the arable land in Orkney being not this article of kelp, the staple of one 14. To such a pass is the manufac- third part of Scotland, and the staff of ture brought, that bonnets have been life to two hundred thousand families, made as high as 107. in price; 37. or 41. was the first on which those, bungling have frequently been obtained for fine charlatans, who knew nothing of the specimens. What renders it more pe- true principles of free trade, tried their culiarly advantageous, the greater part miserable hands. Having plunged the of the labour is carried on by those who whole north and west of Scotland into could not otherwise turn their hand to ruin irremediable and deplorable, they so good account-the young women. rested from their labours, till a wagon At this easy employment they find an wheel avenged the wrongs of the houseOccupation every way suitable to the less, and the orphan, and the exile on softness of their nature, and calculated the Canadian shore. Thus it is to legisto engender those little tastes and habits late for men, as if they were sheep, and of nicety, neatness, and propriety in to sport with the property of the subdress and behaviour, the ornament of ject as if there were no property in their sex when kept in proper bounds. goods. Kelp, which brought in 30,000l. I have not by me, at present, an exact return of the number of persons wholly or partially employed in this manufacture in Orkney, nor of the number of yards of plait manufactured, with their market value; but I have applied for it, and when obtained, I shall send it to you. I do not think, however, that I exaggerate, when I repeat that the ma

a year to Orkney, prior to the ministration of that ill-omened Jacobin, Huskisson, yields not, now, 5,000l. The difference goes into the pocket of the Spaniard for his barilla, or of the glassmaker, who has a monopoly, and keeps up his price as before. But the British Leghorn compensates, though partially to other hands, the whole deficiency of.

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They live without reproach, and almost without envy, but for a few neighbouring fanatics who cannot abide that faith should be contaminated by good works.

25,000l., except 5,000l. of which this nufacture, dispensing bread to the in county has been robbed. dustrious, instruction to the ignorant, You should know how this manu-and comfort to the poor man's hut, facture is conducted; the system is one very opposite to that of the Owenite social system, apt to become too social. Altogether, I am inclined to believe it is one which will meet your cordial approbation, unless I misapprehend entirely Here are no odious factories to poison the spirit of your writings. It is chiefly health and morals; no heaps of human carried on by two sensible men named beings are huddled on one another, at Robertson and Ramsay, who were the 90 degrees of a thermometer, to first to introduce it, and have done breathe the air of Pandemonium. much for its permanent prosperity. Competition does not starve the indusThese two excellent persons, respected trious. No ten hours bills are necessary. for their honesty, industry, frugality, The high-pressure system of labour moderation, and zeal, in every good which has enslaved your country, is that is to be done the poor, are also the yet unknown in mine. We have no pastors of an unobtrusive congregation troops of paupers mangled in the engine, of independents-a sect in Scotland or spirit-broken on the tread-mill. The differing little from our national esta-expense of our poor, to each individual blishment, except in the article of church liable to pay rates, is one shilling and government, in their mode of solem-threepence per annum. Each pauper nizing marriages, in the administration costs 2. 11s. 8d. per annum, exclusive of baptism, and partaking of the com- of voluntary aid. This arises not from munion. Each congregation chooses want of poor-laws, but because we have its own pastor, and is in itself a su- no poor, except the blind, the maimed, preme church court. The clergy are the aged, and the sick; every able man supported by the voluntary oblations of has work. the faithful-not unfrequently by their The young women, who plait the own means; for all are useful, all in- straw, live at home with their parents; dustrious. They reduce marriage more they assist "the good woman in the nearly to a civil contract, at least in duties of the house; churn, make cheese, some congregations. They do not bap- and milk the cows, bake, brew, and wash. tize infancy. They partake of the They give part of spring and all harvest Lord's Supper every Sabbath, instead of to their parents. If the family be nutwice a year, as in our established merous and strong, some stay at home, church and once a quarter, as with and some take hire at other farms, be some of our sectarians. The same cause, the country being thinly peopled, confessions of faith very nearly per- labour is invaluable at that season, and vade all our religious societies; Cal- the safety of the crop, beneath that vavinism is the bottom of their creed, riable sky, a duty paramount. This In Kirkwall, the principal town of feeling, so necessary to the very existOrkney, the independents have one ence of the inhabitant of this "stormchapel (meeting-house), capable of swept" land, the God of nature seems holding 400 hearers; and they have four to have implanted in the breast of every or five others throughout the country, one, with the force and the sanctity of a in two of which Messrs. Robertson and high religious duty. The old man, Hamsay officiate on alternate days, at a speaking of the weather, and the pros distance from their homes of from 10 pects of the harvest, reverentially to 16 miles, in that boisterous climate, touches his broad bonnet, beseeching almost without a bridle road. Thus," the mercy of God." Till the crop all Sunday, they lead their little flock has been secured, no man may properly by the quiet waters;" and, all the be said to be his own master; old and week, they carry on their beautiful ma- young lay all aside but the harvest

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