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clearly to see, the manner in which they shall best discharge our duty towards have been and still are treated. We are you, and also our duty towards all the not yet got to that pass when the Minis-industrious classes of the kingdom. We ters can completely set at nought public shall not think it our duty to take a opinion. We may, perhaps, arrive at part, either in speaking or in voting that pitch; but we are not arrived at upon little insignificant motions for the that pitch yet. Whether public opinion lopping off of a few thousand pounds, will have its weight in this case I know or for the discharging of a few thousand not; but I know well that I shall leave soldiers, or for the shifting of taxation. nothing undone that I am able to do Such motions only serve to give counin order to make the people see this tenance to the system. To waste our matter in its true light; and, if, when time in this way, or rather, to employ I have thus performed my duty, the it for mischievous purposes, is what we people choose still to reject my advice shall not do. We shall not be able to and to choose what are called gentlemen cause the system to be changed all at instead of men in the middle rank of once, according to our wishes, in a life, all that I can say is, that the peo-peaceable manner; but, at any rate, we ple will merit that which they will have can try; and, we shall do this; we to suffer. I have begun with the stamp shall lay down the principles upon and auction duties. I have given notice which the change of system ought to that I shall revive that subject on the take place. Little nibblings and 1. of April, and shall propose that the carpings only serve to inculcate an House take the matter into its consider- opinion, only serve to inculcate ation on the 16. of April. When I the notion, that, generally speakbrought this matter forward before, I ing, the system is good, and that the was told that I took the House by sur-lopping off of a trifling sum here and prise. It ought not to have been mat- there, ought to satisfy the people. Now, ter of surprise with the four hundred we are of a different opinion; and, old members; for I did nothing but therefore, we shall not waste our time describe the contents of acts of Parlia- in any such proceeding; and we shall ment which they themselves had as- be perfectly regardless in the efforts sisted to pass, or assisted to keep in which we shall make, about majorities force. However, I did not then press and minorities. The matter must, at my motion to a division, because I last, rest with the people; and, it is wished to leave the Ministers no excuse our duty to exhort them to examine all on the ground of unpreparedness. I these matters with great care; not to be have since put the matter off that it biassed by us against their own clear might not come athwart the proceed-judgments, and not to stand by us unings with regard to the Irish red-coat less they think it their duty to themcourts of justice bill. I shall have no selves and their country so to do. regard at all to majorities or minorities. I shall wish that the House may adopt my motion and agree to rectify the law, but, as far as I myself am concerned, I shall be quite content to be in a minority consisting of only myself and my colleague. I will proceed in the same manner with regard to the expenditure of the navy, the army, the ordnance, the pensions, the sinecures, and other head of expenditure, being always quite regardless, as far as relates to myself, whether the House shall reject or shall adopt my propositions. By thus proceeding, I and my colleague


I beg to point out to you a very material change which has been adopted by this Whig set of servants of the King. The custom formerly was to bring forward what is called the budget, at a period previous to the bringing forward the estimates; so that then the House saw what taxes were intended to be im- · posed or to be kept on, before the demand was made every them for money upon for the navy, army, and so forth; and the House could then determine whether they would keep such taxes on or not; and, according to that determination, the Ministers had to frame their de

[blocks in formation]

Coals, Coke and Fagots..
Candles, and Gas Light Com-

Incidents for sundry Articles of
domestic use, Freightof Pack-
ages, &c....

Repairs, fitting up of Shelves,
&c., not paid by the Board of

After this general account of the proceedings of this "reformed House of Commons," let me give you a particular instance of the manner in which your money is expended, and in which the voting of it is carried on. There is a thing called the "BRITISH MU-Drawings from the Athenian


SEUM." There is a great building somewhere in London, for the keeping and showing of books, prints, and riosities. This affair; which is solely for the pleasure of the rich, and other persons of leisure, is to cost you and the rest of the people, sixteen thousand eight hundred and forty-four pounds for this one year, beginning last Christmas. You will see what the thing is by the following paper upon which the vote took place. I beg you to look well at it, and then to ask yourselves whether your malt, hops, soap, tea, sugar, tobacco, paper, newspapers, advertisements, cotton, wool, and, in short, everything that you consume, ought to be taxed for such a purpose: ask yourselves what interest you can have in the two thousand pounds a year laid out for the purchase of stuffed birds, quadru peds, and insects, and coins, medals, and antiquities. In short, ask yourselves of what use any part of the whole thing can be to the industrious classes of this kingdom.

Purchases in Natural History,
Cabinets for Coins....
and preserving the same....
Purchase of Coins, Medals and


Printing Description of Athenian
Engravings from


Purchase of Books and of MSS.

Purchase of Prints....
Continuation of Classed Cata-
Printing Catalogue of MSS...
Law Expenses..

Treasury aud Exchequer Stamps

for Parliamentary Grant....

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948 0 0



120 360 0

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800 0

200 0 0

550 0 0

100 0 0

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Estimate for the Fifth Quarter.. 4552 15 7

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any opposition whatever. The next to inquire into the propriety of taking night the report of the grant was brought offcertain taxes, and laying on a propertyup; I opposed it upon the ground that tax in their place. During the debate, a it was just so much money taken from graduated property-tax had been menthe industrious classes to afford amuse- tioned; and Lord Althorp had, in the ment for the rich and idle persons assem-course of his speech, observed that a bled in this great town, who, if they graduated property-tax would be very wanted amusements, ought to purchase wicked, because it would lay a heavier them for themselves. Lord ALTHORP, tax on the landowners than on the rest under whose sway hundreds of men of the community in proportion to the have been put into jail for selling cheap amount of their property; he had also publications, answered me by saying observed, that though taxes were not that I was an enemy to all education; immediately laid upon the poor, or and Mr. WARBURTON said that the Mu-working people, a property-tax would seum was as advantageous to the poor affect the working-people. This having as it was to the rich, and that it was been said, I very shortly stated, that I particularly useful to our manufacturers! should vote for Mr. Robinson's motion, Mr. FIELDEN, neither of us expecting not because I approved of a propertythe thing to come on so early, had step-tax in any shape, but because he proped out of the House to write some let-posed to take off the malt, hop, and ters; so that there was nobody to second soap-tax. "But," said I, "I was par the motion, though the House was very" ticularly happy to hear the noble full; and though two speeches were "Lord say that a tax laid upon em made against it, in answer to my objec- ployers found its way to the poor, or tions! This was curious enough; and working people, by taking from the now, in the report of the day's proceed-tradesmen and others the means of ings, the motion which I made for giving employment. I was extremely recommitting the report, is wholly" happy to hear him say this; because, unnoticed, as it ought to be, be" when I brought forward the affair of cause not 'seconded. This is a very "the stamp-duties, he met me by ascurious affair, even in this point of "serting, three times over, that the view: full as great a curiosity as any poor paid none of them, and that, in the Museum. If Mr. FIELDEN had" therefore, they did not affect the poor. been present I would have divided the "Now, since the noble Lord saw that House; and then we should have seen" the property-tax did affect the poor, how many of these reform members" he would, doubtless, allow, that the there were against taxing the farmers" stamp-taxes affect the poor also; and, and tradesmen and working people to "I congratulate myself upon the pros furnish a place for lounging and amuse-"pect of having him for an able ally ment for the rich. However, we will" in my approaching combat with the see this yet. I have given notice of a "hon. Member for Cambridge, Mr. motion relative to this Museum; that is Spring Rice; especially as the noble to say, for a return of the persons em- "Lord had now protested against the ployed about it, giving their names and injustice of graduated taxation; for, other particulars. If they give me the that was the very thing of which I return, I shall be able to show the people complained in the case of the stampthe nature of this affair very fully : taxes. A graduated property-tax they do not, I shall do as well as "would be neither more nor less than without it; but, at any rate, I will make" confiscation; but, then apply this a motion for the rescinding of this vote" principle to the stamp-taxes, where of money, not one farthing of which we find confiscation enormous; for, ought to be paid by the people. certainly, the noble Lord will not afOn Tuesday night Mr. ROBINSON," fect to believe, that, to tax the tradesmember for Worcester, after a very able man heavier in proportion to his “speech, made a motion for a committee" means than you tax the Lord, is LESS


I can

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if there be to be any at all; and not a taxation that would confiscate the pro perty of the rich; being of opinion that such a system of taxation would be im politic as well as unjust. However, if my opinions in this respect be called in question again in the same sort of way, I shall have opportunities enough of answering any one who shall express surprise at my conduct.

"an act of confiscation than to tax the "Lord in proportion to this means "heavier than you tax the tradesman." I have not seen this well reported in any newspaper; and in the Morning Chronicle, which ought to be called the red-coat government journal, or the working-man's foe, in this paper hardly a word of this is given. Mr. Hume took occasion to express his surprise to hear me opposed to a graduated pro- So much for that affair, just observing perty-tax; surprise which might be that Mr. ROBINSON divided the House very natural in him, as far as I know, upon his motion, and lost it by a mabut unnatural in any man that has ever jority of 221 against 155. And now to read my writings, or listened to my another matter. On Wednesday the 27, voice; for when was I ever heard to Mr. Gaskell, member for Wakefield, in propose any measure for taking away Yorkshire, presented a petition from the estates of the land-owners, or seiz- that town, agreed to at a great public ing upon the wealth of merchants and meeting, and having presented it, said manufacturers and rich tradesmen ? that he cordially agreed with the peti when came 'these from my pen or my tioners, disapproving, as they did, of tongue, or any scheme so unjust and the Irish red-coat court of justice bill. so wicked, as that of bringing all ranks The petition having been presented, Lord in society to a level? anything so impos- MORPETH rose with a paper in his hand, sible, too, as well as so impolitic? A which he said contained a protest against graduated property-tax means making the petition from the most respectable a man, who has a thousand acres of people in that town; and said that it land, not pay a thousand times as much was very disagreeable to him to find it as he who has one acre of land; but, his duty thus to have to oppose the according to the fancy of the taxer, petitions of his constituents; but that makes him pay more for the second he was bound to say that this protest acre than the first, and so on to the contained the most respectable names thousandth acre, which, as every man of the town from which it came. Wakemust see, would be a complete confis- field is in the West Riding of Yorkshire, cation of his estate. In trading, manu- of which his Lordship and Mr. STRICKfacturing, and mercantile concerns, such LAND are the two representatives. After a tax would be still more unjust and his Lordship, I rose and said; I can more pernicious; it would mark out the "not help deeming the noble Lord par❤ industrious and the skilful as its victims;" ticularly unfortunate in his corresponde it would mark out the idle, the stupid, ences relative to the petitions of his the prodigal, as the characters destined" constituents. Some time ago a peti❤ to be happy; and yet Mr. Hume heard" tion, amongst the most respectably with " surprise" my opposition to a signed that ever came before that tax like this. What I contend for is" House, was presented from Todmor fair and equal taxation, if any be neces "den and divers parishes in the West sary. My complaint is, that the lord" Riding of Yorkshire, in the neigh escapes legacy and probate-duty both ; " bourhood of Todmorden. The noble my complaint is, that the poor pay u "Lord then also pulled a letter out of hundred and twenty per cent tax upon his pocket, speaking in disparagement their soap, while the rich pay only "of the petitioners, and of the manner seventy-five; my complaint is, that the" in which the petition had been got working-people pay two hundred per "up. My hon. Colleague, who was cent. upon their beer, while the rich" then present, and who happened to do not pay above twenty-five per cent." be a resident of Todmorden itself, exupon their wine. I want fair taxation," pressed a wish to see the petition,

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attempt to do something with this protest, the writer begged that Mr. FIRLDEN or Mr. COBBETT would be ready with this statement of facts to reply to the noble Lord, who might naturally enough attempt to bolster up himself and his friends by the aid of this precious docu ment that we might use the name of the writer: that the public voice was as unequivocal as the miserable attempts to " Burke" it: that Baines, in his Mercury, endeavours to sink the meeting out of sight: but that the people of the West Riding know well enough, that what is to-day proposed for the Irish, may be to-morrow applied to themselves.

"which, upon inspection, he found to "be signed by almost every proprietor "of land or house in the district; by "most of the great employers of the "district, amongst whom were two of "his own brothers, who live on the "spot. The noble Lord, then, pressed "by my hon. Colleague, thought him"self bound to produce his authority; "my hon. Colleague found that this "authority was a small attorney of the "district, who, having the honour of "a letter from the noble Lord, had too "much vanity not to show it about, "and hence my hon. Colleague had "been apprized of what was going on. "Upon this occasion also, my hon. and "diligent Colleague has been furnished Having read the letter, only leaving "with a letter from Wakefield where-out the names of third parties, I said, "with to meet this protest of the noble" that is my answer to the noble Lord "Lord; and my hon Colleague being" on the part of the petitioners of Wakecalled away by his duty in a com-" field." These circumstances, thus re"mittee, has thought it right to commit lated, let the people behind the curtain. "that letter to my care, which letter II will not suggest to the people of the "will now read to the House, and West Riding of Yorkshire what it will "what is inore, I shall add the name of "the writer."

become them to do in consequence of these transactions. They will know well what to do; and they will feel how much they owe to Captain Wood in this case. Indeed, the whole country owes a good deal to him: it is an example worthy of being followed: one exposure of this sort is worth a score of petitions; because it shows the dread which the enemies of our liberties have of the power of the petitions themselves: it shows our enemies in their true light; it unmasks them, and does good in all sorts of ways.

I then read the letter, dated SANDAL, 19. March, 1833; and signed JosEP WOOD. The letter stated that the Whig and Tory faction of Wakefield had united, and had got up a protest signed by about 140; that one of those who had signed it had told the writer of the letter that he hated the bill as much as he did, but that he feared the resignation of Earl Grey more than any other calamity; that the protest had, as the writer understood, been hawked about by two attorneys, friends of Lord MORimportant PETH and Mr. ŠTRICKLAND, to prop up speech of my colleague, Mr. Fielden, whose votes in the House the writer which was heard with the greatest at suspected to be the object of the pro- tention, and, I may say, the greatest test: that the public meeting was called admiration. At the close of it a gen by the constable, in consequence of tleman of great experience and of extraa requisition, signed by Mr. Waterton, ordinary talent himself, whispered me, of Walton Hall, by the writer himself, and said: "You are fortunate in a and by other gentlemen, who might lay" colleague, Mr. Cobbett: that is the as good a claim at least, 66 respectaI very best speech that I ever heard bility" as the best of the protestors: that delivered in Parliament; so plain, so the meeting was numerously attended," clear, not one word too many nor and that though some of the protestors" one word too few."

to 66

I shall here insert the very


re present, not one of them opened his The following is a corrected report of meuth against the petition: that as Lord Mr. FIELDEN's speech on Mr. Attwood's spe PETH and Mr. STRICKLAND might motion (made Thursday, 91. March)

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